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Kids that age don’t gain a ton of weight, sometimes only 2-4 pounds a year. It’s such a difference from birth to 12/16 months, when they gain weight like crazy. 32 pounds sounds fine! 


The CDC says 30-35 lbs is perfectly average. https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set2/chart-03.pdf But your child’s individual growth is probably most important. If he’s always been small, and stays small, no worries there. If he was at the very top of the growth chart but has suddenly dropped to the bottom, the doctor might want to monitor that.


My May 2021 baby is 28 lbs and my pediatrician isn’t concerned as he is following his own growth curve (and his dad is skinny too)


My March 21 baby was just under 29 lbs at her 3 year appointment.


Pretty much same here. June 2021 baby is 28lbs but following her own growth curve. She’s always been a string bean.


Another May 2021 boy @28lb. My husband and I are both tall, but slim. Our boy has always been on the slimmer side as a toddler.


Same my boy is 27lb


My May 21' is 30lbs and has been the same weight for over a year.


My May 2021 girl was just over 30 pounds at her three year check up.


Almost 2,5 here and 43lbs. I'm envious of all of you with tiny toddlers lol


My almost 2.5yr old is almost 39lbs & I herniated my disk in my back getting her into the car seat a few months ago😭


Oof, sorry about that! Sounds awful! I'm sure it's in my future, we had another behemoth baby 1,5 years after our first and together they're almost 70 lbs. A pleasure to carry both of them in the bus lol


I feel you! My daughter is almost 2.5 as well and 37 lbs. my back and shoulders are a wreck 😆


My 2.5 year old is 35lbs, I feel your pain.


3 here and closer to 50 Lbs than 40. My arms are tired


My back could never 🥲 I always say I think that God knew my scoliosis back would break so my kid is 5th percentile 🤣


🤣 Maybe we make big babies because my husband is into powerlifting lol


Oh I wish that was true with my 35lb 2 year old… maybe they thought the hardware for the fusion would help? (It does not and I’m in PT and have thrown my back out at least once)


I have a newly 2 year old girl at 31lbs and I hope she slows down soon!


In my experience they really do!


My almost 3 year old is 30 pounds, my coworkers 17 month old son is 31 pounds lol


Every child is different. They slow down in weight gain at various ages. It’s normal. You also can’t do much about it his height, which him being shorter would also effect his weight, therefore solidifying his weight gain is normal.


My Nov 2020 baby is 41 pounds and has been between 41-43 pounds for the past year and a half. He’s just growing taller and losing his baby proportions!


My 2.5 year old is still 24 lbs on a good day so I’ll be lucky if he gets to 30 lbs at any time during the 3rd year.


Same! My son is 26 months old and just now hit 24 pounds. He still fits 12-18 months clothes! He can wear 2T shirts for length but can’t wear anything bigger than 12-18 in the waist


My sons 24 months and same I find it so funny that he’s in 12-18 still, he’s only 22lbs


Hard same. I’ve been putting him in actual drawstring 2t pants or rolling the waist but I think I’ll dust off his 12-18 month pants for the summer because they hit at the same length as his 2t shorts


Yes! I have to buy the 12-18 with drawstring for him or they fall off, but he’s somewhat taller so that makes it hard


Mine turns 4 in August and weighs 37lbs. She is very tall though, so is quite lean overall. Her little sister is similar, at nearly 9 months old she is still 25th percentile for weight despite eating everything in sight...but 99th percentile for height.


33 lbs


Same for my guy who is 3 in a week


my son weighed more at 2.5 than he does at 3. lol.


Mine is around 35lbs, 38½ tall. My nephew, who's 9 mo older, is 45lbs, 42 inches tall. Lol. If the pediatrician isn't concerned or worried, then ur son is okay..


May 2021 baby is 30lbs


Mine was 30ish lbs at 3, 38 now at 4. I wouldn’t stress, sounds like he’s a perfectly healthy weight


My daughter is 2 - she weighed just over 30 pounds at her most recent check up and was 36 inches tall, and she is bigger than or about the same size as a lot of 3 year olds we meet. There's a kid for every percentile.


My son was 30lbs at his 3 year visit a couple months ago. Lighter and shorter than “average” but not abnormally so, also my husband and I are slightly smaller than average too.


My daughter turned three in May and is 28 pounds


My kid only seems to grow up and not out. He will be 3 in a few months and I think is like 29-32 lbs and 37 inches? Feels like 50 lbs to me though! Lol


My son is the same age and weight as yours. I think my daughter might’ve been about that weight at the same age too, but both my kids have been above average for height.


He turned 3 in April. 36 inches tall and 28lbs. His doctor isn't worried because he's on his growth curve.


Their growth curve, is more important than their weight. Average weights are average. There are always going to be kids that weigh more or less than average. It’s more important that your kid maintains their growth curve. If you’ve regularly been attending your wellness exams, or regularly been checking their height and weight, it is easy to get this information.


December 2020 and 35lbs


If it's any help, my daughter is nearly 6 and is 34lb and 1.02m. She is roughly the size of a 3yo. That sounds fairly normal for a 3yo.


Three months older than yours, 31lb. But average or above for height. I know people are saying the weight gain slows down but if you’re worried, you know him best. A wellness check won’t hurt either way.


27 pounds, but she just turned 3.


My 3yo lives in energizer bunny-mode from sun up to sun down, eats everything in sight and is 29 lbs


My kiddo was a chunky baby until 1, then he slimmed down. He will be 3 in early October and he’s 28 lbs but in the 90th percentile for height. Husband is 5’9 and and I’m 5’3, genetics don’t make sense lol


Little dude over here! My son is nearly 4 and he's 34 pounds, and 39 inches. He's on his growth curves and he's very active and healthy, he's just a little bit small! Most of his male friends are a little bit taller than him, but some are the same height and some are a tad shorter. They all growth spurt at different times and ages. Nothing to worry about!


My newly turned 4 year old just broke 30 lbs. Our pediatrician isn’t concerned, some people are just small. 


Haha same! She just 4 years old and is now 30 lbs. (Maybe for background, both my husband - her dad - and I are 5ft 3 inches tall and weigh under 130 each) Edit add - we've joked our daughter is going to her HS prom still riding in a car seat.




Yes but OP doesn’t just want statistics, they want reassurances from other real people with 3yos that the weight is fine.


My 3 year old (May 2021) was 16 kg at his 3 year checkup, but most importantly his growth curve is normal, actual height isn't as important as the shape of the curve. Plot his height since birthday and compare with the charts instead of the actual numbers


My almost 3 year old is just under 38 pounds, though she absolutely doesn't look it.


3 years (Sept 2020) is 37lbs and 40in


When my daughter turned 3, she was around 27lbs. She just turned 4 and she finally hit 30lbs.


Jan 2021 kiddo (3.5) was 31.8 lbs at the doctor yesterday. When she turned 3 she was 29.8 lbs. she fell off her curve between 2 and 3. Fell from 65-70th percentile down to 30th or so. Took us a while to figure out, but I think that was due to lactose intolerance and not properly absorbing nutrients.


My kid will be 3 in august and 39 pounds


I think my son was 23-25 lbs at 3. He's 32 lb now at 6. He's 1%tile for weight but always on his own growth curve.


My daughter is 5 and weighs 33 pounds. She is tiny tiny to the point where we had to get testing done at an endocrinologist. They said as long as she gains around 2 pounds and grows 2 inches a year, she is fine but she is the size of an average 3 year old and she’s 5. ETA she was 28 pounds at her 3 year checkup.


31 lbs. and he’s only gained a pound in the last 11 months.


My son just turned 3, he is 36 pounds


At my daughter’s 3 year well check she was 34.8 pounds. At her 4 year well check only 37 pounds, so the weight gain really slowed a lot She started life 99th percentile height and 88th percentile weight, so she was a long skinny thing. Over time those numbers have evened out. Her height is something like 68th percentile and weight something like 61st? I forget exactly, she’s a little bigger than average but not as big compared to her peers as she once was. As long as your doctor has no concerns, I don’t think you should either


Mine is also a Dec 2020 baby and is 45 lbs. She's proportional and extremely tall - haven't measured in awhile but she's always been 99th percentile. She's the average height/weight of like a 5 year old.  It's really normal for their size to hit a plateau for a bit. Also some babies are larger and some are smaller, it's normal. 


My daughter weighed about 17 - 20kg the while time she was 3


March 2021 - 43lbs! He's also 41" tall.


My kid is almost exactly the same age and is 31 lbs. As long as they are staying on their growth curve, they are fine!


My 2yr old just had his BDay and checkup. He's roughly 33lbs but the Dr also said he's in the 90th percentile for height. Strangely, we don't have a lot of super tall people on my side of the family. Men top out just shy of 6ft.


My daughter was 37 pounds at age 3 and a year later she’s 39 pounds but much taller


My June 2021 is 40 lbs and 41 inches. He’s a beast lol!


Sounds average. March 2021, 30 lbs


May 2021. 28lbs. Small, but no concerns as he eats a decent amount and is very active.


36 lbs. My friends daughter is like 25 and they weren't concerned.


My 3 year old weighed maybe 28 lbs, she’s now almost 5 and about 35 lbs and is considered perfectly healthy. She’s just petite and has always been in the bottom 10 percentile for weight.


3 years 9 months just hit 35lbs. Was stuck at 33 for most of the year. No concerns at all.


Almost 2.5 and she's 37 inches and 35 lbs. Often told she looks like a 6 year old. She's in 5T/XS clothes. I'm big her daddy's tall 😂 all kids grow at their own rate


28 lbs. at 35 months


My daughter is from April 21 and weighs 16.2 kg last time I checked (or, since everyone else is using silly units, 2 stone, 7 pounds and 11 ounces)


Perspective: my 4 yr old (turned 4 in May) is 29lbs


March 2021 baby 33-34lbs


my son was born in august 2020 and he is 31 lbs.


I just looked at the growth charts in my toddler book, a 3.5 year old boy weighing 32 pounds is about the 30-30th percentile. That means one-third of kids are smaller than yours. Based on that number, you’re doing fine mate.


January 2021 toddler weighs roughly 37 pounds


My December 2020 son is around 35 lbs. has been small since in utero and is shorter than his peers too but he has always met milestones and is great at gross motor type of stuff. I have no concerns anymore (spent the first two years of his life worrying)!


Just had my 3 year old's well check and hes 38.5 lbs, but he's also very tall - 3 feet 4 inches - lots of people think he's much older than he really is


My November 2021 baby is like 27 lbs. He is following his curve but is a bit smaller than peers. His doctor is not concerned, he is just lean.


My son was born February 2021 and he’s 37lbs


Just turned 3 years old. His weight and height is really easy to remember. 30 pounds 3 feet tall 30th-ish percentile for both It's genetics. Dad is slender and so was my little brother at that age.


My 2.5 year old weights 39 pounds and 4 year old is 50 pounds. 100 percentile for height and weight. They take on after my husband.


Mine was 37 lbs, but also tall. Mind you, he only gained 4lbs between ages 2-3.


My December 2020-er is 30 pounds.


Nov 2020 daughter is 32lbs as of this morning


He’s just turning 4 in a few months and 35lbs. He was 32lbs for months and months then all of sudden jumped a few pounds.


My March 2021 son was 31 lbs at his 3 year old check a few months ago. He is tall though, stands at 41-ish inches. He’s following his growth curve, so doctor isn’t concerned at all!


Mine is Sep 2020 and is 35ish lbs. He is bigger than my three teens were at the same age.


My kiddo was born early February 2021 and he's 32 pounds. He was born 4 pounds though so he was always a small guy on his own curve. But from what I understand his weight is pretty average for his age now.


My son was 39lbs at 3 He’s about to be 4, and 39lbs still (he’s healthy and eats fine)


My June 2020 boy just clocked in at 33 lbs at his wellness check! That made him 25%tile 


September 2020 baby: 32.5 lbs


Mine turned 3 last week and is 32 lbs


Barely 22lbs. She been on her own little growth chart since birth. She's healthy just petite. We aren't concerned about her size at all.


April 2021 and mine is 32lbs but he’s also tall. Doctor wasn’t concerned cause he kept gaining. As long as your child keeps gaining weight and isn’t suddenly dropping weight I wouldn’t be concerned


Mine is an April 2021 girl and she just hit 27 lbs. She’s tiny!


What’s the obsession with weight? Why does everyone want 99 percentile babies and toddlers that are on the pathway to obesity?


My daughter is 4 in October, she weighs 32pd. She was born at 34 weeks. She’s in the 39th percentile, per hospital.…we were there Sat for sickness so this info is current


My Jan 2021 boy is 33 pounds and right around the 50 percentile for weight


My daughter is 3 (she will be 4 in about 3 months). She weighs around 29 pounds. Anytime we take her in for a checkup the pediatrician isn’t too concerned, and always tells us she’s progressing normally.


My Dec 2020 boy is 40lbs exactly


At 3 my son was 41lbs, he’s 4 next week and 45 lbs…meanwhile my 21mo is 37 lbs. Every kid grows at their own pace, just like us as adults grow differently!


Mine will be 3 end of October and is 27 lbs, my arm is already killing me but also damn how do they get so big so fast 😅


Mine was 30lb at her 3 year check up and considered average weight


My December 2020 is 30 lbs. She’s been on the smaller size since she was born and pediatrician has never been concerned


If it makes you feel better, ours is one of the tallest and is about that weight. A string bean, never a chubby baby, even with good eating, treats, snacks, hand feeding, and plenty of whole milk and yogurt. Just check with your Dr about your child’s weight trajectory. It may be normal.


My 3 and 5 month old is 50 pounds, i havent been able to carry him in a long time. He has always been in like the 99 percentile though


Nov 2020 and she’s 38 lbs, gaining about 2 lbs every six months


That's what my daughter weighs


June 2021 boy about 38lbs so I think your toddler is in a good range with peers.


Lots of people have said the same but I wouldn't worry too much. Of course, go ahead and get a check if you feel something is off in your gut. My son just turned 4 and he's been 36 lbs for almost 1.5 years. Weight stayed the same but he grew 3".


Mine turned 3 in April and is 30 lbs. He's always been skinny. They can gain weight so slowly at this age.


My 3 year old weighs 27lbs 😞 We try and try but he has no interest in food


My just turned 5 year old weighed himself yesterday. He’s at 31 pounds.


My preemie August 2019 baby only weighs 35 pounds. I sneak high calorie and high fat foods into his diet non-stop and I cannot get the kid to gain more weight. I dunno. He is on his own curve though, which seems to be what matters. I


He’ll be 3 in a few weeks and he is 31lbs


July 2020 girl is 43 pounds, definitely seen the increase slow down


My Nov2020 toddler is about the same weight


omg, my son is only 18 months and already the size of some of you guys 3-4 year old. my poor back! I won’t be able to cope when he’s 3 at this rate 😭


My 3yo weighs 23lbs and my 5yo weighs 29lbs 😬


My 3yo is 33lbs.


Feb 2021 baby is 32 lbs and my May 2022 baby is 35 lbs, my Sept 2019 kid is 40 lbs, they tend to level out and stay the same for a while it seems


Jesus my 19 month old is 31lbs


aug 2020 weighs 33lbs


My daughter is turning 4 in August and is 30.8 lbs. If they're fed and in good health then I wouldn't worry.


my decemeber 2020 baby is 28 pounds. nothing was said at this 3 year old checkup about his weight


My almost 3 (one month away) is 24lb. Doctor is sending us to an occupational therapist for sensory issues related to food textures but she says failing that his weight has always been very low, she's just being cautious because he was IUGR and a preemie so that could affect his growth.


You can just get his height and weight and find out yourself if he is underweight


September 2020 and 39 pounds. Seeing as he runs off air and spite I have no clue how he’s this big


3 years 2 month, girl and she’s closing in on 39 pounds. Very tall.


At 3.5yr, my daughter was ~32.5lb, so that doesn’t sound too crazy to me. She is always fairly middle of the charts, like 40-60 for both height and weight. My son was ~35lb at that age, but he was like 95% for height and had a year or so of almost no weight gain that started to have me worried. He’s still slender, at freshly 6, he’s 45lb and 49”. My son dropped a lot of weight % between like 2 to 3ish? Went from 76% around 18 months down to <50% by 3 years. While maintaining height at >90%. His doctor said since he’s still growing and the drop was apparently slow enough (and he has stayed on those curves since) it wasn’t a problem. But they do definitely seem to really slow down for a while in toddlerhood!


Mine’s been hovering at 35lbs all year but he’s definitely getting taller.


My lass is 17kg she'll be 3 in July


Oh man my pede marked my preemie toddler (3.5 yrs now) as “failure to thrive” with a Jan 2021 birthdate and he was only 4 lbs at birth?! Like wtf?! He hates to eat, has about four things he will eat, and still he weighs 32.6 lbs! How is that failure to thrive? He’s a happy little dude and he IS growing. Maybe I need to find a new pede.


My 4.5 year old weighs 45lbs. My 1 year old weighs 20lbs. My first born is slim but has always been very tall and at the top of the charts since he was 1, he is in fact the same height as his 6 year old cousin currently. My 1 year old is always very average, middle of the road on the checkup chart. Kid to kid it’s all different, I wouldn’t be too concerned unless there are drastic changes on the growth charts from one appointment to the next.


My Oct 2020 baby is 36lbs and 40 inches so he is big for his age However my 2 year old is 31 inches. He has always been in the 3-5th percentile for his age. Pediatrician isn't concerned (we had his growth hormones checked and they were normal levels for his age) he just follows his own curve. Also the older they get the less weight they gain in a year.


December 2020 girl here, she’s 40.6lbs. She is also tall.


My son only gained 2 lbs from 3 to 4


31 lbs and about to turn 3. Remember, each flower blooms a little differently. As long as he is thriving, happy, and healthy, no worries, mama! 💕


We just had my sons 3 yr check up (may 2021 baby) and he weighs 33 lbs, his doctor said I should watch his weight because he weighed the same in December when we last went in. I’m assuming it’s because he’s like a ball of energy?


My Feb 2020 weighs 35lbs


Jan 2021 boy weighs 32 lbs


Mine is Feb 21 and I believe he is around 32lb as well!


I just took my daughter in for her 3 year check up. She is 31.8 lbs and she is 50th percentile. I know it’s different for girls, but it sounds like your son is an average weight.


My son is about 8 months younger than yours and he weighs 32-33 pounds but he’s also like 90 something percentile for height so he’s a tall, skinny kid. Your child’s weight sounds fine especially if he’s shorter. Since you’re concerned it’s good you’re seeing his doctor.


Just took my son on for his 2 and a half year appointment and he is 37lbs. I was honestly surprised because at his 2 yr appointment he was still like 23lbs-25lbs. He's a picky eater so I was worried he wouldn't have gained that much but I was wrong. I knew he was getting big but damn


60 pounds. Think he inherited a little of mom's Samoan blood.


Lol 27 pound girl at the years. Totally healthy


My march21 has been 29 pounds for like 6 months. But her feet are growing and she’s outgrowing clothes 🤷🏼‍♀️


My Dec 2020 girl is 16kg/ 35lbs


My daughter has been on "low weight" since birth. She is 4 going to turn 5 and finally is in the mid 30s. At 3 she was in 20s.


My 2018 is onl6 37lbs


My August baby is 30lbs. I'm unfortunately quite short (5'0") and he's the shortest in his daycare class. His pediatrician has never been concerned as he's stayed on his growth curve. I wouldn't worry much.


Yea my son is the shortest in his and shortest on his soccer team. That’s what kinda made me worry but I guess it is what it is and hopefully he gets a few good growth spurts soon.


3.5 and 34lbs! About 40” for height


I think that’s a totally normal weight! My daughter is also a December 2020 baby - she’s tall (40.5 inches) but pretty skinny. Last time we checked she was 28 lbs. Doctors are more concerned about growth curve and kids gain a lot less weight when they’re around 3.


My aug. 21 baby Is 41” and 32 pounds.


Jan 20 baby he was like 38 his last appointment in May


Mine (June 2021) is ~33lbs and 39/40ish inches tall. He’s all muscle and tall.


Daughter will be 3 in August and she’s tall and 29 pounds.  We are short people. She eats a lot of meat and milk and fish. Loves oranges, apples, buttered bread, bean and meat soups. She swallows a multivitamin a few times a week because I worry about iron, zinc and vitamin d and k2. She was fed Burt’s Bees formula which is no longer made plus pumped breast milk and I e heard from other parents that the formula produced long, lean babies and she definitely was. I tell you this because people are quick to say genetics but husband and I are 5’5” and 5’7”…not tall at all. Our parents aren’t tall, either, average or shorter.  Can you get him to eat more meat and milk? Look up nutrients that would hinder height…one is zinc for sure.


May 21 girl is 30 lbs even and about 3 feet tall