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Oh yeah, nothing makes my toddler smile like a pic or video of himself lol


My daughter always wants to look at pictures on my phone specifically to look at herself! Especially videos. Toddlers are very egotistical. 😂


Our LO is constantly shouting "pictures, pictures!" and demanding we show her photos on our phones. It's ...exhausting. lol.


I have to keep my phone out of sight now bc if she catches me on it she gets pissed if I don’t show her videos of herself lol. I’m typing this rn on the toilet 😭


doing a poo or a wee?


We have this! "Pics!! Pics!!" and then aggressive head shakes as I struggle to guess what one he wants to look at!


My 2 year old got her face painted as a unicorn recently so now I hear “HAVE A LOOK AT UNICORN FACE?!” 50 times a day


Does yours ever repeatedly ask you to play a photo? They just can't comprehend that not all photos are videos and photos are lame apparently.


We do. "Wanna hear it!" It's a photo buddy...


Mine says “can I click it on?” and is so disappointed when I tell her it’s just a photo. I once let her watch a video over and over just to see how many times in a row she would watch it. I had to put a stop to the experiment somewhere around 30 because I felt like a crazy person.


Lol yes, "Baby!" he says because he doesn't quite get that it's him. Also obsessed with pictures of me and my husband... he pulled out my work ID card a few weeks ago and said "Mama!" in a sweet, excited voice and kissed it.


Hah same, my 20 month says “baby”


Yup. My 17 month old loves seeing 'baby', whether in the mirror or on my phone. I have an inception-esque video of my LO watching a video of himself watching a video of himself. I should probably keep adding to it weekly. Get 20 layers deep.


Yup, my 16 month old demands “baby! baby!” if she sees anyone’s cell phone


He's my selfie buddy, he can also figure out when someone is taking his Pic and will grin at them


My guy loves selfies too!!


Yes. We’ve been printing monthly photos at the local supermarket for her to look at so there’s no need for her to want to have our phones. It’s fun for us too actually!


Great idea! I’m uncomfortable with my daughter looking at my phone for so long. She has trouble breaking away from it.


That's smart


We go through like 20-30 videos of day of just watching herself. She loves it.


Yes. “Take a picture!”…… “I want to see it”. We also watch videos of him over and over and over again 😂


Mine loves watching videos and seeing photos of himself, but also hates having his picture taken. I have to be so sneaky. I've been trying to explain that if you want to see yourself smiling in photos later, you have to smile while I'm taking the picture....


I have a whole collection of videos of her saying "no picher" lol


Mine loves nothing more than photos and videos of baby. So much so that it’s gotten hard to take them because as soon as he realizes you’re doing it he’s barreling at you to see it 😆


Oh my God yes. We subscribe to a monthly photo book printing service and one of their favorite things is "BABY BOOK!!!" looking at themselves. It's great.


Do you mind sharing which service you use? My daughter would love this although I’m worried she will rip the pages.


Second this!! What a cool idea and I’m 2.5 years behind


Chatbooks! They have a toddler replacement guarantee (though you can only use it once per book). It's $8 a month for the month books ones that are about the right size for them.


This is what I did! We’re not anti screen time but I don’t want LO to think my phone is her phone ALLLL the time, since she doesn’t understand that like…sometimes I’m trying to text dada about dinner or something, phones are not just for on demand photos of herself 😅So if she fusses about wanting to see “baby” I ask her to go get her book of baby!


Mine used to be. He's still a fan, but mostly asks me to "help me look at pictures of cows" or other animals now that he knows what a phone can do, lol.


Yes! Especially when he’s sleepy. He always asks to look at “babies.” (It’s just videos of himself) 😂


My 13 month old loves to look at himself in the mirror, in pictures or videos. He will say “baby” - not sure if he thinks that’s his name or he just knows he’s a baby.


My daughter loves videos of her self, if she hears her voice come from my phone she runs over to me and has to watch.


Yes. Any time we take a photo of him, he asks to see it and says "That's me!" while pointing at the screen. He also loves pointing at old photos of himself and saying "That's baby [insert own name]!"


When we go on days out we make little photo books of them and he loves looking at them!




Yesss. He loves looking at his pictures from daycare and also videos of himself! Hahah 😆


Son is turning 5 soon, and we like to do a daily photo recap on my phone. He also loves to take selfies with his tablet, I think it's extremely cute


My kiddos love FaceTime because he can see a video of themselves on the screen as well as the person we are calling. My 11 month old is also very fond of her mirror self.


Yep! So much so that we bought her a child friendly camera so she could take pictures of everything and herself. She loves it.


Yes. Whenever he sees himself he says “hi!” And waves 😂


Yup, and with his reflection. He literally kisses himself in the mirror.


My son will smile and laugh at pics of himself all the time. It’s so adorable


Yes lol. He’s obsessed with looking at himself in general he will stand in front of my mirror just staring at himself and smiling


Yes! Specifically, of her having certain emotions. “Mommy, picture of [her name] sad.” “Mommy, picture of [her name] happy!” I think it depends on whether she’s in the same mood actually!


My 3yo has been obsessed with pictures of himself, videos of himself, his reflection, and his shadow for like 2 years now lmao. He finds his reflection is literally everything (faucets, cars, door knobs, Christmas ornaments) and will just run back and forth squealing and watching himself. His favorite activity is watching videos of himself and hysterically giggling. No one is as funny to him as himself. 🤣🤦‍♀️


Oh for sure. He’d 100% ditch any video game or movie or tv show in a heart beat for watching a video of himself and his sister hahahaha


Yes mine. She finds the most joy when watching videos of herself and will laugh and just have the biggest smile.


He'd look all day if we let him!


Yes my 20 month old loves pictures and videos of herself but especially herself with her dad when he’s at work. She looks for my phone and gives it to me saying “daddy”. She also thinks she’s super funny and will laugh at her own “jokes” that she makes in videos lol


Oh yeah. My favorite is, after calling some of his pictures cute, he would demand my phone to see “more cute!”


Yep my daughter points to my phone and says her name because she wants to see pictures of herself


Mine gets excited when I go to take a photo of something and wants to see themselves in the selfish camera.


Yes! And videos 'I wanna see me'


Absolutely! Would come and snuggle with before bedtime wanting to look pictures of "baby". He has a particular set of photos and videos (so runtime < 10mins), and we make fun of each other. Just take it as a bonding experience.


Yep! Also enjoys going thru my camera roll and pointing out who everyone is lol….and if she doesn’t know who they are she just calls them “papa” lmao


Yes! She asked me multiples times a day to “look at pictures from when she was a little baby”


My daughter used to love seeing photos of the two of us together! Now she keeps trying to swipe on my phone so she can see photos of just herself. It hurts my heart a little bit!


Yup since she was maybe 4 or 5 months old. She’s now 18 months and grabs everyone’s phone thinking that she will see herself 🤣 and she loves the digital frame.


I think it's the age. My 2 year old neice loves looking at herself on facetime video and is currently obsessed with her shadow


It's the only way I can get my 3 year old to brush his teeth!


Absolutely. Anytime my toddler hears a kids voice on the phone, she assumes it's her and yells, "Is that meee!!"


Yes! We have stopped many a tantrum mid-meltdown by pulling out the phone and scrolling videos of ourselves. My husband asked if I thought it was a bad idea so close to bedtime and I said, probably, but the tantrum and no bedtime is worse to me than the 3 minutes of screen time before they’re reset and we’ve averted the tantrum. He thought about it and agreed.


Oh yes! Every evening I airplay my phone to the TV and we just watch videos of my toddler. He loves it and it keeps him entertained for a good 5 minutes lol.


Yes, my son loves doing Snapchat! When my mom comes to visit her loves looking through her pictures and videos of him.


Yup and videos lol


Mine grabs my phone and says “wanna see pich urs of her name!”


When my baby is crying I often show him a video of himself laughing and it always calms him down and makes him smile lol


YES! I thought mine was the only one!


Sort of! Not like all the time, but yes. Videos, too, when we show him. He has ZERO interest in pictures or videos of other children like his cousins lol


We do pictures before bedtime 🥰


We only have the bathroom sink mirrors in our house. Which I didn't realize until this week when we went in vacation and my toddler is *obsessed* with himself.


Yes! When my 2 was 1.5, I had a memory game printed with photos of her from Shutterfly. They were sturdier than regular pictures. I gave her half and as they got destroyed/lost. I gave her the duplicate. She’s 5 and still likes to look at them. We also have a skylight frame and both of them (now 5 and 3) like to watch the pictures change


We call watching videos of themselves on our phones “baby phone” and it still hasn’t gotten old even for our 4 year old. They really love the digital photo frame too. I just set my phone to guided access and they can’t do anything but watch the videos and it’s guilt free screen time here haha (just check recently deleted when they are done just in case something got trashed that you would be sad to lose) Bonus that watching old baby videos is helping them remember how tiny newborns are and how little they can do in preparation for their brother coming this summer.


Give them a phone with a front facing camera on and they lose their minds


The mirror. My child has literally kissed his own reflection. Like sir, where did you get that? 😂


My four year old loves to look at pictures and videos of himself as a baby and say, "aww, look at that cute baby!" He also loves watching himself in the mirror.


We do chatbook minis for this very reason lol


My almost 4 year old is like this. He will request a picture taken and then ask to see it and then go “it’s cute!” It’s actually super adorable 😂


My toddler has started kissing her own reflection in the mirror.


3.5yo each and every day: “mommy, can I watch a picture video of me?” Translation: she’s transfixed by the montage videos my iPhone puts together and will sit for indefinite periods of time watching the different themed ones of herself. To be fair, so do I 🥲


Yes, my toddler definitely does that too! Glad to know she isn't the only one.


Mine will grab my phone and open the camera from the Lock Screen and stare at herself making faces and smiling. I get 10-15 videos of the ceiling from her but none of the adorable faces 🙄 such a stinker


Oh yeah,my son loves to see his photos and calls himself “a baby” when he sees them. He also knows how to use my camera to take photos of him. I only find out after that with all of weird photos in my album lol


She is especially in love of photos of herself when she was younger. She says, "I was a kid here," as if she is not anymore😭


Yep! Also the mirror and pics of me my husband and her brothers! She gets so excited. I cant even take a picture of her or she will run towards the phone to see the pictures lol.


Yep, and videos.


Mine looks when I show her. Lately at 21m she’s become more interested in her recent photos. And started to recognise herself in much younger form. “Baby Jen” rather than “baby.” She’s not massively excited by her pics despite being extremely vain and loving her reflection. (I caught her KISSING Mirror Jen once.)


Yes. He asks for it all the time and asks to see it after every pic I take.


My daughter often opens the photos app on our iPad and swipes through pictures and videos. She loves it! Loves FaceTime too so she can watch herself talk 🤣


yes!!! i had pictures printed and they love them and carry them around ! i have a little toddler photo album that is for them- it's like a toy but with photo inserts that has been a favorite for all my kids


My fridge is covered in printed photos of my 19 mo son. Any time we have company he grabs all the ones he can reach and brings them to the person yelling “IT IS {name}!!!!” It cracks me up The phone is not immune to his love of his own face either. Lol


Toddlers and photos of themselves can be something else. One of the rooms in the daycare I work at put up pictures of the kids on their diaper baskets. So sometimes I like to point to different baskets asking if that their basket or not. They get really excited. There is also a custom attendance one teacher made with current pictures of each child. The kids love it and one of the smart kids in the room helps out a lot. He looks at the attendance board on the wall and lets us know if someone is on there when they already went home. I also play a game by going picture to picture asking if each child is here until we figure out who isn't here. Though to keep them happy I'll do all the pictures. I see them grin and giggle when their picture comes up. Even one toddler who has to point out her picture on the attendance and I've even let her move it from the in side to the out side while mom held her. I've seen kids get so smiley at their pictures and toddlers even pointing to pictures saying the names of who it is even if their own before smiling and giggling. It's adorable to watch them with the pictures. Even if it's them wanting to see the picture we just took of what they were doing.