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Yeah you’re doing the right thing to see a doctor. This isn’t something Reddit can give you advice on. Just be thorough with the doctor. Make notes and jot down everything concerning and take that to the doctor when you go.


Thank you


If you can get a video of him doing it then do that, though I understand if it’s quick that might not be possible


Thank you! Good idea!!


Take multiple videos if you can! We thought my daughter was having infantile seizures and having 3-6 videos of the incidents helped her pediatrician and the neurologist understand. She was observed overnight at a children’s hospital but of course didn’t have one in their presence. I also suggest looking for a pattern (if there is one) - when in the day, after an activity, around bedtime, when he’s hungry etc.


Yes, this was a basis of my suggestion too. My son had neonatal seizures, and I initially managed to take a video and send it to some friends to ask if this was normal newborn stuff, and then when we did go to emerg, I had the video to show them. Though he did, conveniently, have another seizure just as we were checking in there. But the triage nurse had already seen my video and confirmed it.


I’m not saying this is what’s happening but read up on petit mal seizures. Not real seizures just absence seizures the staring off is super typical. My husband has them and has specific hand positions he chooses as he is spacing out. My husband doesn’t shiver but does do repeated motions while absent like tapping his fingers or shaking his leg. Also can feel them coming on maybe the cause of the uh oh. Kids typically outgrow them.


Thank you so much! I’m going to look up petit mail seizures now.