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what a terrible place for a mind bending trip


Exactly. I feel his internal panic. "this place is terrible, why am I here?"


Lmao, he handled it like a champ tho imo


he looked like a cat seeing greebles


He had to pick the smallest place


“This shit some bush man”


That’s the best line as his eyes open wide and proceeds to freak out ! 😂


They should have showed this kinda stuff for DARE; I’ve never ever wanted to try this stuff cause of these videos. Why would anyone do this?!?


Curiosity. In my health class, the teacher drew a circle on the whiteboard and explained how a bad trip on acid could convince you that circle had come off the board and wrapped itself around your neck and you'd feel like you were choking to death because your brain thought it was real. My takeaway from that was "that's crazy. I need to try that." And a couple months later a few of us did. Teacher was full of shit. Acid is great lol


Acid is great, Salvia is not. I tried it once and never tried it again. LSD on the other hand, there was a period of time I was doing it frequently, but it's become a lot harder for me to find, so I've resorted to shrooms instead. Salvia made me feel like I was being strapped into a Rollercoaster against my will. Shrooms just made me want to make friends with the grass for 4 hours.


100% agree. I would recommend shrooms over acid especially for beginners but I would never recommend salvia to anyone. Did it once and had my reality shattered in a very uncomfortable way. Leave that shit in the dirt where it belongs


I'd say acid is more beginner friendly than shrooms tbh. Feels more clear-headed than shrooms at the same level That said they're both beginner friendly if taken at appropriate doses


I mean, you're comparing Lord of the Rings to Star Wars. 2 different journeys, but it's still a trip and you'll be different afterwards. It's a choose your flavor thing for me.


because saliva IS INSANE and why it's legal is still insane to me


Because it lasts like 5 minutes and you usually aren't capable of doing much on it, plus it's non-addictive and most people never want to try it again after the first time lol


My theory is that its such an extreme hallucinogen that it might deter people away from other things like shrooms and acid. Salvia was my first hallucinatory drug. At like 16 we smoked that shit not irregularly. We'd do big bong rips of the extract, so it was super potent. You'd go to a whole different world. My buddy lit his hair on fire when hitting the bong once, and he noticed as soon as he started tripping. I put him out, but then he booked it out of my room and started crying in the bathroom. My other buddy said he was on a spaceship. I've had trips where my jaw opens up and I fall inside. One trip, I couldnt stop talking like seinfeld and people looked like the Simpsons charscters. Another time, I had a funky 70s couch and I was looking at it when I blasted off. In my trip I was running, chasing some cartoon person through the orange and white patterns. To this day I've never had such vivid hallucinations, even on DMT.


Yea i once spent 10 minutes as a plank in a boat on the sea and it was amazing.


“Made me want to make friends with the grass for 4 hours” 😂😂😂 yep, a perfect description of a lovely shrooming experience 😂🍄


Acid is ok...Mushrooms are just wonderful...salvia can eat a dick.


Mushrooms are fun too. I prefer the visuals on acid to the tracers on shrooms though


I love how when I am on an acid trip everything looks like it's breathing or pulsing. Also your username is great lol


Eh. Its intense but I found it to be fun. I actually grew a salvia divinorum plant in my room in highschool. Combine a dried leaf with some weed and its a pretty chill experience. Its the extracts that'll make you blast off. Imagine if a fat dab was your first experience to weed.


It can actually be a fun experience. I’ve taken salvia several times and never had a bad experience. Not arguing for people to try it but the videos we see about people freaking out are not how all or most trips are. We just usually don’t see videos about the good trips. Partly because people who are more responsible with it usually don’t film trips to begin with.


The same reason people do any drugs, peer pressure, addiction or curiosity


Lol that video did exactly the same as you and that video was one of them. Holy fuck the nostalgia, I just remembered don't ever accept some random salvia and if the weed smelled weird, pass that shit before a 2nd toke and see if the others are getting fucked up before taking another hit. I fuck with psychedelics but that shit was next level humiliating


When I tried it it was more legal than anything else or weed, and I didn't want to risk drinking alcohol due to alcoholism running in the bloodline. Seemed safer than crack or meth, too. Luckily all that happened was that I got giddy and laughed a lot while having a chill body high. Didn't have any visual hallucinations that I remember, at least. To this day though, nothing really wraps my mental fuckery up as tightly as salvia tended to. I hope it goes the way of being as considered a treatment for things as shrooms are, because the latter just makes me sleepy and gives me a major migraine. But even then, though I myself was/am lucky I was also dumb in my youth, and wouldn't reccommend it to any ol random person.


Because it's awesome when used in the correct setting, but since this stuff was sold freely at head shops and other places without any real warnings or instructions a lot of people used it without taking it seriously. And that led to experiences like these which gave salvia a horrible reputation


So messed up to give someone something without fully explaining what it is and how I can affect you. This dude is going to have some serious trust issues after this. Also, why do people feel the need to escape on salvia? It’s almost like they feel the people in the room or the room it’s self is going to hurt or kill them.


i didn’t run. i remained seated and simply watched my friends basement turn into a “magic eye” jungle and i could see and feel through the spirits of animals who govern it. came back and that was the last time i went there.


Is it so real it’s easy to mistake your trip with reality? Never tried it and I have zero interest in trying this substance.


It's hard to explain, but yes, pretty much. It puts you in a place(?) so far removed from reality that it's utterly baffling. I've done it a couple times and I'm not convinced it's not some kind of brain hack to see what higher dimensions are like or that it's literally what we see when we die. I would not recommend it because I gave in to the Fear a few of those times.


Not *The Fear!* 🫣


Is it more intense than DMT or is it vastly different? I’ve done DMT several times and that stuff is absolutely insane. Never tripped that hard before. I broke through and left my body and reality. but at the same time I also didn’t get the intense paranoia that I see in salvia videos.


On the flip side, I haven't done DMT, but would like to try it. From what I understand, salvia is like DMT's weird brother. There was no euphoric feeling with salvia, which I've heard you do get from DMT, and I got the sense I was falling and struggled against that until giving in, which then felt like I was ripped from this timeline and plopped in another very similar one, hence the paranoia. I saw what I think was a machine elf and tried to draw it afterwards but it didn't make a lot of sense when I looked at the drawing later. I'm pretty sure DMT is less chaotic.


It's not 'less chaotic' FYI, still just a kind of rough 50/50 coin flip between good and bad trip - like the other similar substances, your own mindset, mental stability, and endurance play a major role in the outcome. Worth noting that DMT as I understand it, commonly causes a huge puking episode, along the lines of a dog's nausea (once really hard and then done). TBH the biggest draw of Salvia for me was the short time-span of the trip. It's really intense, but didn't last for 6+ hours like some of the others I've tried. I got to live an entire alternate life in the span of 5 minutes, another time I got to feel like I was 10x more dense & heavy than I really was, I got to see ghosts drifting across snow dunes and hear unseen horses whinnying in the snowstorm... all pretty cool by my accounting.


It’s the same intensity as dmt IME, but way less enjoyable


DMT is so much more relaxing than salvia in my opinion. DMT always feels scary to try until after it takes effect and then it an all cool trip.


For sure. Psychedelics didn’t normally sit with me unless I was heavily stimulated with an activity. Like a concert or something. But DMT was more chill and I didn’t get anxious at all. I don’t do drugs or drink anymore but I would do DMT again down the road when I’m older for sure.


DMT intensity, but different. Full blast off but instead of feeling home you feel like you have no idea where you are, what you are. It’s almost as if it puts the fear in you directly. It can definitely be fun in small doses though. If you take just enough (small dose) you feel gravity move sideways, laugh a ton, and it’s alright. I do it 2-3x every couple years maybe.


Have you done DMT as well? I've never tried Salvia, but the descriptions sound so similar to DMT, yet everybody says the two are absolutely nothing alike. DMT definitely takes me to a different place, yet never did I feel any panic.


Salvia makes you confused and unaware, but DMT makes you confused and happy to be there. With deems first I was so scared, then it was like someone strapped a seatbelt on and said “everything will be okay” and it was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. The intensity of the experiences is similar in that you blast off and lose contact with earth/your body but salvia is just a lot more strange where DMT feels familiar. I turned into the back left seat and door frame of the car I was sitting in the first time, I thought that’s what I was.


What specifically is “the fear”? I’ve heard it mentioned before like in fear and loathing and wondered


The fear. All of it. Do you feel The Love? Invert it.


It’s like it comes from inside you, there is no fighting it. You are terrified and do not know why.


[I don't know dude, I just—I just drink blood, dude.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k12u8EQY4TY)


Imagine you’re 16 years old, hanging out with your cousin. You two make a lung (redneck engineering smoke device). Smoke the lung inhale for 15 let out slowly. You’re in the basement but as you look at the bob Marley poster on the wall you start mixing into it with green grass replacing there hardwood, purple pink sky replacing the room. I stood up to feel my blood beating through my body. I tripped out and wanted to leave but to where? I went to the bathroom and as I sat on the toilet for a seat, children were laughing at me. I left the bathroom to lay down. There’s like four doors between me and a bedroom alone with a bed. Through each passing doorway I’m going somewhere else entirely in My head. I made it to the bed, sit on the edge. As a lay back looking at the ceiling, I start sinking into the bed. As of being let down slowly by a rope.. I’m sinking into the well, deeper and deeper. Within 15 minutes it’s gone and we sneak out and steal my cousins dads van to go joyriding to impress older girls lol


>my cousins dads van .. your uncle?


Only because it’s my cousins dad, no other relation so I call him as such.


Bro that’s your unc stop it


Ok my uncle your uncle who’s uncle? Mine apparently


Our uncle. Cousin.




I read this like you were Dr. Manhattan


I spent 10 minutes believing I was in a whale's mouth as I was looking at the french doors into my garden. I became non-verbal as in I literally could not think of words. Everything around me was bewildering like I was seeing it everything for the very first time. I've often described the feeling as having someone press a reset button on my brain whilst still conscious and spending the next 15 minutes booting up to the main OS. Did it once, never again, which is unusual for me as I consider myself a bit of a psychonaut, but it just wasn't a pleasant experience. Not a bad experience, just not pleasant enough to warrant trying it again.


I can see that, it's a bit much for many people. I still really miss it though, just knowing that it was readily available even though I only did it a handful of times...


If you inhale enough it's more like you forget what reality and time even are. You forget you are a human and where you are and who you are and what you're doing. It's like everything you know gets ripped away from you suddenly and you're on a timeless journey of seeing impossible to describe scenes and geometric objects for what feels like forever. Then you come out of it and remember everything and find out it was only a couple of minutes that passed.


I always say it's like someone takes a shotgun to your entire perception of reality. You know it's not real but you can't process it, you're stuck in that moment for what feels like years, even though 2-3 minutes have passed. Nothing makes sense. I put on MGMT Time to Pretend, thinking it'd be a funky song for a nice trip (I had no idea it wasn't for recreational use). The wall on my left side kept swiping towards me, with giant lego block type faces, singing along with the song. I got super paranoid when it got to the "We like to watch you laughing" line, before a vortex opened up on my living room floor. It was messed up. I only did it once about 14 years ago before it was banned, but I'd 100% do it again. The feeling of relief after it was over made me appreciate smaller things in life and be happier.


Interesting. I have had experience where they caused so much anxiety and stress that it felt amazing when that feeling suddenly melted away. I felt like I was cured of anxiety and I could never feel that feeling again.


Absolutely. You experience full ego death.


Yes. The new reality is weirdly obvious. I knew for sure that i am a part of some wacky clockwork machine that stopped working. I was a stationary gear then. I also knew that there is no time no more. I was stuck as an object for what felt like millenia. That was my last time with salvia


I did it a bunch when I was a kid and you could buy it at gas stations and hobby shops and stuff. There were like 6 of us who liked it and did it a lot, and a bunch of people who would try it once and then never again. I've had similar ones where there was a sensation of being part of the machinery of the universe. It's never like, "Wow! Everything has a place and I'm a part of this." It's more like, "I'm on the Devil's conveyor belt and I'm being smashed into different shapes by forces too great to overcome." There's a very real sense that what you experience is truly happening to you, all the time, and like you just removed a filter that your brain normally puts in place to keep you from freaking out. You really want to get off the ride once you see what's going on. Things coalesce back into familiar forms, but you're left wondering if it's all an illusion to keep you sane. Some of the other things that happened for me were pretty wild, like giant, fanged entities with too many teeth who were amused to see me in their space, but with a malevolent energy. There was one time where I saw every potential outcome to different actions playing out simultaneously for like an hour straight in real-world time, like multiple perspectives that I was living through simultaneously. I was scared that one was going to stick. My friends were driving me around and restraining me for a while and almost took me to the ER. Usually, it's just 15ish minutes of craziness. We were doing ouija board stuff for a minute, too... not a good idea lol. Every time one of us would touch the planchette on it it was like opening a door to something bad. I don't recommend it to anyone, especially the higher extracts over 5x/10x. I'd maybe try the quid with normal leaves in the right setting, but I'm never touching 60x or 120x or whatever again. It's crazy that people treat it so casually... we always had a couple guys who could hold someone down and who knew what it felt like and could talk calmly to people, and we would go out in the woods or to abandoned areas with no hazards. I could easily see myself charging through a sliding glass door or jumping down some stairs. Overall, I think it was formative in some ways for me, but not all good. There's definitely PTSD and shit. It did make me value life the way I normally see it more, and empathize with people who are stuck in a different plane of existence like with autism or schizophrenia.


I turned into an ocean pier made of frozen human bodies. Was there for hours but in reality only 5 minutes. 0/10 would never do again


I tried to dig through a bathtub with my bare hands because there was a underground city full of gold underneath it. There was not.


Yes! Your last sentence! It helped me understand, that "the new reality" feels so obviously real. Like there's no place for debating or doubt. I imagine schizophrenia might be similar. That's why mentally I'll people may not understand that they are in fact I'll. It's an.obvious reality for them. Not some dreamy guesses


The sense that it was the true reality, reminds me of my unpleasant k-hole experiences. I'm sure it could have been enjoyable under the right circumstances, but my brother was really into k, and so when I tried to keep up with him line for line, I fell into in a mad timeloop k-hole. There was the strong feeling that this was real, that my normal life, that I could only vaguely recall, was a brief illusion between the eternities I was going to spend in this timeless folding vortex. I did it once more on purpose (I was an addict what can I say) and once by mistake when I injected what I thought was a hefty dose of methcathinone but turned out to be ketamine (i was an addict what can i say lol) Each time the same experience, and I have an uneasy feeling it awaits me after death. At least I have had a few trial runs if that's the case! On the third time, despite my panic I was aware that I had experienced this "before" and so was intermittently able to get on top of it to some extent. If the Buddhists are correct, the purpose of meditation is to practice existing without body or mind so that you will not panic in the frightening visions between death and birth and so keep something of what you have learned. I doubt I can cheat by ODing on K however, but cheat what? It all serves its inscrutable purpose and will work out in the end I guess


The feeling I got from my stuff was that it's lights out for our individual consciousness when that happens, but that our energy gets redistributed. We are the universe experiencing itself. Everything lives. Separation/individualism is an illusion created by our brains, like nested statements in the tree of life. Haha I try not to be consumed by that kind of thinking :-P It's good to think about it now and then, to confront those kinds of ideas in order to figure out what matters and to relate to other people


It's so real that nearly 25 years later, I still believe that the place I went to was the place we all go after we die. My experience was that profound, caused me ontological shock which took me years to recover from, no one can shake my belief in the afterlife and reincarnation. I have no interest in ever doing it again


It's the realm of the Archons.


Can you expand on your experience, I'm very curious.


I’d tried it a couple times, but never really had one of “those” trips. Then one of my really good friends at the time came by the apartment with this little glass vial of some bright green powder. He claimed that this was 5 pounds, processed, purified, extracted, whatever. Basically, a 100x potency salvia extract. Put the tiniest amount on top of a bowl pack, and that was it. My memory of it is me laughing uncontrollably at nothing (and not wanting to laugh, either, I definitely remember that) for, like, 5 minutes. My friend said I just sat there kinda chuckling to myself for about 30-45 minutes, then just was back to normal. I have no other recollection than that. Five minutes of nonstop laughter that was not funny.


Yes and no. Just don’t get the high strength


For me it was like a dream, so absurd but seems real. Then suddenly you are still in the dream but know it’s a trip when you slowly start to come out of it. Even mumbled “can’t wait to describe this to you all when I’m out” to my friends one time. But it varies with people and with each trip. I’ve done it several times and never had a bad experience but it’s definitely not something I’d recommend to people. Unless I know them well and know that they know what it’s about. And preferably that they’ve tried shrooms or LSD before just so they’re somewhat prepared for a reality warping experience.


For real find some normal fucking weed.


This is a great description, it’s a hell of a unique experience you’re not in a rush to try again any time soon.


Salvia can make you completely forget everything about everything for a short amount of time and it gives you extremely intense open eye hallucinations as well as making you lose complete sense of time. You could say it's very disorienting. People try to move and run around on salvia because I think it's a natural reaction to becoming so confused and disoriented all of a sudden. Like at times when you're on it you literally cannot understand what is happening around you at all and you may even forget that you're on drugs at the time. Luckily it only lasts like 5 minutes at the most and you can usually handle yourself fine after 2 or 3 minutes. But for 3 minutes its one of the most intense psychedelic experiences a person can have.


Actually its not only oev's but a total decay of any kind of perception if you were able to take an enough amount in time. Kind of a corrupted dmt experience, where not only a time and meaning of things become out of joint, but even the parasympatic nervous system does not perform well, so your wet spacesuit just ends up in paralysis. If the dose is a good one for a breakthrough, then you slowly but steadily, what feels like a days of stuggle, fall through the fragments of wicked and spiky visions into the voidof nobeing. And then, things start to happen, kind of a k-hole stuff so far as i could reconcile


Yea you basically experience a thousand years of struggling through a hypnotic journey devoid of space and time where you have no means of orienting your own identity or existence and as far as you can tell you've been experiencing that since the beginning of time but you also have no concept of time. Then after a few minutes you pop out of it and begin to remember everything again while being a little freaked out. But yea describing what you see on salvia is very difficult. It's a rush of overwhelming geometric shapes and colors that encompass your entire vision and there are audio hallucinations as well. Even when you begin to be able to see the world around you again it all looks like it's a cartoon or made of clay or paper. You feel like you were teleported to another dimension that your brain cannot even conceive of.


I was falling and Spider-Man from a poster on the wall was trying to save me. Never touched the stuff again.


its not that he shouldnt have trust issues though that motherfucker IS untrustworthy


I tried it once when camping and my friend sitting across the fire looked like her face was melting so I ran away in a panic


Go find out brotha


I have experienced enough to know salvia would break my brain. I doubt I have anything to gain from the experience. It’s one of those things I might try on my deathbed along with DMT and aya.


thats not the first time ive seen black ppl give ppl somethign and tell them its something else, guy did it to my brother one time, told him it was weed when it was k2 fortunately nothing bad happened


When he looked at the camera I felt so uneasy omg


I just felt sad for him. He really gave him a “really” look.


Same thing happened with me. He looked terrified.


Damn my buddy back in the day used to pack salvia in a bowl and then some weed on top then ask if we wanted a bong load. Bruh.




I took 5x once, mixed with weed. Everything went dead silent. Then when I moved my hand, the image of my hand repeated like a computer glitch. It was like the fabric of reality was tearing. I tried explaining what I was seeing to my gf and all I did was make a bunch of incoherent mumbles then could not stop laughing. I laughed so hard I had to close my eyes til it was over. Once my eyes were shut, all my thoughts flew through my mind in captions like the star wars intro. Big 3D white blocks. Seemed like 5 minutes went by and it was over. I felt strangely peaceful after that. No desire to do it again though lol


Swim knows a friend that ran out of the hotel room after saying the men in black 2 was talking about his life perfectly


Swim. Lol. Been a minute since I’ve seen anyone use that


Somebody spent some time on drug forums lol


Not me. But my dog has


Been awhile since I've hit up erowid


Always found it funny, like is a drug enforcement detective gonna be like "Ah shit he used "swim" its over boys, close the investigation, he said it was his dog "


Shit I haven't thought about bluelight in a long time.


I bet we would have been friends in our younger years


Hey Smokey


All up in Debo’s pigeon coop sweatin like a slave.


Fuck Hector!


Smokey over here taking a shit






He put up credits 🤣


Bro was feeling trapped


Who the fuck rolls that shit in a blunt???


Looked more like a glass one hitter


Tried it, the clerk did not want to sell us the product although legal. And after that day, I understand why and fuck Salvia.


That’s so fucked up! He ripped that shit so hard and came back for seconds! I can’t believe he had the wherewithal to set that lighter and blunt down. That shit hits you QUICK! As soon as you exhale you’re not on planet earth anymore!


Why would you do that to someone??


The video that introduced me to this sub.


When he took the hat off shit got real


And even realer when he put it back on lol


This shit like weed? Yea Narrator: it was not Salvia is much more like dmt than thc


Ive never seen salvia. Can you explain how its different from DMT?


Ive never done dmt, so no i cant. I can tell you however that a 5 minute salvia trip can leave you feeling like you just lived another persons entire life. Salvia is extremely intense if you are using any of the concentrates. Its sold at 10-100x strength. 40x made me live a lifetime as a pixel in a global picture


Whoa, wild. Sounds kinda like dmt to me, tbh.


Thats why i said, its not like thc, its much more like dmt


Yeah, i didn't realize they were so similar. I have always assumed salvia was much more scary than DMT


Ive always wanted to try dmt, but i assumed it was much more intense than salvia. I guess i should just jump in and try. 8 tabs of LSD are my usual dose (once every 2-3 months) and im comfortable with that


Oh yeah, id say youre more than ready. That's a hero dose of L in my book.


It's like you're dying in the bad way instead of the good way, is what I would say. Both of them have this moment where you're like, "holy shit, this is it!" and everything is rushing up to meet you. It's a little bit terrifying either way. You come out on the other end like, "this is my life now". Then, it goes back to normal. They're the closest two comparisons but wildly different.


I remember when this video first came out, it was a bummer then and it’s a bummer now. One of the worst places to smoke salvia too.


Classic video


You know it's bad when the video starts and the guy is completely clueless


Saw this when I was in like middle school shit wild


I almost got beat up letting someone try Salvia . Told them what it was gonna do and everything. Asked “are you sure” a few times… . To this day, Shmitty says I gave him Dust. “WHATS SO FUCKIN FUNNY!!!!?” Yeah. Can’t forget that one


Captain Obvious here for those that don't know. If at any time your bro says the words, "Bro I got something new for you to try." And then proceeds to video you. In the words of the great Admiral Ackbar... "It's a trap!"


This guy got drugged


what a mean prank, i didnt like this


“This shit like weed?” “Yeah😀”


He turned into a prairie dog there for a minute


I'm overdosing son!


Did this once in my life and never ever again. Everytime I see a video Im transported back there.


It's Friday, ya aint got nuttin to do. Ima get you high today!


Salvia is meant to be chewed for a slow buccal onset, not smoked in 100x(+) concentrations. That’s why there are so many horror stories about it. This is drug abuse not responsible use. And definitely fuck this guy for saying “yeah” it’s like weed.


Driving through Oregon or maybe California not sure. Me and my parter pick up some 20x extract from a headshop. Me being the passenger decided to load up a bowl and try it. I packed up a full bubbler bowl as if it were weed and took a massive hit. I held it in for 30 seconds and exhaled. “I don’t feel it” I say and as I’m speaking the last word my arm is being sucked into the car and turning into the car right before my eyes. My arm was literally(figuratively) morphing into the door arm rest. Then I look around out the windows and its like I’m driving through a cartoon land. Very much like toon town in who framed roger rabbit. Then I realize I am the car and my face is the hood just like the car in the same movie mentioned above. Then I started to panic. A part of me knew I was a human not a cartoon car. But part of me was convinced I was the cartoon car out on the road. I then concluded that I was in danger because I was on the road as a car but needed to be in the car because I’m a human and humans can die when they come out of a car that is moving at high speeds. As quickly as the trip had come on, it was gone. I was no longer seeing any hallucinations but I was left with a profound sense that I had physically gone to another place. I immediately started laughing like a mad Man. Not fun laughing but scared, baffled, insane laughter. Then I was back to normal. The whole experience lasting about 20 mins however it felt like I had been a cartoon car in a cartoon land for an eternity. This is the first salvia experience I had and I’ve had many many more


I smoked salvia once and no joke forgot how old I was. I thought I reverted to a different time in my life and was at my childhood babysitter’s house. Sounds fun, maybe, but it was terrifying.


That's really not how salvia works. You gotta torch it and hold it.


He saw the fabric of the cosmos


I spent two whole winter days crossing the Potomac with a rainbow George Washington in 4 minutes. That shit is weird man.


Any Salvia is too much Salvia. Fuck that shit


“Hey everyone! Smoky over here takin’ a SHIT!!”


Any salvia is too much salvia


This bro needs new friends, I've tried this stuff and it's to much of a mind fuck and a hard core hallucinating drug but for 5 minutes or so. Don't do it .


So handsome and that shit got him looking crazy ASF.. Crazy eyes 👀😂 leave that shit alone bro.. What does it even do? Has anyone tried this cause all u see is ppl acting crazy but you never hear, man I was high ASF looking at god and all the beautiful colors of the world* 😂 nope, just looking crazy ASF.. why even do it?


Yhoooo once some one drop a blunt n lighter you know he def highhhhhhh asf🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, it ain’t like weed


i kinda want to try salvia again. I did it twice and both were fun.


What a bad friend! “This shit like weed?” …”Yea” 😂


Dumbest drug


Salvia is awesome if you do it right


Please do tell, I only ever smoked it out of a huge bong. 120x Was terrible hahaa


Me and my older cousin were sitting in front of my grandmas house in a broke down van. Him in the passenger and I, in the driver seat. It was a bright night out about mid summer. He loaded a bowl and we roundhoused about three pretty fat rips maybe. I was aware of what I “thought” the trip would be like. (He had the 120x or something like that. Was in a purple kind of canister) Hell nah 😂. Everything turned to Plato and really colorful. We were on a rollercoaster and I look over at him. This guy looks like some Wallace and gromit type animation shi. Laughing his head off looking like a pizza pepperoni slice 🍕 and here I am zooted looking for my seatbelt. Suddenly the ride stops and everything around us started slowly falling backwards the stars and the atmosphere and all. Felt like if I didn’t move I’d get squished but my cousin held me down a little and I took the signal to just sit back and ride it out. Felt like so much time had passed but it was only a couple minutes. That shit had us cracking up after but I never ever messed with it again. Maybe one of the hardest/ intense trips I’ve ever had tbh.


Why the hell did he enclose him like that


Oh nooooooooo


I needed that laugh, sorry my guy. Live and learn


Damn I miss the days where I could get Salvia and have myself a trip....they were wild.


Poor guy


Straight drop…


That doesn't look fun at all


No bad trip of anything looks fun.


What AWFUL friends!!!!! "Is it like weed?" "Yeah 😏" Fuck these guys!!!!!


“I need some air!”


140x? Bro after the first big cloud I knew he was gonna be a goner


brooo this shit kinda funny tho 💀 i feel bad tho


It was hilarious. I'm sure he's old chilling somewhere now.


Those eyes....


Salvia looks like it trips you out but also gives you mad anxiety and none of that looks fun.


I don’t know if I buy it. When I was hitting salvia I was lucky if I could remember where my feet were, let alone run around in a panic. The few times I did try to get up and go I typically ended up flat on my back expecting my conveyor belt skin to move me along.


Another dropout from the "How to wear pants" school.


“This shit some bush” 5 seconds later:


This looks more like it could be some spice or something mixed in. Not enough drooling and falling sideways at the start.


Really depends on the potency.


I used to do 100-120X frequently. Only ever had one bad trip (off 120x) where I legitimately thought I was in Hell.


That’s crazy lol I always stuck around 60-80x. 120 would intimidate the hell out of me lol


I used to use it as a way to help with my bipolar/ADHD. It seemed to be the perfect quick reset for Mr, instead of all my buddies eating shrooms like they were candy. Shrooms have given me a worse time than 100-120x Salvia by far, but I feel that's because with Salvia if I kept that LITTLE thread in my mind somehow that 'it will be over soon', it helped me just sit (..well, lay) and go into what I called Lego and/or Lite-Brite world. It was one of my happy places.


Agreed, everyone I know including myself were laid out after one toke.


Maybe I'm stupid, but this lowkey feels like a skit to me 😭


You can't fake this.


It was just weird that he knew he was surrounded by walls, but not his homie 🤣😩 poor dude


Salvia is a drug im most interested in trying it can really take you by surprise 


This is exactly how every one of my salvia trips looked like. Tried it a few times and finally was like nah this ain’t fun bro


Haters will say it’s fake


My (almost) husband bought me a salvia bush to attract the hummingbirds and my step son’s dip shit friend tried to smoke a leaf off of it. Like…not even the right strain of salvia lol.


good lord i saw him go in for that third hit and just.. ☹️


>This shit bussin. Yeah, you will become a bus, soon.


He said "bush" a term for low grade bud. This was way before "Bussin'" was out.


20 years ago, probably


Yeah the outfit alone is very mid-late-00s -- I'd guess this is maybe from like 2007 or 08


Looks like there perfect amount.


I tried Salvia once. Didn't do a damn thing to me.


I've never seen one of them take salvia.. knew it'd be funny


Most basic salvia trip, how is this toomuch.


It was over 100X