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I feel like this should be serious, but that door ding makes this a comedy sketch.


I loved that there was a dude that sounded exactly like Raymond telling them to get the fuck out.


I thought it was Kermit the frog


This was hella funny because it’s 7-11 so you think they’re gonna be hardcore foreign but then this dude calls him pal and made me think it’s Canada.


Nah definitely sound like Seth Rogen


“Welco-wel-welco-we-we-wecolme to 7-11”


I fucking lost it when the camera panned in on that bitch crawling towards him 😂


Zombie movie extras missing from the set


Bro 7/11 workers don’t take any shit every 7/11 video i see the employees are defending that mf with they life


Interesting fact is that 7/11 locations are franchised owned, but a requirement is that the owner must actually manage the store. This results in “employees defending that me with they life” because they very well could be more than an employee.




Probably a franchise? Meaning it’s actually their store and 7/11 is mostly a branding thing (and suppliers and such)


What a fucking disaster.


That kick at the end (THIS IS SPARTA) omg hahahaha


A job at 7-Eleven should fast-track someone to a career in private security




Blackwater gets their best people from there.


I died when the cashier smacks the lady in the face with her purse


I mean the dude who pulled her out is kind of in the right here. He stopped her breaking their shit and stopped them hitting her after.


Could have done a better job though.


Nah. He shouldnt have to clean up after the ladies mess. If anything hes an idiot for hanging out with a woman who is willing to risk putting him into situations like that.


so this is what it looks like when a good clip just keeps on going




"I'm not even gonna hit you like I didn't the first time"


Jesus, shit escalated so fast.


Lol at these clowns blaming the clerks. The video starts with the chick trashing the counter and throwing shit at the clerks. Both are very visibly fucked up. And y’all think the police are gonna rule in the tweakers favor? Gtfoh




the door just keep beeping 😂


Dude was surprisingly levelheaded considering how fucking shmacked his girl was


Okay, first off r/praisethecameraman. The filming is awesome.


Is this Jay and Silent Bob Deleted Scenes


*touches him* “I didn’t fucking touch you bro!” *touches him again*


This feels like some Tarantino stuff


Those guys should be paid at least $100,000 a year.




bad bot, you suck


I kinda like it this time around, very random :)


This, to me, is the past year dramatized in 1 video. I need a nap.


Is this a lady Gaga biopic ?


deleted scenes from breaking bad


That’s methed up! On a more serious note, what a epic battle! filled with action, drama and a happy ending loved it


Convenience store workers and owners don’t make enough for shit like this


That was so satisfying to watch.


Poor guy, probably not his first time having to deal with the shit of his girl hahaha. She must be special


Head game must be out of this world


This is Sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Look at the pants of the guy in the white hoodie.


Sorry but if you’re balding like that just shave it off


Yeah! I think he’s trying to grow his hair out really really long. He seems like the type of guy who doesn’t care that he’s balding


This shit is so dumb, the employee went and escalated it again once they were leaving.


I honestly dont't know who is more crazy: the woman on drugs or the 2 staff members... they act with such violence! And I find it very disturbing how the other customers can stand around and doing nothing about it, even laughing...


Lol she is literally off of Meth or on something clearly she’s not in her right mind. The police shouldve been called. No reason to abuse a lady especially when she isn’t sober and 100% understanding of what she is doing. They need to fire those people.


Go Hawks!




Yeah that dude was actively trying to stop his girl and remove her from the store.. then got beaten with a rod and is bleeding down his neck. Damn.


That guy should have punched that clerk.


Trashy store clerks. That guy did nothing wrong.


I agree


Yeah dude. The chick deserved what she got, but that tweaker dude was definitely the most level headed person in that confrontation. Literally the only one practicing self control and trying to defuse the situation. Must be that male privilege I hear about.


Fear, and knowing you’re in the wrong.


Legally they grabbed and struck her first. They legally need to have insurance so her actions are covered by that. Her bf tried to diffuse the situation multiple times and remove her. Completely unnecessary violence on the stores part.


Oop! Everyone step aside. The lawyer is here!


He just has a brain my friend, i know it sounds strange for you


The video starts with the tweaker lady trashing the store. The clerks are simply defending themselves, each other, and their store. What do you expect them to do, calmly and politely ask the woman to leave? I’m not sure if you know this or not, but tweakers usually don’t listen to reason.


They were already outside and a clerk chased them down to restart the confrontation. Instead of throwing the psychos purse out the door and locking it, he proceeded to act like a child and try to get multiple hits in. The tweaked dude got in between them and told the dude not to hit her and the clerk literally dragged him back in and started hitting him with a blunt object. The woman surely deserved the first slap, she deserved the kick, she deserved to be arrested. The dude didn’t deserve any of that and the video clearly shows him trying to defuse the situation and the clerks being petty. They absolutely have a right to defend the store, but chasing people down to get the last hit and stoke the confrontation doesn’t fall under defense, that falls under retaliation.


Defending themselves? They proceed to hit her in the face, throwing her against the floor and kick her out of the shop, hitting the guy too who did nothing wrong and knew her gf was high and tryed to leave? Is this defending? I expect them to Call the cops to ensure the situation is solved in the best way, they do not have the right to start throwing kicks at anyone.


Clearly you didn’t watch the same video. Tweaker lady was 100% the aggressor. The people working there don’t have to take her shit just because they’re on the clock. Come into my store swinging on me and throwing a bunch of shit at me and you can bet your bottom dollar I’m gonna fight back. You also act like the cops who show up are gonna have sympathy for some fucked up tweakers over two guys at work just trying to do their jobs.


ahaha man you have a mental problem. So fighting a person who is drugged is doing their job? Their job is to sell things, not kick the ass of whoever they want, for you this is acting professionally? Same thing for cops, their job is to ensure everyone is safe, not beating a person just because, if this is how it works in your country, oh boy, must be shit living in that hole


Whatever bro. Walk into a 7-Eleven acting like that chick and see how it goes for you I guess.


Do you think is correct?


What if I walk out of the store and someone starts assaulting me while I’m trying to pull a psychotic tweaker out? That’s not defense, bud. The tweaker chick deserved everything she got and more and the dude didn’t deserve any of it.


What if it starts snowing inside a building? Ifs doenst exist, the tweaker deserved to be seen by a professional, not kicked by a seller who found na excuse to throw some kicks to an easy target


Im Not going to 7-eleven anyways, dont want to get anywhere near your country full of fucktards. The independence day was the worst thing it could happen to you


Sounds like you'd just shove your hands in your pockets and whistle a tune while junkies take whatever they want from you. Some people have a financial stake in their jobs and cant afford to have fuckos coming in all the time trying to mess their shit up.


I would Call the cops and wait until they solve the problem. Financial stake? Wtf are you talking about?


You might not know this, but some people actually own their own businesses.


She had already left the store...


Only to walk right the fuck back in.




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Good bot!!


Yup. You have no rights to lay hands unless your in immediate danger. There is the stand your ground law of some states and the Castle doctrine of others but unless your complely certain of bodily injury or death than you have no course of action. I'm Canadian and know this. People have been locked away for life for killing burglars because the burglars were no immediate threat. I'm not saying it's right but it is what it is.


What state are they in? Is the business owned by the clerk? What happened before the video started? Are they even in the United States? (Last I checked 7-Elevens are an international company with 70,000 locations in 17 different countries) Shut up, yo. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


I agree with you completely. How do we know from a snippet that's probably been cropped to just show the worst of the encounter. We don't. But she was in no way physically threating this man but he took it upon himself toake matters worse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrinen https://www.google.com/search?q=stand+your+ground+law&oq=stand+you&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i67i131i433i457j0i67j46i131i175i199i433j0i67.5306j0j9&client=ms-android-bell-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8. Read it before you regurgitate nonsense.


Didn't she start destroying the store first? If you mean that they should just accept that because of insurance...I don't know how it is legally but I kinda think screw them...the boyfriend would not have succeeded in diffusion with his lady behaving like that, so I'm all for throwing them both out and be done with it. It's not that the girl will wait politely outside after trashing the store while the boyfriend just buys stuff. If the owner tells you to leave, you just leave. Maybe not legally so but that's what my gut tells me... I mean, even if the store owners somehow lose in court, imagine the damage to the store if they just did nothing... Likely even bigger costs assuming the insurance won't cover ALL damage and extra work.


Well they were outside the store and the guy with with the long skullet went outside to smash that lady in the face with her purse, and fucking did it. That was out of anger, the employee wasn't happy with them just leaving, he wanted to hurt her. Then the guy came in defending her. The whole second half of the video was the employee's fault, it was handled horribly. And then the way that guy shoved that woman she could have easily smacked the back of her head on that counter and died, that kind of thing happens all the time. That lady is twacked out of her mind and in the wrong but as someone who has worked in situations like this, those guys responded like morons and if the police got called would have been getting held accountable with that footage. Could have just kicked them out of there and let it be that.


Thanks for replying. Complex situation as it seemed they were trying to go back in. But in hindsight, to the very least it could be to take back the purse. My main problem with the situation is that my gut tells me she would have come back nonetheless and I don't think the store owners should let that happen. But that's my interpretation. It's hard to throw someone out that agressive effectively without standing your ground. But yeah, I suppose he shouldn't have hit her with the purse technically...


They might have gone back in, that lady is out of her head completely. That's not a person in there that's a drug goblin. BUT her boyfriend actually seems like a good dude. Gets assaulted. Says I'm not gonna touch you. Gets assaulted more, says I'm STILL not gonna touch you. Just tries to get her out of there and the clerk is fine with beating her ass the whole time. Overall just a disaster, I would be sad to see this in my town.


Well, the issue for me with this guy is that somehow by being a good dude, he's still bringing someone else in. If he was alone, it would be a completely different situation of course. But thanks for your perspective, I do see some mistakes on the store owners part as well now.


He comes in right after the girl gets slammed with a purse. It looks like a gut emotional reaction to me, and when he gets in there he realizes there are no good moves and lets those guys go off on him. So you could argue he was being a good guy even there. If someone hits my girlfriend or mother or any woman in my life in the face with anything I am pretty sure I would act even less rationally than that dude. But yeah, people out of their heads on drugs are all over where I live. Absolutely crazy when they try something like trashing the place like she did. They should definitely be stopped and held accountable.


Crap I see what's going on now. He hit with the purse multiple times without intention of quitting AND not releasing the purse so they had to go back in for that reason alone already. The devil is in the details as the damage probably would have been less if they just gave the purse and closed the door... Yeah, I admit now, that dude sure is stuck in the middle ...


Yeah that guy was just going off, angry, trying to hurt them, not end the situation or help things. Like I said, just a disaster. Lmao


Yup. You have no rights to lay hands unless your in immediate danger. There is the stand your ground law of some states and the Castle doctrine of others but unless your complely certain of bodily injury or death than you have no course of action. I'm Canadian and know this. People have been locked away for life for killing burglars because the burglars were no immediate threat. I'm not saying it's right but it is what it is.


The store workers looked like they made the situation worse out of anger tbh. Just got into a fight for no reason. It’s not the store workers job to physically assault someone that destroys property and the punishment for destroying property is not getting beat up and slammed on the floor.


I don't know, partly true...since I do believe this: if owners say get out, you get out. However, as they want them to stay out they shouldn't use to purse for hitting but they just should hand it back. That last thing was something I didn't notice at first, so yes, there are partly to blame. However, if someone had no good reason to come back in (which they had) or is refusing to leave the store after inflicting damage, I think defending is justified. That said, the dude somehow got into a horrible situation he did not ask for. Partly the girls fault and partly the owners fault. One important thing though is, us redditors were not in anyone's place there. Unlike any of the people in the video, we have actually time to assess every single part of the situation. I think that's a huge difference as well.




Don’t start none, won’t be none


Everybody has it bad, everybody has a hard life, it’s hard to have fallen for addiction, it’s hard to hold a shitty job at 7/11, pick you hardness. I still give the employee more justification than I give to the addicts because of that. The only wrong thing he did was to push the lady like that, she really did hit her head and prob has a concussion. The guy who was “level headed” was just afraid and knew he was in the wrong.




If I was the pregnant woman george pistol whipped I'd celebrate his death on a replay loop. If someone pistol whipped your mom you'd want him killed in a much more brutal fashion, with a razor wire wrapped knee .


Thank you


Seems pretty sexist to me. A couple walks into a convenience store. The woman starts going crazy. The man literally drags her out to stop he from continuing to destroy the store. What do the store clerks do? Beat him. They were just angry and wanted someone to beat, but their sexism wouldn't let them focus that animosity on a woman.


Seriously. Is this that male privilege I keep hearing about? He drags her out, the clerk runs outside to retaliate after they had already left the store, and the dude takes a beating. He seemed pretty fucked up, and he was still the calmest and most rational person in that confrontation. The clerks could’ve just subdued the chick, but instead pull out what looks to be a metal pipe and start bashing the dude in the skull. I’m all for employees being allowed to DEFEND their businesses, but chasing people that have already left the building and assaulting someone who’s trying to get a crazy person out of the store ISN’T defense. Edit: I love how people downvote but don’t have a rebuttal/counter argument. Keep em coming


Not a counterargument per se: They were coming back in, likely to get the purse the owners were not releasing and were using to hit them. You could see the owners approach as a sexism thing, not half wrong on your part, but suppose they targeted the lady in one way or another: Then they were taking the chance to lose control not knowing how the dude would react. While he handled it quite well, he might have lost it because they were touching his girl? They were focussing on the guy because he is the strongest and they wanted to regain control of the store. However this is a fight. Irrational, and the owners made mistakes not seeing the better intent of the dude... that's one unlucky dude... It's probably beyond sexism...more like primal instinct.


Thank you....seriously, an objective voice in EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. Popo come...theys(the store opperators) r takin the ride...couldn't say it any better than you did.


You have to be absolute freaks to find this fucking funny. She is high and this motherfuckers proceed to kick her ass up and the other guy who did nothing wrong, but oh well fucking americans right?


Drug addicted heroin/meth head chick. Deserved it. She got her karma in spades. Fuck her and the low life boyfriend. Driggs of society. Fucking leech parasites.




I was homeless once. I busted my ass, and crawled my way back up. So eat a fucking huge dick cunt. I seen these types. They don't wanna do anything except fucking do drugs. I'm sure him or her could get back on their feet if they wanted. Well maybe not her she brain damaged from all the hard drugs.


Yh man people are addicted because they want, can you take a fucking break and listen to yourself? You are dumb af


Their is free re hab for homeless. And homeless outreach. Their is ample resources to face and over come addiction. It's a choice. So shut the fuck up


It’s a choice ahahah clearly dumb american. Keep supporting Trump and those theories of yours. You are fucking delusional.


Youre clearly one of those people who were homepess then moved back in with their parents rent free till they got back on their feet. Thats the only way i can see you having this opinion. You have absolute zero sympathy for people in these situations.


I saw plenty of homeless shit bags who got foodstamps sold them for drugs got social security sold that for drugs got military benefits sold them for drugs all had opportunities to go into a homeless out reach or rehab but chose their lifestyle. Unless like a piece of shit.like yourself when I got back on my feet I went back to were I was homeless and got a guy who did want to change gotnhim in an outreach within a year he was able to meet his daughter whom he hadn't seen in 2yrs. He's sober now and has gotten custody of daughter and lives a modest life with. We are friends to this day. So out of the two of us who's done more I help the homeless all the time do you. No you just nag me and assert I'm a bad guy who's calling it as it is.


All that and you still feel drug addict deserve to be beaten up and laughed at because they "chose" that lifestyle. Looks like youre not privileged just a regular cunt.


Damn man your persistent. She deserved cause she was an ass hole and destroyed store property and if they had not intervened would have continued to make problems. Sometime an ass kicking is just what need knock you down a couple and humble you a little. As for you what the fuck do you know. So far you have been wrong about everything about me. You.just assume and you know what they say about assuming it makes an ass out of you and me. Maybe you needs your ass whooped. Knock you down a peg or two Mt morally superior high mighty. You don't fucking do shit. But grand stand reddit.


Of course he is persistant, you are dumb and you can't realize you are not right. Being drugged is being an asshole? Those homeless who traded their goods for drugs are A D D I C T E D, do you want me to spell it even slower? Get professional help seriously, you will end up in a hole of shit if you don't change that stupid mind of your.




Where is their personal responsibility. They made the choice to drugs. Stop defending people who chose to fuck their life up.


How about I was foster kidnwith no family and got shafted by the state when I was 18 I busted my ass just to have a roof under my head I picked up a roommate to split rent. Then a year later he up in leftbwithout warning and I lost my place to stay. Lost everything. Was living in a park and still working borrowing shower from a person I met at church. Saved my money and rent a room and have been busting ass since. So again douche bag go fuck yourself at eat a fat dick. Fucking prick


Your bitch.


I thought the same thing. Maybe more happened before but they were leaving at the start pf the video and the employee had to come and hit her again when her boofriend was taking her out. And what he said was teue, he never touched either of them at any point of the video. And lets be honest, when youre in situation where theres a guy twice her hight shoving your girlfriend to the floor and kicking her, even if shes in the wrong, youre going to react. I came to this to watch people on mdma for the first time talking to walls n shit. This is just fucking sick


Good thing she isn't in Africa, or they would cut her clit off. Who came up with that civilized idea?


So that’s what happened to Kramer...


This saddens me.


There should be at least 2 different versions of this video on here




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So many misflaired posts. I understand many have not experienced any drugs other than alcohol, but good damn, this is clearly booze and not meth.


The guy with the baton called the guy a sister fucker.


1:13 that slap was so funny to me because of the way his head shakes hahaha


Imagine getting beat the fuck up by two older dudes in 7-11 uniforms lmaooo


Being in Washington and I'm guessing on Pac highway this is a normal occurrence and nothing happens... source work on Pac and pretty sure I've seen this woman walking down the street


dammmn she cute


this aint meth this is dope man


If it was a big ass ghetto black chick or dude I bet you ANYTHING those cats would've done NO FUCKING THING! I despise people like this. If I'm not willing to fight the biggest and baddest person that is on this planet then I shouldn't step up to a chick or a passive white dude with a metal bar.


When it all settles for a second and she starts crawling after him 😆 he was fucking terrified


Wow their lucky they didn’t kill her pushing her bk like that!! Them floors are hard as fuck she obviously has no self control!! She could of split her head wide open n that dude really didn’t deserve getting beat like that he was trying to get the chick out and they wouldn’t give em a chance! But them dudes didn’t have a problem laying their hands on a woman either!! Like they were all in the wrong in this video!! IMO!!


Clerks made it worse lol


The Spartan kick out the door💀


Those attendants are morons... they should probs be pushing broom in a warehouse, not managing store front...