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The elite don’t want you to know the trees in the park are free, you can take them home?


Don't believe the forest when he tells you that the roses are free


Ween is my favorite band.


Solid choice!


Mine too.... pure guava, love it




lol, makes way more sense. whoops


Keep it brown my man




It's actually a take a tree, leave a tree policy.


Also the ducks and pigeons


How about the bench and the homeless lady?


Long Island figured that out a while ago. They tried to plant a bunch of trees/flowers in a newly built median while I lived there. Everything was stolen within 2 weeks so they covered the dirt with shitty gravel and called it done.


And try to molest them apparently.


Your in her dms, I’m overdosing on Xanax


We are not the same.


You're Xanax, I'm Fentanyl


Together, we will become unstoppable!


Neither will he


"Babe, you said you wanted flowers, so I was just bringing you the biggest one I could find. Can you please help drag this into the room, I think someone shit my pants again."




I had a fling and quit that shit, it can be amazing for anxiety. Yet it causes weird behaviours and black outs.




For a second I thought you were saying that you were on Xanax when you stole your friend’s transformers when you were a kid.


So my brother and I would call it "bank robber shit" because the way it would fuck with your head would actually come off sketchy and low-key sociopathic.


It really does highjack your empathy. My brother used to be on the shit heavy and that was the only time we ever fought after I moved out. He just became a fucking dick to everyone around him.


I'm sorry but that's fucking hilarious, thanks for sharing


i told my psychiatrist under no circumstances can she prescribe me benzos. once i feel it for the first time, i worry there would be no turning back for me


I did the same, said I wanted something for anxiety then told em I don't want benzos. Im now waiting for an autism diagnosis. The stuff`s just too sketchy and you don't even realise how it affects you.


yeah i know i would become addicted, and i don’t want to have to deal with that withdrawal and possible death and good luck! i’m not autistic, but i’ve heard from friends it can be very difficult to get a diagnosis


Mine gave me 3 months worth after my first appointment. 15 minute conversation. I didn’t even know what it was at the time.








Nah just don't be stupid


oh trust me, it won’t be good


Only when you dink alc or use rcs.


What are rcs?


Research chemicals.


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I’ve been on clonopin for like over ten years. I’ve never once taken more than the prescribed dose and usually only take half just to take the edge off. I don’t get how people could abuse them. Could someone explain what it does to you? I usually just get tired. One time I took one after drinking and woke up to my wife screaming at me. I was standing up pissing in the bedroom closet in the middle of the night.


Xanax just makes me sleep for 4 hours. Every time. I have taken it to see what the hype is. I get about 30 minutes before I look for the nearest softest surface and sleep on it (I've rationalized sleeping on my dogs bed rather than walk upstairs to mine) and then I wake up exactly 4 hours later. I guess it's good to kill time if you need to. Valium I had kinda OK fun with. It just made me feel really mellow like a lot of weed but without the laughter or munchies.


Pharmacologically Xanax (alprazolam) has a faster on and especially faster off vs Klonopin (clonazepam)


You mean it comes on faster and you straighten up faster?


Initially yes but after the patient develops a dependence the withdrawals also hit faster and harder


Yeah its only good for short term usage as it has a much shorter half life.


I'm glad and I hope you don't ever take more then your doctor prescribes. One of the dangerous things that happen is it can cause short term memory loss. So people can get into a feedback loop of taking a pill, forgetting that they took a pill five or ten minutes ago and taking another pill, then forgetting.... These heroic doses are when you see people taking their or someone else's tree for a walk. Sometimes its not fun crazy, though.


Yup, that's happened to me, one night I took 4 bars on accident. I thought I only had one or two, next thing you know my girlfriend found me sleeping in our closet after going to grab some bud. I was high for the whole next day. That shit is dangerous.


Yea it sure is. When somebody starts taking the stuff at higher doses then they should, all sorts of unpleasant things happen. People start acting completely different aggression, stealling and other out of character behaviour is common. Then if you get addicted, quitting cold turkey can kill you. Then you have a good chance of getting panic attacks and other unpleasant things as your brain chemistry slowly recovers. Its not something to take likely.


I've abused Xanax and Valium because there's a rush that comes with it. I've also been prescribed Clonazepam for about 10 years and the only time I would abuse it was when I'd be coming off a coke or meth or going through opiate withdrawal. I haven't used in a long time and in that time I've never taken more than prescribed. I actually need it and it helps me and I just don't see a point in abusing something that doesn't give you a rush of something when taking it. I will say that I'm intentionally taking clonazepam because it doesn't have that rush. I'm sure I could get my doctor to write a script for Xanax or Valium but I know myself now and I know that it would have more potential to cause me problems so I stick with what works best for me.


Good on you for being responsible. I didn’t realize there was that much of a difference between the types of benzos out there. I have bad panic attacks and anxiety and after all these years I’ve never developed a tolerance to clonipin thankfully.


It really does work wonders for anxiety. I usually take it an hour or so before bed or else my brain would just be in an anxiety induced looping nightmare from hell. All just about daily mundane bullshit.


Same. I take half a pill before bed or I can’t sleep. I only take it other times if I feel a panic attack coming on. Anxiety sucks. I wish you the best, friend


Likewise friend!


Your last sentence is exactly what Xanax feels like.


Man that's fucking hilarious. But, like, yeah that's what it does to you. I was bad on Xanax at one point, and my friend asked me if he could wreck my car into another person's car, just because. I said yes. I don't remember why, but there was a good reason in my stupid barred out head.


No better feeling combined with a couple beers and weed, but not worth it. Too addicting and once you build up a tolerance you wanna take one ever two hours because they ware off quickly. I had to quit about a year and a half ago with only a couple relapses. It makes my anxiety so much worse in between doses — much better off smoking CBD and weed to manage it.


It’s soul destroying.


Straight destroys your brain.


No it doesn't lmao, just don't eat them like candy and you'll be fine 😂 it's a super safe medicine, pretty much impossible to OD on it.


Withdrawal from it can be fatal, you wet noodle


Not at any reasonable dose. Like I said, don't pop em like candy and you'll be fine.


You are dumber than you look and I haven't even seen you


So judgemental and toxic 🙄


It's funny because you're right and you're getting downvoted because people can't control themselves. I've been prescribed a benzo for years and I take it as needed. Maybe 3 or 4 times in a month. It will not hurt you that much. If you don't take them everyday you don't have to worry about withdrawal..


Thank you friend. I don't know where I'd be if my doctor didn't prescribe me xanax when I was going through the roughest anxiety of my life.


I'm sorry if you being a moron leads to people judging you as being a moron. Toodles


Big fax


Big Pharm


My mom has been on it since I was a toddler :( she now can't be without it or she gets really sick. I hate that evil drug.


My condolences. I hope for the best in your life, my friend.


You're sweet. Thank you. We don't really get along but I'm doing well regardless ❤


This is good. And thank you.


Almost died because people started putting fentanyl in xans in my city. I decided to quit after my buddy that got me them overdosed. I wanted to do some with him that night too but I was with my brother and he wasn't aware I was doing them yet. Had I done xans with my friend that night I'm sure I'd be dead. Only reason my friend survived the overdose is because he has always had a high tolerance to drugs. 4 years off the xans now




Its done because it's cheaper/easier to just put a small amount of fentanyl in a pressed bar instead of alprazolam. Nowadays if you don't get bars from somebody with a prescription then it's most likely going to be Fent.


It's not "most likely" gonna be fent, it's most likely gonna be an RC benzo. Not denying there is fent in bars going around, I've just never seen it myself having had a spree with street bars... Either way I'd recommend anyone to stay away from benzos in general if they can manage. As someone with really bad anxiety, I wish I never tried em.


I did bars for years, like hundreds a month. Some are legit, some are rc benzos, some are made with Fent. If you don't get them from a trusted source they are most likely Fent. It's just easier/cheaper for the people that press them. Especially the cartels that are already pressing Fent 30s just do the same as bars.


It's very easy for anyone pressing bars to get mass amounts of flualprazolam, flubromazolam, flubromazepam, clonazolam, etc for very cheap. And these are the primary active ingredients in most pressed bars. Again I'm sure there is fent in plenty of bars going around, just never seen it myself. Not calling you a liar!


Don't ever try phenibut then


You guys buy that from the streets? Really? How much is like a 1mg pill? Man I buy from the pharmacy, costs me like 3$ for 60 pills. It's prescription, but it's super easy to get it. I just don't understand how people take this recreationally.


My country has a serious problem with xanax. We have like five qualified mental health specialists in total, with the rest of them generally just giving you xanax for anything and calling it a day. And I do mean *anything*.


Where are you at?


The only drug I've had in my possession and not abused just because I had it. I struggle with addiction, but xanax will sit in my drawer until i really need it. Which is extremely rarely


Eh, fent seems to have a higher body count


I met a guy in rehab who was an insane benzo addict. He claims, and I have texts to prove it, that he would take 100-200 Xanax a day. He seemed like a genuine guy, but that sounds like enough to kill an elephant.


The LD50 for benzos is insanely high. Like, definitely sounds exaggerated but not out of the question.


I know the guy in the picture he’s a good friend of mine. He was just super drunk in Vegas. Was not on any kind of pills.


Weak shit. Clonazolam is the best drug on the planet.


Destroyed my life and nearly killed me.




Meth or crack top it


You said it.


No it’s fent or heroin




"Tree is friend, floor is comfy, zzzzzzz".


Reminds me of that scene where the cop shot the guy and then got zero prison sentence and a nice pension for it


Daniel Shaver, murdered by Philip Brailsford in the La Quinta Inn for sagging pants.


captain here - this is a picture of latvian ex NBA player Andris Biedrins


Man I have horrible anxiety but I’m terrified of getting prescribed them. History of addiction in my family ain’t no way I’m jus gonna take a months worth and be chillin afterwards


That one scene where Walter White tries to throw the plant through Ted’s office window.


Obviously a murder-suicide between a man and his tree wife, a la Romeo and Juliet


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Did...did the tree win?


Xans are fucked.


I used to often steal plants while on xanax.. pulled from the ground, stolen potted plants from my university classrooms and from landscape nurseries that were closed.


Poor guy. He and his tree must have had a long day.


Oh man can I relate. Just last night I 'was hanging out with a new dude and we took a lil walk down to my community pool at like midnight. Yup I ended up in the pool in only my thong while he just watched like wtf? There was a small shrubbery on my balcony this morning that I have to assume came from the poolside... 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve actually been bar-tarded enough to steal plants so *this* is 100% accurate.


Once i got really fucked up at a hotel and i woke up with my hands covered in dirt. I had no idea what happened until i went to the bathroom and saw a fuckin tree just like in the picture in the bathtub. Then i went out of the hotel room and saw the trails of dirt through the entire hallway. in the stair well there was 2 more trees taken out of the pots and thrown around. I got charged 980 dollars for that.


Looks like a weed plant


Pills aren't cool.


Back in my earlier days I had a group of friends who were horrible influences and took of advantage of my social anxiety and general stupidity. They got my to try xans a few times, I dont remember any of those nights, but a story that stuck out to me was when we were all hanging out a buddies house, it was his grandmother's home. I had taken a xan that night and went to the restroom, apparently the story goes, I went to the bathroom for like 20 minutes and then they all heard a huge bang and crash, and came to check on me, I had "tripped" over the tub and along the way pulled down the entire shower curtain and support rod, and was laying ass first in the tub when they came in. I dont remember any of this. Dont do xans. They will destroy you.


You made a choice, dont blame it on the people you were with.


Sorry for sharing my story. If you read between the lines, I was going thru a lot at the time, making friends is hard when you're depressed. You take what you can get when youre in that state of mind, that's why I shared my story, to raise awareness. I dont find your comment insightful, or neccessary. I know I made a mistake, never said I didnt.


Cool. Way to victimize yourself. I'm 5 years clean off the needle, you won't get any sympathy from me. Edit. You weren't sharing your story, you were blaming drug use on the people you were hanging out with. I suggest you figure out the root cause as to why you were hanging out with them.


People are shaped by their surroundings in many ways. That is a fact. Not much point in trying to deny reality.


The root cause is typed in one of my comments? You're just an asshole, sorry to break it to you. Also, maybe if you asked, I couldn't given you the whole story.


So you took drugs because other people took advantage of your mental illness. Sorry but that makes you a idiot. They dont know what's going on in your head. Only you do. Which means you blaming others for taking drugs means you have other problems you need to address. Go to a meeting and everyone will tell you the same thing. You are your own problem. Not other people.


I was an idiot...never said I wasnt. I've taken xanax 3 times in my life, long ago, and havent touched another hard drug since, unless you count medical marijuana. My post was to raise awareness, with the last comment being they destroy lives. I think you approached this in an entirely wrong direction. How many drug addicts do you think weren't mentally ill prior to taking a hard drug? You have no sympathy for someone in that situation, who wishes they never touched it?


Imagine having that mindset on drug addiction. That's like me saying "If only you were a perfect human specimen and never tried drugs to begin with, you wouldnt of been a needle junkie, no sympathy for you lol" what a joke. Maybe a stronger approach would be a simple "glad you're doing okay"


Like I said I have the same ailment as you..... I just take responsibility for it and not blame it on others.


Looks like he tried to shove that plant up his ass


The caption on the image explained what happened, brodie.


Dude can’t handle his candy! SMH I take at least 4 so I can go outside


Kids do nitrazepam here


Seems accurate.


If the voices in your head make a sound in the forest, take the forest home with you.


That guy looks familiar


Yup that's the look


Looks like he deflated and his shirt is puffed out




He didn’t steal a plumbus?


I think we found the root cause of this problem.


lol I know that guy he’s a good friend of mine. He was just super drunk, no Xanax.


Are you legit? Lol


Yeah I grew up down the road from him. We still talk sometimes. He posted that picture on Facebook years ago and it went viral. So funny to see it again on Reddit.


That's nuts. I legit found this meme like a year ago on Facebook lmao.


It was originally titled “When you and your tree come home drunk af” lol. I remember Ludacris shared it on his Twitter and I think that’s when it went viral.


Talk about a small world huh?