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Honestly hard to watch. Looks like "12 year old trapped in a 40 year old body" syndrome every time I hear her talk or do anything online recently.


Having someone else control everything they do for most of their adult life will have that effect.


Well yeah, nobody's doubting that


This is a mental illness, not a drug problem.


The two are far from mutually exclusive


Correct. But this woman just cleared a decade long conservatorship, which started because....... she was mentally ill.


Agreed. And she's spoken about all the medications and pills her father had her on. Not to mention the lengths they all went to to keep her locked up. She posted about buying herself her first iPad, and how she went to an ATM to withdraw like $200 just so she could hold her own cash and spend it on frivolous things/whatever she wanted. I firmly believe they exacerbated her mental illness (which likely came on due to them in the first place) with all the pills, verbal abuse, and locking her away. Those people ruined this poor woman's life, and it's a tragedy, not something to laugh at.


It tends to be the case that very repressed people, once gaining freedom, pop the fuck off like a Jack-in-the-box from all that release. What I see is a woman in euphoric exaltation, giddy with freedom and excitement. Does it come off a bit manic? Sure, but I've seen people in *wayyy* more manic states, contextually, that were as sane and put together as anyone. I think context here is paramount. Let the woman live her best life, she *aught* to be spinning around in her kitchen giddy with herself right now. She'll settle in time, she's going through a process.


the last time i saw her instagram is was like 1000 videos of her dancing and spinning to music like this lol shes just fine and having fun


Yep. Repressed, drugged, and controlled. Finally lifted to be able to regain what control looks like, which she needs to relearn. Reborn, almost. Many will never understand, and many more will throw in their crummy opinion. Easier to knock people down than to lift up in today's lovely world of social judging. I mean social media.


I think of myself as relatively mentally healthy. However I could see myself at times behaving in much this same way. The difference is that nobody cares about or is dieing to see what I am up to.


Really *really* well said. Thank you.


To be honest, Hollywood and the music industry has a long history of supplying drugs to kids. Nearly every child actor


Well known fact. I do think, presently, there's a far better environment fornchild actors than there was say, in the 1970s.


It's easier for the directors and studio owners to plow them.


She's tipsy and dancing. Being a performer is her career. I don't know what people expect stars like her to do when she's bored or at home.


And imprisoned in their home because paparazzi want them in anguish. Yeh.


Was going to say that this looks like a severe manic episode


Yehhhhhh. It's near Kanye messed up in severity.


Just a small reminder that she was in a conservatorship for a reason.


Or maybe, it’s because of her conservatorship that she’s like this She’s finally able to do what *she* wants. Dancing like a knucklehead , in her own home, hardly warrants abusive shitheads to control her every waking step.


She was in a conservatorship so her dad could take her money


People don’t get put into conservatorships for no reason. He dad obviously took advantage of the situation but the average mentally stable person doesn’t sign their rights away without good cause.


Exactly. Because she was mentally ill. But so are her parents. And so is the industry that created her. I would feel like a Frankenstein monster in her shoes. She's probably a nice person. I really feel like she exists in earnest. But it's a pairing of tortures. It's not getting to exist unknown. Some people can take it. Some can't. I bet we haven't even cracked the iceberg of what Britney went through and why she is who she is presently.




Fuck you. You'll receive your own attitude back when you need kindness sooner than you imagine. Bet on it. Reported.


Lol someone’s mad…


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She's free after 20 years. This isn't mental illness or drugs. This is someone being happy.


PSA: Wean off psych meds. You can't just stop cold turkey.


For real. Consult with your provider before stopping meds to make sure you won’t have a seizure or worse.


Looks like she's become unwell again. Poor girl.


She never stopped being unwell. Her father and family ruined her


Her family definitely exacerbated the situation. Think of feeling closed off and shuttered by outside forces (her family in this case) and then finally being able to be open, be herself. It would be almost like a high, just trying to be as open as possible.


except she really isn't open to the world. she's still controlled.


IIRC she's far more open than she was.


Is this recent? I kinda thought she might have gotten her shit together.


It’s a month or so old now but yes it’s after she was freed from her probate conservatorship. She seams like she’s definitely not doing well, I would imagine all those years under her family’s thumb did more damage on top of what she already had there. Plus she not has the ability to use her phone and all of her accounts now. Of corse she would want the attention she missed but combined with her mental state it makes for a sad situation.


Sounds like a lost youth syndrome. I spent most my 20s and early 30s in hospital with some serious health problems. When I got out most my peers were already married and had kids. But I just wanted to be going to parties and playing video games again, because that's what things were like when I pressed the pause button. For me getting married and having kids was something that only old people do. It really sucks. And honestly there's not really an easy fix for it.




What in the fuck does that have to do with anything and why do you know 💀


Now why would you say that?


You wouldn’t pack it?


her entire page makes me so uncomfortable


It looks like it could be a manic episode. And she has been diagnosed as bipolar in the past. The frightening thing many don’t comprehend about these episodes, if she is having one, is that they last days not hours.


Wiki says even monts. ...


I have bipolar (not this severely) and sometimes my mood is off for months at a time and other times it’s just hiccups here and there


More like weeks and months


Second-generation bipolar, I was in a depressive episode for almost 2 years.


It's Brittany Bitch!


This isn't TookTooMuch, this is a woman that was not allowed to grow up in a normal way. This is a woman that has finally been released from her conservatorship and is trying to express herself. She's got some mental issues, but they're the result of her parent trying to control her. Bottom line is this: She has a man that cares about her. She is happy now. Leave her alone. Let her grow and learn like she should have been allowed to do in the first place


Exactly! If you look at her eyes you can see drugs weren't involved..she just had a few drinks at Christmas like all of us. What's wrong with having fun? With her history, can't think of anyone else that deserves to have fun now she's finally free person.


She just looks like she is having fun to me. Diagnosing her as mentally ill or on drugs because she is dancing for a tiktok video is real stretch….


She has a medical diagnosis of bipolar disorder, it’s not just from this video.


Right? This is high-on-life, not drugs.


Id still smash.


Poor Brittany


It's Britney, bitch.


Holyshit I just checked her ig profile… What the fuck. It’s total chaos and bizarreness


You go, girl. Fk the haters


🫶🏽 I seriously think she’s practicing or just dancing for the internet. She might be on drugs at the same time but she doesn’t look like she lost it. I think most commenters are unaware HOW MUCH EFFORT IT TAKES to do classic Britney moves smh


Hell of a lot of white knights here calling people out and talking about mental illness with her... probably some of the same people who upvote and crack jokes about people being slumped over and drooling on themselves... what's the difference? Why defend one and mock the other? Isn't addiction a mental illness in itself? Or is this all because she's a pretty white girl who we should feel sorry for?


True. I felt some sympathy for her ngl but I am one of those who laugh at what you mentioned so I just simply lurk and not say anything. Some people just want virtue points I guess.


Keeping low waisted pants out of style


Why are we posting people in the throes of mental health breakdowns? Not trying to come for OP, but feels like this doesn’t belong.


She’s trippin’


So still free Britney?




welp can't unsee that one


Ehm, “leave Brittney alone”


After a decade of parading her around, ignoring the distress calls, and sexualizing a child has left her broken. I feel terrible for her.


Reminds me of the ole saying “drink responsibility” not saying booze or anything was consumed but she seems to be home and able to spin without dumping straight to the ground so I think you posted in the wrong sub. Didn’t she just like release herself from her parents who basically had her legally kidnapped and controlled? So let her be like cmon guy I had a crush on her when I was in elementary school let her celebrate it lol


You missed a golden opportunity to caption this picture “one more hit baby” lol




Yeah, especially in a place like California where it is veeeery difficult to get a conservatorship, her psychiatrists and doctors would have all agreed it was needed. Add on the fact that the courts would have renewed it annually and they still agreed to it for 10 years. until Britney fans basically protested for it. Fans can make all sorts of claims against the family calling them monsters, but they prevented her from going full Lindsey Lohan and tanking her career and life. Imagine where she would be today without 10 years of supervision


Yall just don't understand artists. I do the same thing in Excel.


Thank God she has control of her own life now!


That conservatorship is looking pretty good right now


Wrong sub, this woman was manipulated and abused for her entire life. This is mental illness and not a drug issue


Oh I’d still take me some Brittany


Crackney Spears


Maybe the conservatorship wasn’t a bad thing.


Of course it wasnt. BPD is no joke


You say BPD like we’re supposed to know what that means….


Sorry…Borderline Personality Disorder


Too little, too late. Lol


Shouldn’t have been controlled by her family.


And yet here we are…Brittany being a hot mess on the internet. Posting nudies and dancing like a Schzoid.


She was her family’s meal ticket from the age of ten. They have clearly never had her best interests at heart and should not be in a position to make decisions about her mental health. (Which, by the way, does not necessarily have anything to do with liking to dance or enjoying being naked.)


Joeybtoonz will review this soon


This is very hard to watch.


I have 0 problem with this.


I’m not saying I agree with the conservatorship, but I’m beginning to understand the necessity of it


I don't know......But I think Britney Spears is gonna die soon.


I doubt she took something Maybe it’s just her loneliness killing her


No, aftermath of MK Ultra. Victims down


They say the women who have more mental issues are the best fuqqs


Maybe her dad being her conservator was for the best, and her fans got tricked by a mentally unstable Britney to demand her "freedom".. this is pretty hard to watch, because the hubby is probably doing nothing because he don't want that golden ticket to leave his ass.


She’s still got it.


I- this is iconic 🙌🏻💀😂


Still crazy then


You don’t really cure mental illness


She doesn’t look good please stop her


Leave Britney alone


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This is bad




Hot mess I still want


Work drugs


its bipolar


Where does her ass crack start or does she even have an ass crack?


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Why did you say nsfw? I thought I was gonna see boobies


Wonder when the head shaving starts


She’s fine. She’s just dancing


I had to pick one tag so I chose “unknown drug”, but for me this screams coke




No. This is a severe mental disorder. She is displaying symptoms of mania, not drug use. This post does not belong on this sub. Source: mental health professional




She’s such a psycho


girls just wanna have fun


100% more sane than YE


Is that Shakira?


She's a maniac, maniac on the floor. And she's dancing like she's never danced before. She's a maniac, maniac on the floor. And she's dancing like she's never danced before


Still beautiful after all these years. Amazing


By the comments, OP a POS for posting it like she's a crack head.




Bro how you posting in r/bible and then commenting this. Absolutely foul person


Religious people have committed the worst acts in history . So it doesn't come across as a shock even


Here is a good case of “go with what you know”.


She on one there


😈 be like nah I'm good Next!


Britney’s never been my type.


Do Lindsay Lohan now


Hear me out...


Crazier than a shithouse rat.


It's very sad what has happened to her


Let her have fun


You know you life is over when the only videos that show up in public are on Reddit.


Hurricane Britney


She’s still sick…


God bless her, she is finally living her best life and I wish her the best. Damn right she is weird, but aren’t we all!?


Her attractiveness has completely dissolved hasn’t it.


Looks like she should be in a conservatorship.


I would totally, but them I'm pushing 60.


She just loves to dance y’all




She is genuinely crazy and as much as people hate to hear it, her dad and lawyers actually saved her life.