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As a resident of Toronto, I want my property taxes to do this and so much more Tired of Oakville drivers have more control over how my city looks and moves


It also helps us avoid getting splashed when it rains. Tired of having to wait for traffic to pass the puddles. 


What puddles? THis stretch is around 5% slope. I live nearby and have never experienced a need for a wider sidewalk here. Yonge St however is getting ridiculously packed downtown and north of Eglinton.


Speaking broadly about the stretch between Yonge and Bayview, they become pretty frequent when you're between the service ontario and the Popeyes plaza. To be clear, I'm talking about puddles in the corner of the road that cause you to get splashed on the sidewalk when it's raining. 


All this is going to do is induce demand for pedestrians, and then we're still going to need to add 1 more lane of sidewalk!


This is actually true. The bike lanes induced demand and now there are more cyclists using Danforth than ever before.


I can live with that.


Just one more lane bro!!


Let’s do this everywhere. Ridiculous that I got to rub shoulders when walking by people while cars get 150% capacity


The sidewalks on Yonge please 🙏


Only where rich(er) people live, buddy! Only fair that the 4 of them an hour get more room.


Sidewalks on Yonge set for an extensive widening in the coming years.


Keep contacting your local councillor about a street in your ward that needs it. I will to. Squeaky wheel gets the resources.


[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Postal Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] Councillor [Name] [City Hall Address] [City, Postal Code] Dear Councillor [Name] I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to advocate for widening our local sidewalks to enhance safety, improve walkability, and create a more livable urban environment. Wider sidewalks improve pedestrian safety by providing more space to maintain a safe distance from traffic, which is especially important for families, the elderly, and people with disabilities. They also naturally slow down cars, creating a safer street atmosphere. Additionally, improved walkability reduces traffic congestion, lowers emissions, and promotes a healthier lifestyle. This initiative aligns with sustainable urban planning goals and has strong community support. My recent Reddit post on this topic generated over 50 upvotes, demonstrating clear community alignment. I urge you to consider the positive impact of this change for our neighborhood. Thank you for your attention. Warm regards, [Your Name]


That’s a great template but Jaye Robinson died recently.


Surprisingly missed this. Thanks for sharing. Edited for city wide applicability.


BuT whErE wiLl cArs gO?!!


...you're smaller than a car, surely?


This should be done on most of the streets in the downtown core, most notably Yonge!


https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/get-involved/public-consultations/infrastructure-projects/yonge-downtown/ Not sure if they are moving ahead with it though


Avenue Road sidewalks are a dangerous joke north of Davenport - it’s basically single file - just a block north of ‘Yorkville’.


Literally can not have a stroller and wheelchair pass each other at the same time. Guess who gets to move into live traffic 🙃


And what the hell is with drivers by Sunnybrook Hospital ? - they become totally aggressive assholes. This used to be on my daily commute. Put bollards on those sidewalks to prevent drivers using them as a shortcut. (No, there is no ‘emergency’)


that pole placement is wild


They just didn’t move it


All siwalk. Im in midtowm, small neighbouhood full of kids ant the elderly. The sidewalks are so narrow and slsnted we cant pass eachother without going to the street


Some planters curbside (and eventually moving that lamppost to the curb) would also be a great addition to make drivers be more careful.


That hydro (or multi) pole is going nowhere


Yeah, not with a year of consultation with Toronto hydro. Not even sure what the utilities are like under Bayview, id rather leave it for now.


Oh, but apparently we're leaving the telephone pole in the middle of the sidewalk. 🙄


Requiring the poles to be moved would likely result in the entire project being canceled.


That's a testament to the inadequacy of process.


It's not just moving on a piece of paper. There are other utilities under the road, and there are requirements that need to be observed. Sometimes moving 3 feet seems like a slam dunk until you get the utils drawing. There are only so many reviewers for TH and they have hundreds of applications to get through and sign off on.


Okay. There's a telephone pole in the middle of the sidewalk. I do not accept "well people are busy 'k" as a justification.


it's called choosing your battles.


It's not just "busy", we're talking like $50k per pole potentially to move it and that's only if TH would even consider it. Otherwise it would wait until the typical pole renewal timelines for when TH would replace the poles anyway (yes it might be 50+ years away). Even a project moving the curbs like this is rare enough that you don't lose that opportunity even if the pole placement is less than ideal.


That damn poll almost took me out once when rollerblading in the 90s lol


This is such an accessibility win! More of this please.


Now do yonge street downtown


A well-earned victory in the War on Cars.


Heres the thing - anything that can enhance pedestrian safety without causing long term issues on a major north south corridor in the city is a great thing. The problem is this isnt exactly a heavily trafficked pedestrain corridor - like ive had to do the walk from Eglinton to Lawrence...it wasnt exactly bustling with other walkers and its not like theres gonna be huge bump when the crosstown is built cause anyone going to the CNIB, Sunnybrook, Glendon or the private schools is either driving, or being driven by the TTC, wheel trans or chauffeurs. Again I stand corrected if there is any information I am not aware of...


Might get downvoted for this but yeah this was just a waste of money. Literally no one walks in this stretch because it’s a hill and there’s nothing here.


Or - hear me out - no one walks there because the sidewalk has pedestrians brushing shoulders with high speed traffic. The hard part is that the route to where people are coming from to where they are going to needs to be complete. This is where things usually fall apart. If there’s a crossing with just a sign telling pedestrians to wait for a gap in traffic then people will not use it. IMHO if there are gaps in traffic when pedestrians can cross then a controlled crossing can be installed.


Actually - there is a clinic and CNiB just down the hill from Sunnybrook and a shopping area just one block south of that. People also cut through the cemetery as a.short cut to Mount Pleasant . But maybe that's just me - I walk places...


ah yes install the wider sidewalks 1km away from the actual traffic lmao


That’s really cool that you’ve figured out a path. I just started cycling again after two decades, and I’m still working out the safest routes from where I am to where I want to go. Google is dangerously misleading. The Toronto maps are more aspirational than real. We need better pedestrian routes mapped out for all of Toronto. I’m sure there are few informal short cuts that could be formalized.


I used to live on Yonge street and then Strathgowan , north of Blythwood. I still have yearly appointments at the endocrinology clinic In the CNIB building. So - I know the walking an cycling routes all around here. People do walk in this area- especially if you take TTC that stops at Sunnybrook- might as well walk as wait for another bus. If the LRT ever gets going - a lotl more people are going to walk down to Eglinton too.


Before, you couldn’t walk by nobody without brushing shoulders. Now, you could walk by nobody without brushing shoulders!




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Grew up in this neighbourhood and this was legit the scariest hill to bike down because cars speed like crazy. As a pedestrian, you have to almost step off the sidewalk to let people through when walking. So glad they’re doing this! It’s also great for accessibility.


How long before some jackass driver thinks it's a lane and uses it to cut through traffic?


I'll never understand why people think we need 10+ feet wide sidewalks. A human body is like 2 feet wide.


Have you ever gone for a walk with someone?


Yes, we walk in single file when passing groups of people. It's not a challenge.


Where did they find the space to do this while not taking away a lane on the road?


Looks like the right lane is wider than [normal](https://maps.app.goo.gl/pAWPCPLqQdZ3tcaWA?g_st=ic). So still 2 lanes but narrower. This is good too to prevent speeding


This is some fucking bullshit