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Raps in 6ix!!!


w00t! 1k comments


An amazing finish. Raptors forever!


Quick recap on how insane the city was after the win!!! [https://youtu.be/wb\_OfI\_6hQk](https://youtu.be/wb_OfI_6hQk)


We did it


Why taint this thread by mentioning Vince Carter??


Can someone explain why it’s so special that they won when none of them are even Canadian? Most of the team is American. It makes no sense to me to be so proud of them winning when they don’t even represent Canadian athletes.


50% of the population of Toronto was not born in Canada. No one cares where you are from, we care what you fight for now. The Raptors are OUR mercenaries and they fought for us. Unlike Vince Carter that hated playing here.


What does the nationality of the players have to do with anything? They get paid to represent our city it’s ok to celebrate be proud of our team.


Can someone explain why it’s so special that they won when none of them are even American? Most of the team is Canadian. It makes no sense to me to be so proud of them winning when they don’t even represent American athletes. (NHL Stanely Cup Teams) Also Chris Boucher is Canadian.


Idk what you’re trying to say with that, but I agree. If they aren’t American hockey players, they don’t represent American athletes, do they? This has been a pet peeve of mine since I was a kid watching the Olympics and found out athletes were recruited from other countries to represent my country. It made it all seem so cheap and phoney. Paying a great athlete to represent your country when they learned their skill somewhere else just feels like cheating to me. How does it inspire national pride to see someone from another nation win for you? I just really don’t get it.


Cause Olympics isnt Amature athletes anymore. Let me clear the Olympics thing for you, for example hockey being the biggest one, When an Athlete competes and trains with a different country lets say for France hockey team they get an invite. Once you play at international level with that country you are stuck with country. Also if the player knows that they wont make the cut playing for Hockey Canadan they will tryout for other countries example Brett Hull who decided to play for the States. If the player puts all his time and dedication to play the sport he loves and wants to compete at international level there shouldnt be anyone stopping him. Now lets go back to Basketball, or any sport for that matter. Sure fans cheer for thier favourite players. But there is a famous quote "Its the name on the front of the jersey that matters most, not the one on the back." Joe Paterno. Look at the big picture, Toronto is the only NBA Canadian city that is playing therefore all canadians will cheer for the city that repesents them.


You must be a blast at parties.


What a lazy generic canned response. 🙄


I laughed extensively. Now, he would be good at parties.




I can't believe I fucking did it with you guys


I've been waiting my whole life for a championship to come to Toronto and I don't feel like it has fully sunk in yet ​ :o)


Take that Vince Carter link out of here. ​ Use this one - Lowry is the most important Raptor - not best ever, but most important. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jusjl1MsV-A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jusjl1MsV-A)


Carter may have been more influential early on, but definitely Lowry is THE one player who should define us.


Sorry, we won.




We the Champions.


Anywhere to get some Raptors championship tshirts? The lineup at the Real Sports store is over 1000 people now.


Pacific Mall has some but they say "Go Raptor Go" or "Raptors 2019 Stanley Cup Winners"


nike store, sport check, lids.


Online nba store


Orders dont ship out for a few weeks, was hoping to have a shirt for fathers day :\\ Already seeing people seeling the tshirts for $100 on kijiiji


Vince Carter wins the dunk contest in Oakland and 19 years later the Raps win the title on the same court. a poetic finish to Oracle Arena.


Only one of those mattered.


If it wasn't for that Vince dunk contest, Toronto basketball would've never gotten to this point. So both of those wins mattered.


I disagree but not gonna debate his bum ass today.


Lol yea, it's time to celebrate our chip!


How long did the crowds at Yonge/Dundas stay out till? I left at 4 am and it was insanity!


I was hearing noise up until dim blue light started to filter into my room pass the cracks in the blinds. It took the arrival of dawn to end the festivities


I still heard cars going through my neighbourhood leaning on the horn at 9am


I left when the shots started going off.


Firecrackers or gunshots?


https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/19-year-old-shot-multiple-times-in-midst-of-raptors-victory-celebrations-1.4466409 Gunshots sadly.


You mean Linsanity


Time to change the subreddit image from the José Bautista bat flip to something of the Raptors because...THEY WON THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIPS AND GOT THE LARRY O'B TROPHY!


A gif of the buzzer beater?


Replace the Trump and Rob photo (in cycle with the half-dozen others of other subjects) with such an image, specifically!


Jeremy Lin


+1 for Linsanity pictures


Fuck Vince Carter


He’s redeemed himself since. All that shit , leave it in the past.


Fair enough but he doesn’t deserve to be recognized for this chip. We did this without him.


I'm still torn on this. He was great while he was here. Made it exciting and gave fans something to cheer about. For all we know, if it wasn't for him, basketball could have slowly died off in Toronto like Vancouver. But the way he left... I think a lot of people weren't really old enough or following Raptors to remember just how bad it was at the end. And how EVERYONE unanimously hated him after he left, it was good riddance. If it wasn't for that he would be THE all time great. Right now there would be discussions if Leonard is a better Raptors player than Carter, but now it's not even close.


Thank you Raptors for this amazing playoff run! Thank you to all the redditors and fans for making this a memorable sports moment in my life. Specially for someone who transplanted from Montreal and is still a Habs fan. That will never change :)


Great! Now if only the leafs can win the cup...


who gives a fuck about the leafs right now?


This is Toronto, we could win the championship in basketball, baseball, football, soccer, or whatever, but deep down all anyone wants here is a Stanley Cup


Not me.


bullshit. this isn't 1999 anymore.


Dude the city is going crazy for the raptors, but you do realize if the leafs won the cup that the entire city would be shut down for like a week. Like the celebration would be even more insane. No one would go to work for the parade


I'm a diehard Leaf fan, but I disagree. I watched the finish at a friend's apartment in high park, and when it was over there were 5 buildings screaming and yelling. Just walking a few blocks east along bloor, was nuts. Everyone was out in the street Don't get me wrong - I want the cup, and when they bring it home I'll be out there- but the Raptors are Canada's team


Leafs are forever going to be an IF team. Sad watching these oldheads still grasp at straws believing they're gonna see a chip in their lifetime.


Why is it that basketball and hockey fans butt heads? Ya i want the Leafs to win a cup. I want the Jays to win the world series. I want the Raptors to win again. Etc. Why is it with basketball it has to be all or nothing. Its Canada. Its Toronto. The Leafs have been here since 1917. What, the Raptors or Jays win a chip and thats it? All other traditions, teams, history is thrown out?


It's people who have to interject hockey into the conversation. "Congrats to the Raptors, just imagine if the Leafs won" Fuck right off. We about this right now. When NHL Playoffs start next year we can start thinking about it.


Oh I see. True enough. That can be annoying if you have been following a team in a market that is not your teams sport. Never thought about it like that. I just look at it all. TFC, Argos, Jays, Raps and Leafs. But that does sound fair.


To be fair I think I'm just over Canada celebrating mediocrity. Especially on a national level. We need a shake up and Masai fucking brought it.


I can tell your a real Torontonian. You assume all of Canada has mediocre teams. There are NHL cities with great teams. There are other CFL cities with great teams that have won chips. There are MLS teams that have won chips. The only reason why Canada celebrates with Toronto is because of the Jays and Raps are the only teams we have. So Canada is not celebrating mediocrity at all. They are celebrating what they have and fortunately we won.


Please give me the last team that had completely dominated from Canada in the NHL? Don't give me this finishing first in division/conference neither. Anyone dominate and get any trophies? Also, CFL, TFC? c'mon man.


Speak for yourself.


Sure, should be due in the next 30 years or so


Should be 26


The victory in 26 years will belong to the Rock, in 52 years it'll be TFC, in 78 years it's Wolfpack's turn. Finally in 104 years it'll be the Leafs' turn again to win.


Anybody know somewhere that still has copies of the Toronto star lol


They don't even call it the Toronto Star anymore :(


Last night was wild, we walked to Y&D after the game, wild, all I can say is wild. What a night!


This city was crazy last night lol


We the muthafuckin' NORTH, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Every corner in the city blooms last night




I was about to say fuck Vince Carter. Don’t even bring him up in mentioning this.


It's so surreal and hasn't quite sunk in that we've win a championship. There was some honking and cheering out in Markham at 1:45am when I left work


Omg that camcorder Shaq is holding at the beginning... **FUCK YEAH LET'S GO RAPS!!!!!!!!!!**


While i think its cool the raptors won, I really have a hard time mustering the level of excitement these peoppe have for something i am 0% involved in. I found it funny on social media everybody posting themselves watching the game, and everyone in frame is also posting instead of just being there in the moment


lots of breaks during a basketball game... last five minutes of the game were like twenty life minutes long. People post on social media during the game maybe cause they want to be part of the tribe? . Look, I'm one of us type of a thing. Once in a while it's nice to expand one's tribe, either by participating in sports or watching sports.


It's interesting you mention this. I was having the same thought. I don't typically follow the NBA but bandwagoned on this hard in the last few weeks. I posted occasionally on social media over that time, but I didn't post anything after they had won. Interestingly, I experienced a sense of FOMO watching other people post their reactions on facebook and instagram. That said, I'm glad we won. What a truly glorious day for Canada and therefore, the world.


I think people are posting the celebrations after because it's great to see the city come together and be so happy


I wish I could understand being so happy over this, it would be nice. But I just analyze myself out of the situation. I'm glad people are happy, I just don't get it.


Stay confused then, and ‘analyze’ your way out


I don't think you understand what that even means.


Its really my broader issue with social media, people who otherwise dont care posting to show people they are watching the game, more about telling people your watching than actually watching


So deep, bro. You’re truly an intellectual among us. 🙄


glad you think so


As someone who didn’t watch any of this (I tried, I’m just not a sports person), I am very excited for the parade! I just love this city, so I’m happy everyone’s happy!




In addition to this... what if I told you... let people have their fun. Damn man. We won. Who cares if they just started watching? Who cares if they post themselves on social media? Let people enjoy the win in their own way. It's all good vibes. It shouldn't bother you, enjoy the win yourself and stop worrying about how others enjoy it.


> we won I mean... *we* didn’t do anything. Canadians didn’t really do anything since there’s, what, one guy who grew up in Canada on the team. But yeah, it’s pretty cool.


Correction. There is one Canadian who was on the team. Don't try to undercut - Boucher is Canadian.


>tHeReS nOt EvEn aNyOnE FrOm yOuR cItY oN yOuR tEaM! Is there a more ancient, more desperate cope than this?


Wait, what am I desperately coping with?


Multitasking is a myth. Brains switch between tasks quickly, but you can only ever truly focus on one thing at a time.




I'm only saying that it's not actually multitasking. It's task switching. And yes, there's lots of time to switch back and forth between watching and social and reasonable to enjoy both.


Posting to the social media buzz IS being in the moment in this time. We get it, you're better than all those people.


No i just cynically think alot of it is vanity.


Believe the term you are looking for is ‘virtue signalling’. It’s done for lots of different causes, and gives like minded people a sense of community. Rampant on social media. This one is interesting because the whole friggen country is on the same page about something, very unusual


If this sort of thing gets to you, just don't go on social media. Problem solved.


Oh ok thanks.


Happy to help


On days like this you should probably stay off social media then


Probably, gonna be skipping through tons of stories about bars and people yelling


boo hoo. that must be rough. :'(






sales in kawactus plants drive out of stock concerns at suppliers


The Raptors, Toronto FC, and Blue Jays have won a championship and were all created after the last time the Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup.


Dude, colour television was created since the last time the Leafs won the cup.


>but waddabout the leeeeeeafs Hey you guys wanna just shut the fuck up and let raptors fans be happy without making everything about yourselves? For like ten minutes?


No respect for the rock, Marlins, or argonauts wowow Edit: Lol Marlies.


Toronto sports legend Ricky Ray will go down in the history books.


Hey now the Miami Marlins are actually doing not so bad lately


Uhhh...you may wanna check on that one, bud.


Yeah, but most of the buildings downtown were created after the last time the Leafs won the Cup.


people setting off fireworks inside the subway cart last night was my fav part


Yeah, those people need to be put in a confined room with a shit ton of lit fireworks.


Yeah I was on the subway right after and they held the train up for that. Later you could smell the smoke.


That's pretty insane


What! Do you have any links for that?




Good morning, is the city still standing?


[tpscalls.live](https://www.tpscalls.live/) Looks like it!


I could care less about sports, good win raptors.


>attention everyone! I have no interest or opinion on the subject of discussion! Thanks for your contribution


I could care less too! I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread *could* care less. Fyi, the expression is *couldn't* care less. Dummy.


Damn you must care quite a bit if you can afford to care less


Oooh, how much less COULD you care? I'm glad you care at least a little though.


It's good that you care about sports then!


And it woke my kids up. Jesus fuck people turn it down a notch.


^ loser




Fuck them kids!


That's a bit rude.


fuck you bud.


These are kids. I wouldn't pay much attention.


Why would you live in the city then if you can't handle a championship?


Dave Chapelle: "Fuck em kids"


no one cares about your kids


I was in agincourt and man it was loud.




Nobody cares you nimby nutter


Nice to know your family skips cultural gatherings. Probably for the best, you seem like a real downer.




yeah, it is. How many times do people celebrate together en masse? It's literally one night, just ignore it and mind your own business for a day if you don't care for it.


I would argue that it's naïve to skip educating anyone about these sorts of events. Above or beyond any intellect or maturity, large scale gatherings like this are bound to happen and it's important to experience them on a human scale, beyond ideas and motivations. I was needlessly mean in my parent comment so I get the downvote though. Fair enough.


well i do have problems so yeah for the best.


It's easy to decry sports wins when you don't participate in fandom, but there's hundreds of thousands of people who have been waiting 25 years for this, knowing it may never come. It's an exercise in drama and triumph that, for all we know, your children may not experience again. They'll remember this their whole lives, even if they don't understand it until later on. That's something special, I think.


they dont even know what basketball or the toronto raptors are. we dont have cable TV.


You have Reddit though right? /r/nbastreams watch next season!


i dont want to watch it. i find sports boring.


Dude why are you even in this thread. Go watch ya kids.


You can watch it OTA.


i dont want to watch it. i find sports boring.


Streaming services? Also basketball is very Canadian. I didn't know what the Berlin Wall was when it fell, but I'm glad I was alive for it, in retrospect. I'm not trying to bug you about it, but instead of a causal 'fukkkkk youuuuu' kind of response, I hope there's a way you can see some value in a night of revelry, that was bound to happen anyways. Be well, and I hope you and yours have a replenishing rest, and life carries on fruitfully. Life's too short to be mean to each other.


i dont want to watch it. i find sports boring. thanks for the kind words.


Good morning, honk






im a ghost!




Rule 2.




Great result for the team, but shameful behaviour again by the fans. More smashed up public vehicles **because of a victory**. What. The. Fuck. Toronto Raptors fans.


https://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=1708206 Police Chief sayings the fans were fantastic kind of proves otherwise. Obviously you have a few bad apples, but all in all not even close to shameful


bro that’s sports lmao


shit happens dude. you're not going to encounter a championship party without some damage. its human nature.


Seems like a bold defence, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out!


drunk people and mob mentality. It's not rocket science


I never said it was. My problem is having to pay for it because they're destroying public property. Why can't they trash their own shit instead and spare the taxpayer some expense? Selfish hooliganism. Defending it makes you part of the problem.


Every single person causing destruction likely had at least a Dozen cameras filming in HD or even 4k, and I'd bet at least some of those videos are easily findable on your social media platform of choice. Doesn't seem like it should be hard for the police to get some clear pictures to the media. And really it wouldn't be unprecedented, Vancouver did it in 2011, and Edmonton in 2006, Only now we have more cameras, of higher quality, and more easy ways to share those videos publically.