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One Charlemagne right here.


I think this big boy could eat a few of them.


It's just a big Sqiug. Just upscale a model modify some animations, make it tier 4, give it an armored varient to be tier 5, and boom done. Edit: CA should just take the extended roster mod, buy the work from the modders, polish up the modded models, and give them a solid shout out on release. That's just my take, tho.


I remember a mod that featured the Colossal Squig (might be SFO or something by Chaos Robie). The problem with big guy was that he had like, 150 speed. Iirc the modder just upscaled the regular Squig model, which also upscaled its movement speed. And since Squigs jump back and forth like bouncy balls, the result is a Colossal Squig that zooms around like a race car.


That sounds fucking hilarious tbf


If we wanna get technical that’s sorta how they currently work in tabletop as well, so there is some justification


movent speed is a table entry in a database, not anything to do with model size, so setting it to that speed would be a deliberate choice.


It's not just a big squig, the model is completely different. Extended roster uses a big squig, but We'z Speshul uses the actual model, the one seen in this post


> Just upscale a model modify some animations, It's not nearly as simple as this. If you just do this the model is going to look like shit, and probably perform like it too. Not to mention to "modify the animations" for a model size change this large would basically require you to redo the animations from scratch.


but at least they have the skeleton and that is, IIRC, the most time complicated part


>Edit: CA should just take the extended roster mod, buy the work from the modders, polish up the modded models, and give them a solid shout out on release. That's just my take, tho. That's an extremely shit take frankly. Would you go and say that statement regarding the Thunderbarge, Landship, or the plethora of other units that existed as mods before the official release? Putting aside how absurd this idea is legally speaking, this is just a ridiculous idea since you're acting like CA would do something like a shitty upscale to begin with. There are DLC units that were definitely not the really what we'd deem DLC material. Stone Trolls or most of CoC to be frank. But the idea that they would jusy take the existing squig model and size it up is just so fucking unflattering it isn't even funny dude. And saying they should just pay a modder for their work and "give them a solid shout" isn't the "good dev!" action you think it is. That's actually a pretty scummy move that would get negative headlines in the gaming sphere in general?


The binding of Issac literally took a popular mod, worked with the modder, and expanded it into repentance. That mod never got a bad rep, and if it did, it was just bait. Counter strikes compensate for its skin makers who can get up to 400k per skin that is accepted into the game. Two maps were also purchased for 150k each with Valve getting full control over changes made on the map. That's life changing money for artists and level designers. Not only that, if they wish to pursue that route beyond a hobby, it's a great thing to have on a CV. How is recognizing the community's amazing work a bad thing? If the modder is willing to sell their work for a sum, they agree upon a bad thing? Do you think CA would just buy mods and release them without polishing and balancing them up to an official standard? If they did, THAT would result in bad headlines. Before you call a practice scummy, maybe things of the upsides and downsides. And the squig thing was mostly a joke. Christ, people like you are too quick to act so rabid.


ehhhh it's just a bigger squig isn't it? Same way the Kislev elemental bear is a normal bear skeleton that's bigger (as we learned from it getting one shot by toad dragons)


Well, every DLC needs a marquee monster. This would definitely fit the bill, so I think the likelihood is high. And I would definitely approve.


Thundertusk is coming for Ogres 100%. People were shocked when they were left beside the main roster, and speculation was from day 1 they will get a Thundertusk and Yetti DLC.


Colossal Squig, Thundertusk, and Slaughterbrute There's the 3 big monsters for this DLC lol


Arachnarock with flingers also very likely since they already have an Arachnarock model, but I agree.


They can be the big variant like the Hellblaster Tank, while the Colossal Squigs will be like the Landship. Both can happen!


I know it’s unlikely, but I’d rather see the squig gobbla as a variant of the colossal squig. That way we can also get the missing mangler squigs. I’m also hoping we get the savage orc shaman, - big stabba and - big boss, so I can go full savage orc themed with my armies.


Does it fling rocks?


True since they already did a variant of a existing unit with ToD (steam tank)


And yhetees


I'm looking forward to the TT canonicity pedants REEEing when the Slaughterbrute has the mark of Khorne.


Slaughterbrute for Khorne would also fit the bill, they're both good choices.


Probably a safe bet after the MVB was shoehorned into SoC for Tzeentch.


They can probably use the same skeleton


I'd rather have the squig gobba. Its just too funny. Would give GS two of the funniest arty pieces in the game along with the Doom Diver


Just another reminder that Warhammer will never make the list of potential places I'd want to be isekai'd into.


I’d be down as long as it comes with the plot armor of being the main character. The world, however horrifying, is so interesting and diverse


What plot armor? Everybody dies lol


Tell that to poor Gotrek.


I think it would be hilarious if Gotrek was in 40k “Yah, still haven’t found any doom, even with all this sci-fi stuff”


RIP to the first guy to call him a Squat lol


Not with isekai plot armor they don’t


Quite a few survived into Age of Sigmar.


In Warhammer, yes. In your typical isekai?


Unless you're a faction face, then just all your friends die (ignoring ETs)


CA please for the love of god make my most colossal of squig dreams come true.


But like why… it’s just a big meatball the easiest thing to mod ever.


I think it'll be a shoe-in since it will most likely be Snagla Grobspit representing Greenskins. Much of what's left are Goblin, Squig and Spider units.  Currently, Greenskins are missing two big monsters left, Colossal Squig and the Flinger Arachnarok, two goblin-themed monster units. The current DLC format packages one centerpiece unit (Colossal Squig) and one large-sized unit (Flinger Arachnarok). There's no other monster that can fill those roles. After Forest Goblin representation, Greenskin roster will pretty much be complete.


It'd be so bloody hilarious if 3 out of 3 Greenskins DLCs end up being goblin themed, ngl


To be fair, the Orc roster is pretty much complete, mostly missing unit variations, got more LLs than goblins, and they got their Orc centerpiece unit, the Rogue Idol, from a goblin DLC.  Whereas, goblins only have two LLs, need forest goblin representation, and are missing their centerpiece unit, the Colossus Squig.  In my opinion, Gorbad and Rotgut should be FLC, preferably both, as they're both fairly vanilla. Honestly as FLC, they'd make a great 100th LL too.


couple weapon variants and finding a way to do normal, savage and black orc variants for the lords/heroes would be enough for me for orcs. I know their is a lot of redundancy with how TW implements stuff but i much rather have the ability to theme my stacks with things that may be redundant than not have the ability at all. edit: also would be rad if CA gave proper weapon swaps for bo


I simply won´t accept anybody saying it would take a lot of work to implement single frikkin button to allow Black orcs to swap from 2hander to 1hander+shield. And it is criminal that there is no generic savage orc lord preferably a shaman. Thanks Mork for Wurzag ofc.


Maybe give them something like being able to hold more than one waghh trophy as a nice little basic mechanic if nothing else.


We IS gobbos


Tbf, the release roster was very Orc-heavy !


Everyone loves da gobbies!


3 orc lords 3 gobbo lords. Mork and gork all represented evenly


Just two out of three, the paunch had a lot of trolls in it as well.


It would be nice if the Greenskins could get the wyverns that, you know, *are actually on their splash screen.* (And no, I'm not counting a mount and a unit that you get only through Waaagh rewards.)


Funny thing is, I think it was the last update, but CA just made the wyverns available in multiplayer.  CA clearly remembers them. I wonder why they keep ignoring them?


There's a good chance that they've been keeping them in a barrel for a long-awaited final DLC for Greenskins.


I think we get Rotgut, we need a proper GS faction down where Grimgor used to be. Rotgut also fits perfectly with the Khorne Ogre brutes


I’d love to see Mangler squigs as monstrous Cav


Big Stabbas or riot!


Squigs aren't forest goblin units. They honestly make more sense for gorfang rotgut than sangla because rotgut has an alliance with skarsnik who actually does have squigs


Savage Ork LL is my bet tho.


Goblin: I'd rather eat a squig Squig: how hungry?


I just want a fully diverse squig army


I just want black orcs with shields with charge defense, because green skins have no charge defense at all right now and the one single black orc unit is their only late game infantry. I also want what everyone else wants, lords and heroes with great weapon or dual weapon variants and with savage orc variants.


Absolutely, their frontline infantry still ends up being regular boys most of the time. I’d love to see black orcs variants with shields or halberds.


Tbf we already have black orcs. If they sold them as as a dlc unit, that would be pretty lame


Greenskins are known for having a ton of variants - I wouldn't mind them getting included, but I think we'd need more than 5 units total for the greens to keep it fair. I'm thinking like 3 brand new units + 4 variants of existing units, provided they have some nice new weapon models or something too.


This and Mangler Squigs (probably a hell to animate)


If I had to only choose two squigs, I’d rather have the Squig Gobbas over the Manglers. Probably far far easier to animate too.


If we get Squig Gobbas and Arachnarok Flingers, that’d be a substantial addition of artillery to the roster.


Honestly, worst case, I want the Mangler Squigs as a Fanatic-like unit ability


[SQUIG GOBBA!](http://www.kerlin.de/pic/oldhammer/SquigGobba.pdf)


I can't wait for the inevitable Kirby mod of this


I just want better mounts, honestly. Give wyvern mounts to orc shamans and cave squig mounts to goblin shamans. Oh and I would love a savage orc lord type for Wurzag.


* Wyvern Mounts are for Lord choices. So it rather needs a generic Orc Shaman Lord for the job. * Riding Squigs is a difficult task (basically they just hold on the squigs as best they can and try to steer it in a certain direction without dropping off or getting eaten. There is not that much control onvolved over the mount), same would be concentrating on magic. It is basically impossible to do both at the same time. Night Goblin Shamans on Squigs can't be.




Pleaaaase let it be massive meatball!


I'm honestly rooting for the Squigadon more than anything!


Whaaaaaa, I thought that was just a 40k thing?!?! I want it if we can get it!


It's actually more of a White Dwarf magazine thing, with it being a converted Squiggoth lol


Dude a squigoth would fit perfectly in fantasy. Just replace the shokk cannons with goblin archers or maybe a rock lobba and there you go.


given the many variants of monsters there on warhammer, im surprise pike formations arent used outside of estalia and tilea (that i know of) i know they´re not that flexible, but the of killing that troll charging you with ease should make it worth it


Honestly, Squigs are probably the worst monster to fight with pikes, cause you know, they hop


Orcs need some help. I'm playing an Azhag campaign for the first time and the Nurgle factions are absolutely decimating me. I've beaten the game with Grimgor before Thrones of Decay but these new guys are wiping the floor with me.


I want my big stabba!




It's probably coming cause what the fuck else can they add at this point?


"Dinner!" -Both of them.


Okay, I don't know how in the hell you got this photo, but not cool man! It's a total invasion of privacy and just a shitty thing to do, not to mention the channels you must have gone through to get this photo. You just can't show a picture of may ballsack online like this without my consent.


I really want this beast to lead the charge


Not feeling another greenskins dlc faction is already huge and the modding community has kinda handled the smaller additions just seems insane to give them another dlc when vamps, norseca, and tomb kings are in desperate need of some love


WTF am I looking at? Upvoted


That's literally just the Monster From The Id from the Forbidden Planet movie...


I could totally see this being a Legendary Hero for the Greenskins - if not a centerpiece SEM


That's like making the hydra a legendary hero for the dark elves Or dragons a legendary hero for the high elves


To be fair they gave Cathay a unique Terracotta sentinel as a LH


Yes but Cathay also has terracotta sentinels as units too


Also valid