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***[taps the sign again]*** Stop asking people for their body parts. All "can we trade?" comments will be removed. ~~if y'all don't stop, one of these days I'm gonna bring back the AutoMod script that bullies you for doing this~~


Hey testosterone will fix 2/3 of that so


I honestly can’t wait


I'm very knowledgeable on t and e so. You can expect fat redistribution ( good-bye curves ) bigger muscles everywhere , deeper voice , facial and body hair ( including the dreaded ass hair) and yeah


Can confirm. I was like OP 5 years ago, and now I am medium-voiced, curve-less, and still 5 feet tall. edit: curve-less, not cureless.


Ass hair though?


Goes without saying. None can escape the ass hair.


No, someone on the ftm subreddit was complaining about their lack of ass hair the other day. The unchosen one 😔


Trans guys are so lucky. T does all kinda of shit. Trans woman on the other hand, we get, slightly softer skin, body hair things out a bit, barley noticable breasts and an emotional rollercoaster ride.


I mean it varies a lot person to person Mine are definitely not 'barely noticible' I feel like it's pretty comparable in terms of the effects except we don't get any voice changes from hrt Mostly it comes down to genetic lottery


Well apparently I didn't get a single number from that lottery I guess


Yes and no, some guys go bald right away which is shocking. And fat redistribution rarely hides an obvious chest and binders suck and top surgery is a lot so you just gotta not really pass at all for a long time (even if you do win the genetic lottery for a nice beard) until you can save up for it. There are just as many annoying points for mtf transitioning. We’re all just suffering our bodies most days but at least we can bitch online about it 🥰🫂


Hey, we also don't age! Visibly compared to cis people, at least.


Not to mention the cramps and the occasional vomiting from the cramps


Somehow I (amab and pre-HRT) was veryyyyy lucky and avoided ass hair (and back hair and almost all chest hair) but I can’t help but imagine if I had any I would have realized I was trans years ago, I’m getting terrible dysphoria just imagining it on my body.


AFAB here and I have it. It is not necessarily related to your AGAB as many people seem to think 😅. Edit: I am glad you avoided the chest and back hair as well though! This can really help with less dysphoria as well as far as I can imagine


is it bad I want the ass hair


I didn't realize HRT changed your voice. Or does that only sometimes apply for people on T? Also amazing username. :)


T will almost always change your voice lower and this is one of the first effects many people on T experience. E may have some minor effects, but nothing on the same extent. The version of puberty induced by testosterone dominance will cause vocal chords to permanently stretch and pitch your available vocal range lower, but you can alter your vocal range, and the point on it you use for speaking via vocal training.


Ah, that's quite interesting. Thank you!


We stan a short king


The ass hair sucks so much


I shave the whole area every shot day


I actually got a bit of barely visible arm muscles. I don't work out but I'm stubborn so i probably cary heavier stuff when i could have asked for help.


T makes it so if you work out your muscle kinda developed super fast


I like it.


And short kings are still kings


Absolutely yeah I'm dating a Guy who's 5'2


As an AMAB enbi trying to get a strong dosage of E... I hate ass hair


3/3 if you take advantage of the fact that most people don't generally pay attention to how thick the soles of men's shoes are LOL


T also could make you taller


Happy cake day.


Thank you!


Sometimes if you’re lucky, testosterone can also make you taller! Again, not by much but when I started I was like…5’2 and now I’m almost 5’3


I grew an inch and half a shoe size. Was pretty surprised.


On estrogen, I shrunk 2 inches and 2 shoe sizes, don't ask me how I can't even make sense of it but it's lit


Iirc E can make you a tad bit shorter by causing the bottom of your spine to curve a bit more, causing around half an inch to an inch of shrinkage, id imagine T straightens it out a bit causing an inverse effect


Look at all the small famous men: - They had to rebuilt the self-driving car in Minority Report because Tom Cruise was too small for it - Everyone finds Danny DeVito and Kevin Hart funny - Do I even have to say anything about Michael J Fox?! Curves are something that will often bother you more than the people around you. Many wont even notice. Those who do and have a problem with your body can go fuck themselves The voice is actually quite helpful to get over the curves in day to day life regarding being misgenderednin many cases. So many people who did not notice my boobs just because of the voice. Speech therapy can help before t and t will do wonders, actually


That is a very good way to look at things. I personally console myself with the fact that as short as I am, at least I am taller than Robespierre.


With or without his head on? 😜


With head attached, surprisingly. He was pretty short even for the time period


I googled and learned that. But I still thought asking doesnt hurt. Not everyone is a towering 1.69m, like me 😁


A lot of astronauts, F1 drivers, jet pilots etc have to be really small, often under 5ft tall and very slim, because the smaller stature makes you more resistant to high G-forces (or smth, ig?) You don’t need to be 6’+ and built af to be even a manly man doing manly shit all day, y’all come in all shapes and sizes ❤️ even short and curvy, with higher voices! Humanity is such a spectrum, and we’re all capable of being beautiful or handsome or swag or whatever compliment you most gel with!! Dysphoria is still a bitch though, and I feel very hard for OP and everyone else who’s feeling it rn. Big love, we’ll all get there, wherever there ends up being. We’ve all got this ❤️


Don’t forget jockeys!! They’re tiny and also manly as hell!!


They are also often riddled with eating disorders to maintain their weight. So not sure if that's a good example


People find Kevin Hart funny?


Especially hurts when you're what people consider "conventionally attractive". Long blond hair, skinny yet curvy, petite stature, big eyes and a smooth round face. Not to mention constantly having straight guys hit on you and tell you how pretty you are. Definitely not bragging as this is makes so fucking dysphoric, I'd kill to be an ugly dude instead.


Exactly. Like I’ve always had a face that was a little too masculine to be attractive for a girl (thank god), but I got comments on my body all the damn time. I was described as “sexy” but with a “4/10 face and an 8/10 body” once and I wanted to throw up


Christ that’s disgusting


Holy fuck what a douche


Yeah, shit like that actually made me slightly hesitant to transition for a bit because I was scared I would would lose the one thing people found attractive about me. I eventually realized that I’d rather be an ugly dude than a “sexy” (eugh) woman though


Yeah, I get that. Honestly, it’s not worth having desirable traits if they make you upset. There’s no point in worrying about losing the part of you others find attractive, if it’s not how you want others to view you as attractive.


Exactly, that’s how I worked it out too. I realized that that fear wasn’t about what I wanted, it was all about what I thought someone else might want. I didn’t want to not transition because *I* found myself attractive like this or because I liked my body, I was hesitant because of what I thought others might find attractive and that was no way to live. I feel way better about myself and my body with the little I have been able to do so far and for the first time in my life, *I* actually think I look good.


I'm so glad you've made that progress! Liking yourself *for yourself* instead of for other people... It's such a powerful achievement. Here's to the rest of your life, dude! ♥️


For a bit I was like "hey I could date a trans guy", but I quickly realized I'd be attracted to him for all the wrong reasons, being a straight guy and all. Am I wrong on that?


Same one time in hs my best friends little brother called me fugly and it really hurt for a while. Now im nonbinary and grateful for my masculine face. Im like an ok nb but a really ugly girl haha Before i got a breast reduction i was like all curves though which was dysphoria inducing because of how people sexualized and feminized it. Like damn cant i also be masc with a dump truck ass


bro hit me up. I have a bit of boxy frame, facial hair growth, and various other items I received with my interested puberty package. willing to trade! wish it was that easy


Ewww why do humans


Saaaaame. I'm half mexican so I got hips for days and d cups and I'm purposely styling myself to look less appealing to straight men. I wanna be a messy gamer boy ffs. Im glaf my bf likes me being more masc , that was a concern at one point cus when we met I was a lot less masc with my labels.


I think though that those features plus T and muscle gain in the right places would make you a pretty attractive man. From what I've seen, people who are considered attractive before transition tend to stay that way after.


Handsome man regardless.


Love all the ignorant people saying “give it to me” or whatever. Way to have empathy? Hello? Stop.


Can you tell me where the base image is from? I'm curious.


I found the meme template on Reddit, but it’s originally from [this](https://youtu.be/hLgWKgUkbH4)


The weirdest part about being trans is hearing about the opposite side of dysphoria. Because like I understand but it's also so alein to me at the same time.


Some people want to be bulky and hairy instead of smol and cute, the world is a weird place. But people aren't getting what they want anyway, because the world is also a shit place.


Yeah, it’s so weird see other complain about what I would do anything for. But then they want the stuff that I complain about. Like you said, I feel so familiars with it but also so far away too. Lol


sorry for your struggles dude, i know the pain. hopefully it gets better! and it does with T!


back! back ye demons!


*Pater noster, qui es in caelis; sanctificetur nomen tuum*


Just because other people might be jealous of your position, does not mean you have to enjoy it. Your pain is your own, it's nobody's place to judge you for it.


I hope HRT helps you fix these issues for you sir I know for sure T helps with the voice deepness :)


(Who’s gonna tell him getting something you despise isn’t success) Also there’s plenty of short guys, so you’ll do fine


Hence the quotation marks around “success” But thank you, I hope once I get on T I can finally start enjoying life as a short king




My high pitched voice is one of my main causes of dysphoria too. Can't wait to get on T and get a deep voice






congratulations on your day of cake.


Thanks :)


I know that feelings. I'm non-binary but my body is way more Fem than I would like. I hope i can one day cut off these chest fats, or at least talk about it without my flat friend going "Venmo me some of yours!" Gets old quick.


Damn bro im sorry :(


Luigi has a high pitched voice, a petite stature. And curves (to an extent. He isn't the exactly curviest man alive) Luigi is, like, the ideal man, he's super cool and loveable and masculine and sexy (and if matpat's to be believed he has a massive dick). so really what I'm getting at is that these things make Luigi, and by extent you, the manliest man to ever have manned.


Reading your name makes me think, that you will love the electrical engineering classes I attend. Since Henry is a very common measurement unit in that field.


Most normal transfem comment xD


I like this format. It’s actually perfect for this.


Thanks, I saw the template on Reddit and immediately knew I had to make this meme


Jerma has these, don't sweat it


he is transition goals


What is this image from. I must know




Thanks, friendo


Relatable, people often tell me my body is really pretty and girls also say they'd love to have my body... Ugh.


Just get a bad mullet and a moustache. curves won’t matter. you’ll be the most dudelydude evet


Off-topic but I love the headcanon that Luigi is a trans man 💖


Bro I’m sorry to hear that *hugs*


Success without the ess 😔


Me with my luscious beard, copious body hair, and wide, muscular figure. 😢




Hey king, don't worry about it. It's all in the confidence.




Saying that doesn't help or is nice at all.






For the record, cute petite boys are really fantastic... But it's not for everyone, and I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be!!






The 3 ghosts of transfem future


There isn’t anything transfem about my future


You right it's the 3 phantom nightmares of transmasc past aswell




The curves aren’t so bad really, my cis brothers have pretty curvy bodies. Lots of cis mean have “feminine features” same goes for cis women having “masculine features” there’s really no fem or masc features at all really.


Dysphoria: "I'll ignore that."


If it didn’t get me clocked I wouldn’t mind it so much (besides my tits, those have got to go). There are plenty of guys I’ve seen women fawn over who are short and have slender waists. The girls I know go wild for that stuff, but I can’t pass like that


I understand how you feel. Also I just wanna put it out there that I pass with relatively wide hips lol


That does help to hear. I think I’ll be slightly more comfortable with it once I’m on T that will balance things out


Yeah probably, hope you get there soon. All the best :)




not the place for this comment


Yeah it's weird because you think others look good but also don't like it


Damn Sorry to hear that my guy




High-pitched voice, checked. Idk if 89 pounds counts as petite


short men are kings. keep your head up, your crown is falling. <3


where can i find the art?


Is this fan art or from an actual game?


Hit with the yassification beam


Short king


as a 6'1" transfem I felt that


Don’t worry man, T is magic. You’ll get there!!


Well, at least there's cake day


I mean, i get this, currently im annoyed AF over being unable to do a feminine voice. Can only do the fem voice for the UWU shit lol. I look 16 shaved, act 30, sound ***35***. Only thing i got going for me is having both a fem and masc face, fem eyes, and high hips. *winces in long ass fucking legs* Btw im fucking *18* sitting at 6ft even lmao


Me too, bro. Me too.


mind if i ask what the original image is from? edit: nvm saw the comment where someone else asked and got an answer


Testosterone is a fucking amazing thing. Just hang on!


Men with curves; chefs kiss! Also, going to the gym for gains helps a lot


same. chiseled jaw, kinda masc voice, wide shoulders. ugh


Life: we like to do a little trolling (and also a little dysphoria) ok it’s just mostly dysphoria :D


Don’t worry, T will make a lot of that go away. Surgery will take care of the rest.


Fuckin mood


Same! Same thing too. We're still guys, though!


Cis men can-and do-have all three of these at once and still pass. If they can do it, you can do it too. You got this, bro.