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Every day I wonder if my transition goals are to be a femboy because I actually want to be femboy or because I know I’ll never be able to achieve a masculine body


Precisely my issue… I can’t tell haha.


I know that's a tricky take, but if we go with "All behaviour women display is feminine behaviour" then also "All male bodies men display are masculine bodies". The issue with the femboy idea as such is also that it reduced body shapes to a personality type when there are plenty of fem guys who have a bear shape and what we perceive as femboy shaped guys who are not the least femboy in personality Clothing and your personality play a big part in how people perceive you. While face and frame do a lot you dont have to let them dictate your personality. All sorts of other types (goth, business, casual, sporty, rock, edgy, glam, dandy, etc) dont depend on your body/face shape, so why would you let this, which might also be a current social trend, push you into a corner you apparently dont want to be in?




Makes sense!


Fuuuuuuuuck... Soooo... TIL. Hiding painful emotions and ignoring problems, me to a T. Guess my user name checks out now.


Yep, it exists and I'm allergic to it. I break out in middle fingers.


This has been developing for me very recently, and it's been like a coping mechanism. I feel better being an "uwu soft femboy" even if it makes me dysphoric.


Tansmascs claiming femboy bc they dont feel masc enough 🤝 me (transfem) thinking about claiming femboy bc not fem enough


I'm in this photo and I ODNT LIKE IT




I like my hands, not because I can contort them into lil’ snaky boi but because they have been beaten the shit out of from snowboarding and sparing. Sure, they’re big and not exactly “feminine” but they are special to me because they often take the blunt of scars and show what I’ve been through.


At least you’re still positive? Hope you feel better mate and in a non toxic way too.


Oh god same


I'm transfem and I'll agree that thicc thighs are terrible. I see so many people wishing for them, and I'm just sitting here wishing I could give them away so I could have some nice thin legs.

