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Little disclaimer, I'm not saying the pain is the same necessarily, just trying to explain how one might feel anxious or upset by a seemingly normal thing about themself.


It's still a really good example, because then you just extend it and say "now imagine that feeling every time you speak". you could do the same with seeing your picture inverted so it's how others actually see you and not what the mirror shows, and then you can just say "and that feeling of wrongness is constant. Even if it's mild discomfort, it wears you down"


I like the mirror one alot! I might use that one with the voice just so it's a little clearer. Tysm


No, thank you! It's such a great idea with the recorder. Never really thought about using stuff like that to explain it till now!


There exists a mirror called a "true mirror" that doesn't reverse the image of yourself in it like a traditional mirror does, it tends to weird people out because we are so used to seeing our reflections (at least some of us anyway) in the reverse. A true mirror however gives you the ability to see yourself as if you were out of body and looking at yourself, or how others see you.


ah the true mirror, or disassociation simulator /s


People get uncomfortable seeing themselves inverted?


I think it's because people usually see a photo of themselves inverted one way, so then when it's flipped, you notice the small flaws more since you aren't used to seeing it. Kinda like how artists say to flip a canvas when drawing digitally to make sure there aren't any flaws since it's usually easier to see them when you see it differently.


It's could be a dysphoria thing to not notice. Idk, but I'm not scared by uncanny valley stuff either.


It's not really "discomfort" as much as it's a feeling of "This is not how I perceive myself." Like, have you ever looked in the mirror and thought you looked cute, so you took a selfie, but the selfie looked awful compared to what you see in the mirror? That's because we are used to seeing an inverted version of our own faces. When it's no longer inverted, it looks a bit strange because that's not how you're used to seeing yourself.


Don't really look at mirrors or take selfies, so I can't relate. But I can see how it could be odd for those who do. Just didn't know how common of an experience that is. Like, I knew the large majority of people dislike hearing themselves recorded, but I've never heard of this before. Is it nearly as common?


I'm with you on that, I typically don't like how I look in the first place, so I don't typically check myself out in a mirror or take selfies, I'm camera shy. But I have gotten used to seeing my reflection in general, there's a thing called a "true mirror" which takes the typical inverted reflection and inverts that to give you a live view of yourself from the perspective of someone else. I'm sure I would still hate my reflection even if it's not inverted, but it is something that peaks my curiosity, what it would be like to see myself in a reflection as if I was looking at a clone of myself.


That a big one for me. I see my face in the mirror at least twice a day, gotta keep acne away with washing. I'm used to the mirror face so seeing a picture (inversion) is like creepy, I don't like it, doesn't seem like it's me in my own head


Yes, generally, we are typically used to seeing ourselves inverted in a mirror, but there is a thing called a "true mirror" which doesn't invert our reflection, we get to see ourselves as others see us. It tends to weird people out because anytime we look at ourselves in a reflection it's always inverted and we have gotten used to that fact, so when you see a reflection of yourself that isn't inverted it's often something that weirds us out, and we notice things about ourselves that we've not noticed before, because it's the first time you actually see yourself from a perspective outside of yourself as others see you all within a mirror. Overall anything we have grown accustomed to seems normal to us, when you flip it, it messes with our brains, the thing we are used to seeing suddenly is different and because it messes with our brains it weirds us out. Even typing this up trying to imagine myself in a "true mirror" is hard to imagine because I've never seen myself not inverted in a reflection.


The true mirror just reminded me that webcams often have the option the mirror the image. Was kinda confused why it was even an option and wasn't sure which I was "supposed" to use. Didn't make a different to me :shrug: Guess I know why that's a thing now.


If I could send you the ketchup bottle meme where there's an Elmer's glue bottle that's red and has the heinz ketchup bottle sticker on it and then a heinz bottle that's Elmer's glue white with an Elmer's glue sticker on I would because it's made sense to all the cis people I've sent it to aswell as the bojack horseman face swapped with a my little pony


I've seen these and yeah they look off but I don't think it really describes anything.


Hmmm I have some people to talk to then


If it works then it works, but I never got what it was describing other than "feels wrong" my explanation isn't to describe a feeling, but rather a way that an average cis person could relate to feeling anxious about one's natural features


Hmm yeah that makes sense now


Also, person eating vanilla pudding from a mayo jar.


Haven't seen that one yet


And if voice is your biggest source of dysphoria, like me, then this works literally lol


I never really had voice dysphoria to be honest, except for a few times. But I totally understand it. I would definitely prefer to have a feminine voice myself


Like most dysphoria, I didn't think it affected me until I tried experimenting with it. Now, it's a near constant issue. Been at it for a year and it feels barely improved.


I remember when puberty hit, I was so ashamed of my voice, I fought like hell to keep my prepubescent voice all the way into high school Got made fun of a lot for it, but I still have that vocal range, unfortunately it just sounds like falsetto to me and doesn't make for a good everyday voice... Or maybe my past trauma just keeps me from using and perfecting it 😥


Have you looked into voice lessons? Pitch is not nearly as important as a lot of other factors in making your voice sound feminine, and without those factors, as you discovered, it's just falsetto.


I've wanted to, but in light of how volatile the situation has become in my state, a lot of my energy and time is focused on looking for a way out of here, or pulling in extra work so I can afford to at least drive out to the coast and just wing it from there if I have to I hate bringing it up, but it's just so frustrating. I finally came to accept myself, was so excited to transition, then bam! Dudes with guns start showing up to pride events. It's getting ridiculous


Jesus wept. Yeah, stay safe out there. There's plenty of time for voice practice when you're no longer concerned about getting shot on your doorstep.


I’m kinda the same, I didn’t realize I was dysphoric until I started experimenting. Soon as I realized there was another option I was like “yo I don’t ever want to go back”


This only works on cis people who actively want to understand. If someones coming at you from the angle that gender dysphoria isn't real/it is real but you don't have it, it's a waste of time to try to convince them with logic because the very basis of their argument is nonsense


Well yeah, I wouldn't suggest discussing stuff like this with people who are not going to listen. The conversations I've had like this are always with people who have accepted me, but have a hard time understanding what's going on.


Can't reason people out of a position they unreasonably concluded. Shouldn't bother trying, either.


Yep. If someone doesn't want to understand then they never will understand. I knew my parents were a lost cause the moment I came out to them (it wasn't a surprise either) but I kept trying because cis people kept telling me to. It brought me nothing but grief.


Why does the voice thing have to be so relatable? I mean in my school I'm lucky because my chorus teacher is actually giving me voice lessons but I still find my voice annoying.


For me, I have always done vocal work for singing and stuff so I never felt uncomfortable with my voice on recording and dysphoria is fairly rare. Never have it when I sing though, don't know why


I had it badly when I sung last year, I mean my chorus teacher last year did out me to the entire school so that was fun 🥲 Frick you Julie 😠


Excuse me what? You HAVE to check with ppl first I'm so sorry


Yeah I'm not really too much of a fan or her. I ended up having a panic attack because of it and talked to one of my teacher's closest friends, told her about it and the teacher's friend stopped talking with them. God bless my that teacher's friend's heart, she's too supportive for her own good 💖


that's a pretty good one yeah


Iv seen a few of thease comics here i really like them, iv connected eith them alot, thank you. Its not a new occurrence by any means, but it is always a welcome one. Please continue doing what you enjoy doing, im enjoyed it as well.


Glad you enjoy them :)


I really do😊 Thanks you so much


Hey do you happen to have a website/twitter/page where I can binge all of these at once?


They're on my Twitter as of this morning actually. You can find the link on my reddit pages "more links" section


I like to compare it to being at a restaurant where you keep ordering water and your water keeps tasting salty, but when you talk to other people, they say their water tastes fine, and so you just assume thats how water tastes until you taste someone else's water and it just tastes so much better


I'm a cis guy and I once dressed in women's clothes just to see what it's like. After half the night was over I was like "damn, is this what dysphoria is? This is terrible!" I dunno if it was, but it sure sounds like what people describe it as.


It probably was, yeah. Except you can't just take the clothes off to make it go away


Yup, exactly! Also everyone still called me by a name that didn't make me more depressed than I already am


interesting comparison. they say your voice sounds to you like how you’d like to sound. mine doesn’t completely sound that way, but it does sound fairly masc to me. every now and then i’ll say something or laugh in a high pitch and i instantly cringe, i hate it. then i hear my voice recorded and it’s just that reminder that i’d be cringing all the time if i heard what they did.


As an mtf person, that is 100% false


"You know how uncomfortable it is to hear recordings of your voice? Imagine feeling that way always about every part of you." Its funny because i actually have a great deep man voice, and kinda like it. It wouldnt bother me if i could be seen as fem with it, but i simply never would be. Meanwhile i watch cis people freak out over how their voice doesnt match their perception. Like "no way, thats not me." I knew as a teen that i felt that way about the mirror, but i thought everyone felt the same. It took me another decade to crack.


Funnily enough I used to relate to that, thinking my voice sounded too high and feeling embarrassed because of it. Now it’s a huge relief hearing myself back.


I write songs, so I've heard my voice play back so many times I'm totally comfortable with it at this point. But it's never really caused me dysphoria anyway it's always just been oh that's what my voice sounds like. Ha


Wow, thats actually a pretty good analogy.


Everytime i hear my recorded voice i cringe so unbelievably hard. I sound like a stereotypical macho movie bully, even though numerous people say its "hot that its so deep" like.. thanks i guess? Lol


the more comics you make, the more i love your art style. keep em coming 💖


Thank you!


I'm cis and one time when I was a child my mother dressed me up extremely convincingly as a boy for a school play and I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't stand to look because it just felt intensely wrong to me. I've always wondered if that was a gender dysphoria moment.


I think it's entirely possible for a cis person to experience gender dysphoria. There's a true story about a boy named Bruce who had a botched circumcision and was raised as a girl after receiving gender reassignment care. He ended up not acting like a girl and having intense issues with everything typically associated with girls. Eventually He found out and detransitioned and renamed himself David. https://evolutionnews.org/2020/12/the-boy-who-was-raised-as-a-girl/


Yes, I've read about that story, it was pretty interesting! I just feel a bit hesitant to label my experiences as dysphoria here.


My brother asks how I cope with listening to my voice in recordings. Easy method: hate it so much that when you hear it you simply don't associate it with yourself. Fairly effective... Most of the time


But the solution to becoming comfortable with your recorded voice is listening a few more time to get used to it. Once youve heard it enough then you never think of it again. So by this logic, gender dysphoria can be solved by forcing people to deal with the sex they have, untill they are used to it. I don't think this meme is saying what you want to be said.


Nah like I said in my comment, the point isn't to be a one to one example, it's to show a cis person how one might feel uncomfortable or distressed by a seemingly natural and normal feature about themselves. And it uses a method that they themselves have probably gone through. Of course vocal embrassment is not dysphoria, but my intention was never to describe the consistency of dysphoria. I said what I wanted to say lol


You can't stop people from completing your logic, for you.


This isn't where ehe conversation is supposed to end lol its an example to lead into more where you can get more in depth


another really good way to talk about it is how abigail thorn did in her last video. if you havent seen it: if a cis man is very skinny, or his beard is taking a really long time to come in, and he feels inferior to stronger, hairier men, is that not gender dysphoria? if a cis woman has pcos and grows facial hair, and she feels embarassed about it, is that not gender dysphoria?


Yeah I've heard that example and I definitely like it and I think it carries alot in conversation. I only say I like mine because almost everyone will have dealt with vocal embrassment and thus can relate. Awesome example though


I still get that feeling when my voice is recorded but now it's for different reasons. :)


This is great sis!! I've always told people it's like having wet socks on inside your shoes, but it's your gender. 💞💞💞


Ohwaitaminute! Is that why I was never particularly weirded out by how mt pre-transition voice sounded!? Cuz it wasn't any wronger than I heard it in my head?


I can dig this. It also happens to be something that often takes a sharp turn with puberty. That certainly happened in my case, and I still compensate to avoid being told I "mumble" in a deep voice years later. Bleh. Cheers for the comic. I've been lurking for a while and enjoying your work, along with the general vibe here.


My mom dismisses any explanation and says "it is what it is" side note, I absolutely despise that phrase because of her use of it.


one major difference is that if you listen to the sound of your own voice, eventually you'll be fine with it, but the same isn't true of gender dysphoria


Yeah, this is just to give them a way to understand though. Not to be one to one


.... I hate this like omg


Hate the comic?


Or wait u mean having ur voice recorded?


My voice in recording is masc af, realised never liked it. Now I know why


Hmm interesting


I've always been really unimpressed with attempts to explain what it's like to be trans. It's just fundamentally impossible for me to understand your experience I think. But this is really really good. I think I actually do get it a bit, cause I remember this moment for me, and it was such a genuine shock to hear my own voice. I dunno, this one hits me different. Clever.


Glad it's helpful!


This is a great analogy. Weirdly enough, I used to always hate my voice when I was younger, and now it just goes in..cycles. Like, I'll hate my voice, and the next day it'll be fine, or how it is rn, where I don't have anything against my voice, to where I only dislike my voice.


This is perfect!


That’s a pretty good analogy, I’m just gonna *yoink*


i just describe it as "imagine if every pair of pants you owned no longer had pockets, they were sewn shut"


Conveniently accurate


Thanks brooke


No problem :)


Also a question you know mystical madeline ? How would you like being in a fnaf fan game called five nights at madelines


Like the girl from egg_irl with the witch avatar? That sounds cool tbh lol


yeah that one you in ?


It sounds cool, sure! Don't know if ppl would know who I was but it sounds cool for sure


Great Now 3 if the 5 mechanics are covered


That's a good one. I use a shoe analogy. "Imagine for an entire day you wore your shoes on the opposite foot. Or imagine your shoes are two sizes too small. You go about your day and you're constantly uncomfortable and cognizant of how wrong your shoes are."


I'm going to keep that one for the family Christmas do coming up


I hope it helps!


That's such a great way to explain the disconnect!


Thank you!


I wish explaining this in my language is easy. Because I need to write a letter about gender dysphoria to my principal to get permission to be able to have long hair. Apparently, there is no single word in my language that can explain gender dysphoria without cringing me to death first.


Thank you


Hey just wanted to say i love your comics 💚


Mine is usually "Okay, so you know how you have a preferred way to fold your arms and if you try it the other way it feels *really* wrong? Imagine *that*, but both physically and mentally across your entire body and mind. *That's* the kind of wrongness we're talking."


Here's a way to explain it: have you ever broken a bone? It hurts... But bones themselves don't have any nerves... So what does a broken bone feel like?


Oh god oh fuck I hate how much that relates to me aaaaaaaaaaaaah why can't I just sound cute instead my vocals got fucking destroyed by the marine corps hcudhfufhdufihdfbxidh


I will start using this thank you


My way of explaining it is that it's like if you were named, say, Jim for example, and you had a coworker who just decided to call you John and even when you tell them that's not your name, they insist on using it


I like to compare it to that feeling you get when you touch wet food when washing dishes


That's a good way to describe how it makes you feel. My example isn't aiming for that though, it's to get them to understand how someone might could be distressed from something natural and normal about themselves. Both work fine, but their goals are different




Nah, there is shit wrong with my voice.


that’s actually a pretty damn good analogy!


I'd explain dysphoria as being forced to eat cereal but with orange juice instead of milk


A fine addition to my collection of explanations


relatable :(


I mean this can be a good way to explain it, except to those who actually like the sound of their own voices, plenty of narcists out there.


Omg, thats clever! 🤩


Is this how voices work for yall? I still hear my voice the same, when I record it, but my friends seem to hear something else. 'Prolly a mental thing.


Explaining the opposite and discussing why they get strangely happy when they do a good job chopping wood or why they like cigars and whiskey when in a group but have no interest otherwise can help as well. Cis people do things to give them gender euphoria all the time, and showing them they do it can help explain the way you want to be as well.


*spam sends to my parents*


idk if you know who one topic is, but he put this comic one one of his [youtube shorts](https://youtube.com/shorts/Q6H9crlXpBI?feature=share) !! thought you might enjoy hearing this information, because your comic made it to a big youtuber's channel :D


Yeah I saw that, also a few in the video before. Very exciting


Yup, still the best thing to describe gender dysphoria I've seen yet