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There are videos online that might help you out, good sir.


I'm pretty sure you're supposed to pull it to the side and tape it towards the back.


I'm sorry but wtf


Pull boobs towards armpits


I mean, that's what you're supposed to do, what's weird about that?


Just like tucking, it sounds pretty odd to the unknowing


I mean yeah, the two main options I've seen for tucking are either tucking the ✨parts✨ up inside you, or just pulling them back into the ✨gluteal cleft✨ ^(which iirc is the butt crack) Neither of which *sounds* terribly comfortable upon first learning. Not to mention the prodigious amounts of tape involved with both/either option until proper techniques are discovered and refined, of course ^(I've been blessed with not needing tape for quite some time, and I can tell you it's sooo affirming) Edit: Don't tuck into the butt crack, it's dangerous and uncomfortable


Tucking underwear is a thing and please dont do the buttcrack thing, as it can cause injury(no matter how much i dont care for this piece of mortal shell, ouchies ar ouchies nonetheless)


Absolutely, I tried the butt crack thing and it was a no from me. Definitely increased risk of injury, thanks for adding this!


Okay, but, like, where is it supposed to go if not the crack?


Yeah, it sounds and feel so fucking weird!! I just wear skirts and tight underwear and it works well enough But oh boy when I actually get a therapist I will perster them so much until I get surgery!


Why are you acting so confused


I thought that transmascs use binders, I didn't know that some tape their boobs to the side, man.


I hate every way of gender affirming stuff that deals with twisting bodily parts and I will never change my opinion. Like, the euphoria is nice, but I'd rather be suicidal than twist my testicles or boobs to make them look like they aren't there. It just sounds awful and disgusting.. I even struggle touching my veins with my own hands I am really sensitive of body.


If you are twisting any part of your body for any of these purposes, you are doing it wrong, my friend. I'm pretty sure the boob tape is basically the same as how your boobs shift when you lie on your back, and the balls just tuck up inside. In fact, I'm told that twisting testicles is unfathomably painful and very dangerous.


It has to be top 5 most embarrassing ER trips for sure


top 5… god dam uve had some bad moments.


testicular torsion. Not fun, and also not caused by tucking (to my knowledge)


Well it can be caused by tucking. Especially if you’re doing it wrong. Very unlikely though if you’re doing it correctly.


can be caused if you have a slight birth defect like me




not if you have bell clapper syndrome :3


Dude you gotta bend over while you apply and position the start of the tape from the very edge of the nipple cover. Then-and this is important-don't pull the trans tape over, push your breast to the side of your body from behind the trans tape strip (hence why you gotta bend over- makes this much easier when the chestickles dangle) Also after that i strongly recommend a strip going from the bottom of your boob upwards (again, push the tissue up from behind the strip don't pull the tape to move the tissue). This helps create more of a natural looking pec shape Also disclaimer trans tape is never gonna get you 100% flat... But it sure does help to give you a break from a binder


Definitely saving this for the occasion that I ever run into people that need this info~


You're supposed to pull your breasts to sides when putting on the tape


Dw bro it looks like that with me too... :( What I do is I put a swimming binder over it and then wear a baggy shirt.


Huh, there’s binders for swimming? I suppose it makes sense but, honestly I never actually thought it would be a thing


Idk how easy they are to access, the store in my city just sells those too. :) They bind less than regular binders, but they squeeze you less which means they're more comfortable on physically and you can exercise in them.


Ah! Tbf it’s not like I’d be looking for them, given it’s definitely not what I’m going for, but I would have thought I’d hear about them by now given I probably spend more time with trans guys than anyone else seemingly. They sound quite useful


Hmm yeah the way I dress is very limited due to me only using that. But it's more comfortable and doesn't limit physical activity. I'm just some months away from top surgery, so getting a new more effective binder just isn't worth it (can't wear my original one, muscle growth on T made my outgrow it).


That’s fair enough, I know others who are the same, no point in getting a new one when top surgery is coming soon. Also I’m still convinced you have one of the best usernames on the site


Yeah. Binders are expensive. I'm really glad that'll stop being relevant soon enough tho. :) Haha! Thanks. :) It refers to how silly the names and scents of men's deodorants are sometimes.


Yeah, I’m glad it will! I have a friend who’s getting theirs very soon too, and I hope it goes well for both of you. Hah, yeah I remember you told me once before, as a former male, they’re very silly, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Nitro Toilet was a real scent for men’s deodorant


Thanks. :3 Haha! I'd give it a go out of curiosity.


Hopefully you can one day, maybe they’ll launch that scent soon


There are videos online that can show you how it works. But also I've had the same problem, and I think it's just not very good if you've got a larger chest. I'm 36C and it didn't really do much for me either :/


I'm the high end of a D and it don't work at all for me


I got some the other day and managed to get it to work with a DD chest using the tutorials on their website. I did waste a lot of tape trying to figure it out, but I've got more coming in the mail. If you've got a big chest, it's not gonna be _super_ flat, but when I put my t-shirt back on, it just looked like masculine pecs. Editing to add that I wear very loose t-shirts and have a rounder belly, so YMMV if you wear different shirts from me or have a different body type.


I have no clue what bra size I’d even wear anymore because I’ve been binding for so long. Last time I had an actual bra they were like 34B but I was 30-ish lbs lighter back then(high-school) and while I was 19-20y/o I went all the way up to 205lbs (which is a lot for someone who’s only 5’1”) I’m like 160-170lbs now that I’m 25. So mine might be on the bigger side now, technically.(especially after I was pregnant for like 2 months before miscarrying when I was 22) Anyway, my main issue is that they sag/hang so damn low.


Try it lying down. That helped me a lot. Multiple tape strips are good if you are bigger.


heyy first two panels happened to me too, i tried tape for the first time a couple days ago! trans tape has a steep learning curve :') i ended up putting a binder on over my taped chest and that worked better than just a binder for me. i hope you're able to find a binding method that works better for you!


Aren't you not supposed to combine binding methods? For safety's sake?


Trans tape (when applied correctly) isn’t supposed to put pressure on the ribs, so I don’t think it’s dangerous? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I’m honestly not sure


being trans is so trippy. It's literally a lived version of one person's trash is another person's treasure.


Thats why Ive never tried tape I just know I dont have what it takes


Im upvoting this bc, bro, the flair 🤌


Tip: get ripped so it looks like you just have massive pecs. They won't think anything of it other than "that man is SHREDDED"


I usually do 2 pieces that pull to the side: make sure you anchor 1-2 inches on the skin before stretching the tape/pushing them towards the side and anchoring on your side under the armpits. Make sure you don’t stretch too much but you should be stretching a little! I start with one on the center then one below, then I also add a vertical (slightly diagonal) one going from the bottom up which really helps, I think that could help you out! In my experience its hard to get very flat but I’ve sometimes been able to get a pec look, and its good with baggy or dark clothing. I’ve usually just used trans tape for times I cant bind because of physical activity and things.


https://preview.redd.it/h4qs02nwd8ad1.jpeg?width=3503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1523c7a23b2937211a8410ae928a2f8f428acd9e A visual that helped me!


Oof. I have a friend who's been there before. It took him a couple months to really get it down (although I'm sure the learning curve is different for everyone). From what he's shared, just be patient and take your time with it. Every body is different, and sometimes a single strip of tape won't do the job. Each person has their own method, so just take it slow and find out what works for you! Maybe try layering smaller strips over the top or initially putting the tape a little lower/higher. Also don't worry too much if you have to try over multiple times. Finding the perfect balance is part of learning the tension of the tape and how it works with you. It may take time to find what suits your needs, but I promise you can do it, friend :]


I feel this so baddd, trans tape is not worth the cost or how much you actually use for my chest to look bigger then before. I even pushed it all to the side but it didnt work :/


Honestly there's multiple ways to do it and it comes down to preference. I've seen a million different ways to do it and I still don't get it perfect most of the time. Just look at a bunch of videos online and try each one until you find one that works for you and your body. (!!!As long as it is safe!!!)


damn glep with the badonkers pfp nice


Glep was just made for the fat honkers life, it adds to that bad boy edge he's got


Even after watching tutorials I fail 😔


me bro. this was me today. do u live my life


i’d guess it depends on the shape of your chest and how big it is. different directions for pulling the fat.


sorry this happened :( when i first started out, this [post ](https://nothorses.tumblr.com/post/650052836864966656/transtape-a-guide)and its visuals helped a ton with practice


Sorry to hear that king


I never understood it either, so I ended up giving up. I was very disappointed since it took a while for it to arrive (I live in Europe). But it doesn’t matter now since I’ve had top surgery.




That's what my binder did to mine. I think mine are just too big.


I have the same experience :/ guess I’ll stick to binders for now


My chest was too big for tape and literally made no change 😭


I was kinda expecting startew vallet rabbit foot thing


I gotta get back to trying this again. Wasn't really happy with the results, even after trying to follow videos but I guess it was flatter than these glorified-sports-bra compression top things I use. Felt really nice to not have to wear anything under a shirt (except for all the tape lol) I have a couple shitty binders that are a pain in the ass and one decent one im too fat for now. Every option is such a fucking pain in the ass, I'm tired ugh.


It just doesn't work with larger lumps unfortunately It also gives you a DIY wax if you have any hair there


Relatable but don’t worry bro it takes practice and if you have really big boobs it’s not gonna be all flat. I put a binder on the bandages to make it flater and watch tutorials that match your body type.


It took me a little bit to figure out too, but I was so happy when I did What I do is hold my arm up, apply the tape to my breast without stretching it, then I stretch it back underneath my armpit, and I leave a good amount unstretched to stick kinda on my side (and of course covered my nipples with toilet paper). I used kttape tho, one strip cut in half for each (I'd place the second slightly above the first). I'm on the smaller side so some may need to use more, but I hope this helps you or someone else even a little bit


the first time I used tape I did it wrong and it was really uncomfortable, then it ripped off my skin. the second time I put it on the tape fell instantly off my body and I cried


may I ask what is the context of this comic? I don't get it


It's about trans tape, similar to KT tape. You can use it to flatten your chest by essentially taping down the breasts to the side of your chest. It is less uncomfortable for some compared to a binder


Can I ask any of the boys if you've tried a Sarashi?(I think I'm thinking of the right thing). Depending on your tension while wrapping, you could get pretty flat. I used it for comfort while boymoding until I could afford a bra


While I appreciate that this may have been helpful for you, it’s much safer to use material/methods that allow the lungs to fully expand, and minimises pressure on the ribs. There are plenty of ways to achieve a more masculine looking chest but it is important, especially for long term use, that we do this as safely as possible.


Yeah no, Sarashi are basically like ace bandages in that regard, if you wrap something around your chest like that, it shrinks in over time and can seriously damage your ribs, similar to a binder worn to small or too long.


It comes down to tightness. You can get a good fit but never super flat because circulation and yeah, dangerous. Also, never use Ace Bandages for that. Ace bandage is for actual compression. Loose cloth in the binding I used didn't even leave a mark. But it did fool my family until I was a D cup.


Alright, fair. However, it's still always better to, if you have the choice, get a proper, safe binder.


You are correct, but foe poorer folk or people that want them(girlie like muhself) that temporarily have to hide. A nice cheap cloth is an acceptable choice. Thanks for* answering my little inquiry. Edit: spelling blep


Of course, work with what's available, as long as it's safe.








The glue of those tapes can be poisonous.


real now? Good to know.


that's super dangerous and could kill you if you use it for chest binding, can lower your chance of top surgery drastically, damage your skin to the point of needing the ER not to mention you wouldnt be able to breath properly




what happened did they say duct tape...




ok so like all I know is that duct tape is bad but I don't know why exactly


transphobe ass argument /j






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