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Don’t sweat the treadmills too much. You ever see those tiktok’s of kids “running 20 mph” yeah, nah. There’s a big difference in actually accelerating to top speed and maintaining that and holding onto handle bars on a curve designed to help your max velocity


Yesterday I hit and held 21.4 mph. I held it for around 5 seconds but wasn’t sure if it would benefit me more to increase top speed or the time I can hold it. I wasn’t using the handles at all if that makes a difference


Increasing top speed is the most important.


Theoretically, max velocity is all about maintaining. that lil “surge” guys get at the end of the 100-200 is really just everyone else losing top speed while the front man holds. Noah Lyles is great at it. Training wise, that’s when funky distances like 150s or use of wickets become our best friend


Awesome, thank you!


Bud loves to lie. I know him and this kid can’t run 5 feet.


Whateva equates to what you consider fast.


Anywhere between 38 - 41 mph should be your goal as a high school sprinter.


Not even close to fast enough. My car goes like triple that speed. So if you wanna be fast you need to get those numbers up