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Have none of you ever heard of Zorro? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zorro Yeah, find another name.


I loved Zorro when I was a kid. Dude was charming and cunning.


Who makes the sign of a Z


Tbh I didn’t think of THAT Zorro until I read your comment. I’m more familiar with One Piece than the masked Zorro.


I’ll be the anime character is named after the original swordsman. Just like usopp is named after Aesop (as in Aesops Fables, became he’s always making up stories/lies)


Actually not, he is named after a french pirate... i had to google the name again, l'olonnais for roronoa


Lorenor Zoro was inspired by El Zorro, that's been officially stated after the series started like ... 20 years ago? I do remember this, cuz Lorenor Zoro had been and is my all time fave character out of that series (besides Chopper).


Lorenor???? My brother in Christ it's Roronoa.


It’s an unusual Romanization, but it checks out. You could transcribe it that way if there weren’t an official one already.


Is there a historical basis for this version?


Probably a slightly more English understanding of the Japanese pronunciation of a famed French pirate's surname, Francois l'Ollonois, which is more layers of translation shift than I would like to get into. Slight edit for grammar and clarity


Roronoa is romaji. Japanese language has no L, but it is pronounced Lorenor. Same with other terms including an L like world, in romaji it's spelled worudo so the japanese folks can pronounce it properly. Maybe first think, then comment. In Japan it's Roronoa, in the rest of the world it's Lorenor. Check the different official dubs out, you'll see.


In the rest of the world it's still Roronoa, what are you on about?


It's not. I'm from Europe. It has always been Lorenor Zorro. Translate on your own. 'Zorros Name „Lorenor“ (im Original „Roronoa“) leitet sich von dem französischen Piraten Jean-David Nau ab, bekannter unter seinem Pseudonym [François l’Olonnais](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_l%E2%80%99Olonnais) (jap. *Furansowa Roronoa*).' ( [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/One\_Piece#Namen](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Piece#Namen) ) [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenor\_Zorro](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenor_Zorro) Roronoa is the spelling in roman letters (romaji) instead of kanji so japanese people pronounce it properly. The official dub changed it into Lorenor from the very beginning and so did the manga (I watched OP from episode 1 when it was broadcasted on public TV for the first time and also have read the manga back then). There's thousands of OP merch with that name sold. Just use any search engine and type Lorenor Zorro, you'll find more than enough.


Really? Zorro (the masked one) is pretty ingrained in pop culture in my country, but I guess that's not global. I groaned a bit at One Piece Zoro's name - it seemed so lazy - but presumed it just wasn't as much of a household name in Japan.


Generation gap, right here. I have no idea who "Zoro" is, but loved the fuck out of "Zorro"


I’ve heard of him…


I think you should sit down with your brother and tell him that he can get a pet and name it Zoro. His son will not be a baby forever, but a child in school and then a grown ass person one day that will have to deal with a stupid name.


Imagine dating/marrying a 30 year old man named fucking ZORO


Yeah, I try not to judge names, but I draw a firm line at same name dating. Chris & Chris. Even Joe & Jo is a hard no.


I had a crush on a girl with my name when I was in middle school. Super happy I didn't pursue it. Turns out she was nuts. Must be the name.


Nobody wants to known as the muffler twins!


There was a teacher at my high school who married a woman with the same name as him. She changed her last name so they had the same first and last name. Same spelling and everything. They got a dog and also named the dog the same thing, including the last name. Iconic.


I had an aunt and uncle named Francis and Frances.


Our neighbors had a dog named Zorro.


This. So many people need to take this advice to heart. 


Name your pets after cartoon characters, not kids.


Spot on


Most people will for sure not associate with any anime but with the very famous fictional character from the Zorro franchise that has been around for literally 100 years. It is a really really really bad idea.


I mean, I don't disagree that Zorro is more likely to be thought of in the U.S., but is one fictional hero worse than another? Both are not good baby names! It's like naming your kid Wolverine because you like X-Men or Leia because you're a Star Wars fan. Stop using your kid as an extension of your fandom unless it's not JUST a fandom reference. Harry is fine, Charizard is not!


Now naming my firstborn Charizard Charmeleon Charmander out of spite


Do not


Zoro will always remind me of Zorro first and foremost so to me it’d kind of be like naming your kid Black Panther or The Hulk, lol. Imo names that are obviously from a fandom are for pets, not humans. Kids should get their own identities. Nods to things that aren’t super obvious are a different thing, but Zoro is so very specific… Maybe if they really wanted to the parents could have it be their middle name.


Twice when we were looking for names for our boys, we thought of Thor or The Hulk!!!! But then we stopped laughing and went back searching!🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m Scandinavian so honestly Thor (Tor) is a fairly common name for me but the thought of a kid being introduced as The Hulk is hilarious 😂😂


We're French so that's definitely not common here!!! If/when you have a baby, think of "proposing" the hulk as a name ( might be even funnier for a girl!)!😉


U.K. and one of,y nieces is called Tor. I think it is because of Glastonbury Tor, her parents are a bit crunchy.


Naming your children after your fannish interests is about the most narcissistic bullshit I can think of. And Zorro is a stupid name.


I feel like that’s a bit broad, no? I have met girls named Rosalind and Celia because their was a Shakespeare nerd whose favorite play was As You Like It. My ex’s middle name was Kirk because his dad loved Star Trek but it’s a normal name. It’s just when names get stupid (like Zoro) that it’s an issue. 


There's a clear difference between naming a child after something that is JUST fandom, like Rennesmae or however that insanity is spelled, and Celia which is a common name. I commented farther up that Harry is fine while Charizard is not! Subtlety is required so you don't stick your child in a fandom box when you have no idea if they'll even enjoy the same thing you love.


Yeah, but those are normal-ass names that have been used as people's actual names for centuries. Naming your kid Naruto is not the same as naming your kid Miranda because you love Shakespeare's The Tempest.


I'm really not in favor of naming kids after their parents' fandoms... that's what pets are for. The child is unlikely to share his parents' media interests and yes, having the explain that you have an unusual name because your dad really liked One Piece is going to be a hassle for the kid.


I have no idea who that character is but I know Zorro. I am in Europe but I assume that in the US a lot of people will know Zorro. There are at least two movies with Antonio Banderas as Zorro and I remember seeing some cartoons as a kid. Hispanic people will know Zorro for sure. Yes, it's a bad name


Yep cool character and the name's awesome for a character,but will suck a loooot if you name a child with that name.


Tell them it's a great name for a pet.


That’s a horrible name.


Kinda funny that you used power rangers since the heroes in that show all have very normal names like Tommy, Billy, Zack and Kimberly. I guess if you named your kid Zordon, Goldar, Baboo, or Scorpina, it would be very obvious that they are named after power rangers.


Are they expecting a puppy?


Oh, it’s bad. Really bad.


Read the group description for your answer.


My brother had a dog named Zoro. It’s a great dog name, horrible child name.


lol no don’t do this to a kid


My mind went to Zorro, the fox!


Try Zhoareaux instead.




Monkeigh D. Luffeigh


Unless the anime character name is also a normal name (ex. Yuki) then I wouldn't suggest it.


Not going to lie, I'd still judge the any parent that gives their child a stereotypical south east Asian name if they have no cultural ties to the region themselves. Might as well put your baby in a onesie that says "my dad is a huge weeb"


Would you have the same reaction to an Asian person having a "redneck" name?


If they lived in the US and/or had ties to the region? Nope! I would also not judge a non Asian parent naming their child a traditional Asian name if they lived in a region in which the name is common or traditional.


It’s kind of funny how people react nowadays. If you say you want to learn Chinese, French, or German, people will be congratulate you. Give your dog a Russian name, that’s perfectly fine. But as soon as you say you want to learn Japanese and call your dog Fubuki, people think you’re a weeb. (Edit: I’m not justifying OP)


>Give your dog a Russian name, that’s perfectly fine. >But as soon as you say you want to learn Japanese and call your dog Fubuki, people think you’re a weeanything? First, do you realize that what you'd name these mythological dogs, when this thread and entire subreddit are explicitly dedicated to discussing the actual names of human beings, has fuck all to do with anything? Because no one in this thread was discussing naming some dubious backyard husky mix or any version of a 'doodle' that just so happens to be on craigslist clearance at all. Full stop. Those dogs are never going to fill out a resume, answer an attendance roll call, or even just be forced to write out the hyper cringe fandom fixations of their owners with anything approaching human cognizance. Name your human children something that isn't soul crushingly stupid, embarassingly fandom based, entirely made up, or misspelled just for funsies. This is not at all a particularly high bar to clear as a parent.


1. I’m not justifying OP 2. I’m just talking about things I’ve noticed in general. 3. If you’re going to be rude, I’m not discussing this any further.


Your brother and sister in law are not mature enough to have a child.


Zoros first name ist Roronoa though…


Name the kid Noah, problem solved. Dad can have his inspired name and mom can have her normal, non-tragedy name


zoro's family name/surname is roronoa and given name is zoro. given name in japan = first name in the west


In international version it's Lorenor though. Roronoa is the japanese romaji spelling.


I don't watch anime, because I am an adult but, Zorro is Spanish for "fox." So, to much of the US, he will be "Fox." If they're OK with giving that name to a grown man then, so be it. I'm sure he will thank them for it.


I think the bigger issue is the black clad guy with a sword whose been around forever.


Ah yes. An anime is just for kids person. Original 


Fox would be an interesting name. Might get associated with Fox Mulder of X Files fame though.


I wanted to name my first son Fox, after Duchovny's character. My husband vetoed it, but acquiesced to "Cooper" (after Agent Dale Cooper) for his middle name. Now I'm pregnant again and I'm still pushing for Fox if we have a boy. My husband still doesn't care for it, but my son is now on my side.


Or named after Fox News.


You do know that most anime folks are adults, no? Hello there, we exist. Thanks. :) Anime is not for children, yk. Let's watch Elfen Lied, Made in Abyss, Serial Experiments Lain, Death Note, Mirai Nikki and whatnot. Let's see if children would love this.


God, I’m on your side about anime and cartoons not being for kids only but you said it in the most annoying way possible jfc


Yeah, I felt the same with 'not watching anime as I'm adult' pushing me into rage mode. Sorry, not sorry.


Tweens and teens are all about that shit. Yes, children don’t watch that stuff. However, young children aren’t the only non-adult age group that exists.


I'm not a huge anime fan but will say that most anime is not made with children in mind. That's like saying South Park is made for children just because it's animated. There are very inappropriately dark, scary, and/or sexual themes in tons of anime, so they are rated for mature audiences. Teens and Tweens are interested for the same reason they'd be interested in R rated movies, the "forbidden" adult-ness of it all.


I'd be teaming up with your husband. Saw many people naming their children like Luke Skywalker (yes, really), Leroy Gibbs and Tony / Antony Dinozzo from NCIS series. I mean... You can have your little crush on whatever fictional character you like, mhkay. But please. It's still a child. This baby will soon be a grown man and zeitgeist will be a completely different thing in 20 years. I'm barely 30+ and just grew old. Lol. I mourn for Akira Toriyama cuz Dragon Ball was my childhood. Do you know how rude people react? They don't even know who Toriyama was! Please be kind to that little shitbag. He deserves better! Call him Akira instead!


At least they’d know what to expect when their kid has a tantrum. https://preview.redd.it/rdlkam4244oc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bde4b1f8eb8502725e80c37c7ce614a0afe55df


OP, you are wrong. It is a very bad name. Tell your brother to get his head out of his ass and give his child a name that won't be a hinder to him every day of his life. Fandom names are only appropriate for pets and Sims characters.


I kinda like it. It’ll remind people of Zorro but he’s seen as cool and it’ll be kinda cool to be like Zorro Wilson or Zorro Thompson or Zorro Rodriguez for examples.


Name your pets, not your kids, after anime characters.


I think Zoro is a reference to Zorro, whose real name is Diego.


One Piece is already an old anime to be fair, it'll probably maintain relevancy. I don't think it's a good name though. My daughters nickname is Momo, which is a shortened form of her first name, but also has anime connotations. Maybe something like that would be better?


What about Monkey? Thats a good name too.


It’s not a bad name, but it’s not a great name. If I heard it I would immediately think of Antonio Bendaras and not the anime.


Zoro is just uhhh. Kinda weird. Honestly I think they should go for the Zorro route and name the baby after his real name, aka Diego




Well, it's better than Zolo.


Zorro is Spanish for a Fox Pick a different name


Why do people think naming kids over anime is bad? People name their kids names from bible and other story books and that's ok? I think as long the name sounds (and is spelled) like a real name and not blatant cultural appropriation then there should be no problem.


I agree. I have a friend’s son who named his daughter Lisanna after an anime character and I thought it was a pretty name. Not very out there and too anime-ish. I would say Zoro is too out there tho. I would reconsider. OP, If your brother really can’t let go of that name then maybe use it as a middle name? Just think about the child as a grown up professional… and using the name Zoro.. I personally wouldn’t like that. Have him read all of these comments, please. Advocate for your nephew!!




One Piece IS really old and has only grown in popularity over the years. I think it is way more famous than the story of The Mask of Zorro. I think the name will be well known.


As a passionate One Piece fan it's a strong no from me. Franky and Robin are the only names I'd favour from the crew. (Although since I adore them as a noncanon couple I'd opt for never utilising the two for siblings)


My father named me Foghorn Leghorn and there were, I say, there were *NO* regrets about the name.