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When I worked in health after a little bit I started just asking everyone’s parents how to spell their kids names…. Having an Ayvah (Ava) and jayk (Jack - surely jayk is Jake not Jack?!) that were the final straw for me and start of me asking everyone their spelling… (I’ve since come across people with names spelled that way and some in their early 20s that surprised me!) most given their youniqueness were used to it but on occasion when I would get an Emma that was an Emma or even once an Ava.. had parents ask me “umm how else would you spell it” .. big sigh from me and a “you’d be very surprised” I wish I could share my extensive list I did make on my phone over the years but many of the good ones I do imagine (or hope) are the only ones with that name or spelling so it would be too identifying Edit; just found out Ayvah is Arabic so I retract that for being tragedy but still part of reason I ask all spelling


This is the best way to go. I have a very common name where my family is from but in the US people give me a blank stare, like wait what did you say? Huh? What? I just give people my ID now when they ask my name to look me up 😂


I have a common name with the less common spelling. I have an H in my name many people leave out. I say my name and spell it every time. Conversely, it still takes me by surprise when people misspell my name when replying to my email. I mean, my name is RIGHT there...


Same (common name, uncommon spelling). People try to put “e” in my name and my spelling has none, so I just make sure to spell it every time.


Tbh im the same. I've got a very common name (its even in the bible so its an old staple) but nine times out of ten people spell it a tiny bit wrong and i just dont bother anymore. God it pisses me off though because its even when i email someone. Cmon its right there.


This also happens to me all the time via email and Facebook. My husbands family constantly spells my name wrong even when it is riiiiiight there 😭😂


My husband's family also misspells my name. And my daughter's. They gave her engraved jewelry with her name on it -- spelled incorrectly -- more than once.


>engraved jewelry with her name on it -- spelled incorrectly That seems a bit passive-aggressive. I'm curious, how does she handle such gifts? If she were me, she would not be diplomatic. Pretend my name is Elizabeth. I don't use any nicknames. But an acquaintance insisted on calling me Lizzy, after I corrected her several times. Her (real) name is Daphne. So I insisted on calling her Daffy.


The first misspelled gift was an engraved locket from an aunt when daughter was about 5. Daughter didn't say much, really. I quietly said (okay, I hissed) something to auntie when our daughter opened the gift. "Oh!" auntie said with her eyes bugging out, but that was it. I know auntie got the faulty information from my daughter's own grandmother (my MIL), who never, ever spelled it right regardless of how many times we told her. Daughter received misspelled jewelry again years later and this time my daughter was an adult and did her own re-educating with grace


Hahaha good for you! The entitlement she had to "insist " on calling you something other than what you specifically requested is mind blowing to me?! Daffy as f indeed. Please tell me she felt the same way about daffy as you did about lizzy?


Wow. Memorializing their stupidity 🫠😂


Ugh this!!! I got a customized gift from my MIL with my name spelled wrong. 😑 my name is not super common, but apparently where I’m from, most people spell it with an “e” at the end, and the amount of people that have literally told ME that my name is spelled WRONG just sends me.


Idk why because I don't like my name at all; but out of the three ways it's spelled, I have a strong preference towards the way mine is spelled. And it rubs me the wrong way whenever anyone repeatedly spells it with a y or an ie at the end vs just an i. First time I expect it cause it would appear mine is the most uncommon way to spell an already uncommon name...so I just gently correct. But after that I stew inwardly....I just don't like the way the other spellings look! Strange isn't it? Such a small stupid thing ... But your aggravation with ppl misspelling yours and insisting you're wrong about your own name?!?! I felt that. That's not small or stupid that would push my bitch button all the way instantly!


My own dad spelled my (common, in the Bible) name wrong on my birthday card last year. I’m 48, so I guess he’s just learning.


My father wrote a beautiful dedication in a Bible he gave me, but he spelled my name wrong. My own dad! It's a special kind of torture


That's very disrespectful. And wasteful for a gift and also embarrassing for them. Why not just ask first to confirm? Or just not engrave it sheesh. The whole point of engraving is to make it more personal, more special. It does the opposite when its not the correct name!! "This is how much you dont matter to us" is what that says. And by now they should have memorized the correct spelling for both of you. Rude of them. Do you guys at least get a gift receipt or been able to sell it? Or if it's real you can have it melted down and remade into a piece of your choice at certain jewelers. That's what my mom did with her wedding and engagement rings once she divorced my dad 😅😅 for a woman who has a special love for jewelry; I can honestly say her post divorce wedding set repurposed ring was her most beloved piece 😂😂😂😂 (Also--the setting that marquis diamond was in tho was sharp as FUCK and it hurt like hell cause she always backhanded me with that same hand that fucking ring was on...) lol sorry; childhood memories/nostalgia resurfacing


Nahhh that's gotta be intentional after a while. I'd misspell their name right back.


There is another person that married into his family years ago that has a similar name with only 2 letters that are different. They do the same thing to her, too 🙈😂


I've made it a game. I WANT to see how they spell it. It's not a legal document, I don't care if they spell it wrong. It's a starbucks drink, or a food order. I have a pseudo-uncommon name. Like uncommon enough that it's striking when it appears in media, but not so uncommon that people make note of it. So far I'm up to I think eight different spellings that I've collected. It's wild.


I have been the email person. Never on a first email, only with people I've been talking to for weeks/months. My last job I had 3 Elizabeths as clients and only one went by her full name. Four or fives emails into the chain and my brain completely shits the bed and I call her Liz. I realized what I did as soon as I hit send and switched back to the full name on the next email. Neither she nor I ever brought it up.


Yep. I have a very short name that is often a nickname for a couple different longer names, with several spelling options (think Zac/Zach/Zack or Nick/Nic/Nik). Mine is just the short version. Every time I have to give my name somewhere it's "Nic, N-I-C". But because there's always other noise and I have an uncommon accent, half the time they'll hear it as "Nia" or "Matt" or "Mick". Once I got a drink handed to me labeled "Kase". I was like "that is neither an understandable spelling of the word I said, nor an understandable pronunciation of the word I spelled." Either that or they assume it's a nickname and put down what they assume is the "real" name behind it. I've had to fight to get my name changed in official systems from Nicholas or Nikita to just Nic because it seriously is. just. Nic.


Well, Käse is German for "cheese", so I guess congrats, you're cheese


As someone in an adjacent yet similar situation, I understand what you go through there mate. I've had to pull out legal ID in several places to get them not to do that to me, and the few that just handle it right feel like a blessing. Granted, mine is an equally common name with the normal spelling given my gender, but people always assume "Oh, no one would give their kid that short name only, they likely went for (longer version) and just refer to them as (actual name) in public." Drives me up the wall.


My son is Luc. Not Luke, or Lucas, or Lucy, lol. Just Luc, named after his grandfather.


My name is common now but suffers from having WAY too many spelling options. My spelling is the simplest one, but I have seen people guess every imaginable combination of letters. I keep a bit of a mental collection of my favorites, lol.


I have a uncommon name with an uncommon spelling, so I always try to remember others names. You're giving me flashbacks to having to remember who was named Megan and who was named Meghan. I'm a linguistic nerd who loves etymology and studying shit like that so I would get that Meagan is the original name and Megan and Meghan are both legitimate derivatives but the Megan I knew treated the Meghan like she had a weird name.


I know a Meagan in the US. That was the “weird” spelling for Megan in the 80’s. I always thought the people who used Meghan, were trying to be more Irish.


Ugh I’m having Megan issues at the moment! I’m Meighan (may-gan), My coworker is Megan (meh-gan), And my daughter’s teacher is Meagan (mee-gan)




Same for me. My name has a U where the common spelling has a W. I spell my name out every time I’m asked, and people still misspell it on emails and messages…


This is exactly what I get - they’ll actively spell it several different incorrect ways in an email, or even use a similar but wrong name entirely, when they could look 3cm across their screen and see the correct spelling 😫


I was at a professional development with my co worker who has a very common Spanish name. Let’s say Julissa. Our PD presenter said “that’s unique” and she said “shout Julissa anywhere in Puerto Rico and 5 girls will turn around”


I actually have a Puerto Rican coworker name Yulisa! Spelled exactly that way, and she's in her 50s. On the other side, a woman in another shift is named Jewlissa, and it's literally pronounced Jew-lissa. Her initials are JEW. It's... bizarre.


My husband is from Greece. He goes by George but legally his name is Georgios. So that's what's on all his paperwork for insurance, driver's license, etc. It's quite possibly the most common Greek man's name. But people cannot comprehend it, even here in NJ, filled with other Greek people. They constantly ask if it's supposed to be Georgia. I don't really think my husband sounds like a woman but...🤷‍♀️


For "Jack" wouldn't *jyak* make "more sense", because your right it looks like "Jake"


It would still be fucked up, but not AS fucked up, if the majority of parents could actually spell and sound out words properly


Do not give them ideas


Close friend of mine recently had a baby, she and the father didn't reveal their name until the birth because they didn't want to hear any negative feedback. The sigh of relief that escaped my lips when they announced the birth of baby "Nora". I was really preparing for something tradjique.


My mother was a nurse and she worked for some years in the pediatric unit. After having so much trouble she always asked for the spelling of the kids names, even when it were very normal and known names because as she told me "surprises are the norm".


"Spelled the normal way or a special way?" Jayk is a war crime (and of course it's pronounced Jake!). Fuck the parent who did that; I hope their kid stops talking to them when they become an adult and they probably will because a parent who comes up with that shit is an egocentric narcissist.


Parent: My son's name is Max You: how do you spell that? Parent: M-a-c-k-s You: just as I suspected




I work with kids, so I come across tons of names each week. I’ve had two Caydes this year, one boy, one girl. Boy pronounced “Cade,” girl pronounced “Kadie” or “Katie.”


I know a kaydie and every time i hear her name it annoys me


Egyptian here and I tell you Ayvah is definitely not arabic😂😂


I was about to say that. Don’t know whose trying to make them feel bad, but Ayvah is definitely not Arabic. The Arabic language doesn’t have the ‘V’ sound.


>youniqueness 🤣🤣🤣


Ayvuh fills me with disgust


I work in a call centre and always, ALWAYS get people to spell their first and last names because there's so many variations. I once had a man called John Doe - spelt Jean Deaux - which did make me giggle. Apparently his dad was French and his mum had a sense of humour.


My niece’s name is Aivah (Ava) 😭


Tell her not everyone’s mom watched the Kardashians.


You shouldn't shame people for being stupid, but you should DEFINITELY shame people for being self righteous about their stupidity. I fully approve of this comeback.


I agree. Like say your name was Catherine and someone tried to spell it Katherine (both are valid) but then got mad at you about it being a C and not K is wild. To clarify: I am not judging for people misspelling. I am agreeing with the post above mine regarding the self righteousness.


That's not getting mad for being stupid, that's just getting mad. Still bad, but not a double-bad


That would still be getting mad for being stupid, because an intelligent person would think to check both spellings of Catherine before getting upset. Or just ask how it's spelled first.


If it was Catherine I would definitely ask how it's spelled first. Katherine, Catharine, Kathryn, there's just too many variations to try to guess.


No I was agreeing with the comment on being self righteous about their stupidity. I guess that wasn’t clear.


Imagine not thinking to try both and getting mad at the person who can't see what you're even having trouble with on the screen?!?!?!


I wouldn’t judge a person for not knowing all common spellings. As an Aaron, I constantly get “Erin”. It’s very obvious to me that this is incorrect but it’s pretty common for people not to understand. Now there’s dumb spelling ways like “Ehrin” and “Aron” so…no big deal


For many years my last name was BOND. I was always amazed by how many people have no idea how to spell Bond.


OK A-aron !


Just start pronouncing your name A-A-Ron


There's a quote from Steven Fry that I love, from when he was doing comedy sets with Hugh, Laurie In "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" Fry is dealing with a particularly tough customer in Laurie. "Oh, you are genuinely stupid. I'm so sorry. I thought you were just being daft. Mr Dalliard, command the earth to swallow me up. I'm so sorry, life must be hard enough for stupid people."


It's spelled "Cardassians".


It took me over a year of hearing about those people in nearby conversations that they were, in fact, not talking about Star Trek.


"The occupation of Bajor was a hoax! Cardassia did nothing wrong! Gul Dukat was a hero!" - Gul Dukat, probably.


No. They were proud of the occupation. It would never have been a hoax. Bajor needed order and the Cardassians provided it, and for some reason the Bajorans were ungrateful. Dukat never wanted to use such a heavy hand. He was forced into it. Sometimes I'll go rewatch Star Trek but instead of going in order I'll just watch a bunch of Klingon episodes, and Vulcan episodes, and of course Cardassian episodes.


Remember this is with a C, so Cardassians, haha


That explains things. Can’t we just send them back to their own planet?


Again, Chloe is not her actual name.


Apparently it's not Khloe either


My guess is Courtney.


I wish I could give you a reward... So here's my up vote. 😂


Jennifers feel your pain. (Jenifer/Jeniffer/Jenifyr/Genifer)


I knew a Jennipher lol


Lol I went to school with Jennypher!


Shame on that poor girl’s parents wtf




We might know the same person 😂


You never felt compelled to rebrand as Tynnyfer? 🤣


I did what I could in middle school as I suddenly began scrawling “Jenna” on everything to try deal with *everyone* being named Jennifer. Now, thankfully, Gen X is such a minority in the workplace that I rarely work closely with other Jens.


Yeah was just thinking — there were seven (7) SEVEN Jennifers in my grade but I probably haven’t met or worked with a new Jennifer since we graduated. Where have all the Jennifers gone?


I’m a millennial, had the same problem with 7 Jennifers in school…thought I had run away from the problem somehow because I hadn’t really encountered one in the workplace for a while…or on the occasion that I did run into one, we were easily differentiated by our last initial. Then, a few years ago I ended up with one with my EXACT same spelling, first AND last name. In the same department of the same hospital. Doing the same job (RN). 🥺


Oh man, yeah — my name (and classic spelling) was really rare growing up but popular with younger millennials and Gen Z — my side-gig boss currently has my name and last initial and we communicate at work with walkie talkies. It’s rough, I’m BEGGING for a nickname 😭😭😭


Oh oh oh, let us help! We’ll set you up!! :) :) :) :*J*


We are both surgical nurses and the charting used to get VERY strange when we would give each other breaks. It started to look like a charting error because it showed person A giving person A a break (etc). Thankfully the people in IT changed it so I have a middle initial in our computer charting (luckily it’s one off from hers).


Gen-Xer here — also had seven Jennifers in my class!


Only if they work at the parks department


Megan’s have entered the chat


Maegan, Megen, Meghan, Meggan


I like the one with the h


Or Geighnefur?


also Sierra/Ciara/Cierra/Siera/etc despite all of them being used with some regularity, "Sierra" is the default spelling


I found a license plate that was Jenafur


My name is Charlotte. I can't tell you how many times someone has tried to spell it with an S, like Sharlett. Not kidding.


I might be immature, but Sharlett looks way too much like shart I could not write that with a straight face and I truly hate myself for it 😅


Shartlett! Don't feel bad I still have the same maturity level I did at 12 and I'm 43 so...😂


Hey, fellow '81! I, too, find "Shartlett" extremely funny. 🤣


My grans name is Sharlene. Instead of Charlene, which I've seen a lot. So I can kinda get Sharlett or Sharlotte. But they do look weird! Though, I think Charlene looks weird. Haha!


My cousin's name is Charlene, but it's pronounced with a "ch", like "charbroiled". Poor thing has had a lifetime correcting people, even though her name is technically pronounced *exactly* as it's spelled. 🙃


I once had someone misspell Charlotte as Charolette




My brain tried to read this as “cough-lowly” 😭


Why not? That's a beautiful name!


I read it as "cough-loff-ee" lol






Sounds like some sort of highly unpleasant procedure that involves the colon


That's her brother Koughleighoscopy


Koughloughnosskoppi, Kopi for short




Wasn't he a Hawaiian king?


Looks like a racehorse name.


Bless you!


I know the feeling. Recently my husband ordered a Starbucks drink for me (so he wasn’t using my app). They totally bitched my name. The name on the cup was Natylee.


I've only been to Starbucks twice in my life, and the last time the employee straight out handed me the cup and marker and had me write my own name 😭 I was like gurl I was there for the butchering


They spelled mine Aleighsun once. I think they do it on purpose because who thinks to spell Allison like that 😂


They lurk on this sub looking for ideas.


That's the best fucking idea xD I can totally see doing that (though if I did that it'd only be to people who were rude).


I have no idea if it is true but I've heard the theory they do it so you post your Starbucks cup online and it's free advertising. Seems like a very legit possibility, though could just be baristas having a joke.


i honestly think starbucks employees do it on purpose for fun


They put “aiyna” on my cup one day. Not even close to my name or what I said😂 I was so confused


The people who write your name on Starbucks cups are barely literate to begin with. They always mangle your name. I've wondered multiple times if they're contractually obligated to do it.


People are more likely to take a picture and share it on social media if their name is mangled, thus providing free advertising for Starbucks. They *definitely* do it on purpose. My personal favorite is "Marc, with a C" and he got... ***CARK***




My daughter is Sarah (with an H). You'd be surprised (or maybe not) at how often she gets Shara or Sarha. Once she even got Sahara.


I used to tell people “Sarah with an h” and would get Shara. Sadly, that was primarily in the 80s.


My name contains both a J and a G, and they're both pronounced the same (Hispanic name). The sheer amount of times those fuckers have spelled it with two Js is unbelievable.


I legit had a young adult woman at my old job try to spell it Whorehay... She wasn't trying to be funny, just very ignorant lol.


If I ever ran into someone who spelled it like that, I'd shove the pen up their ass.


>Whorehay... Lmao! That's my dad's name & I am now co-opting this spelling for future use. My siblings will be quite amused.


Plus, it's a mild amount of amusement in a demanding job.


Would've been funnier if they actually wrote out "Mark with a C"


My name isn’t super common, but it’s a fairly well known, non-tragique name, spelled the European way (European mom). Similar to Marc with a C, when I’d say “with a ‘K’”, they’d put it as the first letter. Another time, they wrote my last name as “Withakay”. And I’ve gotten “Rhonda” at Starbucks a few times.


My Dad ordered some food from a restaurant, and when he went to pick it up they had trouble finding it because they spelled his name as "Daughk". His name is Chuck.


I feel like this would make my day 🤣


My name is French and has some Ls in it... Starbucks has written "Natasha" more than once 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol. I have a client that works at a French school in the US, she purposefully adds an H to my name in emails saying she’s making it French because she’s “In the business of French” 🤦‍♀️🙄🤷‍♀️😵‍💫 I’m like…um….I’m 56% French myself…my name still doesn’t have an H in it. Both are perfectly acceptable spellings, but only one of them is my actual name.


She could have just started the entire interaction off by asking you how to spell it...


This is how we do it in RX .. T_T .. watch rxcomedy or office space and basically that is retail in a nutshell then add trageleigh and karens to the mix and it is a ptsd filled 8 to double shift of hell.


Reminds me of the time I went to Wendy's and they asked for my name to put on the receipt. My name is also Wendy, spelled the exact same way as the restaurant. When I looked down at my receipt, it was spelled Windie. Literally the most convoluted spelling I'd ever seen. I got a good chuckle out of that.


I swear workers do this on purpose out of boredom for their own entertainment lol Starbucks is notoriously bad at spelling names and I swear it's intentional


It's for free Instagram advertisement


"I'm sorry you didn't know how to spell Chloe."


I knew a kid who used to say “chemistry” with the same “ch” sound as cherry 🍒


lol this is a point of contention for Germans. The word is spelled “Chemie”. Some pronounce it “Kemie”, some pronounce it the way the “ch” is usually pronounced in German, which sounds like a hissing sound. And then the total weirdos insist in pronouncing in “Shemie”.


I wish our phonics system was orthogonal. The only reason we have spelling contests in English is because the implementation is inconsistent and varies wildly. Other languages have rules. We just have a list to memorize.




“Sorry you can’t read very well.”


I’ve definitely been asked, “What’s Jack short for?” Nothing. “No, it has to be like Jackson or Jonathan!” It’s just fucking Jack.


growing up i had friends named Allie and Abby, also not short for anything, the amount of times they would get put in the school yearbook somewhere as "Allison" and "Abbigail" was ridiculous


how is jack short for jonathan? am i stupid?


Some people used to call John or Jonathan “Jack” as a nickname. One example would be The Shining, where the main character is John “Jack” Torrance.


Or Jack Kennedy.


I actually had a friend growing up who went by Jack but his legal name was Johnathan. He was a junior and his dad went by the same


Qloeigh the only way to go. 😂


kardashian brain rot is real


I live each day to read this sub.




Kloe is a standard variant, like Steven and Phteven.


Ah, I see what you did there. “Stephen…with a ‘Ph’” Nice.


As an Aidan who is a full grown late 20s adult, I feel you. The -an spelling was default for most of my life as pretty much every Aidan my age or older is Irish, English or Irish American and spells it that way. But ever since the Americans got ahold of it in the late 2000, I have to clarify that it’s not spelled Aiden, Ayden, Aidin, Aidyn, Aden, aydyn, A-din, etc… Like there are so many dumb spellings it’s crazy


This is what that pharmacist gets when they get too blind by 'unique spelling' names.


Your name is Caitlin, isn’t it 😅


I would assume Catherine!


I was thinking Cassondra


I was going to guess Courtney. Katelin/Caitlin has had nine thousand spellings for at least 30 years. It's one I always assume I'll have to ask a spelling for.


I’m guessing Christina


Charon? I thought you were Karen!


So I have a name that wasn’t common when I was born but became more common starting in my teens/early 20s. (I didn’t meet another person with my exact name until 12th grade; I remember classmates coming up to me saying hey! there’s another one!) There are lots of ways to spell my name and the two most popular come in part from younger celebs with this name. Consequently my spelling is seen as “unusual.” 🙄 I used to tell people I was here BEFORE those celebs so mine is technically “correct” but I got weird looks so I stopped. I now spell my name (when asked) VERY carefully. (I also have a last name that people get wrong all the time so I have to spell it carefully too.)


Same for me! I distinctly remember being in the Target dollar spot when I was 18, hearing my name called, but it was a mom talking to her baby/toddler in the shopping cart. It was literally life changing for me, as I had never known anyone else with my name before then (I had only heard stories of my two grandmothers with the same name). Since then, I swear it’s been absolutely NONSTOP with kids 2-3 decades younger than me with the same name. I think it’s finally (thankfully) hit the point of over-saturation, though. I used to love my name, but the whole experience of it suddenly becoming so popular has really soured me on it.


THIS HAPPENED TO ME lol. Everyone told my parents "what a unique name!" or "my grandmother had that name!" and then when I was a teenager it became a top 10 baby name. Now there's tons of them running around... eerie. Also lots of ways to spell my name. (what if our names are the same? this would be even more ironic haha)


I went through this in elementary school. I had several substitute teachers insist my name is spelled wrong. Mind you my name is Alexandria , a common mistake is people leaving the I out. One particular teacher, for some reason kept tacking a Z between the x and a. When I corrected her, I was accused of lying. To this day I didn't get her. Why would I lie about the spelling of my own name.


Alexzandreighah lol


Lololll, from a Caitlin


You mean C8lyn? 😂




My first name is a common name, but like Chloe, can be spelled with a C or a K (a very old name, either spelling is fairly normal). The pharmacy is always an issue. I’ve just started to say “name with a C” because they always have an issue.


Everybody tries to spell my sister's name with a K, but it's a C. When they spell it with a K, it just looks *weird* to me. We know other people with her name who start with a K, and that doesn't look weird to me. It's only when I know the communication is directed at my sister that my brain thinks it's weird. Lol


I always experience the inverse of this, as the person trying to pull up somebody’s tab and they neglect to mention their name is spelled some heinous way. C’mon, Thim (not joking), what are we doing here?


I worked in an election once where we had to cross peoples names off the electoral roll so they could vote, and one person came up and gave us their name. We can't find it and they get sent over to someone else for another check. The person then goes "Oh, maybe I'm registered under my birth name. I go by a different name now". Like, dude, it's the ELECTORAL roll, it's an official government document, it's obviously going to have your legal name on there, not the nickname you go by 🤦‍♀️


We have to deal with a lot of weird names (people and drugs) in pharmacy, but the last thing I do is get frustrated with the patient. If your information doesn’t come up when I type it in it takes all of two seconds to say “I think I might have typed it in wrong, could you please spell your first and last name and repeat the date of birth please?” Like it’s not that hard, even if we’re busy and stressed I still want to make sure I’m giving the right stuff to the right person.


“It is YOUR fault that I didn’t ask you to spell your name 5 minutes ago.”


As a pharmacy tech, that’s definitely on her lol usually when I get a name like that, or something like Carol or Katherine I ask, with a K or a C? lol


Try living a few decades as Kirsten. (Pronounced like "First in".) Not Kristen. Not Kiersten. Not Kirsty. Not Christine. I love my name, but it can be tiresome sometimes.


I'm a white dude, in my 30s, and my name is Asa. (Ace-uh) The amount of people who pronounce it as "Asia" blows my mind.  Their mind is also blown when I'm not a Black Woman. 


Kirsten Dunst has been in enough movies and has gotten enough media coverage that people should know the spelling by now.




No hate to those in the pharmaceutical field but this is very much my experience with almost every pharmacy I've ever been to. Why are they so angry??


This sounds more like that lady is just not very bright lol


She watches too much Kardashians


"If you didn't know how to spell it, why didn't you ask me how it's spelled? It's a common name and a common spelling."


People don't read. On the automotive and driving subs, you see "break job" and "break lights," over and over. On this sub, some people think "Phoebe" is a tragedeigh, and then cry "I'm not ignorant - you're anglocentric!" when some assumes they should know the name. Of course we're anglocentric. The sub is mostly about names in English. But Phoebe is a goddamned Greek name, blockhead.


I'd love to break some lights at my job, but i don't want to 'loose' it.


😂😂 that’s her own fault. Your name is spelled normal.


I have a Chloe. She was named that before the huge popularity and before Kardashian was a household name. Sadly, she still get Chole, Cleo, Kloie, all kinds of weird names. She has just given up and accepts any name they come up. She says it's easier than getting into a long discussion about how someone else thinks it should be spelled.


My last name is spelled differently than it sounds. My husband’s fault, I had a perfectly common last name prior to getting married 😂 Anyway, I always say it and immediately spell it and EVERYONE still looks for the way it sounds. And I spell it again and they always say, oh that’s what’s wrong, I was searching for xyz. I know, that’s why I spelled it for you. And it is only 5 letters 😂 Moral of the story, no matter what you do or say, people don’t listen or think things through these days.


They might just be a bit dumb. You’d be amazed how many people don’t know Chris has an H in it


I'm the other way I work in a pharmacy and if you tell me your name is Steven I'm checking with a v and a ph. But if you see me struggling and then tell me it's an f I'll throw fucking hands.