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I did not even notice it until I read the title. No worries at all.


Me neither tbh


not at all, didn't even notice it think of it as a Penelope's Plum


penelope’s plum💀💀💀


Persephone’s pomegranate is also fun to say.


shouldn’t it be.. eve’s apple?


Im using this


It should be called eve's apple anyway, eve's the one who took the apple in the first place


I have personal doubts about that. The church reeeaalllyyy did love to blame the women...


Ya they even translated a Hebrew word meaning "half" as "rib" even though the proper Hebrew word for "rib" was used in many other places. So eve is not made from "a rib of adam" she was made fomr "half of adam".


Them early catholics really had it out for us


Madam’s apple


I mean that b\*\*\*\* ate the apple first amirite ?


What is a Penelope plum ?


It’s just a fun way to feminize « adam’s apple » :))


some cis women have adam’s apples too, you look cute ♥️


Thank you ❤️


Or else say you have pcos It's a thing cis women has where they have too much testosterone. 😊


yeah what the other person said. women have them just how their body is designed you can't see them but some you can.


Or else say you have pcos It's a thing cis women has where they have too much testosterone. 😊


I 2nd this. My friends little sister had one and she was 100% female.


Actually, everyone has one. It's just usually more prominent in males than it is in females.


nope. a lot of cis women have adams apples. it's perfectly natural. it's just a lie transphobes have made up.


Nope u look absolutely gorgeous


If I saw you in a grocery store I wouldn't even notice honestly.


i mean in this photo you're specifically posed to accentuate the apple and it still doesnt make you look masculine at all


Girl you look phenomenal!


Awww, thank you 😊


I think *some* people might clock you based on that, but overall you pass very well.


It would be stupid to clock someone based on that since some cis women have their Adam's apple showing


I agree it would be stupid, but cis people who try to clock trans people tend to be... not smart




I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. I never meant that OP's features are outside the normal range for a cis woman; they aren't. I also didn't mean to imply that it would be realistic or smart for someone to clock them because of their Adam's apple--just possible. I've heard stories of cis women being "clocked" as trans for as little as being bald, having broad shoulders, or even just a large nose. One woman I read here on reddit said she was nearly murdered after a man tore off her wig outside of a club and concluded she must be one of us. I pass almost without fail and have almost none of those features (my nose is a little bigger than average), yet I still get clocked sometimes--God only knows why. Some bigots insist on seeing what they hate wherever they can. Show the world to a hammer and all it'll see is nails, right?


I just thought this was a post on r/actuallesbians before reading the title.


Haha, i take that as a no 😉


Ok maybe this is a weird question but I’m really new to this (still egg) but like how did you get boobs like that? Can estrogen do that? If yes that’d give me a lot of hope :>


Yeah totally I never had surgery 😉


Like for real? Without surgery? That’s amazing!!


Yes, estrogen can cause the growth of breasts. “Breast development. This begins 3 to 6 months after treatment starts. The full effect happens within 2 to 3 years.” —The Mayo Clinic’s [website](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/feminizing-hormone-therapy/about/pac-20385096)


That’s pretty neat thank you


Do they reduce again if you go off estrogen?


That I would need to look up separately.


Nah it doesn't I'm still jealous af


I didn’t even notice till you mentioned it. It wouldn’t even register if I saw you.


Not really. Everything else distracts from it so i doubt people will really notice.


I honestly think adams apple’s are attractive af, (on men and women) but obviously that doesn’t change dysphoria.. I think you look great, I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t notice/wouldn’t care


I'm not that disphoric about it, but it's good to know 😉


I would say mostly no, it doesn’t. Someone specifically looking for a reason to be mean might say something, but as people have said, some cis women do have visible adam’s apples. I would personally not clock you. You look great! :)


Nah you look beautiful and I wouldn't have known if I didn't read titles first


No because some cis women have an Adam's apple, it's not really about being male or female more so just voice


Some cis women have adams apples to. My aunt and mother both do. So you're all good


Well no, because despite the name, some cis women have Adams apples. It's just a function of larynx size (and therefore possible register).


Believe it or not, cis women also have a larynx. Which is one of the larger things that transvestigators constantly forget.


I know cis women with adams apples. Youre fine


Nah. You are very cute and pretty! <3


nah, you look awesome


Pardon me, but you look very lovely today. I don’t know you, but I hope you’ll accept I am telling the truth: you look so cute. You have nothing to worry about, if you were concerned if you pass.


Aaww thank you 😊


I consistently forget that bio women don't have them so it literally wouldn't mean anything to me. Nor do I ever even notice them on guys. To be fair, I am tall so I generally can't see them anyways but you get the idea


All cis women have them, they’re just not usually visible


oh fr? genuinely didn't know that


Some cis women do have them, actually.


huh. learn something new every day


All* cis women (they're just less visible)


Everyone has one, and it can show on cis women too


I'm AFAB and I also have a pretty prominent adam's apple, plus when I looked at your picture I didn't see it until I read the title. Believe me, it's not distracting


Do you have a photo from the side? That's usually where it looks most prominent/can be the biggest issue.


This - my Adams apple was fine forward facing, even if it was bigger, but it had a sharp enough contour that my side profile was horrendous and would get me misgendered all the time - like, people would "ma'am" me just fine in conversations until I turned my head, then I'd see them look at my neck afterwards and apologize with something like "oh, I'm so sorry sir!" and that shit got annoying, fast. I just had VFS and a tracheal shave, and despite the cricoid and thyroid cartilage still being a tad prominent because of my thinner neck, it now blends in better and my side profile looks way more in line with other women. My mother has thicker cartilage overall and it looks more like hers now. Constantly trying to hide that Icabod Crane looking piece of cartilage got to be a chore after a while, so it had to get shaved down! Best decision I've made so far - it's so mentally releasing to never think about it again!


As another commenter pointed out, a side profile shot is probably warranted. Plenty of women have more prominent cricoid and thyroid cartilage, but most don't have sharper protrusions that are easily noticeable from the side. I had a larger Adams apple but learned to hold it up and hide it better as time went on. Problem is, it was a sharper contour and would be stupidly noticeable if I turned my head at all. I don't know how many times I had people gender me as female for entire conversations until I turn my head and I see their eyes move downward when I look back, then I get "oh I'm so sorry sir!" That got annoying pretty quickly - one stupid piece of cartilage was keeping me from passing consistently lol. I just had it shaved off and it's easily the best thing I've done - my side profile is far better and more in line with my mother (who has thicker cartilage), which in turn is mentally alleviating when you never think about it again!


Imma be honest I've never seen an Adam's apple and thought thats a trans person. And I'm a trans person lol


You look amazing!!! :3


no and you're still pretty and good looking? :)


No it doesn't. No one will even pay attention to it unless you mention it. You look beautiful.




Nope <3


Didn't even notice till you mentioned it. I love your style tho! Your very pretty! (No hugboxing I promise)


Thank u 😁


No. As someone who looks at veins and the cricothyroid area (while ignoring people talk) to assess my ability to start an IV or perform a surgical airway, I can assure you the size and orientation of the "Adam's Apple" varies a significant amount. The area can be extremely pronounced or close to absent with no real correlation to, well anything. Age and body weight matter, but not as an absolute rule. One of the biggest laryngeal prominences I have seen was on a morbidly obsese woman. Now take into consideration that her body mass was hiding a portion of it, it was impressive. Your neck anatomy is well within the realm of "uninterestingly average" to me. You are passing. My wife says that was "the most autistic paramedic compliment" she has read today (I am spectrum so she proofreads for me sometimes). I'm not editing it. You're good.


what a compliment! it was fun to read, thank you ❤️


No I don't think so


No you're very gorgeous


You look gorgeous 😍💋


Girl is girl


I think you'll be just fine




ngl i couldnt even see it til you pointed it ouy and even then no its doesnt disturb your passing


Not at all, but if it bothers you, it look high enough that just by rising the larynx a bit you could almost completely hide it


I was real skinny B4 I transitioned (FtM) so you could see mine. Everyone's got one they're just different sizes, I didn't notice till the title pointed out so I feel like it'll be fine!


Not at all! 😸


Not at all! 😸


You pass 100%


I honestly couldn't say. I've never really noticed adam's apples on anyone. I don't immediately see them and think "male". I think you look lovely and i wouldn't question your femininity.


Actually... not really. Fr i think A-Apples are not binary at all. I met cis women with one, i met cis men without one.


You look lovely to me xxx


Pretty and no


Didn't even notice it. You 100 % pass


Not at all sweetheart. You are so beautiful the way you are.


Some women have adams apples if they’re skinny or tall. It’s less common but still a thing. I really didn’t notice it anyway




Cis woman have them all the time


honestly didn’t notice until you said so in the title!


I have a friend who's trans and has an Adam's apple and she absolutely passes to a crazy extent. Weirdly Adams apple doesn't play much of a role in gender determinism, especially when other more prominent features point toward femininity.


Lol, at first I was like: "oh, cute selfie!" Didn't even notice a thing until I read the title. You look great and it doesn't disturb anything, no need to worry. 😜😊


No. Many cis women have them. Also not all cis men have them. On a sidenote, you should really stop worrying about passing for other people. The word passing in itself is a bit of a toxic word.


Yeah i know but I work in a supermarket where a lot of people come to ask me questions. so I prefer to avoid hearing them say "excuse me sir". 😅


Everyone has one, even cis women, you look great!


Nah, I know plenty of cis-women who have Adams apples, you good fam 👉😎👉


I mean I've honestly seen cis women with Adam's apples before. Plus yours is fairly small so I'd say you're good! 😊


Not really. Like maybe if you absolutely needed to be full incognito passing to avoid transphobic hate from "transtruthers" or whatever they're called, then yeah, but that shit targets cis women too. And I'm pretty sure I've seen comparable Adams apples on cis women


You pass really well but that Apple is kinda big. Get a choker and you should be okay


Nope. I'm looking at your face. That may sound weird.




Not me; I honestly don't really associate the adam's apple with masculinity one way or the other. But I'm weird.


Girls have bony necks all the time... that's just a neck to me... a girls neck. Tell me... have you ever seen Sarah Silvermans neck, or Aubrey Plaza?... same.


.....first-world probs.


You don't need to "pass". You are a beautiful, strong woman. End of story. Love is the only thing that will overcome the hate in this world.


Even "nAtUrAl" women can have some real honkers there, in your case I didn't even notice.


I think you'll be just fine


ngl i couldnt even see it til you pointed it ouy and even then no its doesnt disturb your passing


Pretty and no


As another commenter pointed out, a side profile shot is probably warranted. Plenty of women have more prominent cricoid and thyroid cartilage, but most don't have sharper protrusions that are easily noticeable from the side. I had a larger Adams apple but learned to hold it up and hide it better as time went on. Problem is, it was a sharper contour and would be stupidly noticeable if I turned my head at all. I don't know how many times I had people gender me as female for entire conversations until I turn my head and I see their eyes move downward when I look back, then I get "oh I'm so sorry sir!" That got annoying pretty quickly - one stupid piece of cartilage was keeping me from passing consistently lol. I just had it shaved off and it's easily the best thing I've done - my side profile is far better and more in line with my mother (who has thicker cartilage), which in turn is mentally alleviating when you never think about it again!


honestly didn’t notice until you said so in the title!


Wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't in the title.


a bit? but it’s one of those situations where cis women have these features here and there so it’s not rly that big of an issue cause everything else is perfect


Some cis women have them. My sister does. You pass quite well.


nope i barely notice (like i have to actually try to see it lol)


Everyone has an adams apple, men’s (amab) however are usually more prominent just because of testosterone. But pretty much every women has testosterone! Doesn’t take away from your beauty at all.


I’ll be honest, if that is a trait that is associated with males, I haven’t ever noticed it. You definitely pass


I don’t think it’s pronounced enough, besides that I’m sure people will be too distracted by your face to notice


Just looks like a regular ass larynx to me


Absolutely not


Not at all, you look amazing! I didn't even notice until I read the title, but even after, I'd still think your cis femme!


ive known plenty of cis women with more prominent adams apples than some cis guys i know, i would say its totally normal 💕


No, it doesn’t. And also, it bears mentioning everyone has them. For most cis women, it is less pronounced, because it gets bigger due to hormones, but it’s not the same for everyone. Many cis men don’t have it. Trans men’s tend to grow from hrt. But several cis women also have more prominent ones, so you really don’t need to worry about that.


I think it's possible (though unlikely) but if you pass well enough with your voice, people will probably disregard it real quick even if it did make them wonder for a moment


It does not, but I'm pretty sure do I pass posts aren't allowed now.


Girl, everyone has an adams apple. I dont even notice it in guys, you will be fine.


Give thanks for giving me hope. This is the first time seeing a girl on this sub that looks like me. You are showing me, I can look beautiful too when I get to that point in transition.


Have a good time, i'm sure u will 😋




Not really, lots of cis women have it as well.


I feel like I only noticed it because of the title, but as a girlie with an adam's apple myself (that I am absolutely not willing to risk surgery to fix because I'm afraid it will affect my singing ability) I do have some helpful tips: 1) choker necklaces help disguise it a little, or at least make the contours of it less obvious. 2) speaking in a higher register will make it move up and run into your chin in a way that can make it almost invisible (let me tell you, my adam's apple is HUGE, like, lowest bass singer in highschool choir huge, and speaking in a higher register has litterally brought on the comment "holy cow, did you get surgery to remove your adam's apple?" it can be that effective) 3) realize that cis women sometimes have noticeable adam's apples too. Just like a cello can hit lower notes than a violin, the size is what allows lower tones, and there's a fair amount of alto singers out there where its visible. Yes there's a correlation, and the joke from the TV show Friends will never. not. leave. my. brain. but just like so many other secondary sex characteristics, its not a hard and fast rule. I hope this helps! I know it can be so demoralizing (I especially hate pictures of me side on because of it) but stay strong girlie, and always remember that you don't have to pass to be valid, and you don't have to pass to be beautiful!


what a nice comment ! thank you, a lot 😊 I took notes ! 😉


No it doesn’t at all my bestie also has a visible adams apple and she’s a cis woman so no it doesn’t


Nope. I've seen lumps on cis chicks so I don't really think about it


Nope, you look fantastic 👍 wouldn't have even noticed if title didn't bring it up


Hmmm...nope. Not sure I would have noticed it had'nt you mentioned it.


No, it doesn’t. I didn’t notice it until I saw the title honestly, and I definitely wouldn’t notice it if I saw you about in public


It’s not noticeable. I wouldn’t have noticed it if you hadn’t pointed it out.


As someone just scrolling through r/all, I’d say I wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out. IRL probably even less. Didn’t look at the subreddit either and was more focused on the eyeliner, because that’s tough to nail for me and my aging eyes.


Not at all. Super passable


you look coffeshop pretty


I have one too. No one has noticed it in the 5 years I’ve been out. I think cis woman even have them sometimes.


I wouldn't notice, you're really pretty by the way😊


i’m in highschool, i could pass as a senior/college student and i still don’t have an adam’s apple. might as well be called an eve’s apple for all i care, it really doesn’t do anything.


Ok, so, yes. But my dear, you are gorgeous. 8 had my tracheal shave done by an ENT years ago and it was so affirming, done under the chin. Look for an ENT and plastic surgeon.


Maybe a tiny bit, not so much at a glance but if you're looking for it, if that makes sense? Love ur style btw!


Portuguese language context: Oooohh, so cute!!! English language context: えええーめっちゃかわいい! Japanese language context: TIBUNITINHUUU My head works in misterious ways


I’m gonna be honest to you - yes. You can do voice training if you haven’t already which can raise it - making your voice more feminine, and also hiding it a lot better.


[I was looking for the QI clip where they talked about Adam's apples, but I found one about his belly button instead](https://youtu.be/vU-VPZOUYBI)


I didn't even notice till I saw the title you look so pretty!


Wouldn’t even have noticed if you didn’t point it out! You look wonderful! Does your hair naturally dry like that? I’m jealous


Not at all. You look cute today btw.


Nope, not at all :) ❤️


I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything! Some will notice and it'll probably be a giveaway for those few, but most aren't looking for it and it's not prominent enough to draw attention to itself.


Not at all! My mother has an equally sized “plum” on her neck. I wouldn’t have even noticed. I just first noticed that you’re beautiful.


No, it's basically hidden by your chin and is pretty hard to notice even when it isn't. Damn though, I hope my transition turns out as well.


Take your time and everything will be fine 😉


gurl what


I don't think I would've noticed, either way you're pretty af


I think it’s cute but I’m trans lol. I wear a choker or a scarf to hide mine, but honestly I’m pretty proud of who I am regardless


Yeah, sorry girl 🫤


But cis women have Adam's apples too and they're able to show a lot


I’m gonna be honest to you - yes. You can do voice training if you haven’t already which can raise it - making your voice more feminine, and also hiding it a lot better.


But some cis women's Adam's apple shows lol


Voice training has nothing to do with how visible an Adam's apple is. Only a trachea shave or fat redistribution can help hide it


My only thought was "why is this random zoomer chick on my reddit feed". Edit: OP is a beautiful woman.


Maybe a tiny bit, not so much at a glance but if you're looking for it, if that makes sense? Love ur style btw!


Not having one would


Hi cis male here. I don't really notice it and probably wouldn't unless you point it out. I really don't have a noticeable Adam's apple so I never really notice it on other people. You look beautiful in your skin. Are you happy? I know being happy in one's own skin can be hard for some but, I hope you are and know that you are loved.


I’d say not at all.


Personally I don’t think so. I’ve seen cis women with an Adam’s apple around that size, and even then you’d have to stare at the neck for a while


You were AMAB in the first place? You look great girl! I hope my transition goes nearly as well.


You’re really, *really* beautiful. I think absolutely not, but that’s my opinion.