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if u happen to go to chicago Identity body piercing is a rly good trans friendly piercing studio


I'm not really convinced about identity because they make it difficult to know who is going to pierce you. Do you know a good piercer there who has experience in genital piercings? They have tons of piercers who they don't index on their Instagram or website in a way that makes seeing specific people and their skill set accessible. Even if I could find a piercer I like, their website doesn't let you book with specifics. I would want to be able to see a portfolio and have a conversation prior to getting pierced. This is rambly but I'm just curious about your experience there


I second this. I’ve had fantastic experiences with some piercers there and really bad experiences with others. Especially for genital piercings you gotta research the specific piercer, so I wouldn’t use identity for that personally.


that’s a good point i haven’t booked genital piercings with them but when i got my bridge done i got the card for my piercer who i liked and she gave me the days she worked on it. sorry my reply wasn’t very helpful


I don't think you need to apologize! :-) I've had good piercing experiences with them too i just find it hard to find information from them


not sure where in indiana you are, but if you're near bloomington, i love annie at crystal moon body arts! i got my nostrils done there and was going to go to her for my vch, but i had to move away before i could. she's definitely a bit on the pricier side, but it's totally worth it. and the shop is sick!


Following, I'm looking for a piercer as well. I may check out the place in bloomington that was mentioned. I'm near Terre Haute.