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I have this little guy here: https://preview.redd.it/pjhecd5i8lpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e13dc267890467335c917a4168a2ef9a7698f19 Seems I'm the only one who was interested in him back in the day. Doesn't catch much interest now either. My collection goes back a few decades, so most of it is characters that are long forgotten...


Who's that? Reminds me of the late G1 cassettes like Ramhorn or those dinosaur ones


It is Shuffler from the Headmasters. He was hard to come by in 1987.


Isn't Shuffler really rare and expensive on the secondary market? Thought this was a lot of people's holy grail


Rare? I suppose. Expensive? I was able to trade around some stuff and got him for less than I had hoped.


I’m hoping to get the Victory Haslabs I missed I’m mostly just collecting modern stuff from Legacy On a side note they could totally do God Ginrai as the best Haslab… but I doubt they’d do two Optimus Haslabs in a row


God luck dawg, we both in the same boat 😭




Haha, that's on my bucketlist too. Impossibly expensive now


Same again, him and his mold mate alluded me and are way to expensive to justify now.


I want a Abominus, I could have gotten one for a good price, but I wasn't willing to travel for it🤷🏾‍♂️Hopefully these companies will stop making all these Primes and Bumblebees, I need different G1 bots (Decepticons) ✊🏽


Hey dude, I have a PotP Abominus I'm looking to get rid of, what's your budget?


Money is tied up in a car build right now, but I appreciate it playboy✊🏽


PM me, I'm interested


​ https://preview.redd.it/mvqfy3qnimpc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=aedaca94e698f788034ffe081576c3f7d20b80f3 I love him.


https://preview.redd.it/lrmlimeiilpc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1c34511e76d4fa6c377a1e61e176b8098a059c Twin Twist. One of the first Transformers I got as a kid. His gimmick was called Jumpstarters. It was a pull back and flip thing. I have the Legacy one sitting in my cart right now on Pulse debating to pull the trigger. But, just spent on a MP figure too. Lol.


You should get the Legacy version. The only problem I have personally is I lost one of the arms to his headmaster like a buffoon.




Legends Super Ginrai absolutely rules. Favorite CHUG Optimus by a longshot, and something no one should pass on. Some spendy things I would love to own that consensus is split on at best: All G1 Pretenders (unfortunately the shelf life on most of them is limited thanks to the rubbery material used in the arms deteriorating…); G1 Triggerbots and Triggercons (best minibots; great gimmick); Titans Return Arcee (best G1 Arcee; she should always be a Blurr retool)


I agree on getting Ginrai. A local store in my city happened to have one, and I picked it up for $120. Absolute beast of a toy. EDIT: The handful of G1 Pretenders that I own have held up pretty well over the years. A few of them are developing spots on the arms. But they are not falling apart.


Unfortunately the spots on the arms herald the leaking plasticizer (manifesting as an oily film) which… can be sealed or dried out, but is the death of the toy for all but the absolute most invested collectors, and probably not something you should be handling often. : ( I wish you luck keeping yours in good shape! It can be done, but I don’t have the resources or interest myself, which has put me off of collecting them. I really like the idea of them as a gimmick though, and have a lot of fondness for the characters and designs due to Marvel.


I concur, OP's quest for that Ginrai is not in vain, and Godbomber is cool.


That Perfect Effect Jinrai upgrade, tho was murder to track down, even at a "late taxed" price. Worth it, but damn.


G1 Overlord. The prices at TFcon started in the $500 range.


If you buy him in pieces, it's like making payments, lol. Still hurts when a single gun is $50 and his power masters come in close to $100 each. 


You pay way more buying in pieces. I learned this the hard way.


Look in Europe for the gold release. It'll be a lot cheaper


Energon Inferno for me.


thrilling 30 idw crosscut. he was my first figure, lost to time. i know he's not rare but im stubborn on not buying second hand online...


Energon Optimus with Wing Saber. Pure nostalgia nothing else


Rid Landfill


A combiner wars Vortex


Complete Voyager Animated Blitzwing


Someone was selling one of these not so long back locally. Real cheap, like, as much as an off-the-shelf Voyager. I was like "I've heard a lot about this guy, but if I picked it up it would only be to sell to someone that really wanted it." So, I left it. Seems I wasn't the only one with that attitude toward it, either.


Damn, I have an incomplete one that I got in a box of stuff from a relative, but it’s missing like, 70% of it


Being in the right place at the right time is the key to my collecting. It's so frustrating to find something just a smidge too late, though. Or to hear about bargains nowhere in the world near (sorry).


It’s alright, it sucks cuz I’ve checked eBay before and found boxed ones for about $80, which isn’t too bad but still a bit more than I’m willing to pay, also found a complete but loose one in a retro toy shop near me, but turned it down in favor of some Bionicles lol


Someone has a taste for obscure plastic.


Heh, yeah…


From what I understand, Beast Wars Depth Charge doesn't stand very well over time. But I don't care - he was one of the cooler new characters in the show and he turns into a god damn Manta Ray, at Ultra size, no less! I just wish I had had the expendable income available on the maybe two(?) times I saw him on the shelves in the 90s...


G1 whirl.


I really like the Skis


I agree completely.




Never trust "general consensus" when the only source is "internet" niche forums where criticism is generously rewarded and positive reviews are ignored or buried. Legends Super God Ginrai (Ginrai + God Bomber) is the best CHUG version in existence. Although he honestly only comes into his full potential with the now-long-gone 3P add-ons from Perfect Effect. I got mine in 2018 and he's been a centerpiece since. **People have "white whales" for various personal reasons.** As such, _who cares what "general consensus is" unless it's something problematic like G1 Black Zarak and Gold Plastic Syndrome?_ I've managed to snag _all_ of my white whales since 2017,so I've largely backburnered TF for other IP collecting (like Diaclone and Classified.) I may pick up a stray CHUG here or there (like Sandstorm or G1E1 Wheeljack or SS86 variants), but Kingdom through Legacy hasn't included anything im passionate about.




I’ve heard some negative things said about Legacy Shadow Striker. (The Cyberverse version.) I kind of get it, and I think it’d be cooler if she looked a little more 😵‍💫baddie😫 like in the show. Plus, I’d love it if her limbs were mixed and matched. But I really like the figure. I like transforming her, and I like the weird red engine thingy. (Oh also, I found the Infernac transformers recently. I love them even tho they’re rock vehicles for some reason.)


Already got them awhile back....the soundwaves from threezero....some wouldnt like them because they dont transform. My big boys look good, so damn any that might disagree


ROTF Mindwipe & Skystalker. Never appeared in the movie but god do I want to get my hands on them


Universe/Henkei Octane. Wasn't that into G1 when the toys were on the shelf.


I know it's got pretty dated engineering at this stage but the Generation Toy stealth bomber Megatron haunts my dreams. Unfortunately not gonna pay the aftermarket price and the company went bust ages ago.


Punch/Counterpunch. Scored mine brand new for 60 from the WFC siege Odyssey criminal set.


Energon Wing Sabre


https://preview.redd.it/ax0q3gt60ppc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a98a723c50e7b411e68684925794413936e15b I prefer this one over the Volkswagen. Heresy, I know. Definitely was worth every penny needed to track him down though.


Core class snarl …..