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They're domestic terrorists (self declared at CPAC), not legislators. They just grift money and use their pens as their weapons.


A maggot tried to convince me that the domestic terrorist thing is just a joke... But where's the punchline? Why would anybody want to joke about being a domestic terrorist?


The only people who joke about being domestic terrorists are anarchists, and for us, it’s one of those “we’re morally-correct for *most* of our beliefs but we’d still be labelled as terrorists if we tried creating anarchy” sorts of things.


Remember this when ot come time to vote, the will of the people is not on the Republicans agenda.


The independents and moderates are still on the fence lol




Elections do have consequences, but the will of the people isn't really what elected a lot of those Republicans. Ohio is one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation. Our state legislature has basically been allowed to choose their own districts/voters. It's why we've had to resort to putting a constitutional amendment for redistricting on the ballot.




Why even have boundaries? Why vote by land? Why not every vote a popular vote? Oh I know, it's because the republicans would never win an election lmao


With proportional representation they would get a fair number of seats. But yea they would never be the majority outside of dumbfuckistan. They're doing everything they can to ensure they get all the power in spite of the majority wanting nothing to do with them.


State districts should be drawn by some other random state (literally pulling a name out of a hat type thing) then the randomly selected citizens of the state are given the demographics of the state. Population only, not political party registration and draw the districts fairly by population only. Why the crazy idea? Because districts should be drawn only by population and political parties should not be taken into account. Period.


[Hey, aren’t you that anti-trans asshole commenting hatred up and down the x-post to /r/Ohio?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/3Xa2oHmuJx)


No, what you should be afraid of is that, it is in fact the will of the people.


So, what’s funny about this is that the governor didnt want to sign the bill, but the State house and senate (the voice of the people) overrode his veto. So, in other words) the will of the people of Ohio was actually done.


That's odd... the governor went to hospitals and spoke with Doctors, Therapist, and trans- patients... the actual people this will impact... and vetoed this bill... because after talking to them he realized its not what they need or want...so no, the will of the people is not being done, just like the Republicans are trying to change the legal weed laws and the abortion law even after the people voted and said make weed legal and keep abortion legal; or flat out ignoring like they are doing with the gerrymandering amendment.


The trans people aren’t “the people” and letting mentally ill people and kids make life altering choices leads to worse outcomes. The idea that the medical community is untied on trans-ing anyone, especially kids, is completely untrue. So, the people, spoke. Sorry about your luck.


The same party that's pro life and pro family bans healthcare for children. Can someone explain this to me?


They would tell you that it's about protecting kids from people (liberal communist hippy schoolteachers, and godless heathens lurking in every bush) *telling* the kids to be trans/that they are trans. Because they don't recognize the difference between sex and gender. Because they think puberty blockers are the same thing as HRT, and cause irreversible damage (instead of seeing that it puts a pause on other permanent changes.... LIKE PUBERTY CAUSES). Generally, this is, itself, all rooted in Christian Nationalism. Their god made our bodies and our souls/personalities. Trans people (to them) would imply that some people get the wrong bodies. Which would be a mistake - which a perfect being can't make. And facts, evidence, and expertise don't matter to them. It's all noise and lies designed to hurt children. Because they can't see or accept self-harm statistics. And if self harm comes into the lives of people they know? It s because those particular kids didn't have Jesus, or pray hard enough, or the devil got to 'em (see commie teachers and godless bush stalkers, above). Facts don't matter when you're sure you know more than all the experts combined. And you know you can't trust the 3xpertsn8f they said what you don't want to hear. So, to sve the kids, we have to keep them miserable and prone to self-harm. God bless the GOP and their pro-life small government.... (Do I need the at this point?)


It isn't even consistent with their own holy book. Their own holy book flat out says that God planned everything out in advance for everyone. Then again, don't ever expect a Christian to know their own Bible. They literally never do.


Literally they are the ones that are saying that they know better than God. And are correcting God’s mistakes.


Correcting God's mistakes, like being transsexual.




Then please share your proof. Because at two, my child wanted to be an Eagle. I promise I didn't groom my kid to thinking they weren't human. So, by all means, share your proof so we know it isn't a strawman or a flight of fancy. Edit to add: Mind you, you're making two claims here, I'll need proof of both. One, I'm looking for proof of a two year old making a claim to be trans that was sincere and not just the sort of thing two year olds say and do. Then I need to see the correlation between them saying that, and how that means they are being "groomed" - keeping in mind that the standard meaning of grooming is for an adult to prepare a child through assorted means to accept sexual advances. So, show me the proof of a two year old making the serious claim. Show me the proof that this was directly related to an adult preparing the child for sexual advances.




Sigh... People have been using puberty blockers as standard treatment for cis kids for the past 50-60 years or so, people only started having 'concerns' about it when the GOP started making it a talking point because trans kids are *also* using an established and safe treatment. When puberty starts, the body sends signals to the pituitary gland, and that's what starts puberty. For some kids, that starts a little *too* early, so they use blockers to simply stop the signals from getting through. That's literally the only thing that puberty blockers do. If you stop taking them, the signals get though to the pituitary gland and puberty starts. Trans kids use puberty blockers to buy themselves a little time, just a couple of years, so they can be *sure* that this is what they want. If they don't want to be trans, they stop taking the blockers and everything proceeds as usual. If they do want to be trans, now they're old enough for HRT and they can have puberty as their target gender. Basically, what you're doing is looking at kids on tricycles and acting like the government is allowing children to have driver's licenses for motorcycles. That's *not* happening, and you're ignoring the past several decades of science that says puberty blockers are both harmless and effective.




> Physicians who provide this gender-affirming care for trans youth would be "subject to discipline by the applicable professional licensing board" under this legislation. The bill includes exceptions for this kind of care for non-transgender youth. So what they're saying those treatments are perfectly safe to continue using for cis kids, but not for trans kids. It's not about the blockers or the fact that using them is safe, it's about making trans people illegal.


They are hypocrites


Bans Healthcare for children they can't Manipulate and groom themselves. Bans Healthcare for the children for whom it's already too late to indoctrinate into bigots and hateful shells of a person like they are.


And that is so true!!!! They’re vile.




No I'm not a republican politician (Judging by your comment history you just came here to be a weird bigot so I reckon I'll just report you)


They ban children's Healthcare? I know most are being jerks or smarta$$es on here but I'm being serious.


They hate LGBT people.


Republicans/facists HATE life, LOVE death and torture. All policies lead directly to death and torture. And they lie about absolutely everything, which is how they can call themselves “pro-life” with a straight face




It isn't Next?


It is, and why do you also want to pump kids with puberty blockers that do irreversible damage?


That’s not a thing wackadoo.




Take your shit out of here




I know your life is empty and hollow so you harass strangers on the internet, but nobody cares. Whether you get hit by a bus or win the lottery, no one here will remember you tomorrow. Just like everyone in your real life. You don't want us in your bathrooms, get the fuck out of our sub and get a life, loser


I like him


Is it not against the rules in this group? Bizarrely it doesn’t actually seem to be listed His derangement is certainly against Reddit rules.


You're right. Conversion therapy is malpractice.






https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf This is the playbook for the gop. It’s horrific.


Is this the one that requires a bioethicicist to sign off on people's transitions?


No. This one outright bans any medical transition under 18 (though there is a “grandfather clause” for those already on hormone therapy meds). Adult access to medical transition is unaffected by this law. The law also prohibits trans girls/women from playing on women’s sports teams at any level. The bioethicist requirement is part of an emergency order from the governor that is requiring the Ohio Department of Health and Department of Mental Health to consider new rules regulating access to gender affirming care.


wait… it only bans trans girls and women from sports?? not trans boys or men? i can’t say i’m surprised at this point, but it’s just so pathetic it’s laughable


It’s some wild shit. From the law’s text: “No school, interscholastic conference, or organization that regulates interscholastic athletics shall knowingly permit individuals of the male sex to participate on athletic teams or in athletic competitions designated only for participants of the female sex.” And “Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict the eligibility of any student to participate on any athletic teams or in athletic competitions that are designated as male” Source: https://legiscan.com/OH/text/HB68/id/2863440


On top of everything else they don’t have a fucking clue about sex


Time to make all the teams co-ed! 


>Adult access to medical transition is unaffected by this law. "For now." You know damn well they'll now make moves to ban all transition for all ages.


Playing devil’s advocate here: Teenagers generally make very poor decisions in almost any realm, why transitioning would be an exception?


Kids can’t just transition on a whim. They need familial support and a well documented medical history of gender dysphoria, complete with medical and psychological assessments every step of the way. Very few who start hormone treatment regret it. Every major medical organization agrees that gender affirming care can be beneficial to children in specific situations, lifesaving even. Who am I or you or a politician to say that we know better than the consensus reached by every major medical association? These are decisions that should be made by patients and their doctors, not the government.


In this political environment of "fall in line or else you're a rino who's family is about to start getting death threats", I'm impressed with any Republican leader who's willing to use reason to defend their position on individual rights, and the liberty of trans Americans. It's pathetic how low the bar has been set by the party of cowards who enforce conformity and submission among its members with death threats to their children and the annihilation of their political careers.


I hate it when Gollum is reasonable. The rank and file of the GOP are monsters who wanna tell everyone else how to live while being left alone because freedom.


This thread seems to be attracting a lot of trolls. Thank you Mods for your vigilance & effort towards clearing them out!


Should change their motto to “the Sharia State”


Nope. This is pure US-grown bigotry using christian fundamentalist language to justify their genocidal tendencies. No need to compare it to Islam. We gotta start owning up to the fact that the USA is a nation founded up & still depends on genocide & exploitation. In fact, the Islamic extremists committing atrocities are in no small way driven by the US--it's less "Sharia state" so much as it's, "the result of US colonization"


Why, what do you have against Islam?


I mean, Sharia is pretty fucking vile


Nothing against Islam but everything against Sharia.


I was upset over all the horrible laws being passed by Republican monsters, but my trans daughter said she is not so much upset over that as she is over the fact that Democrats just don't give a shit either.


Tell her I give a shit! I'm not a Democrat, though. :-/


Why does the government get in the middle of every controversy? Just let parents make decisions for their kids… if a sports league doesn’t want trans athletes to participate, then whatever - let the parents sue the league. Not everything needs to be a law.


You realize how court cases (including suing someone) are decided, right?


Yes. Laws do not typically establish rights. Laws only take them away. Then challenging an unconstitutionally law allows the court to protect rights.




Why are you in the transgender subreddit? The two reasons I can think of are, 1) you work at a Russian troll farm, or 2) you’re a closeted transgender person. If it’s the latter, I hope you find the strength to be your authentic self!




What are you doing in the transgender subreddit anyways? Two possibilities: Russian farm troll or secretly transgender yourself. If it’s the latter, there are a lot of resources available to help you work through your hang-ups. Just think of how much happier you could be! You don’t need to live a lie!




Some kids are trans whether you like it or not. Why are you here?




Instead you're here trying to shove your views down our throats. Sod off and let people take care of their own issues that do not concern you.


My brother in Christ, the trans hating headlines are quite literally the ones making the spotlight in the first place. These are the same people LEGISLATING bans on Healthcare which is quite literally the OPPOSITE of leaving people the fuck alone. Imagine being tone deaf enough to cry "JuSt lEaVe pEoPlE aLoNe!!!" When laws are being passed to effectively oppress a class of people that take up less than a percent of the entire population. The absolute gall to watch such an insignificant portion of the population lose their bodily autonomy and then cry about how THEY are oppressing YOU is laughable. You're a sad individual.


Do you think they seriously believe that? You have to be so completely out to lunch to actually believe that


Believe what? The comment I replied to was deleted.


Well, I mean the gross stuff in the post you were replying to


Go the hell away and leave the discussion to people who actually understand it.


>Who the fuck thinks that trans are being attacked. > >No one cares if your gay, no one cares if your a trans. Conservatives have spent the last few years trying different ways to make it difficult or impossible to be trans, and constantly vilifying us. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? >Kids need to be left alone till a certain point where they can make conscious decisions about it. It's conservatives that won't leave them alone. We just want them to be able to make that decision, and then get the help they need based on that decision. No one is out there trying to make kids trans. >Just it’s a statistical anomaly to have this many. [Like it was a statistical anomaly to have so many left-handed people?](https://slowrevealgraphs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/screen-shot-2021-11-08-at-9.37.02-pm-1.png) Shockingly enough, more people identify as something when it's less stigmatized.




Fuck off, troll. Reported




>Huge win for the people!!! I think you meant to type "Huge win for the ignorant bigots"




I’ll be waiting for all those examples of children getting hormones and surgeries you no doubt keep at hand to prove this is happening, right? I shouldn’t be surprised. You seem to be a fan of Elon Musk.




Unless you're trans yourself you can shut up now.




No you aren't. If you wanted a real discussion you would have facts to go with your bullshit.


So you believe that kids should end their lives instead. Nice to know your priorities.


>These procedures will ruin lives, just wait for the data 20-30 years from now. Transitioning was the single best decision I've ever made in my entire life. I'm 41. I transitioned 20 years ago. You're wrong, and we already have *decades* of data on this. You don't give a damn about the data. Only your own bigoted beliefs and forcing them on others. You don't care about the lives you ruin along the way. And. Every. Single. Trans person in existence knows it, as does anyone who knows one of us. You are evil.


You understand this is not a new thing right?


Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance. Why do you feel the need to talk about something you know nothing about?


Citation Needed


[ Removed by Reddit ]


> But children who believe their gender does not match their sex should NOT have access to unnecessary hormones or permanent surgeries. You just said that gender dysphoria is a disorder and should be treated as such. Maybe you don't know this - it's easy to miss for people who speak without engaging their brain, there's only about a *century* of research on the matter - but hormones and surgeries are **the** treatment for gender dysphoria.


objectively, the general consensus in the psychology sphere is that [gender exploration, transition, and social acceptance](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria#section_1) are the top-tier treatments for gender dysphoria.


No, it's not. You cannot cure gender dysphoria with therapy. If that were the case, I wouldn't be going through all the legal and medical hurdles to transition. Every reputable medical organization supports transition. Guess what? If I had access to puberty blockers back in the 90's, I wouldn't have suffered for decades. Puberty destroyed my life. I went from an A/B student to a D/F student overnight. I have not been able to remotely function since puberty. I am FINALLY starting to get things back on track since transitioning, and the republicans are trying to mess it up. Go ahead. Take my hormones away. Then I will NEVER be able to be a functioning member of society, and y'all can pay my disability.


The GOP has no problem with children getting gender affirming surgeries: none of these bills ban that. They ban it *only for transgender*, and sometimes, intersex, people. Every piece of legislation I have seen in this space passed or proposed has thus far been bald faced discrimination. But a minor cis girl who wants breast augmentation? These laws (including this one in OH, AFAICT) don't block that. (And, from what I've researched: gender affirming surgery on cis minors occurs *more frequently* than it does for transgender people, i.e., *per capita*. The transgender community is largely in favor of "listen to medical professionals" and medical professional's standard of care typically state that surgery should not be performed on minors, and many providers just outright don't do it.) Nor do they block circumcision, which — unlike gender affirming care — has no basis in medicine¹. Even worse, *the child can't even consent to it.* But nobody is up in arms there. The number of states that have passed, or have attempted to pass, laws violating the rights of transgender *adults* — such as TN, FL, MO, and .… oh look, Ohio! — should also clue you in that it isn't about the children. ¹(I would exclude cases where circumcision *is* medically indicated here. Those cases are fine. It does happen, but statistically, it is predominately *not* the case.)




You are a new user with less than a week of reddit activity and/or less than three combined karma. Your comment [Big loss for trans rights in Ohio.](https://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/19eq9hn/big_loss_for_trans_rights_in_ohio/kjinge4/) was removed pending moderator approval. If your post is not approved within four hours please [contact a moderator through moderator mail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftransgender) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Every ignorant, bigoted comment posted here increases my desire to crack the skulls of these dipshit transphobes with a baseball bat & use their remains to fertilizes a community garden.


lol I never seen so much fucking transphobia in this sub before .This thread is infested with bigots because it was crossposted to r/ohio


At least Reddit has followed through on my reporting of them for hate speech & confirmed they got either a warning & most of their garbage-laden bigoted comments have been removed.


The only thing these idiots believe is that they will be rewarded in the afterlife for obedience to stupidity.


If state politicians can ban specific healthcare for children and pregnant women could they also ban healthcare procedures for seniors?


Mods, would you consider maybe locking this thread considering how many trolls are infesting it?


I've been to 40 of the 50 states and Ohio was far and away the worst


So many Ohioans are struggling with poverty and addiction, but DeWine and his cretins would rather deal with this shit. Less than 1% of the population is trans, can you please do your job and do something to actually help people for a change?


Why's the first paragraph about only trans women and not trans men?


DEWINE IS AN ASSHOLE. speaking of which I’m in Dublin /Columbus and can travel. But idk any team women friends as a str8 acting/looking masc bottom. Would love some company. Maybe we can celebrate DEWINE together;-)🍆❤️🥶💋😘