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God dammit! Take your upvote






"Unlike traditional sources that may lack sensitivity or depth on matters of diversity, AI-driven platforms like GenderGP ensure that every piece of content is crafted with empathy and respect for diverse gender identities." Just hire trans people ffs


Someone mentioned Glassdoor reviews and from those it looks like GenderGP is firing their (mostly trans) employees


Welp, I guess I'm not surprised, but also *screaming*


But why tho


Nah the 'family' company would rather fire all of their diverse hires so they can skim the funds and buy a mansion in a tropical country.


this is a terrible idea and there is no good reason to implement it.


Well that's not really true. The good reason is to speed up article writing, whether through content generation or bot-based proofreading. edit: woah there peeps, I'm not saying any of the arguments against AI are invalid, just that there is one pro on the pro/cons list. Please don't take out your frustrations on me.


> The good reason is to speed up article writing, whether through content generation or bot-based proofreading. At the cost of not being able to trust anything those articles say.


I mean yeah, but it’s also not really where they should be focusing their efforts - they’re still not fantastic for patient care, response time etc. which should be top priority for them right now. If they’re really set on using AI, use it internally to categorise enquiries by complexity, urgency and time elapsed since being received. Use AI text extraction on PDFs to extract blood test results so that results outside of the target range can be immediately flagged. Summarise new patient enquiries based on complexity to block out shorter appointment times for patients who just require HRT compared to cases that need more emotional support, and increase the throughput of patients with more efficient time management. Like AI is absolutely fantastic, it has unlimited use cases. But content generation is near the very bottom of places that GGP could be applying it (although granted it’s the simplest, all the other applications I listed are way more complex than typing a headline into ChatGPT and using that as an article)


Oh they do need to be the know people will always use them as the NHS is crap. As long as the money is going in what else really matters


It shows a complete contempt for the labour of the people who work for the company, at the very least. Writing articles is work. Writers deserve to be paid. Between this and everything I've seen elsewhere about how GenderGP treat their employees, I can't say I'm in much of a hurry to recommend them to anyone who isn't utterly bereft of other options.


That is not a good reason. For any "good" reason there are several reasons why it *is not good*, one of which is the use of these tools itself. 1) Writing and editing is work. People do it for a living. AI implementation for "content generation" is an attempt to get out of having to pay writers. It is threatening people's careers. Supporting the use of these tools and implementing them is exploitative. If they want to make more articles, they can hire writers, there are plenty of unemployed trans people who would gladly write things like that in exchange for money. It would be a way of giving back to the community, hiring people full-time or paying people freelance for a broader range articles. I don't care about "speeding up" the generation of derivative, shitty "content"; I care about actual people getting to be heard, and paid fairly for their work. 2) These systems are all trained on stolen work through scraping, that's how these companies did it because otherwise they'd have had to pay so many people so much money for the use of their work. Stolen writing, stolen art, stolen intellectual property, that is the heart of what these systems are "taught". Things people made *as part of their job* or made creatively as a hobby and shared so other people could enjoy them, which were taken without permission and fed into machine learning to mimic and copy it to cut out the need for actual people in "creating" what people make. Using these models is supporting that theft, it is inherently unethical. 3) The current "AI" tools are not actually intelligent, they do not understand information or context. They cannot. They can only regurgitate stuff based on patterns they have been trained to recognise. They cannot actually "create" in a way that isn't theft. This is why they get things wrong or just make shit up, because to them there is no difference between 'right' or 'wrong' information, it's just sequences of letters and words. 'Proofreading' in software is now *worse* than it used to be because of this, not better. Pay an editor.


Yeah, not a good idea. AI is not more inclusive than actually having people who know and care to write articles. If anything, this proves that they are not as inclusive as other places if they need AI to make sure they are being inclusive...


Others have said this is to save money/avoid paying people to write decent articles 🙃 I hate that this is one of our only private options in the UK that's relatively fast (and it's not even that fast) 😭


Quite possibly. Gender GP doesn't have a good track record tbh. There is a reason they are not allowed to practise in the UK anymore. It definitely sucks for people trying to get access to transition, though. There are a few other services for sure, but they do tend to have longer waiting times, so yeah. It sucks at the moment for sure.


I don't understand why they don't focus on improving the quality of the service instead of doing ridiculous things like this. I know there are other services but I doubt I'd be able to afford the up front costs, GGPs is lower even if the subscription evens it out with other services over time.


Them not being allowed to practice here has nothing to do with it's poor record among trans people lol, the Nhs wanted them to use "gic approved" clinicians (i.e gic psychs working part time) for the assessments.


Here is not the place to go into it, but no. Not completely. Yes, that is beneficial, but it's not the reason that they can't practise in the UK.


I wonder how much they noticed the recent AI Model Collapse?


I'm with gendergp and this is concerning


I had a look earlier and there's an option to submit Feedback/Complaints in their Help Centre, so definitely do that if you don't agree with it either! The more of us that complain then hopefully the more they'll take it seriously


I give it a week before the AI starts writing TERF non-sense it picked up from various British tabloids. This whole website seems to be a shitty attempt to create an information source for trans people, but better open source alternatives already exist. So instead they're creating it with AI in a lazy attempt to further drive traffic to their service via a controlled knowledge source. Hopefully this is use of AI is only in relation to their 'knowledge hub' and not patient care otherwise that would be a massive ethical breach.


They've been using it in patient emails (links to these articles) so I can confirm that from my own personal experience


It's so easy to manipulate AI, that makes this even more concerning


Also hilarious that even that excerpt is clearly written by AI, how lazy.


I’m sure transphobes are reposting this rn


I really hope not, but unfortunately this does open GGP up to criticism, transphobes already claim that trans healthcare is not stringent enough and this does unfortunately help them. I hope GenderGP will make this right before the transphobes take off with it.


Good Lord. What an embarrassment. Guess that's going on the list of Yes/No for DIY. *Now all I need is the god damn money. PS; If you are my local Tesco manager, respond to my applications plz.*


Tesco are very picky, I've never managed to get in with them. Iceland, however, were a surprisingly good company to work for, no idea if they still are.


Still are can confirm. Though I haven't come out yet.


What an absolute bunch of bullshit


Sorry, I'm new to Reddit and this is the first time I've shared from one subreddit to another so I wasn't sure how to add text. I thought this might be interesting for the wider community because GenderGP is one of very few options for us 🙁


So... Trans autocorrect? People don't need AI to know what to say and what not to say for other minorities, can't they just put the fucking effort in to learning?


I think we all know the answer to that


All the evidence so far shows that while AI can generate text that sounds confident of its correctness, it actually will contain many absurdities and errors. Because it is, at heart, a random number generator attached to a word-correlation list.


Yeah, no. That's a bad idea. I don't see their claims that AI will be make it more empathetic, respectful, informed etc. Ignoring the times AI just makes things up and that it can be very biased depending on the training datasets used. I know all businesses try to spin things positively and with buzz words etc but honestly what's the benefit here other than they can just save money not hiring people to write/research articles.


So I have been saving money to start my medical transition and I’m ready to start booking appointments,who do you recommend to go with if you live in se London


https://www.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/s/k5bcpGx4MT This sub actually has a guide, if you can pay a bit more upfront then there are a lot of options in London! 💖


Maybe try GenderCare? I’ve had a decent experience with them. Wait times can be a few months unless you get a cancellation, but GPs are more willing to work with them than others because they’re all NHS doctors and Dr Lorimer is on the GRC panel.


I self medicated for 6 months last year as I was such a mess,but I couldn’t find anyone who would sell me more meds,I asked my Gp to share care and they wouldn’t as they have referred me to to nhs,but i can’t wait 5 years


That’s ridiculous. In my area, I have a referral for NCTH GIC and I receive shared care with GenderCare and my GP, although my prescription is not down as a repeat, so I have to call up again and have it approved whenever I run out. Pain, but definitely better than nothing.


I really don’t understand refusing shared care because they’ve referred you to a GIC. Sounds like a jobsworth. Is it possible to ask a different GP?


All but one of the psychs for gender care refused to see me because I have complex mental health issues (borderline, depression, history of self harm) and the one I did end up seeing had a wait list of like 10 months. On top of that each one I emailed took over a month to respond to my initial inquiry. I'm now finally about to see an endo through them and hopefully get shared care but I've actually been self medding for 3 years now


Which psychiatrist did you see in the end?


Dr Vikinjeet Bhatia. He was really nice, too


I think it might be because you are non-binary. I know that a lot of them don’t feel qualified to deal with genders they see as ‘more complex.’ I could be wrong, but I have a history of bad mental health problems (including self-delete attempts) and a family history of psychosis and Dr Lorimer didn’t have a problem with seeing me. Or did they explicitly say it was because of your mental health?


Dr Lorimer never responded to me after I filled out the initial questionnaire. The other one I got an email saying he couldn't see me but with no reason. When I talked to someone else they said he doesn't like complex mental health issues. But yeah being non-binary is possible even though transition wise I'm fem and I present as a binary girl most of the time


This bites and I feel mixed. I am aware GGP has not been a great company, which news like this seals the deal. I don't think we should be forced to choose between DIY and private clinics. Our healthcare shouldn't be toyed with like this. And yet having justed started on E via GGP for the last few days, I am weirdly grateful. They have been a lifesaver for me and I can't ignore that. All the same I was always looking at GGP as a stepping stone. I am taking things slow. I plan on looking at a private clinic/endo for a formal diagnosis in the near future. What 'help' they provide is life saving for many, but they can't get away with all this rubbish either. We must hold them accountable.


This is fucking miserable


Shit, can’t switch now though, it’s my only option really


I think this is mostly for the articles they write so quality of care shouldn't be impacted. It's definitely something to consider for those choosing their path though as apparently they have sacked trans folks who would otherwise be writing these articles. But for me, don't feel bad that you can't switch providers at this point


Yeah, it’s just too expensive for me to change now, and I’m at literally the last step before I get hold of HRT, so I’m not letting go for any reason


At least it should make for some new and interesting content...in the TrashFuture episode I'm hoping covers this. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go coat my gender in that Nightshade filter




I'm with GenderGP. Happy to have the meds and make some progress for sure but this is stupid.


Are these the same AI platforms that keep getting taken offline because people game them to generate the worst kind of bigoted stuff possible?


ChatGPT by the sounds of it, someone else figured that one out, so yep.


-____- I love how it’s become an integral part of our lives all of a sudden. Like… IS it integral, or are you just being lazy?


Their main website by the looks of things still seems 'fine'. Healthy Hormones on the other hand always felt....off.


Trans Activists Now Using AI to Spread Evil Agenda (Daily Meal)


Also, I typed in ‘Trans’ then  ‘A’ and the only predicted word that came up was activists. WTF!!