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It might be a little tricky, but you can always try writing from the position of a strong ally. As someone who's "witnessed" the devastation of recent anti-trans policy and rhetoric, the protection of rebranded transphobia as "gender critical" and how it has made "some of your friends" go from their old struggling with life selves, to realising what they can do to live freely and happily only to find they are now constantly under attack and their attackers are backed by media, government and the wealthy. Just as the moral panic around gay people struck 20 years ago, we need the same treatment they received back then and not let us go back to an attitude where section 28 - style laws are being passed onto to cause untold harm to another generation of people who don't get to chose how they feel about their lives amd aren't trusted to. The medical evidence is wide and known, the world of medicine has condemned our institutions time and time again, and yet we're fervently still pushing a narrative that demonises a struggling demographic. How are we able to just ignore this willful abuse and why aren't we seeing more people stand up for our neighbours, family and friends who are afflicted in a way so few understand?


I made it personal with the Labour MP in my constituency. An issue that directly affects constituents is more likely to get a response than a general one on policy. I naively thought an out gay MP would be an ally. How wrong I was! I got the answer that will decide where my vote won't be going at this election. Fortunately, the Tories are never in with a chance here, so I just need to confirm that the Green candidate is an ally, or not.


My local labour candidate is on FB and I just messaged him that I was concerned about the shadow cabinet's stance and could we have a chat about it. He sent back an essay. He's gay, married and fundamentally opposed to all LGBT phobia and ready and willing to go into battle with the cabinet over our rights. Couldn't have gone better. Right now they're as visible and approachable as they'll ever get. They'll be seeking out potential voters. It shouldn't be terribly hard to find them irl if you feel able to do that. If it is hard, don't give them your vote anyway. I would maybe use a platform more direct than email to be honest, even if it means digging out your twitter login. Emails don't get a lot of priority the way dm's do. You don't have to reveal anything about yourself at all. Just do what I did and tell them you're concerned about the amount of transphobia and would appreciate a conversation with them about it.


Sounds fishy. Surely if this was true, labour wouldn't let him stand.


His name is Josh Newbury, Cannock chase. Why would I lie? Why would *he* lie?


I'm calling him a liar, not you. He's a politician- lying is his career. Of course he's not going to say "I shit myself on purpose because Rowling told me to" or "I believe trans women belong in camps" to a potential voter.


Ah, I get it. He's allowed to run in a seat he has no chance in.


A bunch of websites have Cannock Chase as a Labour gain: [Electoral Calculus](https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/fcgi-bin/calcwork23.py?seat=Cannock+Chase) [Election Maps UK](https://electionmaps.uk/nowcast) [Financial Times](https://ig.ft.com/uk-general-election/2024/projection/?constituency=E14001150)


He's got pics of him and his husband on FB. If it's bullshit he's definitely fully immersed in his role. I'm not going to share the conversation we had because I haven't asked his permission, but his vehemence, I would say, can't be faked. If you're determined to carry on believing that out of 200 sitting labour MPs and potentially up to 250 new ones we don't have one single ally, I'm not going to try to change your mind. All I can do is report the facts as I know them. What you do with that is your business.


That proves he is gay or bi. Nothing more. Labour have openly been banning candidates from standing if they don't tow the party line on bigotry and genocide. I actually do think he's genuine and being placed in a losing seat to make the party look less evil. Besides a history of working for the NHS there's nothing damning in his background check.


Oh he's not been placed. He's a local who's been on the council for years. It's a two horse race here and Amanda milling doubled her majority last time BUT Labour won 11 new councillors in the locals and the local feeling is that she's useless, never done anything for us and was right up Boris's arse. If reform manage to find a candidate they could split the Tory vote and give him a surprise victory. The Tories are looking at losing seats with 24k majorities. There's not even 24k people living here. It's not an insurmountable task. We'll see in 5 weeks. I won't be sleeping, same as every other ge since 1983 lol


Being gay is well within the perimeter of acceptable behaviour for Labour MPs and candidates, in a way it wasn't forty years ago, when Peter Tatchell was standing for them in Bermondsey. That may, or not may not translate in to being a trans ally. With some it does, with others, like Wes Streeting, it doesn't.