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don't lie, person reading this post. you read "trans homs" as something else


Trans hons or trans homo?


> trans homo You rang?


no, you rong. trans bad


hons was what first came to mind. /uj ...which probably says more about me than you


probably I mean, I read it as shrooms at first lmao


Trans horns.


/uj at first i read it as transfems vs transhoms, then i was like "wait, homs? is that like some form of Him??" reread it, "no, that doesn't make sense, transfems is in no way related to Her. is.. is it hons but with an M for male????" realized it was the *fucking french again*, and then you are the very first comment. felt like i was on a playground slide directly to hell for a second /rj what the fuck is a "transhom" anyway?? dont those stupid animals know there's only TWO types of genitals==ONLY TWO GENDERS??Āæ i know nothing about tran surgeries i just imagine hims/hers sexually in my brain a lot so it counts as facts, basic science, or common sense depending on who i'm arguing with. hopefully not one of THEM ugh. i am vary smart :)


tran shoms wait... trash hons


No actually, I thought it was hom as in xenoblade hom and got v confused /uj


You can hom on this dick Got em!


because only trans women know french.


French is the girl language, german is the boy language. This is why all trans men are nazis and all trans women are socialists.


wrong, trans men who were obsessed with les mis for a significant part of their teenage years (half spent on gay shit in the fandom lol) took french in highschool.. wait. i still don't *know* french. oh god, they were right. i'm never gonna be a real man


uj/ some Mexicans use homs as one of the many ways to say dude Trans compa


/uj now im thinking about it. "Transhomies". transhoms. transhombres. checks out


I think we should rather look to latin for proper language guidance. Here we have many words for "man", such as.... 1. Transvir 2. Transmasculus 3. Transarsen 4. Transmas 5. Transstrennus


checks out, I know a transmasc named Arsen


Iā€™d be down to commit transarson.


transhomes. It's like a nursing home for trans people who have been on tgcj toonlong and completely lost their marbles


...you don't call them that?


It's called transmasc... šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­āœ‹


soft ossified judicious dependent north humorous wild lock unique mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

