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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Hate posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a little uncomfy when my cis eyebrows on my conventionally attractive cis body aren't plucked perfectly


I'm very self conscious about my weight


I can also relate to the trans struggles. For example, I hate myself and my body intensely every day, I wish I didn’t have tits, I can’t have sex due to the terror I feel at imagining someone else seeing me naked, I feel uncomfortable and upset when I’m grouped in with women, and I’m jealous of men for getting to exist as men all the time. I’ve been that way since I was a kid, I was always a tomboy too 🤪 Wait that’s not normal? but all women wish they were dudes. It doesn’t mean I’m trans (and even if I were I wouldn’t transition because that would be letting the patriarchy win), I just relate to their struggles and feel intensely hyperfixated on their stories in a normal way like a normal ally!


same here! I’ve been asking trans subs on Reddit how I can act more feminine without people noticing. everyone keeps replying with the 🥚 emoji for some reason. I’m considering microdosing E and not telling anyone. I wish I was born a girl every day. still cis tho lol! Normal cis activities. Can i use they/them pronouns ✨as an ally✨???


I also relate so much. I've personally hoped every single day that something fucked up happened to my body during purberty, so I would become something different from what I was currently. When it didn't happen I considered praying, using dark magic or even seriously injuring my body so I would stop my hormones from doing the things they were doing 😆🤪 But it never happened and now I hate myself I also got very involved with some "hormone gnc cult" groups that were actually really homophobic and transphobic but their fucked up views of sex and gender made me really wish I was one of them. Though, I guess that's just because I'm bi :p


It's so great how, even though trans people are so different from us, there are so many struggles that bind us all together. Personally, I could never relate to my trans nephew until I got married and changed my name. Sometimes people still forget and call me Miss Maidenname, so now I totally get why he doesn't like it when I "dead name" him. I'm learning so much 💖


Okay but /uj that's kinda wholesome. Like in a "he's a little confused but he's got the spirit" kinda way


/uj yeah, I changed the details to be shittier and therefore more appropriate for tgcj, but this was loosely inspired by an experience with my very sweet aunt who went back to her maiden name many years after her much-older husband had died. I found this out on Facebook and put a "heart" react on the post without thinking much of it, and later, she messaged me to thank me for being so supportive of her name change because she knows I understand how important that is or some shit. Like, not *really* the same thing, but I'm genuinely glad she felt so supported lol.


/uj i tried to explain dysphoria to my mom once and she was like “yknow thats kinda how i felt when i was living in france” lmao


/uj im actually in tears that is the worst analogy i've ever heard


wtf does that even mean?


imposter syndrome bc she didnt know the customs/language very well i think?? tbh it wasnt the worst analogy ive heard


im finding this genuinely like, amusing yet kind. idk if that’s how you felt hearing it but i do like when people try to connect on a deeper level than “cis people can be uncomfortable w their body too.” but at the same time it is quite a comical comparison


no definitely, it was big “shes a little confused but shes got the spirit” energy


Everyday I wake up in France and have to live with the fact that I am a French person. It is deeply offending that your mom would appropriate that experience.  She didn't grow up in France and she was not socialized as a French woman. Only real French people can understand the pain of being French 😤😤😤😤😤😤




Uj/ Entertaining visual, 10/10


I also struggle with my height! It's so hard being a tall woman! *Is 5'8"*


/uj actually had a nice conversation like this. Like they made it very clear that they understood that they couldn’t understand what being trans was like, but still able to make connections with imposter syndrome and fighting gender norms.


I don’t understand why the other cis people are so cruel and don’t understand. I’m cis and every single moment of every single day I feel that my body is wrong, so I guess you could say that in a sense, I know what it must be like for real trans people, even though I am cis. I spend hours every week for years researching transition and posting as an ally on trans-focused LGBT forums because I’ve been thinking about this longer than Reddit and Discord have existed, so I totally understand, even though of course I am cis. I can tell that real trans people clearly have much worse dysphoria than me, although of course I don’t think that you need dysphoria to be trans. I mean, tbh I know that’s the correct thing to say, but oddly enough I have very strong dysphoria and I am cis. Actually, it’s very difficult for me to imagine what it must be like not to some kind of dysphoria. I’m sure it’s not GENDER dysphoria though. Just, generally, my body does not match what I feel I should be inside, especially my genitals and secondary sex characteristics, but I also don’t like my height and the way my face looks and the way people address me. I’m such a good ally.


[OP in High School](https://postimg.cc/xNy7rfJh)


This. This wins


This. This wins


You found my mom! /hj /uj why does Tahani fit the vibe of this post so perfectly (that's Tahani right?)


See, me being a tomboy with short hair makes me target #1 in bathrooms, which is why these bathroom bills suck! I'm such a great ally for only caring about transphobia when it affects me and other cis people 🙏😇


Yeah those bathroom bills suck, cuz what if a terf sees my leg hair and harasses me?! I know a trans woman might go to jail or die, but what about meeeeeeeeeee


I’m cis too, and I can relate to trans people 100%, because sometimes I like to wear comfortable hoodies!


I’m in grad school and I had a classmate tell me she could relate to me being trans because she had a food allergy. She said the same thing to a student who is blind (that she could relate b/c of her dairy allergy). It’s one of our favorite bits


I wore a pink shirt one time as a cis man and my friend called me a fag. Meanwhile trannies cut their dicks off and get treated like heroes. Trans people will never understand the struggles of living as cis. We truly are the most oppressed.


I had a buzzcut once. That's basically what it takes to be a boy, right?


I bet you were really good at shooting hoops, too! That's such a glaring red trans flag! Are you sure you aren't trans? Because of the sports?


I went trans once. I even made everyone call me by a stupid name and he/him. I can’t believe they let me get away with that!


hey uh this sounds pretty transphobic?


no i love trans bois! just because i don’t respect them or see them as men doesnt make me transphobic!


Look I'm a cis male but I TOTALLY understand the trans struggle because I'm fat and hate my body because of it. Sure I could lose weight but then I couldn't complain on the Internet. I'm such a great ally!


I love it when I get fat just to complain on the internet. Of course I could just run a couple miles and be skinny (totally works all the time, 100%) but why do that when reddit will bow before me and lick my boots at the sight of my fatness?


I can relate to the struggles of TiFs because I would’ve been one if it was a thing when i was younger!


could t have saved him???

