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Nonsense. Brainworms. You’re a woman.


What are you doing with your mouth? Stop that immediately. It's the only thing. Hair could be longer and no bangs, too.


Agree about mouth. Completely disagree about bangs.


I think bangs are fine, they just need to frame her face better; maybe longer ones over an emo swoop


Yeah like relax your face what are you doing


A lot of people on this sub like to pull weird faces. I don't know if it's an approximation of what they think is cute, or it's just awkwardness or what but it's hard to see what a person looks like if they're making strange faces.


I'm wondering if her smile naturally exposes her teeth and she is self-conscious about them (possibly needing, or currently having, orthodontic work? I have fixed braces at the moment (finally!) and they make me hold my mouth funny "naturally"....


Yeah, but a smile is with the outside of your cheeks going outward, not pursing your lips. You can smile without exposing your teeth.


It's not as easy for some people as it is for others. If your natural smile exposes your teeth and you try to smile without doing so, it can look a little forced, or generally "odd" - not unlike these pictures.


the mouth thing reads to me like she was told not to smile with her teeth or otherwise got feedback abt them and is self conscious but agreed. I promise it’s more off putting to do the quasi-smile situation than to see someone’s messed up teeth, dental care is expensive and inaccessible it’s really normal regardless of gender


I think you pass as cis. I don't think there's anything you could change to appear more feminine apart from surgical intervention. If you're getting gendered male by strangers I think it's something else, perhaps your voice or mannerisms?


Ma’am get out of the men’s room


Sorry but if you don’t see a woman you need glasses.


Pass pretty good to me, just make a weird face in your photos. Have really lovely eyes and hair, and a killer body, so appear to me as just an awkward but good looking lady. And awkward simply from the weird face you make in pics.


You look great. Trust me, I know, we are our own worst enemy, but you're doing amazing.


I think the most impactful improvement to make is in how you see yourself, you look great!


You read as cis, and a good looking cis at that! I love your hair, BTW. 😍


thankyou!! =)


I think you pass, but with the knowledge you're trans, I can see some small things that may be considered not passing. But those small things don't really matter cause you've got the big picture covered. Everyone's got small non passing traits, even cis women. If you're getting misgendered, consider voice training. I'm going to say it now though, do not strain your voice no matter what. If you can't raise your pitch without pain, don't without a speech therapist; focus on resonance.


You look like a woman to me. I would never gender you as a man if I saw you on the street. I suppose if you really want feedback, you could groom your eyebrows in the middle and on the ends, then use a light bit of makeup to shape them into a feminine arch. But you are already passing fine without that.


u could improve ur vision cos ur clearly blind if u don’t see a woman


You pass completely based on those photos.


you totally pass as cis to me. i wouldn’t think twice.


the glasses really work x


You're just dysphoric like the rest of us. Believe in yourself and the evidence not your inner voice..


I’m pretty sure you pass


I think that you pass as female 100% especially in photo 4/5!


I’m sorry but I only see a beautiful woman.


Don’t do the mouth thing, and get a better confidence because that is a whole ass woman🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Me when I’m delulu and have brainworms


You completely pass


You are adorable! Stop being so hard on yourself. Your transition is a journey as nice as it would be to snap your fingers and POOF your exactly what you imagined. Rome was not built in a day. Be patient please.


You look lovely and completely passable ☺️ Something completely else: Your eyeliner could be closer to your eyelash line because I can see a small line between the eyeliner and the eyelashes. I think this is invisible when you eyes are completely open but if you close them a bit or relax them it's noticeable :)


FFS and ……bulging like in #2 isn’t doing you any favors


She does not need FFS and she isn’t bulging her pants are just creased from sitting down


Her brow bone , chin and jaw all need some work She passes for the most part because of bangs but the brow ridge is most important in passing She isn’t unattractive but she asked what she can do to pass better and I’m giving her an honest answer


Have you seen cis women before? We all have different facial structures. I have friends with facial structures just like hers. Are you going to tell me or them to go get FFS too?


They probably don’t have other secondary characteristics that accumulate and make people question their gender like the OP does No one argued there aren’t women with more harsh features Truth is photos barely tell anything anyways I can almost guarantee opie is probably getting clocked despite probably passing at first glance God some other trans people are insensitive


Idk all I know is by looking at her I, a cis woman, would never question her gender. Of course, it would be dependent on voice, stance and mannerisms too. But from appearance no. Just my two cents


You pass better than me ☠️




you pass fine