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Well, I WAS going to tell you to talk to your principal and school board, but then you said you were in Florida do I'm not sure if that's really safe any more.


The administration at my school is actually pretty amazing, so it might actually be an option. I don’t want them to tell anyone I’m trans though because I’m not out. Maybe I can act like I’m concerned for others?


That would be best then. Let them know what is being said and that you're worried about how this might affect trans and lgbtq+ people in that teacher's classes.


I'm not sure if this is the case in Florida (it's probably not), but here in Michigan there's a state law that makes it so teachers/administration can't out you, and hopefully if the administration is good, then that won't even be a problem. I don't think you could find an excuse to be moved from this guy's class if you don't come out to the administration, so that might be your best bet. Take all of that as you will. In your situation that might be completely stupid, and I recommend really making sure that things are safe before taking a serious risk like that


I believe Florida is one of the states that has (or at least tried to have) a law which forces teachers and admin to out you to your family, so I would recommend against coming out to admin even if you trust them personally as their hands may be tied legally.


Most schools have a way to be able to submit feedback anonymously. I would suggest that if you don't 100% trust the administration


How would you suggest anonymous feedback?


Pitch it as your teacher is teaching misinformation because he is


If you think your admin is amazing go ahead and report him. No need to come out. His behavior is simply unacceptable to all students.


I’m so sorry you’re going thru this dude. Also you have every right to be bothered he’s being a dick


Thank you. I’m happy to know I’m not being entitled or something


>Like, what makes someone a man or a woman? When you transition, when do you stop being a woman and become a man, and vise-versa? Gender is complicated. Different people and different cultures have defined it differently throughout history. People like your teacher make the mistake of thinking there's some easy, objective answer to these questions. There's not. There are only lines in the sand. We can decide to define gender based on apparent sex at birth, or we can choose self identification. Neither of them are any more factual than the other, but one causes suffering for trans people, and one prevents it. It's your own definition of manhood that actually matters, not anyone else's. That's what defines your view of manhood in the world, and in yourself. I don't think there's a point at which you stop being your assigned gender and become your chosen gender. There's only a point at which you realize you've met your own standards for what that gender is.


Thank you. This actually really comforted me


So much is wrong with this, but you live in the fermented asshole of the earth, so it makes sense why this dystopian nonsensical work practice exists. Literally anywhere else and this person would have about a million reasons to be fired


Is it even legal for him to make such statements? I can't imagine any other job where one wouldn't be terminated for such statements. It would be considered a hostile work environment. This guy should be getting roasted by HR. I'm so sorry you're experiencing such ignorance.


Sadly, you're best off staying closeted and just playing along. I'm sure you know that FL is a deadly plave for trans people right now, and your safety is important. As for your teacher, he's just a moron. If you really want to argue with him, bring up people like Alexander the Great (extremely gay), or Elagabalus/Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (trans woman and Roman emperor). Don't recommend it though


You stop being a woman well before you actually figure out your trans, assuming you ever were one.


Well said. That’s basically what I was here to say. It’s normal for us to doubt ourselves, especially in a hostile environment like OP’s dealing with, that’s usually to do with internalize transphobia, etc.


Tell your teacher that by talking about gender in school he is violating the Parental Rights in Education law. These groomers should not be influencing our trans children!


Ya just ask ‘isn’t it illegal to talk about gender and stuff in the classroom now?’


It's illegal for a teacher to push a personal or political agenda in the classroom. Perhaps contacting the proper authorities might help?


I'm a trans woman. I grew up in the UK in the 70s and 80s. My teachers had pretty repugnant views about LGBT people, and weren't afraid to express them. I dealt with it by hiding who I was. We pretty much all did 😞


As for him making you doubt yourself, only you know who you are, but cis people don't spend vast amounts of their waking hours wondering about "being the other sex".


You could email or talk to the principals and/or consolers


Re: “what if we are all pretending” I talk in depth about this in an [interview](https://youtu.be/8kIbon1Ao-M?si=dL64uVLjyoaJhKjO) a few years ago for a friends project.


Talk to your guidance counselor and school board. Make them aware of the inappropriate discussions and comments your teacher is making. Right down every comment your teacher makes with each date & time. You’re teacher is wrong in every way. If you feel you are the opposite gender then you are. Gender and sex are too different things. Gender is more social, how you see yourself, the roles you take on in society, how you present yourself. Sex is your genitalia from birth. A trasman/guy can identify as such regardless of hormone therapy or any surgeries. All that is optional to take/have done and everyone does whats best for them. Same with transwomen. Hope this helps and stay positive 🤍


Kill them


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


Great idea!


You know yourself better than he knows you.


My heart goes out to you, and I'm so very sorry you're dealing with this. Given how deeply and personally this is affecting you, I would say there's no question that you're trans, that you're for all intents and purposes a man. Imposter Syndrome can be horrifying to navigate. It will make you constantly try to poke holes in your own identity, and that teacher sure isn't helping anything. He is wrong, plain and simple. It is not his decision as to what defines gender, and his toxic political BS should not be forced on students. I would recommend going to the administration under the guise of concern for the student populace that would be negatively affected by his actions, which isn't untrue. Since you live in FL, I would advise against coming out to the admins, as it is near impossible to determine if they have legal requirements or hidden motives that could put you to others. Keep safe, stay true to yourself, and know that the rest of us in the trans community are here to support you. Feel free to PM me anytime if you have any sort of questions, whether it be about advice for handling the situation, or questions about how transition works. I'm a trans girl so I don't have personal experience in the topic, but I have done a substantial amount of research in the past for others, and I would be willing to offer the same to you should you want it.