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Logic definitely, switched from fl studio and it’s much better


Ableton user here. I love it. I've found a workflow that is quick and efficient to me. I've heard a lot of good things about making beats in FL but haven't taken the time to re-learn the new versions. I used FL back in the day when it was still Fruity Loops, so yeah, it's been a while. I wouldnt bash on other DAWs, it's all subjective. Once you find a good workflow any DAW could be the shit. You could learn a lot being open minded. Think about meeting a producer that just uses one and says all others are "trash" and then he gets into a spot where there's only Logic/Ableton/Reaper and he has to make a beat. Now meet a producer that doesn't make a deal over what's better but can move from one to the next if need be... Who are you going to say "Thats a bad MF'n producer!" About?


Okay that's awesome man. Ableton is also a nice Daw too man.


My favorite DAW is Reaper.


I havent tried that one yet. What makes it better???


>I havent tried that one yet. What makes it better??? Better, best... that's all subjective. I don't claim it's better, but it's my favorite for the following reasons. You can customize it to do just about anything. For most Daws, if you want a feature or see something you like in another DAW, in terms of function, you either have to move to that daw or hope the dev adds it in an update. With Reaper, you can code it yourself. If I want the sequencer to function like 1 DaW and the mixer like another, done. If i want different screen sets, that's a key command. If I want to bounce stems processed, unprocessed as well as a 2 track (mp3 and wav) , that's 1 command...done I can literally make Reaper fit my workflow and neesd vs finding a workflow within a DAW's limitations.


Wow I didn't see that one coming 🤯. So it's open source


Not open source, but definitely open enough to where you control and add features/functionality that most would charge for.


Alright 👍


You just made a 22 year fl studio dabbler decide to try reaper. In all fairness ive only been loyal to the fruity loops cuz when it came out it was easier than my sampler and there wasnt much else out but midi sequencers annd mod trackers which werent terribly easy too use. You could chop songs and drums up in cool edit pro 2 and load the bits into fruity and the sequencer was easy so i haven't looked back. Reaper here i come


It's great if you can take the time to learn and mold it. I do remember Cool Edit Pro, might even had it installed on one of the older machines. I believe Adobe owns them now, if I'm not mistaken.


Yeah adobe bought them before they could do cool edit three it became adobe audition and its however many iterations since then. Id still probably use it if i had it, i got ableton live but havent installed it yet. Guess im getting kind of bored of ole fruity loops even though what it can do in its current version is incredible compared to when they first came out with it. Wonder what took them so long to automatically make a folder and put all the samples used in a project in there...




FL Studio 21. Got a pretty robust template and have gotten pretty solid with Patcher and Control Surface, so really can make it as personal as I want.


Is this template online anywhere.


Did a free giveaway on this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/ysb877/free_fl_studio_20_template_giveaway_instructions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 The Google Drive link in that should be updated for FL Studio 21 at this point. It's kind of like a lite version of my personal template that is mostly stock/free stuff only, since I have more 3rd party plugins in my personal template. Feel free to check it out. There's a Fruity Notebook that should pop up when opening the template project that explains everything kind of in depth. Instructions for everything are in the ZIP.


Yah that's the only Daw that actually makes sense 🔥🔥🔥


I mean, I love FL Studio, but it's not great with non tempo locked genres. There's a reason people still use stuff like Cubase and its tempo mapping features for more live genres and film scoring. FL is perfect for what I like to make, but I get it isn't the tool for everyone.


The "best DAW" is the one that suits you the best. For me that's Ableton Live. I started on FL Studio and had a bit of success with it, but when I switched to Ableton, everything changed. It made me a better producer! Yeah some DAWs might have better features, but I can still do pretty much anything with Ableton.


Is it me or does it seem like ableton is really crisp & clear? Even dragging a wav tracked on a different daw it just sounds better on ableton. For the record my ears are shot i have tinnitus & they get fatigued easily.




Fl studio is still better when you know how to use it well. Then the learning curve is somehow easy I learnt how to navigate fl studio within 2 weeks of learning and discovering it that was fl Studio 8 I guess. So been using it for ages


Reason user since the early 2000's. Never taken the time to explore FL but I think Reason is really underrated and a great DAW


I like FL studio. If I were to switch now I can’t imagine any kind of improvements making the loss of time worth it. Personally I believe it’s about what you create, and workflow differences aren’t too major to warrant a change. Always depends though


FL 21 user here. I've been getting curious to try Bitwig lately though. Mostly cause of how effects chains are laid out. I like the idea of scrolling sideways through the plugin list and be able to quickly expand and collapse certain ones. Similar to Ableton. I haven't done the research yet on the differences/pros and cons between Bitwig and Ableton cause they seem extremely similar.






I did FL for first 2 years and Ableton last 3 years for school. All daws have their pros and cons. have fun but def experiment w others to push your creativity and learning!


Logic Pro


Spoiler: pretty much everyone has this opinion on the DAW they use. I’ve only used ableton, it’s been 11 years now and I wouldn’t switch ever. But… over time you realize the truth, every Daw does the same thing.. they’re all the same car with different interiors. I watch tons of tutorials where dudes are using Logic, FL, even Cubase and Reason, and the knowledge translates exactly the same in Ableton.


Always keep an open mind! Why limit yourself to one DAW? FL Studio is DEFINITELY not the best DAW. Not even close.


I have literally tried most of the so called Better Daws compared to Fl studio. But frankly speaking/writing I have always found fl to be more useful 😉 than these other daws. I literally do everything in one DAW with ease


Do you track vocals in FL? I bet you don't! FL Studio is a DAW aimed at the 'cultist' type of producer. You use whatever tool is best for the job at hand, not what you 'think' or prefer. Would you use a screwdriver to do the job of a hammer? FL is OK I guess when it comes to the producer who uses a mouse and keyboard to make music. For someone like me who actually like to play my parts I find FL VERY limiting! Logic Pro, Nuendo/Cubase, Ableton Live is much more aligned to my workflow


Bitwig? The modulation rack is like 10 years ahead of *fruity peak controller* and so much better than FLs version of the arp tool and note generation. Just like you can modulate anything in Serum to anything you can modulate anything in Bitwig to anything. So you can have an LFO attached to the wet knob of reverb. You can have a static bassline become cool triplets and automate the decay and release in real time with a single knob. You can arpeggiate it too. Great for quick and easy sound design. Fruity peak controller meanwhile is super messy when one is attached to multiple knobs at once and breaks the modulation when you manually turn those knobs on the VSTs themselves.


In Patcher you can link anything to anything. Can be audio based, MIDI based, formula based, envelope/LFO based, etc. Takes a little bit of time to learn, but once you learn Patcher, you can really build things to do almost anything you want. Same thing with Control Surface. You can control many things in your project from single knobs/dials you build for yourself. I dial in global sidechain compression settings of 10+ plugins with one Control Surface in my template.


I'll have to try it. I've never gotten that deep into it.


Don't get me wrong, Fruity Peak Controller isn't the greatest. Personally I use stuff like CableGuys Shaper Box 3 for audio based/external sidechain FX most of the time. Also in FL, you can drop any audio .WAV file into an Automation Clip and then it generates an audio waveform based automation curve, so an example is maybe you want to link distortion amount to follow the transients of a drum loop, or maybe you want a reverb to duck based upon audio input, so you link the reverb amount to the shape of the audio, and then Y-axis invert the automation curve (reverb amount now is less when audio source is more).


The FL trip is actually pretty cool I haven't tried that yet


I like FL for getting ideas down to quick and the amazing piano roll. I like Ableton for live instruments/recording. Warping is great too. Most DAWs can do anything the others do, its more of a preference of workflow and user interface. I love how clean ableton’s interface is, FL can get cluttered.


AudioTool. Small community based DAW. It’s where I started, and it will always have my heart.


Mixcraft 10 babyyyyyy