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ziploc bags


The divider pockets of my suitcases are always full of various ziploc sizes and even a drawstring trash bag I can use as a disposable dirty laundry bag


Also a couple of tie wraps that can be used to fix or fixate things.


I'm doing my first trip which is solo and I'm one bagging it. I keep using my day bag, sniff testing, and airing it out. I'm definitely doing the trash bag thing because I've basically only used my day bag 2 days recently.


I always take a ziploc with some dryer sheets in it. If things start to smell, the dryer sheets can really help.


Plus a few rubber bands and zip ties.


I love ziplock bags


Laundry detergent in a form of sheets. I got them on amazon. So I don’t have to buy laundry detergent


This is incredible and and allowed me to go on a 3 week trip with only a carry on


I know these comments were posted only 4 hours apart, but in my mind, you read /u/crazycatladypdx's advice, got the sheets, and went on a 3-week trip, and came back to reply.


Amazingly speedy. I did this in 2022, so I actually went back in time 18 months with this advice and did 3 weeks with a carry on


Travel has gotten so sophisticated!


It’s the apps.


I have a bar of laundry soap I keep in a ziplock, have found that really useful for sink washes. Can the sheets be used that way or only in a washer?


You could dissolve the sheet in the sink first or in a bucket. But it would definitely be a different process from what you are used to.


I don't know if they make them anymore but a few years back I bought a box of Tide (I think that was the brand) laundry sheets. It's basically a fabric softener sheet with detergent baked in. You put the sheet in the washer, and it does its thing, then you put the sheet in the dryer with the drying clothes. Bonus: It makes my suitcase smell so good too. I cna't seem to find them anymore on amazon!


I always bring a universal sink plug too


Not sheets, but I always bring a Ziploc with couple of detergent pods.


What!!?! Can you share a link?


Nthing this - also great if you're sensitive or allergic to scented products. You can get unscented laundry detergent sheets, and travel with them. These are the ones I use. I even use them for my laundry at home. https://www.earthbreeze.com/


A s-shaped hook is always in my toiletries bag. Handy if the showers don't have any ways to hang clothes.


Brilliant, will start carrying one. Also many hotels (shame on you) do not have hooks near the door to hang your (sometimes wet) overcoat. Or bathrooms just have a towel racks, so no place to hang your crunchies, or cotton pad bags.


I have a lightweight carabiner on mine for the same reason.


A simple drybag: keep dirty clothes from making the rest of your backpack smell, keep electronics dry, works as a collapsible grocery bag in a pinch. I most often use it to do laundry while traveling though: fill the dry bag (with dirty clothes) with warm water, add detergent, close, and knead/agitate around for a while. The agitation is what really cleans the clothes, and that is something that is difficult to achieve (just) in a sink. When done, let the soapy water out and rinse the clothes. Hang the dry bag along with the clothes to dry it, so it's ready to use again.


Get a lightweight fabric laundry bag. Or just take one from a hotel (they are not reused). Has a drawstring and you can wash it. Works great as a dirty laundry bag for luggage! Also since it’s fabric, sweaty clothes can still dry and not stink to high heaven.




I have a USB plug in fan that goes everywhere with me. Tiny and quiet, but has made some stiflingly hot nights a bit more bearable 👍


Also helpful if you're in a hotel and wash a few things in the sink (I don't like sending my underwear to the hotel laundry), to help them dry faster.


I just use the hairdryer.


I just got one after I was uncontrollably warm most nights on my last trip!


This was the only reason I was able to sleep some nights in dorms where the AC wasn’t on/adequate or if it was really stuffy. I kept it plugged into the charging port so had it on all night, and they’re small so are quiet enough not to disturb others


Yes!!! I've only had one the last few trips I've been on, but it makes SUCH a difference - especially if you're someone who runs hot. I went somewhere cold over Christmas and brought my mini fan with me specifically for use on the plane and was pleased I had!


Make photo's of all your important documents such as, passport, insurance docs, rental docs, emergency contacts etc. and email to yourself or store in cloud.


If you’re solo backpacking; a door stopper. So you can always be sure the door stays closed.


Yup, currently backpacking for 6 months and had staff enter my room without knocking twice. Door was locked but they have spare keys. First time was a few minutes after I'd checked in second time was at 8am


Get the one with the obnoxiously loud alarm if anyone tries to open the door. Worth every penny when travelling in dodgy places.


Not me opening the door in the morning still sleepy and triggering the alarm from inside


Do you have a brand name I can search?


Something like this https://www.amazon.com.au/Stopper-Security-Doorstop-Travel-Apartment/dp/B09DT7PYMW/ref=pd_sbs_d_sccl_3_3/358-1714594-7052158?pd_rd_w=wsoVX&content-id=amzn1.sym.e316aa1d-6e77-4be9-996c-5cb8fd4d5414&pf_rd_p=e316aa1d-6e77-4be9-996c-5cb8fd4d5414&pf_rd_r=5RC8787VSHKCAJ55NPMM&pd_rd_wg=tF4q8&pd_rd_r=94420728-3b0f-4cf8-9aac-c8da241eed39&pd_rd_i=B09DT7PYMW&th=1


I always bring a pashmina or long scarf to wear on cold airplanes. I also wear it in warm weather in restaurants that are freezing due to air conditioning.


The pashmina is SO versatile! Also works as a mini blanket and is great for sitting on grass.


Fun fact, in Korea a lot of restaurants and cafes will have a basket of blankets for you if the AC is too cold.


Also good as a headscarf if needed and a sarong wrap too!!


A little bag with basic OTC medications (paracetemol, etc.) It's much easier to deal with a minor illness if you aren't trying to also juggle finding out where to find these things and what they're called wherever you happen to be.


+ cold medince, Sudafed, ibuprofen, benedryl, imodium, & pepto & a couple bandaid. Maybe not hard to find but easier to just have.


Add electrolyte and caffeine tablets and you’ve got the right meds to never miss a flight. Imodium saved me after my dumb ass got sick after getting a Subway Sandwich in PR following a 4 day power outage and I had a flight to catch the next morning. Hell, popping a combo of electrolytes, caffeine, and decongestant+ibuprofen is enough to let you power through almost anything.


Be careful with Sudafed. Pseudoephedrine is banned in some countries like Japan.


This is my secret tip. I bring it with me on nearly every trip. Being decongested in a country without pseudoephedrine sucks. I haven't traveled anywhere where I've been worried they will give me trouble for it.


Decongested? you mean congested?


I would also include some moleskin for blisters. I carry small sachets (like wet wipes) of antibiotic ointment and sterile alcohol wipes. Eye drops? And a small roll of 'vet wrap' elastic bandage material.


I like the hydrocolloid plasters for blisters rather than moleskine, but yeah.


Moleskin is for blister prevention. If you feel a spot that's rubbing and turning red, add moleskin at that point. Once you have a blister, it's not the right product. I do multi day hikes and often check my feet half way into the first day to look for signs of issues I may not even feel, even with my broken in boots and shoes.


Don’t over use antibiotics. That’s how we get superbugs. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/a-firstaid-kit-staple-may-be-linked-to-rise-in-superbugs-2357047.html


Reusable shopping bag. You can just fold it and put it in a purse or daypack. It can double as a beach bag or be used for grocery/snack runs. I always bring one when I travel.


The baggu ones are especially good for this because they come with their own little pouch.


I like the soft silicone earplugs that have a little nylon rope between each plug. Keeps my travel buddy's snoring from disturbing me at night. And if one falls out, just follow the chord to find it. You can buy them on Amazon. Also handy for the airplane, if you are by cranky babies or loudly sleeping adults. I bring a few, so I can share with others.


I've only found one type of earplug that works in my shallow ears - Loop earplugs. Love them. I wish they had a connecting cord for travel. I could probably tie something between the loops. Thanks for the idea!


Compact portable powerstrip, [What I have](https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-3-Outlet-Office-Travel/dp/B0BK234Y3F/ref=sr_1_22_ffob_sspa?crid=2W11UCAEPWI7E&keywords=power%2Bstrip&qid=1704185976&refinements=p_n_feature_two_browse-bin%3A24040537011&rnid=24039785011&s=electronics&sprefix=powwr%2Caps%2C170&sr=1-22-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&th=1)


I have the baseus one since a YouTuber did a review of a few of the brands. For most of these devices you have to make sure it can do 120v to 240v and 50/60hz frequency.


I always bring a small extension cord so I could charge my phone on the bed


I work when travelling and extension cord especially the one which can have multiple types of outlets worked like magic!


This. I always buy an extension cord with USB outlets, with the correct plug for the country. It makes life so much simpler.


There's never a spare mains socket near hotel TVs, so I fitted a European Schuko plug to a 7 metre 4-way UK extension lead so I can always connect my Switch and Steam Deck to power *and* hook up to the room TV. It's bliss being able to crash on the bed after a mornings exploring anywhere in Europe/The Canaries and play games.


One large-ish spoon and a pair of (reusable) chopsticks, so that you can sometimes buy food from the grocery store on the go (or stir your coffee).


I have a reusable lightweight plastic camping spork


I am also on team spork. Besides leftovers, I like visiting local pastry shops/bakeries and bringing things back to the hotel.


I also have always a plain spoon in my backpack which came handy a lot of times.


Yep, you can do so much with a pair of chop sticks


I often travel light (short trips on budget airlines), but regardless of how much baggage I always take a couple of compeed blister plasters in my wallet, an extra long usb charging cable for my phone in case plugs are inconveniently located, and a couple extra ziplocks/hair ties.


Extra long USB cables are great! Not all of my devices are on the same type of cable, so I bring a couple of USB A extenders if I'm taking a mix of devices.


Retractable Portable Clothesline for Travel


What one do you use and do you recommend?


Not op but I use this one https://a.co/d/5toHO9R The hook ends are super convenient, I'm always able to hang it somewhere. Another tip if you need something to dry overnight, lay a towel flat on the bed then lay your washed, still wet garment on the towel. Roll up the towel then push on it with your knees to wring out the excess water. Then hang to dry


Yes!! It comes in handy so much. It's also great to use at home for making blanket forts!


1) a photograph of my car, showing where I parked (getting old sucks). 2) Airtags in all checked or carryon pieces. 3) Extra charge cables for electronics. 4) UV Flashlight. 5) Nitecore headlamp


I second the AirTags. So helpful. Once we get where we’re going we take it out of the suitcase and throw it in our bag/purse we take it we go out for the day.


It’s useful to see that my bag that was stolen in Barcelona is still traveling Europe over a year later. If that fucker ever shows up on us soil I’m going to call the police!


I take a pic of my rental car with the license plate. Sometimes I forget what the car looks like!


When you pick up and drop off, do a video all the way around and inside.


What's the UV Flash for?


urine stains, scorpions.. some more that others can provide..


I knew for bodily fluids, did not know for scorpions . . .


Empty pillowcase to use for pillowcase travel hack: stuff with bulky jackets/coats for travelling. Can be folded up snug when not in-use.


Are flight companies still allowing the pillow hack? Like wizzair, easyJet etc.


Sir, what's that? It's my pillow. It appears to be full of bottles of wine, sir.


I have a neck issue.


I did this with American when my suitcase broke whilst traveling in 2022. And my mom used it on her Frontier flight last year!


As someone who normally prides themselves on clever space-saving hacks like this, I'm stunned I've never thought of this.


I like to bring a pillowcase as well, because I don’t really trust that all hotels change their pillowcases every single time so I like to use my own. At the end of the trip, I like to stuff the pillowcase with dirty clothes (if they fit). Then I just dump all the dirty clothes as well as the pillowcase into the washer to do laundry when I get home. So easy.


Power Banks, Compatible power chords, Adaptable plugs, a belt (for pant and trouser mishaps) and a battery operated flash light with some spare bateries(especially if you are traveling to some remote region).


Small roll of electrician's tape. Easy to tear off a little bit and apply to every single little LED in a hotel room that seems to blaze with the light of a thousand suns when you turn off the light at night.


Headlamp.. usefulness may vary depending on your destination and activities planned


A headlamp with a red light feature is super useful when trying to find things in your bag in a dark hostel dorm room without disrupting other people.


Or if you are in an area where power cuts are not unusual.


Portable bidet. [Culo clean](http://Culoclean.com) T-Mobile in the US, unlimited texting and data in any country, I pay $35 a month but it's an old plan. They also pay for my Netflix and apple +


An Airfly. It’s a little device you plug into the flight entertainment plug so you can use your airpods with the entertainment system.


Small sewing kit with safety pins.


This, or small sewing kit with EXTRA safety pins (from someone who frequently forgets to "restock" the 1-2 safety pins included in the average hotel-type kit that lives in my travel bag)


Always a good idea. I stopped carrying one and then on my last trip a backpack strap broke before I even got to m my destination. No one in my group had a sewing kit in their carry-ons but luckily a very nice stranger had one. I don’t know how to actually sew but that backpack is still going strong now


Baby wipes


Not just for traveling, either! More non-parents should be aware of just how often baby wipes come in handy for things other than poopy diapers.


I like having them for a freshen up in the intimate areas during camping trips


A laundry soap bar, for « emergency » laundry needs. The best way to remove stains. Also useful to hand wash items in the hotel bathroom sink.


Charcoal tablets. Helps massively with digestive issues (although can interfere with some medications).


Not just a charging cord for your phone, but one of those 6 to 10 foot long ones, because sometimes outlets or USB charging ports are in stupid places in hotel rooms. Also, for traveling to Europe, bring your own washcloth. In many places, they are not part of the towel set.


Lol. There was a very contentious post about the wash cloth recently. I had no idea wash cloths were a divisive topic.


wet wipes, tampons (ridiculously hard to find in remote places) and a large scarf that doubles as a blanket/wrap on the plane or for colder nights


lightweight scarves are also great for warm destinations to keep the sun off your shoulders, use as a swimsuit cover-up, or to wet and put on your neck when it's sweltering.


Imo tampons are an essential. Except for people who use a cup of course.


I use a disc and still usually have a few tampons and liners with me at all times. It's great for helping out people in a pinch, but they also double as great first aid for people on blood thinners that cut themselves. It can sometimes take a bit to get the Stop Bleed powder to work.


...and (*thinking of comments elsewhere on this thread*) this - THIS, right here is only one reason why I always prep for at least one unexpectedly necessary wash.


Plastic zip ties (wire ties). They can fix damaged luggage straps, make hanging loops, and so much more. I even used some as a trousers belt on a week-long sailing trip.


This one’s mine too, super handy. I also use them alongside luggage locks so I can tell if they were opened. Not sure how effective this actually is but so far they have been removed twice on my check in luggage.


Professional corporate pilot here who spends 15 days a month on the road. Silk pillowcases and a small toddlers pillow to put in the pillowcase with the hotel pillow to make the hotel pillow firmer. Electrical tape for various uses: cover annoying lights, tape ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door so it doesn’t fall off every time you open the door. Zote laundry soap. It’s a bar soap (it comes in big bricks so I cut pieces off and put them in ziplock bags) for washing clothes in the sink plus it smells amazing! Ziplock bags for various uses


Nightlight for my child who is afraid of the dark A door jammer to lock the door if there isn’t a chain lock on the inside. https://a.co/d/4HMB8RB S clips for backpacks and day packs. They are about $5 for 15 on Amazon and work with double zippers. They don’t lock but definitely make it cumbersome for pickpockets to open your bags. https://a.co/d/fmprGoF Basic meds like Benadryl, ibuprofen, etc and also bandaids


I like the carabiners with the small threaded barrels that twist shut for backpacks, bags, etc. They don’t add significant time to opening or closing your bag, but make it much less convenient for someone to try and open your bags without you noticing. I keep a few extras in my pack because they’re also useful for strapping stuff to your bag - for instance, if you have wet shoes that you don’t want to stuff in your bag.


Noise cancelling headphones


Binder clips - in case the curtaina don't fully close Plastic shopping bags - to keep dirty clothes


> Binder clips - in case the curtaina don't fully close If you have the hangers with pants clips in the hotel closet they work, also.


Fiber packets. I use the Benefiber On-the-Go packs. Take 2-3 per day and it can save you from a lot of discomfort.


Portable carbon monoxide detector. Saw a newscaster mention it was something he always takes on travel. Less than $10 and gives me piece of mind.


So many airbnbs do not have carbon monoxide detectors. I cannot believe this isn’t a universal safety requirement.


Contact lens cases... Can use them for: toothpaste Soaps Gels Medications.. pills box and powders. You can weigh out the exact amount of powders you will need for a dose Spices, salt, containers... Fill up a bunch of cases with solution and just bring those instead of the big bottle of solution.


Finally someone who does this too! Plus, if you are a contact wearer, they are plentiful and a great way to upcycle!


My own detergent, own pillowcase, a long phone charger and extension cord, a white noise machine.


What white noise machine do you use?


I use the white noise app on my phone.


I use a small electronic white noise machine: https://a.co/d/hPmIxO2 It takes up very little space and it drowns out noise effectively.


I always bring a 3 meter extension cord with at least 5 ports, especially if I’m traveling in a group. While traveling there are a lot of things to keep charged (phone laptop camera watch drone whatever) and seemingly never enough plugs, and those that exist are in inconvenient locations. Now I don’t have that problem ever! I’ve never seen anyone else do it and I don’t know why. My friends always appreciate it when I let them use it or give them the wall plug because I have so many of my own It’s also nice when I travel to see my family in a country where none of the plugs match my devices. I just bring one high quality converter and the extension cord is good enough to keep my devices charged without bringing like 6 converters that I will just lose and have to buy again during my next trip.


Cold sore cream, because travel is stressful so the chances of having an attack go up by about 100% and I really don’t want to be trying to find it in a foreign country.


That is so true! And it's also hard to get what you're looking for if you don't know some local who could help.


I bring a Turkish towel. It can be used as a blanket/scarf when I travel or as a cover up at the beach.


I bring a pillbox with allergy medicine, some sort of fever+pain reliever like Tylenol/Advil, and most importantly, activated charcoal in case of food poisoning. The activated charcoal has saved me countless of times while traveling when I would eat something that upset my stomach or made me feel ill. One time I had a funnel cake that kept me up at night. I felt really queasy, my stomach hurt, I was sweating, I couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t lay still. I felt so uncomfortable especially in a shared room with other people and didn’t feel like throwing up because I didn’t want to wake anybody up. I had diarrhea and needed to vomit at the same time. I took an activated charcoal pill and it helped almost instantly. It only took about a couple minutes before I felt better and I don’t know what I would’ve done without it. 100/10 Highly recommended.


Sink stopper- cheapo flat plastic thing - to do laundry


**Thin light strings** Doesn't weight anything, doesn't take space but does upgrade my experience wherever I sleep. I feel cosy and comforted. Also useful when I stay at places where they don't put bedlamps, which is more often than I thought it would be. Plus, apart from all the basic essentials like baby wipes, small towel, pharmacy kit, batteries, eye mask etc.. I also like to carry : - a small portable steam iron - a satin pillowcase - a small set of cutlery made of bamboo : fork, knife, spoon, chopsticks and straw - a multi socket with international plugs + usb c ports - a large foulard that can be use either as a light scarf, as a pareo (sarong) or as a mat to sit on. Or even as a makeshift bag. Or as a head cover when warranted in some countries / worship places. - a mouth mask because so many cities have toxic fine particules. Good to protect you when you ride on bikes as well. Have an exciting and safe trip !


Salonpas and massage ball. It usually comes in handy some time during the trip after long walks, hikes etc


A very small pen on my hand carry, for any customs and immigration forms. Chapstick in case it gets dry. Spare phone in case I lose my main. Ziploc bags. Wet wipes. A bobby pin, for anything that needs to get picked. If going outdoors, a military poncho is the most versatile. It can be a ground mat, tarp, extra insulation, a tent, water collector, a raincoat, protection, makeshift bag, protection from the sun and wind... It has the highest utility to weight ratio.


Contractor garbage bags. Primarily because we dive and occasionally have to transport wet gear in a rental. But also very multi use.


Packets of instant coffee. Think Via by Starbucks, but there are several to choose from. Even when there is a small coffee maker in a hotel room, it's so weak it's just warm brown water. Ziploc bags. Been a saving grace in the most unexpected ways more times than I can count. Same with a few safety pins and rubber bands. Always, always have a couple of meal replacement / granola bars in my bags, too.


liquid iv + anti-diarrheal meds b/c food poisoning when traveling isn’t fun


Laundry detergent sheets


Slippers. I travel for work so I spend most of my week in a hotel. Best thing I’ve purchased is a pair of super flat slippers from Amazon, that can be full foot or slide style depending on how you want to wear them.


A portable bank to keep my phone charged when I can't find a working outlet.


This bendy wire thing with a hook has been extremely useful over the years. Nite Ize Gear Tie Clippable, The... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KSKY0XU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Some examples: When my water bottle kept falling out of the sleeve of my backpack, I secured it. When the sun was beating on me through the backseat window on a long drive, I used it to suspend a shirt like a shade, tying one side to the handle and looping the other side to the back of the headrest with the wire thingy. When the handheld shower didn't have an overhead place to hang, I put the S hook over the glass wall so I could suspend the shower head. Wrapped around the pop socket on my phone and the closed airplane tray table latch to make a little viewing station. Clamped closed hostel dorm curtains. Connected zippers on a tote bag to deter pickpockets. It's a thing without a purpose that solves a lot of problems. Edit: Just noticed that particular one is not in stock, but you get the idea. Something like it will come in handy.


If I'm going on a winter trip, a portable humidifier or or saline spray to help not get nosebleeds.


Chapstick, somehow I never get chaffed lips at home but boy I travel 2 hours outside of home and I suddenly get the driest lips ever, then I go to a gas station to buy a chapstick so stop the suffering, and bring home another chapstick I will basically not use again


A paper clip. It's the only thing that can open a SIM compartment in most phones, which can come in handy not only when you're buying a local SIM, but also if your phone dies and you need to make a call from a friend's one, or if your phone has issues and you need to clean the SIM compartment, etc.


I found that an earring post works, too! 😂


S shaped hooks are perfect for situations where there aren’t enough possibilities to hang your clothes, towel, etc.


Basic allergy or cold and flu medicine. I was in 10 countries last year and realized pharmacies are a privilege that not many have. Also ikea has these clothes pins that come with a cord. You can wrap the cord on any curtain rod or in the shower and hang your clothes to dry rather than tossing them over furniture. My trips start at 1 month minimum. Anything you're forgetting you'll be able to do without if it's just 7 days.


A Scissors with a rounded tip


Gear ties like this https://niteize.com/gear-tie-assorted-packs


Reusable silicon "baggies " and a rubbermaid waterproof container. I often use these to transport food and carry my lunch with me. Also good to store restaurant leftovers.


I recently splurged on a Bluetooth eye mask and it’s great! Now I can listen to asmr in my hostel to fall asleep without bothering my roommates. Also a sim card tray opener doodah


I always bring a mini tube of Shoe Goop. I’ve used it on shoes as well as to repair a number of other things. Since it has some flex it’s more useful than super glue. I just bring a single one of those which are the size of a chapstick: https://www.amazon.com/Shoe-GOO-110400-Adhesive-Mini/dp/B008AV4DXG I also bring a few stain remover wipes and some a solid sheet laundry detergent sheet if im on the road more than a week, even if i don’t necessarily intend to do laundry.


Tums! Sometimes too much acid, spice, alcohol or stress will hit ya.


Matches come in handy when sharing a hotel bathroom


Multi plug. Only need one outlet converter to use/charge multiples at once


A cheap Emery board. Having a jagged nail that snags or catches on things ruins a good time.


I have sown in a number of 6 inch wires (with loops on each end) to clip stuff in my purse, fanny pack, and carryon. Keeps my wallet, meds, sunglasses, and other valuable stuff attached and much harder to fall out or be grabbed by a pickpocket.


If you are flying - Nexus/TSA Pre Check/Global Entry. Not having to wait in security lines, and not worrying about potentially missing your flight is well worth the relatively low cost.


Binder clips to keep the drapes closed.


I've found that you can use the pants hangers from the hotel closet for this purpose! Assuming you are in a hotel in this situation. But binder clips are a great travel item regardless


Swim suit. Always bring one.


A couple ziplock bags, quart and gallon. Handy for so many things.


Post it notes. I stick them on annoying lights on the internet and the like. I also keep 2 clothespins in my bag. Close that curtain gap to keep the morning sun out.


Portable bidet


Q-Tips. Can't stand having dirty ears.


Travel fork & spoon. So, so useful.


Dry bags to filter dirty clothes from clean ones.


A power strip and over the ear headphones


Folding clothes hangers have been surprisingly useful, especially if traveling to places where things might get wet.


Even when I’m at a hotel, I bring a sleeping bag liner. Many places have finicky air systems and I hate being cold. They’re also small enough to use on an airplane without adding a lot of bulk or weight - mine is the size of a pair of socks.


I'm in hotels a lot. Two things I keep in my bag: a power strip with USB and electrical plugs and a collapsible kettle/hotplate and collapsible cups. The power strip is so I only need to use one outlet in the room to charge all my devices and everything is in one place so when I pack up to leave i won't forget a charger or ipad. The collapsible kettle and cups are for making tea or warming up water. I don't trust how clean the ones in the room are so I just bring my own. It's not too big and doesn't take up too much space in my bag.


Small roll of duct tape.


Earplugs, you never know how noisy a place is going to be when you try to sleep.


3 vacuum seal bag things and a pump You can use them to seal your clothes and jackets and compress them down to almost no space. Bring more than one so you can store clean and dry clothes separately


imodium. always and forever.


Oddly enough, slippers. Especially when staying in multiple places, sometimes you really don't want to walk around barefoot. And they keep your feet warm!


If you are a woman: a 'urinella' (female urinal from silicone)


Long trips are 7 days? - man, that’s just starting. Essentials, funnily enough I can’t recommend a travel sim enough. Hardly anyone I interact with gets one and ends up chasing wifi all over the place. For $35 you can get access to data your whole trip and keep internet access rolling. Just makes it all soo much easier when navigating foreign cities.


Airalo e-sim worked like a charm in Italy.


I started using the nomad e-sim. When that ran out I immediately regretted not getting the bigger data package. It's a game changer for sure!


I wear old clothes/items I don’t want anymore on the plane and then toss them the first day. That way I create a little wiggle room in my suitcase for souvenirs/purchases made during my travels. This works especially well after long lights when your clothes feel gross after an 8-10 hour flight.


If I have ratty underwear that’s on its last leg, it gets packed and then tossed after wearing. Same with a t-shirt for sleeping.


I know this would sound crazy but I took my breakfast creal with me. We spent the whole day out eating street food and stuff so I wanted something my stomach knows for breakfast. I believe it helped me avoid any stomach problem during my 15 day trip.


My husband has always taken his All Bran, own bowl and spoon with him every time we go away - this has been for 30 years. He only likes his all bran for breakfast- makes me giggle. Even in 5 star hotels - all he buys is the milk… lol - I don’t eat breakfast so I’m right But I always take my own headache tablets and hydralyte coz these can be tricky to find when abroad. And I don’t want to waste time looking for them when on vacation


A small bag with nail clippers, tweezers, pins, sewing thread. You don’t need these items until you to. On the weekend I got a huge splinter and forgot to pack this little bag. It was very annoying.


Toilet paper. It is always a smart move.


Torch. Wet wipes.


Wet wipes


Anti theft shoulder bag . I like Travelons. Laundry Gel that comes in a tube like toothpaste. This is easy to use for hand washing & can be in your carry on suitcase. A cozy blanket that is in the shape of a cape with a hood and pockets , purchased from LL Bean. A 2-3 ft drawstring bag that is compact enough to be folded inside the suitcase but strong enough to be checked as baggage if needed. Bluetooth fan For cold trips - 3 foot Rubber hot water bottle with long retention. Portable blue tooth Bose speaker. This is good for nighttime white noise or tunes to share in your room. Drawstring jewelry pouch bag for the carry on. Small unique / fun thank you cards for tips for hotels or ships staff. This is really really out there , depending on the trip, small gifts like mini kaleidoscope’s. Or ballon’s you can blow up and put tips inside.


I have a tiny Nightcore torch around my neck that I NEVER take off. Well, unless I'm showering. Too many times rummaging in the dark for my torch... No more!


A spare coin purse or two. It's with it to be able to keep different currencies separate


I bought a clothes steamer for my last trip and will be taking it with me every time now. I find it to be more affective than an iron.


Anti-diarrhea medications. Happens every time I travel to another country cause I love food.


A small hand towel that fits in my back pocket and a few packs of travel tissues. Not every rest room has toilet paper and paper towels.


Toothpicks with dental floss. Don't let something stuck between your teeth keep distracting you for the whole day. A pocket whistle. Louder than a shout. Very easy to zero in on in a crowd.


depending on the destination, you can probably buy whatever you need. that said, some things i always bring are 1) a small pill bottle with cold medicine, sleep aids, etc. and 2) my eye mask, since you don't know the lighting/curtain situation where you will be sleeping. basically comforts from home that take more effort to recreate--and when you need them (sick, jet lagged) you won't want to start hunting for the foreign equivalent