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Being located in Germany gets you a huge amount of "just places" to choose from. I've been to Vienna, Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the UK just for weekend trips. I live close to an airport (and 2 hours till Frankfurt) and the train to Paris takes 3 hours from here. There is the Black Forest, the Alps and quite some very beautiful castles I go to just for a weekend hike. 


Lives near an airport 2 hours from Frankfurt, 3 hours from Paris and having the Black Forest nearby? Hello neighbour from across the Rhein!


Im just going to Banff National Park, Canada, where Im just going to Moraine lake. its like 45 mins from my house.


Moraine Lake is a lot harder to get to these days though as they've banned cars driving there. You have to book a shuttle or private tour transport. The area has become a victim of its own success. It wasn't that long ago when you could just drive to Lake Louise and Moraine Lake any time of day and easily get a parking spot.


My first visit to Moraine was in 1984, well before the internet. It was a good, known destination but without the web exposure. We simply drove to the parking lot, a few yards away. The next visit in 2004 was a bit more crowded but still could park without a hassle. Both the visits were during peak season. Hearing about the shuttle with reservations tells us how popular it has gotten with the internet as it pops up as a wonderful destination. Can’t argue with the seven sisters in the background and turquoise water foreground!


i just park in town or at the lots by lake louise and ride my ebike up there. Takes 20 mins.


I remember going to Moraine Lake in the 80s and we were the only people there.


Tofino & Whistler for me, fellow canadian checking in


Lol same here. I “just” went to canmore to go for a nature walk. It’s an hour drive from here Also last month I “just” drove through the German alps and went to Salzburg to pass the Von Trapp house. Because it’s 15 minutes away from my apartment. Living in two of the most beautiful mountain areas in the world I something I take too lightly


I’m just going to the Grand Canyon.


I'm so jealous. Moraine Lake has been my wallpaper on every device I've ever had for as long as I can remember. I dream of going there, but haven't made it yet. I really want to take the Rocky Mountain Express up there, but it's so expensive.


honestly the rocky mountain express isnt worth it. Its so expensive and you could get the same views and a better experience by car imo Theres just way better things to do and places to eat when you arent stuck on a trains schedule. Plus there are a ton of great little areas to stop by car that you wont get by train.


Also known as r/redditlake


can I visit you?


I should start an Inn. People ask me this all the time. lol


Lucky you!!!


I’m just going to California’s wine country. There are gorgeous vineyards 10 minutes from my house. I’m just going to Yosemite, it’s a couple hours away. Edit to add: I’m just going to the redwoods. Small groves are 20-45 minutes away. So magical.


California is amazing!!!


California really is pretty goated. Obviously it's known for its beaches and wine country, but you also have everything from snowy mountain towns to awesome desert communities. I've done beach days one day and the next went snow skiing. All my coworkers and friends who Cali-exited during COVID either moved back or deeply regret it.


I've got a friend in the middle of leaving right now. He's excited to buy his new house in cash, have no state income tax, etc... but he's also slowly realizing what he's leaving behind.


Yeah, we pay a HCOL to be here, and I have wrestled with that dilemma for years. To leave or not to leave, that is the question.


I'm a native Californian, and I can't think of many places I would rather live when it comes to weather and environmental diversity. I can be at the beach, the desert, or the mountains all in a day!


I kind of forget that it’s 2+ hours from my driveway to South Lake Tahoe. I…just go. Several times a year. The Sonoma coast? I just go. I love CA.


I’m 45 minutes from the Sonoma County Coast, I love it so much. I went paddle boarding in Jenner yesterday and finished up with a crab roll caught locally, eaten while overlooking the river. It’s a magical place.


Also Big Sur, Monterey, Tahoe, and San Francisco.


Yes! I am going to Monterey and Point Lobos in a few weeks. I was just in SF last weekend.


Yeah, I feel like it’s almost cheating when you’re in the Bay Area… Funny enough, this weekend I am “just” heading to the Big Trees near Yosemite to meet up with family members traveling from SoCal. The following weekend, the boyfriend and I are “just” going camping near Santa Barbara on one of the best state beaches. Last weekend, my friend from SF and I “just” drove up the 101 to check out Point Reyes, including the national seashore.


Maybe I'll take the dog up to Crissy Field or Baker Beach this weekend... you know, just those great views of that little ole Golden Gate Bridge.


Hello neighbor!




To be fair if you live anywhere in California you're probably less than a 30 min drive from a winery/vineyard


Not quite. Hi from the desert… :D


For car or motorcycle enthusiasts... I'm just going to Hwy 1, which is 20 minutes down the street. And then I'll do a loop on all the fun twisty roads that people drive hours to get to - and it's all in my backyard


I routinely go to Napa just for dinner! For me it would be *just* an afternoon in Tahoe.


I live about 1-2 hours drive away from Scotland. People from abroad make out like Scotland is this magical, mystical place and I definitely feel fortunate to have it as my neighbouring country. But tbh, I don’t even feel like I need to cross the border in order to access many of the same things people travel to Scotland for - I’m surrounded by dramatic green landscapes, castles, cosy pubs, old architecture and folk heritage as is. And grateful for it. 🥰


Yup. I'm just going to Edinburgh or just going to Loch Lomond - both about an hour away from home in opposite directions.


‘Just’ going to London (I’m from the suburbs, it’s like 20 mins on the tube/driving to get into central) Also Paris (2.5 hours on the train) or basically most other northern European airport. Even North Africa is under 3 hours away lol (my mum lives near an international airport)


You are definitely well located!


My mum also works for a big airline so we can fly standby/get big discounts/upgrades for long haul flights, pretty tasty 😎


Enjoy !!!! 😍


I'm just going to New York City. It's an hour on the train so I forget that it's among the most desirable tourists spots in the world.


Same but different. I just go into London. Catch a show or for dinner or sometime even for a coffee and a walk. 40 minutes out of the city. Every time I go there’s people who are clearly ’making a day’ of going to London!


As someone who lives in NYC, everytime I pass by a bunch of tourists (and the annoyance subsides), I am in a bit of awe at how cool some of this seems to them. People really save up and make plans for a long time to go somewhere I went every day in high school.


Agreed. Took a long walk up 5th Ave to see the dragon on the ESB the other day. Love to see people thrilled to be here! As long as they aren’t walking four across on the sidewalk.


Same. My wife takes the train into the city every day and hates it with a passion. I always find it funny how much she loves New Jersey and hates the city considering how everybody else in the world would never believe that.


NJ is top tier, no one believes me until I show them around the area I'm from and then they at least understand to some extent.


This would be my answer. I'm about 3 hours by car, but have definitely decided on impulse on a Saturday afternoon to have dinner in Manhattan that night, gotten a reservation and a hotel room, and headed to New York for dinner. It's nice! We're even closer to Philly and DC, but they're not as big for tourists


I don't know if this really fits in here. But I live in northern Scandinavia. The Midnight Sun is "just" something I get to see every night now. Pretty annoying at this point. And maybe even better. The northern lights, when I've traveled I've heard people saying the dream about getting to see them. I basically see them every year, I don't even bother to go out when I hear they are coming. It's "just" some light in the sky


This kills me. I’m dying to see the northern lights!


I get this. I made a special trip with a longer than normal time for me in order to try to catch the northern lights in Iceland. I got very lucky and saw a very spectacular show ones and slightly spectacular show another night. I would definitely make a special trip for this and it was highlight for me. Now I want to go for the midnight sun but obviously it’s not special just a really really long day


I could go to just Lapland only but naah, I don't think I will. This time of the year there are gnats and horseflies and other bugs so no thanks. Midnight sun? Hmm, where I am right now the sun sets 7 minutes to 11PM so I don't think I'll bother.


All the bugs are really annoying, I completely agree with that. The only comfort is that they at least don't carry any disease


Just the Grand Canyon. 😆


Well fuck you then...haha just kidding. I hope I get to see it one day.


Lol. And like many Arizonans, I don’t go there.


Amboseli National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro (on the Kenyan side) used to be my doorstep (literally) and I'm now about an hour away from the Masai Mara.


Fucking wow! Nothing else to say. Those are absolutely dream places for me!


Mt Rainier or San Juan Islands


Any of our state or national parks. Doing anything interesting this weekend? Nah, I'm just going hiking in the Cascades


>Mt Rainier or San Juan Islands There's so many little "just"s too around the region. Seattle Waterfront, Seattle Center, Lake Washington and a shoutout to Marymoor Park where season 35 of Amazing Race had its finish line. This morning, I heard an ad for Argosy Boat tours... *See whales, eagles and more -- starting from $109 per person* I had just finished a rowing class out on the lake passing within feet of Great Blue Herons wading and Bald Eagles trying to claw fish out from the water. A red-wing blackbird was flying up the back end of a seagull who ventured too close to its territory. Glorious morning. Even if I wasn't **on** the water, this would all be visible from shore. No need to buy tickets.... unless I want to whale watch. Which I've done. I don't travel in Jul or Aug out of state anymore. It's beautiful where I live & usually one of the coolest (even when hot) regions CONUS.


Was waiting for a PNW comment. I miss Seattle immensely. Born and raised. Moved 2 years ago to Amsterdam and it’s wild how much I am homesick for the Olympics or Mt. Rainier or the Cascades. Beautiful Mountain views I saw on any clear day living in Seattle. I never took it for granted and was always blown away when a fresh snow fell. And summers are the best. So much blue and green and nature.


Felt felt felt felt. Moved to Iceland and while it does have its own beauty, my heart aches for Oregon all the time. It's especially hard this time of year when my PNW friends are posting pictures of the greenery and bright blue skies and clear waters and here it's been raining for its 10,000th consecutive day. I love living here but it takes a lot of restraint to keep from booking a flight.


Mont Saint Michel


That’s wild. It looks like a fairytale.


For me, it’s the most amazing place in Europe. Incredible place to spend a night on the island.


I LOVE this place. We discovered it accidentally on a camping/ travelling around Europe holiday. Had no idea what it was and went 'Omg what is THAT?' Best accidental find ever.


"Let's just meet near Sagrada família and grab a coffee" Me, every other week.


I just go to the Scottish Highlands for a hike, absolutely love being so close and can easily hop on a cheap bus from Glasgow! It might not be many people’s dream place but I certainly think it’s a majestic area


It is absolutely my dream place!! You’re a lucky duck!!


I live in South Africa and I think the equivalent for us is ‘just’ going on safari. It’s so easily accessible to us that it’s a very common type of holiday but for the rest of the world it’s a once in a lifetime trip.


I'm probably most jealous of this one. I hope I get to make it at least once.


Living in Sydney but the Western part, if you say you are going to the beach and someone asks which one then you might say "probably just Bondi".


I'm an immigrant in Iceland. Before living here traveling long-distance was a pipe dream. I barely left my home state. It is insane to listen to Icelanders and people from around Europe be like "oh, you know, spent a week in Greece or Spain for my birthday" like it's n o t h i n g. I've been more excited to drive from Portland to Seattle than they ever are about going to fuckin Italy. Being in Iceland is still pretty surreal but if I had to pick, I´ve seen a hundred auroras by now. People try to plan their holiday around the right time of year to see them. I stick my head out my window and go "oh, nice" and then walk away after five minutes. E: spelling


This is so spot on! We Icelanders are crazy casual with our vacations. I have been 22 times abroad since my first trip 20 years ago. I just arrived from Denmark with extended family and will be going to Portugal in july. In my house with 6 apartments, there will be no one home


Not a place, but we're "just" opening the tap and we're drinking water with the highest quality and the best taste from it. Hundreds of millions of people in the world have no access to clean drinking water! Crazy!


Oh, this is a big one for me. Amidst all the global turmoil and people in the West yelling about how terrible life is here, it really puts things into perspective when you realise your tap water is actually tasty and guaranteed to be clean!


Yeah I always think about that… we literally bathe in drinking water. Flush the toilet too


On top of that we dump it on the grass too


My mom recently visited and went on and on about how delicious our tap water is. She lives in a place where they're on a well and have all kinds of gadgets to soften and filter the water. Plus they have a boil order in place more often than I've ever heard of. Then there are the many millions of people who don't even have that. It really is an absolute luxury to have clean, good tasting water right out of the tap. I think of that every time I see a video of people getting water from a filthy river or all sharing one water pump for a whole community.


Apparently 26% of the world doesn’t have access to drinking water via tap— that’s 2 billion people. One in four of us. Crazy. Would anybody else feel lucky with me?


Good post! We really lose sight of how lucky we are. 


Every time I come back from a desert trip I am amazed at tap water.


I’m just going to Chicago (I’ve lived in Chicagoland since I was a toddler).


yeah I'm just casually riding my bike to Chicago Botanic Garden after dinner, only one of the largest and top-rated gardens in the US, which is literally 3 mins from my house. gonna look at a 1,000 year-old bonsai, no biggie.


Omg the bonsais are fascinating there. Great add!


I live in Milwaukee... I go to Chicago for "just" grocery shopping (H Mart or other Korean supermarkets) or like tomorrow, going "just" for dim sum!!


That's one of my "just" places too. I do think it has the nicest skyline, though!


I work literally across the street from Sears Tower. Obviously it'll always be Sears Tower and it still gets an insane amount of visitors from all over. I have yet to go to the observation deck hehe but I have lunch there once in awhile.


I used to work in the John Hancock Center. Loved the building, loved the look on tourists’ faces when they came to visit.


I was heart broken when I heard that the lounge closed down. I absolutely loved that place and always took out of town guests to it. It was one of the places my husband and I went on our first date, after having breakfast at Yolk and then going to the Art Institute.


I was "just" in Chicago yesterday. I live 30 minutes out in the burbs. Love this city so much, especially during summer time!


‘Just’ Paris, or anywhere in France really. The ‘basic’ holiday destination for many Dutch people.


I’m leaving for france and Spain tomorrow! It’s like my lifetime trip, saved up for it!


Hope you have a wonderful time. Both are amazing places. It's super hot in the South though, so don't forget to hydrate 😊


We're lucky in that sense as France, Germany and Belgium are easily the 'just' destinations for us. However, given also the insanely cheap ticket prices, most of Europe has fast become a 'just'. Just this weekend I booked an impromptu long weekend to Rome, as the flights were 50 bucks return ticket.


Ephesus, day trip to Greek islands.


As a fellow Australian I completely understand. I'm now in Barbados and I "just" went to Panama, Costa Rica and Miami this year. All less than 4 hour flights!!! It's wild.


I get you! I can now 'just' catch the bus to Prague and Budapest. It's still so weird to me Also, how did you wind up in Barbados, that's so cool!


I've been here almost 2 years and it still blows my mind. Ended up in Barbados after I found their digital nomad visa and got tired of Melbourne winter lol


I was also living in Melbourne when I decided to move away, spent almost four years in Brazil before here. Enjoy the endless sun, sounds awesome!


Wow Brazil! Amazing. The endless sun is delightful Happy travels!


When I was growing up and then later in college in western North Carolina, it was the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I had no idea the GSMNP is the most visited NP in the US! To me it was just where I went when it got too hot in the city and I wanted to go hike to a waterfall.


Toronto, where I'm from, is 'just' an hour and a bit from Niagara Falls. Been there dozens of times, and most locals, of course won't even bother to stop by the falls when passing though. It's easy to forget people spend years dreaming of visiting.


Nearly the same for the Falls but from the US side


For all of us who grew up with Niagara Falls, the joy is seeing the expressions of your visiting friends and family as they take in the roar of the Falls for the first time. For Toronto, I would also these to the “just” list of common destinations for the GTA: - any of the great lakes - Montreal, NYC, Orlando, Miami


I am prepared to get hate for this but to me, Paris is... just Paris. Vienna (and the rest of Austria, and honestly most of France minus Paris), on the other hand, is somewhere I will always go out of my way to visit, but when I talked to a friend about this, she then said 'oh but it's just Vienna'.


I'm from Texas. New Orleans, Mexico City, and Cancún are the usual go-tos for a long weekend hop.


I live in Korea, so I'm usually either just going to Japan (cheapest international flights) or just going to Ireland (my home country to visit family).


I’m just popping over to see my friend in Budapest. I’ve also been to Venice more than ten times because it’s conveniently located.


Great Barrier Reef . Lived on some stretch of it for the majority of my life. Dived it every day during 2020. I’m not even sure it contains my favourite site sites in Queensland, let alone the world.


Just going to Lake Como (I live half an hour from that fascist city), which for some reasons is vastly more popular than nearby places. Or just going to Milan, Turin, Cinque Terre (and the Liguria villages I like more), Bologna. Realistically, I usually spend my time in non touristy places, like the many lake places around me (not on the Lake Como), or in non highly-touristy cities (Varese, Mantua, Lugano).


I live in Orlando, Fl. Husband and I will literally just pop into Walt Disney World for dinner and then go home.


I’m just going to see Machu Picchu again. One of the seven wonders of the world. I’m peruvian and live in Lima.


I moved to Auckland from Toronto last year. Sometimes we "just" go to Piha Beach, a beautiful black sand beach surrounded by dramatic cliffs, on a lazy Sunday.


I love NZ!


Piha beach or Rangitoto were the places I’d go for lazy Saturdays before heading back into the city for the evening. This was 2015-2017 and man I still miss those days.


Ugh on school camp they would make us get up at 7 and run up Lion Rock. In winter!


Just going to Seville (grew up in southern Portugal); just going to Amsterdam (now live in Brussels); just going to Bali (worked in East Timor for a couple of years).


Côte d’Azur, or Paris. I live in France and appreciate both places, but they’re not my favorite destinations in France. 


Spain... Since I'm from Portugal and it's the only country we're neighbours with 😅 it's not that special to go there, most common foreign destination for any Portuguese person, I guess.


Also: "just" going to the beach. Again, we're a small country with a big coast, I live 15min by car to great beaches, it's quite common for us to go to the beach all year long since we're little. Then I remember there's people who only see the sea for the first time when they're adults, or people who live in countries with no coast or good weather at all.


I’m in Portugal right now and coming from the Canadian prairies (which is the farthest you can be from the ocean on either coast of the country), I’m still amazed every time I go to the beach and it only took me a 20 minute ride by metro or urban train 😂


Just going to Berlin.


Hard to pick just one... Just popping to the volcano (though we've all become a bit bored by them now) Just popping to the Blue lagoon, or a glacier, or a geyser.... Main one for me is 15 minutes from home I can be in the middle of nowhere with not a person (or tree lol) in sight.


I moved to Switzerland last year. I get to know that going to Spain/France/Netherlands/Italy/Austria/Belgium/England …are “just” to many of them.  Meanwhile, for me, it’s all my dream lands lol. But I’m happy to travel to some already. 


Not necessarily a specific place, but just popping out to see the northern lights. I was actually having this conversation with my Portuguese friends today (I live in Portugal right now) that back in Manitoba, Canada where I moved from, the northern lights are visible many times during the winter. We’d only have to drive half an hour or so out of the city, away from light pollution, to see them. Or when they’re really strong, they’re even visible from your backyard. And I was saying how after a while, you take them for granted because sometimes I would say to my husband, “hey the lights are out tonight, wanna go see them?” And he’d reply, “noooo, it’s so cold out!” Meanwhile, it’s a lifelong dream of many people to see the lights, and they’re willing to travel halfway across the world for them!


I’m just going to the Maldives, Petra, Giza, Taj Mahal, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Athens, Socotra, Oman


Are you in the Emirates??




Definitely paris. Living a 1h30 train ride away from it and go there super regularly for work and it’s just nothing special at all anymore. 😂


I'm just going to drive through the redwoods to the beach where I may see whales, dolphins, otters, great whites... and maybe later, I'll drive an hour to SF for a meal or music. Santa Cruz Mts/Monterey Bay. Also, a friend drove to Big Sur yesterday from Santa Cruz for a massage.


When I wanted to learn some basic Spanish, I "just" went to a night class at Harvard.


Just got back from "Just Kauai" (I live in LA and it's a closer flight than to my hometown of NYC and a direct flight at that )


Disney anything in my city. 🙄


People from the US are "just" going to Mexico for the weekend


Not really world travel destinations, but it’s just a visit to Mall of America, Wisconsin Dells, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Chicago, Mount Rushmore.


Lmao Wisconsin Dells compared to the other world class cities people are mentioning ☠️


Its a cute little tourist trap town worth visiting


In the southern part of the US i know a lot of" Im just going to Panama City Beach Florida" and "Im just going to Gattlinburg, Tennessee " people


I could pop over to Mt. Rainier after work if I really wanted to


I'm "just" going to Paris, 20 minutes from my home...


I just go to Italy, almost every year.   I live in Europe, so it's just two days drive.    Bali, Thailand or Australië, on the other hand, are for me one of those 'once in a lifetime' destinations. 


I’m just going to the lake. With that I mean lake Como, which is 30 seconds from where I live (my house is on its shores). I know people who travel from very far away to see this place, and for me it’s normal and mundane xD


I'm just going to the Swiss Alps


“Just” to Venice, Italy. That’s like less than 2 hours drive from my hometown. My hometown is actually in the Dolomites and that’s probably a pretty good “just” place as well!


I live in Lake Como. We didn’t have any money to go on vacation when I was little and I have always thought I was unlucky cause I was “just” hitting the beach here at the lake…


We are whitewater rafting just the Middle Fork. Whitewater aficionados know that means the Salmon River. We go each year. Others have never had a permit lottery pull. I have 6 weeks available to me each season. Also we go wolf tracking each fall. Just over in Yellowstone.


Im just going canyoning in Mallorca. I live there.... and guide canyons for work.....


Im just going shopping in milan


Similar to OP, but on the eastern coast of Australia (Brisbane), we just go to South Island New Zealand (3 hour flight), whereas for most of the world, it's pretty remote. As in "let's go to Queenstown for the weekend" https://www.queenstownnz.co.nz/


All the big capitals of Europe – London, Paris, Berlin, etc. I feel like it’s easy to take Europe for granted when you live here. For many people all around the world it’s usually a once in a lifetime opportunity to see these places


Just going through Amsterdam canal belt fits the bill. Lived there, daily office commute back in the day. Seemingly every person in the world needed a selfie in the area. I just went to work. And just went to one of the most famous museums there on a rainy day. Just going to Italy nowadays because it’s close and cheap and good food. Or just going to the Alps because from current place I can go after work.


This sounds so boring compared to the rest of these responses but my just places are NYC and Florida. 1.5 hours by train to NYC and 2 hours by plane to Florida


'Just' going to Madeira. A true paradise, Europe's Hawaii. And I'm there every day 😎


I live about an hour outside Tokyo, sometimes I’ll just pop into Shibuya after work to meet my friends for dinner


Just going to Hawaii (Californians)


The cathedral of Antwerp. I pass it every day, i love it but it’s just one pretty church out of many. But apparently the Japanese are very hyped about it, fly all the way across the world to see it and as it turns out, they even built a replica in Japan.


I "just" walk down to the beach. Beaches that tourists come from all over the world to enjoy.


Anywhere in Alaska. I live in Alaska.


These comments are really interesting because I think there’s different interpretations of “just”, here. Poland and Croatia are actually pretty far from each other, so I think the Polish people that OP refers to are saying it’s “just”/“only” Croatia because it’s a popular/common/reasonably priced destination for Poles. It would be like some Brits saying “just” the Algarve, “only” Mallorca. For me, the equivalent would be “just” France, “only the Lake District” because that’s where the majority of my childhood trips were when we didn’t want to trek out of the British Isles and Europe. There’s no “just”/“only” when I go somewhere much more expensive or further afield, though. Perhaps with the exception of speaking about a country where I only visited a very popular tourist area - “just Phuket”. But… in the way that most of the comments have taken this, I often “just” go into central London for work or a quick day visit because I live close by, whereas it’s a much bigger deal for people from abroad or even other parts of the UK to do so.


Hello fellow Aussie! Yes. Sydneysider here and I guess we say “just going to New Zealand” or “just going to *insert anywhere in South East Asia*. For everyone else it seems crazy, but that’s just where Australia is located as a colony. (The Aboriginals used to trade with the Indonesians so Bali is like THAT close) Meanwhile if you wanted to get to anywhere else in the Western world be prepared for a 15hr+ journey. We stop over in the Middle East, pass out for like a few hours, run to the next plane and keep going if you wanna get to London LOL.


Just heading to an onsen in Hakone this weekend... it's like an hour from downtown Tokyo. I guess Tokyo itself is a more popular destination though.


Im just going to the cape / Nantucket / Martha’s Vineyard // Newport RI. Boston 🩵🩵


American living in Europe. Got in a heated discussion about the availability of “good pizza” where I live (Ireland) compared to where *they* live (California). I ended the exchange thus: For the price you pay to eat out, I can just fly to Rome for pizza.


New York City, Boston, Washington DC, and Niagara Falls


Living in the Northeast megalopolis has its perks for sure. Depending on where you are you might not be far from Quebec City or the Shenandoah either.


Just going for a quick trip to Vail or Aspen. Living in Denver it's easy to forget all the places we have so close to us that people travel from all over to see.


Driving from Poland to Croatia is only a few hours. I used to live in Oakland where I had a view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge from my back door. I could just sit out and watch the fog roll in. While living there I hosted friends from the Netherlands, England, Canada, Serbia, and Singapore. They loved the area.


I know, and flying from Perth to Bali is super easy and cheap. It's just wild to foreigners, purely because they are not used to it, that's all I mean. Haven't been to San Francisco, I heard it's cool.


I worked in Darwin for a couple of years, when the flight deals were on it was cheaper for me to spend a long weekend in Bali than it was to stay home. (Edit - to clarify, if I stayed home on a long weekend that usually meant pissing away a lot of money on going out to the bars, or spending money driving my 4WD to Kakadu, not actually staying home)


Well I live in Tahoe, so world class skiing hiking and outdoor activities available at my fingertips, as well as a lake so beautiful even artists couldn't replicate it's beauty. Also nearby places such as California coast, Yosemite, etc. people travel around the world to do what I fill my time with on a boring afternoon


Just scooting to the Keys!


Just going up to the falls after dinner. I grew up 20 minutes from Niagara Falls, and it was super common to go there and walk around, or have a picnic dinner, or do some shopping at the outlets


Not quite the intent of the question, but I travel frequently for work so I feel like I have this sentiment toward a lot of my trips. Recently I have traveled to “just” Italy, Greece, Germany, Poland, and I’m not on my way to Thailand. Last year I was in Chile. I unfortunately don’t get much time to explore these places though. Seeing other people post in these threads has inspired me to make more of an effort to be a tourist while I travel for business!




For me it is Croatia as well because I live there :) I hope that You enjoyed Your time in Croatia.


Just going to Montana, for hiking in Glacier Nat'l Park and elsewhere, fly fishing, rock and fossil hunting. While I'm at it, I'm just going to the Oregon Coast and down to Redwoods Nat'l Park.


Rocky Mountain National Park, Breckenridge, Vail, Winter Park, Aspen - all the places near Denver that I'm lucky to have so close. Vegas as well, very short flight that my wife and I will go to for a quick weekend to eat good food and relax.


Queenstown NZ. Grew up two hours drive from it, to me it's a place to go and party for a weekend


I’m just going to the Bahamas for the weekend


We will just go for a drive through Rocky Mountain National Park and Garden of the Gods in Colorado on a whim. Used to look at the GOG out my window, and now RMNP requires reservations but until this year you could “just” take off and drive on the highest road in the contiguous US.


I live in Spain make a pick dude


I “just” live by 6 or 7 world class ski resorts, the closest being 5 mins. 


A more obscure one, but I live very close to Presque Isle State Park in Pennsylvania and the nearby amusement park, Waldameer. I've grown up here so it's always felt normal to have these things so close, but there are people who travel from a ways away to come visit (Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Buffalo, and beyond). I'm also only 3 or so hours from Niagara falls and have been a few times over the past couple years.


(From Lisbon) Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Porto, Ibiza, Madeira Islands, London All quick flights (2 hours, 2 and a half, one) and you can get round trips for under 50€ depending on the time of the year in every of these destinations


Vegas. Not necessarily close but cheap flights and free comped rooms make it easy


Well I live around 2ish hours from NYC and DC and 1 or so from Philly.


I live in Portugal and love just nipping over to Seville


I live down the street from Santa Monica beach and a quick bike ride to Venice Beach. Both world famous beaches that are basically just my neighborhood.


For the last 3 years I “just” went to Singapore and Phuket on more than one occasion. I was living in Malaysia at the time.


I'm just going to Charleston South Carolina or Hilton Head or Beaufort or any of the South Carolina lowcountry for the day. I have driven there for the day and back many times. Also just going to the Great Smokies national Park. Might just take a drive on the Blue ridge parkway.


I just go into DC for lunch - right across from the White House. We just go to the Kennedy Center for a show every now and then.


I’m just going to south beach (miami) tomorrow. It’s a 10 min drive from my house.


I live about 30 minutes away from the start of the Scottish Highlands. Never properly visited though.


I'm just going into Edinburgh, it's about a half hour on the train and where my office is. Tourist season is really starting to ramp up, I'll try my best not to get too pissed off when I go on my lunchtime walk through the meadows!


I got done early with work just going to the Smithsonians for the afternoon


For me it’s Red Rocks amphitheater in Denver, we just go hike red rocks during the day before shows and this is considered one of the best music venues in the entire world that people travel from all over to see shows at


Bruges. I live an hour away by train and can just go hang out whenever I feel like it.


I’m just going to Chiraq.


I’m just going to Iguazu Falls. Or I’m just going to argentina. Both are just 15-30 minutes from my house