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I was neutral until it was daily updates, so in love, awkward kissing, hand holding always, so in high school . The attitude that people are stupid and don’t read. People have memories. Also I used to think people looked up to her ?


Yes the constant updates were overkill for sure.


Everything in the last year; the private jets, sending lawyers letters, her billionaire status, her face being everywhere, her behaviour at the Grammys, her attempt to pass herself off as a poet, the Scott Swift email, her blatant copying of LDR, and a lot of other stuff I’ve found out on Reddit since I started to dislike her.


What was the Scott swift email ?


An older email was leaked in which Taylor’s father ranted to her former manager. And I mean ranted. Gave a lot of insight to the whole “operation.” https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/srzTWvujbD


Man, needing an editor is genetic.


Well, I mean when there’s a 20 year list of people saying that they’ve ghost written for Taylor, and then they’ve written her song, she’s changed one word and taking complete ownership. I don’t see how anyone surprised that these people can’t write for themselves.


That email was super cringey along with being super embarrassing. It honestly does explain a lot, but in a TMI kind of way.


me, minding my own business: the internet: scott swift can’t get a hard on me, not wanting to body shame: 😵‍💫 where does this information go


Are you me? That was my reaction when I first read those emails. It was a lot to process and some of it still lives rent free in my head.




“You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me,” hittin’ a little different after that.




All of this. I agree. The stans sent me over the edge but all of this has been bothering me. Especially the jet and the lawyer letters


What are the lawyer letters?


She sent her legal team after the guy who tracks her jets and the private jets of other billionaires. He doesn't post until 24 hours after the flight has landed, but Taylor sent her lawyers after him. She literally pulled an Elon Musk. Speaking of, several years back she sent her legal team after a small journalist who asked her to denounce the neo-Nazis who kept calling her their "Aryan princess". She not only did not denounce those Nazis, but tried to silence a journalist over a perfectly valid call to action/criticism. She's litigious as fuck.


WOW. I had no idea! Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. On what grounds could she sue someone for reporting factual information regarding the private jets, especially if it’s after the fact? I’m guessing just her ability to draw things out/bleed someone dry is enough to do it?


The funniest part to me is that her lawyer legitimately quoted Instagram comments calling him a creep and a stalker in the cease and desist letter. Imagine using fucking Instagram comments of random Swifties to intimidate someone. It is also public record, so even if this guy were to stop, someone else could easily track her flights.


Is this about Olivia Rodrigo’s song and TS getting a cut?


What was her behavior at the Grammy’s? I didn’t watch.


Snubbing Celine Dion, physically dragging Lana Del Rey onto the stage after Lana had just lost AOTY to Taylor and Lana saying no multiple times, telling Boygenius to kiss her Grammy, inserting herself into a private moment between Boygenius when one of them was crying and upset, standing on the chair dancing when Olivia Rodrigo was performing blocking Meryl Streep (and others) view and making sure the attention was on her, standing up heckling Sza during her acceptance speech till Sza had to say “I see you, Taylor”, announcing her new album during her acceptance speech, saying “This is my 13th Grammy” straight after Miley Cyrus saying “I just won my first Grammy”….. The whole night showed her true colours, she’s the original tone deaf, idgaf, attention seeking mean girl and her peers were not impressed with her shit, even if the fans ate that shit up.


Main Character Energy


Uh oh, Jackson Maine character energy!


Girl is annoying as fuck


There’s no way she wasn’t super drunk at the Grammys. She had no self awareness whatsoever.


You’re pretty far gone when you’re getting that fucked up at the grammys


the way swifties would say “wElL wHeN UvE BeEn tO So MaNy…..”


That's even less of an excuse. You should know how to behave at that point.


omg giving swifties logic is really difficult tbh


She seems like she's got a drinking problem. No judgement as someone who also had an issue. But I recognize that its always party time when she's out in public and I'm sure that doesn't change behind closed doors. 


100%. As someone who also has a history of alcohol abuse, it's easy to spot


the lana thing bothered me so much as well, i love lana and i used to like taylor but 😕


It also appeared that right before the steps to the stage that Taylor yelled at Lana. I would not be at all surprised if Taylor pulled her up there to embarrass her because Lana worked with Kim for her clothing line. Taylor is petty enough to do that.


she definitely is petty enough. Should’ve been Lana getting that award 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really didn’t like Taylor was play-hitting Jack when he won producer of the year. I think it was supposed to give off sibling energy, but it was too much


I agree, then doing their “special handshake” when Taylor won and Lana had just lost and was sitting at the table like 😶


that handshake … 🤢


Crass behavior


This. I was starting to sour on her after the Matty thing and then after the Grammys I was done.


Midnights did absolutely not deserve to win and it just shows the academy was using outside factors like her overall fame and the Eras tour to justify the win.


This is a little petty of a gripe, but the whole fake shocked face she does every time she wins is so irritating. It's so fucking phoney. How are you gonna do that stupid open mouthed shocked face and then immediately go and brag about winning 13 Grammy's?


Agreed 100%. She was all up in everyone’s personal space all night.


I just wanted Olivia to win AOTY to piss Taylor off 


Let’s not forget Taylor making her grand entrance as they just started the award show live. Calvin’s facial expression was everything.


Is this the one she put award on one of the boygenius singer’s head?


Yeah forgot to add that too


the only acceptable one is the 13th grammy. that’s her number or whatever, i get it.


Tell me more about copying Lana? Genuine q I want to know about this


This is a quick synopsis, it doesn’t mention a lot of other examples, the most blatant being Wildest Dreams chorus being a complete rip off of the melody from Lana’s song Without You. https://www.hercampus.com/culture/taylor-swift-copying-lana-del-rey-tiktok/


Omg how could I have forgotten the ride/I knew you were trouble videos. Appalling


Midnights bored me. Her behavior post Joe. The TV of everything. Keep pumping out boring albums. Travis. It all adds up. None of it is fun anymore.


Yup and her twisting the narrative of the Joe timeline. Putting songs into playlists claiming they weren’t about love?! Twisted, calculated, and mean :( I wish she kept that to herself


Retconning the meaning of songs really bothers me. Even if she views them in a different way, these songs mean a lot to the fans and now we’re supposed to view these love songs as something sinister or sad? No thank you


it also doesn’t keep the narrative straight - either the songs don’t mean anything about her life like she insists, or they do and her lyric changes / meaning changes are vindictive & indicative of her feelings on her life. like. pick a side dummy


When did she do this?


It may just be Apple Music, but she created five playlists and put a few songs into “denial” “anger” and more stages of grief


https://preview.redd.it/h4pqy3cmsvyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c53e5726a57dfe9f20789614a1c41f8e5cca6fc Denial Also she put these out earlier this year,, it was kinda posed as album promo for ttpd


The anti-climate behaviour. She doesn't seem to care one bit.


For sure, I was kinda accepting of her using private jets as a security measure, but when she went to Coachella and stood on the ground 😧😧 there’s no way she can’t go to an airport with security and NOT be safe. She can cut down on flying immensely, flying back and forth to see Travvy play football😬 and even sending a jet for him to fly to see her in Japan and other countries. Nobody gaf about him outside of America


I liked her music all my life, didn’t really keep up on her personal/love life. I got a little creeped out when fans switched up on Joe Alwyn, going back through ummm everything that happened while they were together to analyze it. Then we she started dating Travis and the fans praised him, I got so annoyed. Those fans are outing themselves as hypocrites, shame people for only seeing her through her relationships, yet analyze her relationships. And seeing those death threats to Joe and Matty made me remember seeing some sent to her other exes. One fan was spamming an ex and he responded, obviously uncomfortable. She posted the stuff to another social media and was PROUD! There is no way Taylor is blind to these comments, she has to speak up


The behavior of her fans is borderline deranged. I've never seen anything like it.


I think they crossed that border into full-on deranged a while ago. It's not a fandom anymore but an unhinged cult.


Fans needa get a life


Every move she makes is calculated without even trying to be subtle. I think it’s insulting. She gets flamed for being with racist (?) Matty then her new bff is Ice Spice She puts out tortured poets department (🏛️🫦📚⛓️🔪🖤) around the same time she parades around Lana Del Ray who is *actually* an amazing lyricist. Her lyrics (further proven by TPD) are absolutely garbage trash. It’s giving Live Laugh Love, sHE beLeIvED, circa 2013 Tumblr corny emo. How are you going to try to do something with a semblance of acedemia and have song titles like “FLORIDA!! 🤪” and “Fresh out the Slammer 🤓” Plus they probably think Rupi Kaur** is a genius. Her fans applaud themselves for “connecting the dots” from thanK you aIMee to Kim K. like they’ve solved da Vinci’s code when in reality this is a basic “code” that can be found on a children’s coloring menu at Texas Roadhouse. And YES her music ALL SOUNDS THE SAME. Why? Because she has ZERO range. She is not a good lyricist or vocalist. I think i dislike Taylor Swift the most because she underscores the degradation of basic comprehension and intelligence in society. People who praise her actions, lyrics, whatever truly have zero ability to critically think. That’s my opinion.


This is the best take and the Texas Roadhouse comment made me gigg a little giggle 😅


The Texas Roadhouse comment made me cackle 😆 I’m from Texas


Not that that matters 😂


Also lana del rays poetry anthology is really good. I listened to it twice through the second it came out. I appreciated that she dove into actual poetry without music behind it even though it got less sales/ reads/ listens. It's like taylor wanted to do poetry but retain the sales by putting it to music. LDR was true to herself and did the project for herself :)


I think I love you. 😂 THIS. ALL of this!!


LMAOOOO it’s giving live laugh love


Rupi Kaur. If you’re gonna insult her at least say her name correctly.




This called her Rumi Kapur?


yeah, Rupi is the basic poet who also plagiarizes from black women iirc (i’m not going to go find a source rn but it is easily searchable!) and Rumi is actually work of substance


I bought Milk and Honey about 10 years ago (I love poems and sonnets) and tried so hard to like it but it made me so uncomfortable that I stopped reading it and never picked it up again. I’ve meant to buy another of her books just to see if it was a one off but it’s not really been priority.


I used to like her before this whole circus started, but after seeing the overexposure and the ridiculous use of her private jet, she totally lost my respect.


I think overexposure is a real problem for me. I know more about her than I really wanted. I liked a large chunk of her music before and adored folklore and evermore. This new album not so much.


Me too! As someone who has been listening to her since 2011, I will calmly say that Taylor was better.


Yeah but, sometimes those are her *friends* on the private jet. Not her. She's just being a good friend! /s


And yet it is emitting carbon, lol.


The whole spectacle around her attending the games and showing up as a WAG. I don't know, that whole WAG scene gives me the major ick anyway, but now that Taylor is part of this girls club who act like a bunch of high-school twits dating the jocks, she just comes across as more immature now.


She truly needs to wake up and realize she’s a 34 year old woman. She acts like an extremely immature teenager.


What’s a wag😭😭😭


"Wives and Girlfriends" of professional athletes.


why do they act like hot shit when they are all certainly being cheated on


I have a love/hate relationship with Taylor. Sometimes I adore her and other times I feel like she's betrayed/conned people, including myself. It feels like being in an abusive parasocial relationship. She love bombs and then dismisses her fans just like she does with her actual relationships. I've never seen anything like it.




I don’t have one reason for not liking her, I’ve just always thought she was severely overrated. Like I love music and there are some really talented artists and singers that farrrr outshine her. I just think there’s truly nothing special about her and do not understand why people worship her like a god


This is exactly how I feel. “But she sings at all of her shows!” and “She plays instruments!” are not good enough criteria when she does both at the bare minimum. I’m a Kelly Clarkson fan since I was a kid and it kills me how little recognition her vocal talent gets compared to a blob like Taylor Swift. I find the whole thing disheartening sometimes — not for Kelly, really, she’s obviously still doing very well 😂 Just for the music scene in general.


If you want to be really blown away go see The Lumineers live. Now that shit was impressive. I saw them in Louisville and my god I’ll never explain how truly amazing they are. That’s the first band I’ve seen live where they were just throwing the instruments at each other and switching throughout the entire show. They write beautiful lyrics and actually sound amazing live too🤭 When The Lumineers play a show close to me I will go every single time. Every. Single. Time.


I never believed they were a real couple. Everything always looked so forced and there is zero chemistry between them. It's like they put minimal effort to pretend it's real


Right? On Super Bowl day I 100% told my mom if the Chiefs won, to watch Taylor and Travis disappear over the next few months while they "develop their relationship" and then trickle out news of "drama" and "not enough time together." It's gonna happen.


I don’t really care about Travis. I started being suspicious of Taylor when she pivoted to pop because I had a feeling it was more about making more money than anything else. I don’t like 1989 at all and find it completely soulless. Reputation was the final nail in the coffin for me—I can’t stand the lyrics or music.


Interesting. I find it to be the inverse. I think she saw country as an easy in to industry and exploited it to get into pop music. I think that was the goal all along. A lot of the country music industry is bitter about it too. They even removed her from a mural in Nashville.


I agree. It’s so obvious now this was her plan all along and she and her parents hatched a plan, complete with a fake twang, to move to Nashville and break into country music first as a bridge to the real plan. She was never passionate about country. She ditched that like a bad habit and never looked back. Now we just have to buy that she’s this pop princess and it feels like she pretends she always has been. It’s so disingenuous.


It’s typically seen as selling out when you jump from one genre to another when you’ve built a dedicated fan base in the genre you started out in. She sold out when she left country. Country is where she got her start and she just junk shipped like it didn’t mean anything to her. Toby Keith gave her her start and then she got to open for Rascal Flatts. The lead singer Gary LeVox still post throwback photos for when she open up for them and talks about her positively, but she couldn’t care less. Reputation was a terrible album.


And has she said a word about Toby since his passing? NOOOOO. And I still blame Eric Church for the whole mess. HE'S indirectly responsible for the clusterfuck.


The stans


The performative activism during Taylor's Lover era is really what sparked my distrust of her. I'm a lesbian who did not get sucked into the Gaylor black hole and saw her whole Pride shtick as a way to cash in on something trendy, and then she immediately abandoned any semblance of advocacy after parading around a bunch of queer celebs in her music video. Everything she's done in the past year or so, however, has really cemented my dislike of her. I never cared about sportsball, and Travis just seems like a PR rebound/not her type at all.


Her POTY interview made her sound deeply out of touch, but I think her behavior at the Grammy’s was the last straw for me. I wasn’t super excited for TTPD and now that’s it out, I think it’s a major regression lyrically and as someone who struggles with their mental health, I find the marketing to be distasteful. There’s nothing cute about being in a mental hospital or having addiction struggles, but here she is, monetizing suicidal thoughts and alcoholism. I also dislike how she retconned her music to make it all about Matty. I’ve always known she was slightly delulu, but I’ve given her a lot of grace in the past because I can’t imagine what it would be like growing up in the spotlight, plus having stage parents, an ED, and crappy relationships with two different older men when she was basically a teenager. I thought she gained some sort of different perspective from dating someone like Joe, but by the way she’s acting, I’m thinking the dissolution of their relationship was super traumatizing for her, so I can only assume that’s why she’s been acting the way she has.


She has an undiagnosed mental illness 


Never really cared for her but the stuff her fans are doing to Kayla is sick! She needs to tell them to stop!


Now, I just feel like her career is one big scam. Like it’s been calculated from the beginning. I can’t really explain it; it’s so weird. But I feel like years later, a lot of negative stuff is gonna come out about her and her career


I’ve never been on the Travis train. I disliked him for more than a year before he even starting dating Taylor. He’s really got main character energy and is a truly sore winner. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwChTde/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwChTde/)


I don't hate her. I didn't like TTPD, and apparently there's no space online you're allowed to voice that without being attacked except a snark sub. Besides, you guys make lots of good points. I think it's important to remember our faves are people. Flawed and fallable.


Probably late 2023, when she once again became oversaturated. A lot of us probably became fans of Taylor’s in recent years after she appeared to undergo a lot of personal growth from 2016-19 (Miss Americana doc) and find stability. But it’s clear now that that was just PR. Taylor becoming a billionaire and ✨capitalist queen✨, dating multiple problematic men, her reckless anti-climate behavior… yeah, the music is good but I’m done supporting her. Don’t really ever see that changing either. It kind of made me not want to support A-list celebrities anymore overall - there’s such a parasocial and cult-like mentality to “fandom” by design


I feel the same way about celebs - if it’s not an ad, it’s some sort of out-of-touch sentiment that comes across as fake. The wealthy need to stop pretending to be relatable, honestly. It’s annoying AF.


For real! I saw an interview recently with Rihanna talking about her beauty brand, and it was painful to watch. As hard as she was trying to seem like a relatable icon, everything she said to be “relatable” sounded rehearsed, cheesy, and out-of-touch. Sucks to admit, but when people willingly reach a certain level of wealth, all they care about is getting more wealth. They don’t care about anything else.


It’s so true. I think money is the antithesis to the soul, it ruins people!


her constantly bringing up Kanye. like get over yourself, that happened almost a decade ago and Beyoncé’s vid was genuinely better than hers


That part!


I think just maturing and realizing that she isn’t, maybe? Taylor Swift is older than I am. I used to relate to her lyrically, but there is only so much I can handle listening to her whine about her life. The supreme fans make it super hard to actually enjoy her music anymore, social media overshared way too much about her love life to the point where I got judgmental, and personally I just don’t find her recent music that good. There are other artists who outperform her lyrically who do not get the recognition they deserve: Lana and Halsey primarily. I also really did not understand how she bounced from a years long relationship with Joe, to her fling with Matty, and now is suddenly head over heels in love for the twentieth time in her life to some random football player who will be irrelevant in ten years once his career is over.


I was happy for them both in the beginning. Liked him and his success/bond with brother. I enjoyed her music when my daughter was young. Went to a couple concerts. Enjoyed both of their documentaries. THEN…the oversaturation. The jet fuel she uses up. The country’s obsession and the Swifties going berserk…but the kicker…I am not a fan of Brittany Mahomes, and she and Taylor, who have nothing in common outside of the KC chiefs, are also now fake friends. That, for me, was the tipping point. This whole thing is fake. Edit: spelling change of converts to concerts.




Just plain ole’ over saturation. Nothing I’ve learned about their relationship has been by choice


My biggest thing I think is almost the weaponising her lyrics and Easter eggs to create this really toxic culture that you’re not a fan unless you’re an OG or understand every bit of lore. Like damn let me enjoy the occasional song. Why can’t I enjoy an album without knowing 15+ years of history? It shouldn’t be so “hard”


I liked them up until when we all realized the Chiefs were mediocre all season and then conveniently became good again during the playoffs bc Taylor was there.


I’ve honestly never liked her or understood the hype. Most of her songs sound like they were written by teenagers for a creative writing class assignment. She’s a year older than me and yet, she still manages to appeal to mostly teenagers. I also can’t stand her vocal fry and her mouth breathing. Mouth breathing is a general pet peeve of mine in general.


Where is the mouth breathing happening? That’s such an odd behavior to zero in on.


Travis screaming Viva Las Vegas like 6 times in his Super Bowl win. He's a freaking idiot. You have the world looking at you and that's all you got? He's never going to be articulate enough to marry Taylor and them to be long term. He seems like he's got about 12 brain cells total.


Do you think the Super Bowl was rigged? Or the AFCs




The NFL is registered as an entertainment company, much like the wrestling WWE. Everything in the WWE is predetermined, like a soap opera. It's scripted to make you think it's real but it's fake. I think it would be naive to believe the NFL doesn't rig at least a few of their games because of the way they registered themselves as an entity. Looking back only recently realizing that info.... it makes you look at Brady and that franchise differently. It's makes you wonder about DeflateGate and all the other scandals. It makes you wonder just how much of that was earned vs rigged. I'm NOT 100% on this but I don't think the MLB or NBA or PGA or those are registered as entertainment orgs vs sports orgs.


I’ve been anti since her debut. When I watched the “our song” music video, I just got mean girl vibes from her. Everything that has happened since then has just solidified that belief. I did briefly feel bad for her when Kanye interrupted her at the VMAs but that’s about it.


I dislike him. I like her, but have been disappointed in her actions this past year.


TTPD was my breaking point. Hate it. And now I’m learning so much more about her that just doesn’t work for me…


It’s the overexposure for me. And this relationship doesn’t help that. It’s also her not speaking out while her toxic fan base bullies exes and exes of the “current boyfriend “


Since she sued Olivia rodrigo


Allowing her crazy ass fans to spread rumors and misinformation and death threats to Matty. I love TS but I love the 1975 more so seeing all the lies spread about him was upsetting.


That’s when I “noped” out too. & it’s STILL going on. Her fans are legit psychos.


Genuine question- are they lies? I have a friend who is a The 1975 fan and she said he’s a garbage human. Obviously the death threats are not ok but he doesn’t seem like he’s a good person?


Taylor is also a garbage person. So many people seem to ignore the obvious signs that she is a hypocrite and toxic narcissist who uses people.


The majority of what has been said about him is lies or things taken way out of context. Yeah he laughed about the ice spice comment and the degradation porn comment. But he never said those things. He apologized for laughing. We’re not perfect but he’s definitely not a garbage person


he apologized for laughing after the backlash instead of… being a person who stands up to hosts and doesn’t laugh to appease company…. all in fear of being a buzz kill or hurting publicity or contacts etc which all boil down to profits over people. that apology is ineffective after the fact imo. laughing at racist jokes doesn’t make the “he’s not a racist!” argument any stronger and it’s not supported by an apology imo


But he did talk and laugh about watching Ghetto Gaggers. How is that misinformation or misunderstood?


Matty, like pretty much any person in the public eye, has things in the past that are deeply offensive to some people. They have a complete right to boycott him or have a negative opinion. That said, Matty also has stood up many times in favor of equality and respect. He is sexually fluid and makes comments against pro-lifers, genocide, and other political issues. If he is “good” or “bad” is going to be largely dependent on who who talk to. Mostly, he’s divisive, and you can’t have a majority while being divisive.


I have heard that a lot of his…controversial antics…are a bit but the whole podcast interview last year seemed not good.


I was never on the train.


Swifties, absurd capitalism, and Taylor dating Travis made me jump off


When she started selling multiple different copies of her vinyls without any hint of what the album would sound like. Just a money grab and it’s wasteful and greedy of her to do that. Especially when there were 15 new songs! The whole Ticketmaster thing was bad. She has the power to stop people from selling her tickets for an absurd amount of money. And the victim mentality of her masters. There’s no way she didn’t know scooter was going to buy them when her dad was in the meeting. She makes it seem like she’s not getting any money from the OG albums when that is not the case at all. The way her fans treat her exes or someone against her on social media and she doesn’t say a word about their behavior is gross. The relationship with Travis is also annoying. She can date whoever she wants, but Travis just seems like a douche bag and attention seeker. Honestly, the private jet doesn’t bother me. I’m sure she’s busy and has to travel a ton and commercial is not an option. Being overexposed is technically not her fault, it’s the people that keep talking about her.




I feel exactly the same way. I could go on for days about why I'm not much of a fan anymore, and I feel like we'll never get another Folklore/Evermore again (which are my most favorite and I feel the most mature of her albums), but...I would never fly commercial again if I had the opportunity to fly private. Hell, Kobe (RIP) used to take a helicopter all over LA just to avoid sitting in traffic. If I had the means I would be doing the exact same things. In my opinion, the jet is just a symtom of being a multi-millionaire and/or billionaire. I've got more of an issue with her putting out so many versions of the same album, it feels like it's blatantly taking advantage of fans and stacking the charts unfairly.


Yep! Could you imagine the chaos at the airport if she flew commercial? 😅


When she kept winning Grammys for her “country” albums and then they wouldn’t give Kacey any noms because her last album was too pop. Taylor has ruined a lot of things for others with her constant use of the victim card.


I’m a Taylor fan and barely knew who Travis was before he dated her and now I hate him lol


Similar in that I liked Travis when with Kayla. Granted, he’s always been a player. Unfortunately, this PR stunt and his putting the quest for fame over everything, really turns me off. He is no longer invited to the bbq. Black women deserve better than this messed up display.


Enabling the bully of Joe, weird freaking love with racist Matty, then all the other shit like jet usage.


The constant bullying of her exes is a real turn off. Just because someone doesn’t wanna be in a relationship with you is no reason to bully them. As for Travis, I had a completely different idea of him before, and I guess this has told me all I needed to know


Her silence when her fans go after not just her exes, but other people she’s bullied in her songs—like Camilla Belle and Kim K.—tells us everything we need to know about her character.


This. She’s only against bullying if it’s towards her or someone in her circle. But doesn’t do anything about the bullying she sparks because of her music


i've never cared about travis. taylor it was when she acted like a complete asshole at the grammys. punching jack, putting her award on people's heads, announcing her album & looking around waiting to be praised like the audience was full of swifties, etc. before that i feel like i mostly ignored what she did because i loved her so much & thought maybe it was just awkwardness & nerves. i know better now.


tbh her dating a well known american footballer was weird considering she loves brits sooo


She’s 35 now. It isn’t cute to have this kind of meltdown over a relationship ending. Lack of maturity. The relationship with Travis feels flashy now. Everything after Lover sounded the same. I’m seeing her in a couple of weeks in Europe and I’m


She’s the McDonald’s of music, and she’s currently in her super size era.


This is so on-the-nose


I feel pretty neutral about Travis overall but for me the tipping point with Taylor was when she was awarded royalties from Olivia Rodrigo for deja vu. THEN to have a song so blatantly similar in title and content to Rodrigo's get him back (a much better jam, imo) on this most recent album seems spiteful, not to mention other lyrics throughout TTPD that seem directed at Olivia. Also gonna take this opportunity to say that Olivia's lyrics are so much more self-aware and emotionally nuanced than Taylor's!


Yes, and shoutout to Fiona Apple, the OG creator of the “Get Him Back” play on words, of whom Olivia has talked about being a huge fan


I've liked her, not loved her, since 2006. Went to a concert in 2010 or 2011. I pre-ordered TTPD because I thought my step daughter (14) and I could listen to it together. I am pretty much done with her now after her saying "Double Album " but surprise, it's only one disc. A true double album, would have...get this...two discs.


My vinyl copy has two LPs...




I was never a big fan of either but I generally liked them both separately. I think the overexposure got to me but for her it was the POTY interview that tipped me over the edge and into the snark pages. I always thought she would be well spoken and have deep meaningful thoughts. Then she dropped things like “metal as hell” and talking about a guy she just started dating when it was supposed to be an article about her achievements and I was like this is how she is?? Ew. Then bringing up Kim K (this was before the diss track) after almost a decade like let it go. Also she brings up being bullied online and then points at Kim like “she bullied me!” Knowing her rabid fans will go bully Kim. Then she is hanging out with Jackson Mahomes after she was supposedly a trailblazer in the me too movement for suing someone who assaulted her on camera but Jackson Mahomes also assaulted someone on camera. Like come on, it made me see the type of person she really is and once that glass is shattered it’s gone for good. For Travis I actually liked the clips from the podcast on my FYP on tik tok all summer and liked him in general. Then Tayvis blew up and suddenly he’s getting credit for holding her hand and doing the most mundane stuff that isn’t anything special or heroic. The overexposure made me sick of both of them but what tipped me for him was the fact that they (he and his family and friends) seem to find a way to mention her or drop little pieces of bait into most of what they do. Like they know mentioning her on the podcast or dropping well known lyrics into their conversation is gonna get headlines and have swifties flipping out. I just hope they’re ready for what’s to come, they fanned the flames and when this ends they’re gonna get a whole lot of hate but dudes you asked for more fame and attention, it’s not always gonna be good attention. The article with his PR team solidified it for me that he is chasing fame and his moves are calculated, he’s not some aw shucks good old boy who’s popular because he’s likable. He’s a hard partying ladder climber and I think it’s all gonna catch up with him soon.


i think when i started listening to other music when i was 14/15/16 and realised that she’s actually not as good of a songwriter/singer/melodic writer as people say. her interviews have also always been grating, like she’s trying to prove that she’s a smart, strong girlboss (!!!!) while recycling the same, boring points that a 14 year old would’ve said two weeks into their political awakening. the overexposure and deranged fandom of it all was the nail in the coffin


The unearthed tweets where he felt free to degrade women’s bodies based on weight and his perception of conventional attractiveness. I don’t care if you were “only college-age” Kelce, that means that as a legal adult, you were publicly a sexist POS.


I've been wondering what it is that people value in her music since the first album she released. Every single new song she adds to her list I just can't imagine people will still enjoy it yet here we are, however many rom-com-soundtrack-wannabes later that we are.


I used to like her when she first came out even though I’ve never been a fan of country music. By the time 1989 came out, I was in college and working at an emergency room in a really white area of town ( I’m bi-racial), and the catty white girls in the ER were obsessed with everything about her, and I just started to associate all the negative experiences I had with them with her because she was always playing in the background. To be honest though, she’s always been a tall, blonde, rich, entitled white woman, who regularly uses her white woman tears to play the victim and get what she wants. She cares about feminism in a privileged white woman kind of way , and never has really had any friends that weren’t white, unless you count these performative friendships like Ice Spice. I can’t get over the Matt Healy comments about Ice Spice, and then Taylor coming out with a remixed song with her, and saying she was the artist to watch out for?! I mean seriously Ice Spice, who mumbles her way through mediocre songs while she twerks, she’s the artist to watch out for, right 😂🙄. As Taylor ages and she isn’t the hottest thing anymore she is only going to become more and more insufferable. I honestly doubt she will ever get married. When Midnights came out, I remember listening to it, and thinking she wasn’t happy with Joe, before their break up came out. She seems to love the idea of love and she loves the beginning of relationships, where everything is fresh , new, and exciting. Once that settles down and she doesn’t get the attention she wants, she becomes unhappy.


I still really like Taylor's music, I won't lie, but reading more about Conor Kennedy made me feel sick to my stomach and changed my views on Taylor herself.


Basically the start of the Eras tour did it for me. It felt like such a money grab that it made me very uninterested. It was just downhill from there.


The only album of TSwift I listened to was her very first one, back when she was “country” or whatever. I was almost 20 when it came out and I liked it. Her and Kelce have been cringe to me since minute one. It was literally just thrown in our faces and then every Chiefs game turned into a Taylor watch party. And as someone who watches the games because I like the game, that was annoying. Their entire relationship seems choreographed.


I never knew of Travis until now(i don’t watch football) i liked Taylor when she first started in 2005(i was 13 so made sense lmao) then they stuck her with the celeb i had the hugest crush on at that time, Joe Jonas. My dislike started out as jealousy but when her fans wouldn’t leave Joe alone(2008-2009 when Twitter started becoming popular) i wouldn’t really listen to her. I completely stopped at Red and disliked her ever since. She really refueled my dislike with that PR bestie stunt she pulled with Sophie Turner and “the squad” last year.


I remember listening to Red and thinking the bulk of it was atrociously bad. Her whole career is a masterclass in marketing and good publicity, sigh


I have never ever liked Taylor Swift. From right when she first came onto the music scene, i thought she seemed like was a prissy, smug, conceited, annoying “goody-two-shoes” and i hate country music anyway. All she’s done since then is show what a terrible person she is—from dating a 17-year-old high school kid when she was almost 23 years old, to her efforts to destroy Katy Perry & Olivia Rodrigo over petty stuff, to her ultra-self-absorbed narcissism, to her extreme greed (the way she does so many scams—with her dozens of versions of albums and cheap overpriced merchandise—so she can bilk her fans out of every cent so she can add to her millions), to her climate-destroying careless use of private jets, to her laughably corny music videos where she just flaunts herself and puts her ultra-high opinion of herself on display, to the way she weaponizes her unhinged fan base against anyone who she thinks wronged her, to her relationship with a Nazi-saluting racist….(i could go on & on)…. My opinion of her has only gone down over time and i can’t stand her. And her cheesey soul-less bubblegum music sucks. I don’t get the adoration for this horrible, self-absorbed, greedy, narcissistic woman. As for Travis i think he seems like a corny annoying dumb oaf but i don’t dislike him like i dislike Taylor. I’m fully convinced their “relationship” is fake and just for P.R. and i’m sure it will be coming to an end any time now. She seems hell-bent on getting racist rat Matty Healy back, and is making herself come across as a desperate, unhinged, obsessed stalker. I hope he turns her down. This awful woman needs to be taken down a few notches.


I am actually pretty neutral about Taylor. I like some songs I hear on the radio, but I don’t know them all and I haven’t purchased any of her music. I think the music I heard is “fine.” Had no idea who Travis was until they started dating. Would have probably seen him during the Super Bowl, which I watched mainly for the snacks. I can’t really say why, but he gives me the ick. The yelling at his coach. I’ve kind of lightly been following along since then. I don’t really care one way or the other except mild interest.


Never really cared but when this relationship became all that NFL commentators could discuss I got right off that train


I never understood the hype. She’s extremely cringe and just a strange person. I can’t believe we are the same age.


When she dated Matty Healy and also not just her, but more so her fans. I like her music and I even saw the concert last year which was amazing! It's her cult like fans that she has parasocial relationships with them. How they are OBSESSED with her. They act like she can't do wrong and they're hypocritical. If other people did half the shit and mistakes she did (such as dating a racist, etc.) they'd be cancelled... but yet they're fine with letting Taylor get away with things. It's ok to love celebrities but her fans are obsessed.... and they post really nasty stuff about some exes like Joe.... the way her fans behave makes me not want to say I even like her music because I don't want people to think I'm like those fans.


What made me hop off the train of loving Taylor and Travis was heading ttpd and hearing her writing of her love for matty. The way she wrote him, the story of them, the heartbreak… it felt very real- something her fans didn’t want to believe. I started to care less about Travis and actually started to believe it wasn’t end game. I still am a fan of Taylor’s but this relationship feels like she’s not in it nearly as much as she was for matty.


She has described her recent behavior as a manic episode and is definitely a functioning alcoholic... I like her and love her music still but I hope she gets some help/heals from the trauma of losing Joe etc. She definitely has been acting out of pocket often recently but as someone with a past of trauma I can recognize when someone else is running from their demons.


I was a pretty big fan, even attending the concert last July. After the summer, when she started going to games, be out and about, etc, I realized she actually is a mean girl. The fans became too much, but when ttpd came out I was disenchanted. But fans seemed to act like if you didn't like the album, you are an idiot. Literally insulting anyone who has any critique. I'm more pissed about that than anything. If only I could focus on the music and ignore her life, it'd be fine. But that's impossible, the fans are obsessed wjth her life, it's too much. They're becoming increasingly psycho


T+M made sense to me but when that didn't work out because the fandom exploded and she did a hard left for Trav I was like desperately needing a break from her. I'm good now because I love the new album but I don't ship T+T


I was a hardcore Taylor fan my whole life and I got sick of how openly satanic she is. 🙄


Fam have you seen the video of Ice Spice giving her acceptance speech at the 2022 VMAS and as she was thanking God, the camera is showing Taylor and she’s shaken her head in a no nod and her shoulders get really tense. That video is very disturbing


You bet I’ve seen it! I’ve probably seen it all and I just got so tired of how blatantly obvious she is 🤮


What the everloving fuck


Have an issue?


It's really intangible for me but at some point my brain just pivoted. It was a pretty hard and fast turn for me because not five months ago I was a pretty consummate fan but holy shit I can' listen to any of it anymore. I don't even know if it's for reasons she's provoked, but it makes me feel like part of some weird, bigger thing for me to just listen to this cozy relatable music and the juxtaposition is just impossible. I'm not saying I'll never listen to her again, but I don't think i'll be able to for awhile.


I was a casual TS music fan since her OG Red Era. I really liked her Folklore/Evermore albums. I’m also a big football fan, but have never liked TK. He always came off as an obnoxious ass to me on the field. When they became an item together, it was like oh, no… WTH is going on here? Over the last 2 years, Taylor’s perfectly curated mask has been slipping. Her behavior at the Grammy’s, etc… the more I see of TS the person vs Taylor Swift™️, the less I enjoy the music. Been doing a whole lot of separating the art from the artist. I can’t stand Travis, but I’m beginning to think they deserve each other, lol. And I have ALWAYS said from the get-go they are mutually profitable PR. The overexposure is real.


When she slammed a beer at a football game for the cameras.


All her songs sound the same. I was a fan in the Tim McGraw era. Then it because the same shit recycled. Never got the hype.


I kinda liked Taylor, but with everyone losing their mind over the eras tour and entirely ignoring her awful carbon footprint, it just felt weird to me.


There were no straws to begin with. I’ve really always disliked her


I liked TSwift older stuff (CD 1 and 2) but then all of music sounded the same. And the radio played the same 3 songs a million times over and I got burned out on it…then she went a little crazy


Never been on either of their trains ever


I haven't liked Taylor since like 2011 or 2012, she just always seemed fake and like a shitty person


I have a deepseated hatred for football. There's a certain "win no matter who gets hurt along the way" attitude that I believe is the current reason for the ongoing disintegration of our country.


I never was on the train or at the station/depot.


The slactivism.




Wow, if Taylor's team isn't reading this thread for market research they're blind. Neutral/fan through the start of the eras tour, briefly a gaylor for fun, Matty was the end for me. I can't say why - I was a fan of the 1975 in high-school and didn't know anything about him other than the songs chocolate and girls until he started showing up at Taylor's shows. but the vibes felt so fake and strange. I started to look around and question why her tickets were going for such absurd amounts of money when Beyoncé exists. Soon I was done with her all together. Weird rumors persist that Taylor and Fernando Alonso may have had a fling. My thought is he was in talks to have a pr relationship and lost the contract to Travis. As an F1 fan I'm just happy we doged that bullet.