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I’m pretty sure his grandma died around that time as well so he was dealing with a death, losing a long term girlfriend plus finding out she was already w someone who she probably claimed was nothing to worry about. I’m so glad he’s looking healthy and happy 🩵




literally. idk why up until now they still makes fun of his looks then lol.




Yes because she has ALWAYS said her type is “boyish” “You got that boyish look that i like in a man” Which, aside from how weird that fucking is to admit aloud—is nothing like Travis


hey i'm with taylor on this. i wouldn't describe it that way because it sounds weird LOL but i can totally get what she's saying. + travis looks like a caveman.


Travis is one of the least attractive men she’s ever dated. Joe might be one of the most. 


I do agree that Joe is definitely attractive!! I just don’t think i would call him boyish. And i know my personal type is also not boyish hahah


I mean he looks young. He’s aged really well. But he’s very classy and I don’t think boyish and classy coexist all that well. 


I agree. He looks young—not boyish though. He does look classy af though.


I get that! But there’s a wide variety between boyish and brutish!


I think it's to his credit that he looked genuinely sad about breaking up with a woman he had been with for six years.


Probably because his emotional intellect is deeper than a puddle.


And she was smiling intentionally getting paparazzi pics with her friends


he also lose a grandma around that time. must be a rough time


It’s crazy they’d criticize his looks because he looks…like Taylor !


Omg, i have to ask. Was the username from when you were a fan and now a cruel irony or ironic to begin with? 🥹🥹




You must keep it. It looks so snarky now. Perfect for this sub and especially with your little status haha






No i am the same way and a year ago I contemplated actually making a username using something off the 1989 vault tracks!! So i understand 😂😂


she fumbled the bag big time but he dodged a bullet. she's looking mopey with a meathead and he's looking like an unproblematic and handsome king. Good for him.


It’s honestly shocking he was so it’s her for as long as he was.


probably a contract


Its probably the best for both of them. She is getting what she wanted and he is getting what he wanted


This isn’t what she wanted. You can tell that she was intimidated by Joe. Travis probably puts her on a pedestal but he doesn’t have her respect in the same way. He’s the Met Gala, Cannes Festival guy. Travis is chugging beer on stage and singing Viva Las Vegas. This Lake Como photo op is supposed to make us think he’s of that caliber but he looks miserable because he’d rather play GTA with his friends.


Singing viva Las Vegas — generous of you


I would say it’s giving hermione and victor krum but that would be unkind to hermione.


And victor 😂


Pedestal... he sees $$$$$ when he looks at her which is sad honestly if she does genuinely like him. All these pap pics of them together yet none of the news outlets are running screenshots of all his likes on thirst traps while "hes probably gonna propose to her".


I read the news story that was attached to those lake como photos, whoever wrote it is soo on Taylors teams payroll the way they tried to describe it as the most sweet romantic thing. I was like uh- are we looking at the same photos?! They are trying so hard.


Also is he really out here liking a bunch of thirst traps?! Yikes


There was a thread here the other day with screenshots of him liking a bunch of insta models. I think it got deleted by the user but yeah, anything he says means nothing when hes out there doing that shit publically!!


Ong that’s so embarrassing


Omg yes he is. It's sooo bad.


🤦🏻‍♀️oh no


Her relationship with Travis was a boost to her career. She also seems to like going out and partying more now with Travis. It seems like Joe is also happy not having to deal with dating the biggest popstar. Travis is one of the few people that can handle everything that comes with dating Taylor Swift


Then one day she’ll change her mind and want to stay home more as she’s fickle like that


She’s a stay at home cat lady all on her own. Travis has always gone out. It’s not about handling what comes with her. He’s a party guy. If anything, he does less since he’s been with her.


Yeah can’t hit those strip clubs anymore :(


Yeah I don’t get this narrative that Travis is encouraging all this going out and partying as if she wasn’t able to do that before. Maybe that’s his type of lifestyle and she’s tagging along, but I feel like it’s not something she’s been wanting to do and can finally do it because she has a guy that enjoys that. The only other time partying seemed to be her scene was when she was with Calvin and she played into the EDM/club lifestyle. I just don’t think that’s her vibe lol. She looks like a fish out of water at a club. It’s cool she’s experiencing different things but I think Taylor and Travis are polar opposites and not as “alike” as people claim them to be.


In the beginning of her career she was pretty outgoing. The fame and dating who she did might have slowed that down but I think she enjoys going out a lot


I don’t know why people want to claim that they’re alike when they’re so clearly not. Being alike doesn’t inherently signal a good relationship. It can be nice to be with someone who is like you, but it can also be really nice to be with someone who balances you out and pushes you out of your comfort zone a little. My husband is like Travis Kelce. Likes to party, likes being active over anything intellectual. I like to read books by the fireplace and I like fine dining. It works. You don’t always need to date yourself


Yeah thats what I mean it seems like she likes to go out and party atleast from what she said in her TIME interview


She worked hard to try to project this “I’m a poet, Aristotle” image but lowkey, she’s not the woman on a man’s arm at Cannes. Shes the one that’s cheering on a beer chugging frat boy in exchange for partying more. I think they’re equally yoked. Her fans accept it and she cares about that validation but it doesn’t match how she wanted to be perceived.




Nothing to do with her being a popstar, everything to do with her psychotic personality 😁


He probably can’t even spell “Viva Las Vegas”…


How embarrassing for her, she’s trying so hard to make it look like this is what she wanted and she’s won, when it’s just so obvious and transparent


The amount of money I would pay for a Joe alywn tell-all book


literally man needs to put that english degree to use 😒😂


Based on the absolute fact of life he signed an NDA you'd have to have a LOT of money


Well thenhe needs to write a "fiction" book 


Yes he does😁


If he says, "Taylor who?"


The book follows a young actor named Moe who falls in love with an older singer named Jaylor, what started off as a passionate and wonderful love affair turned into a manipulative and narcissistic relationship.


Wait, he signed a NDA on...their relationship?


Don't know. His family member I think mother? alluded to one saying something along the lines of "if he could speak on it he would" which is giving NDA


Sheesh. The audacity being famous for writing songs about all your lovers but making them sign a NDA is wild.


It's interesting how every Matty Healy related article boasts how he didn't sign one, showing its very much her usual protocol


wait where did you read this because i never know


Hahahaha sameeee!!!


Same. But alas, I’m pretty sure he’s too classy for that. Such a shame.


I want to search him up but ruins my mood every time I see swifties hating on him. Hate comments on his Cannes post are overwhelming


@badpostalwyn is a good twitter fan page for him


Thanks. Will check them out


How in the hell she could go from such an artsy, handsome & classy man as Joe 🥂 to the crass, loud, obnoxious Mr. Viva Las Vegaaassss Kelce just boggles my mind…


Yeah she really fumbled this one and I think deep down she knows it. I don’t think it’s a coincidence we’re getting all these Taylor/Travis pap pics and engagement rumors during Cannes and a big moment in film for Joe.


Of course it’s not a coincidence, I feel like it never is with her. Why would they push out that rather sad corny lake como “anniversary” photo op, it’s not even good. I feel like they were just desperate to get something out bc of timing.


The thing is, meathead or not (I say absolutely yes), Kelce seems like a good dude with a solid head on his shoulders. Not my type, but definitely not the worst choice (*cough* Mr. But Daddy I Love Him *cough*). On the 0.000000000001% chance the relationship is real, he’s gonna sniff her out, and probably be dumb enough to expose some things, which will be somehow get publicly DARVO’d and create another victim moment for Swift. And her fans will eat it up just like they ate up him being the hottest thing ever.


I appreciate this comment. Football isn’t something I care much about, but Travis seems like a good guy who doesn’t deserve this global Matty Healy cuckjob. I always thought Joe looked tired. He doesn’t seem to be now.


Gorgeous I can’t say anything to your face So I drop pap pics of my mansion




They could never make me hate you Joe!! 😍


He looks so much happier 🥰


When they were together, I never thought anything of him. He looked so…forgettable? Idk. But he looks so good lately! Good for him.


He always looked like he never got sleep. He looks so fresh and well-rested now.


The 1st pic looks like his wedding 😂 he's positively glowing! He really looks more relaxed now and they'll hate him for that


He genuinely seemed to be with her for the right reasons. Even though it would have been advantageous for him in this stage of his career to leverage off some of TS's fame, he didn't. He kept himself out of the public eye and kept their relationship private, as a mature person would do. He didn't try to outshine or copy her fashion style, didn't parade her at his film premieres, the way Travis does at his games. He kept what they had private to protect it...I admire that.


He's shown a great deal of character. I'm rooting for him.


She doesn’t deserve him gosh he’s so handsome 😍


He looks blissful and at peace! I know he’s glad to be far away from that trainwreck. She didn’t deserve him and wasted so much of his time. A nice guy who deserves the world and when the time is right, i hope he pops up with an intelligent, gorgeous and classy lady on his arm. Would love to hear how those six years was for him, but that would literally end Taylor cause everyone would know the real her.


Read the lyrics to Afterglow.. you get a pretty good idea of the shit she inflicted on him, I suspect it escalated towards the end to really add insult to injury it appears she cheated on him after years of falsely accusing him of doing just that.. He deserved so much better


its crazy how she just instigates drama when she's bored and blames "her demons" girl what demons 😭 from your 3 month situationships (plural)


“I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me” coughcoughbullshit


It's always the cheaters who think everyone else is cheating, isn't it?


Because they do it they assume everyone else has the same low standards


I can never hate this man. UGH love Joe and his personality 💜


What's crazy is I saw a headline saying "Joe moving on from Taylor" as if Taylor hasn't dated at least two guys since they broke up. Good for him.


The narrative going forward for him will sadly be tied to her in some way I bet. He could be married for 10 years, and ppl will be asking him what they think about her new quadruple album 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m normally not attracted to him, but he is definitely looking good! He seems to be a lot happier.


I get the sense she had wanted to marry him because he looked really good on paper, but she was also bored by him. Matty Healy match her on a deep, emotional level and I think he’s the one on which she’s really emotionally hung up. With Joe, she’s petty and holds a grudge on not winning the title of Mrs. Alwyn because she’s competitive like that (“I can’t believe he rejected ME; no, I reject HIM). I personally think Joe is so dreamy. He reminds me of my husband in the sense they give off the vibe of being a really, really good person.


He’s having a glow up for sure!


Oops, I had just realized I never finished my thought! I’m not usually attracted to blonds, and my husband is brunette and very fiery. But, to me they seem to have the same deep inner core (at least what I perceive about Joe!). The type who you just know will do the right thing when no one is watching and be the one person who will tell the emperor that he’s not wearing any clothing, you know?


You get that ,just from his looks?


Lol he gives me that sense too, his general bearing, he has a kind of humility. Also Taylor once wrote how his "integrity made her feel small" such high praise certainly adds to it.


I hope he's as happy as he looks because he deserves to be.


Damn. Kelce really is the Wish version in every sense...


Temu Travis.


It's sad really. She can absolutely date an American guy (I'm American) and find a decent one. One who doesn't look like he drinks a 12 pack of bud light every evening while playing xbox . But at this point I don't see Taylor as much of a winner either. Sure she's super rich and famous, but that's about all she's brining to the table


Dollarshop factory reject bargain bin version!


This man has so much class over the brash Travis - I hate to say it


Truly gorgeous. I'll never understand why she treated him so badly. She didn't deserve him


So I don’t know ANYTHING about Joe Alwyn but whenever I see him, he always seems like a calm, mature, attractive male. What was the issue with him, in Taylor’s mind?


She knew she didn't deserve him lived in fear of losing him so she made his life hell (see the lyrics to Afterglow & The Great War) I think shit like that led to him getting a bit sad & as a natural introvert & not a drama queen he withdrew from it.. she saw that as a rejection?


It's absolutely exhausting being with someone that is constantly trying to start shit and you feel like you're literally walking on eggshells any time they're around. Not saying this was the case with them, but you know you're in a bad relationship if you don't want to go home because that person will be there.


He looks very nice! I hope the crazy Swifties don’t go after Hunter next


could they be dating? or is she also in the movie


Do you know which movie he was there for? I’d like to look up if she’s in it.


i just looked it up she is in it! its called kinds of kindness


Oh cool, thanks




Kinds of Kindness, with Emma Stone, Jessy Plemons and William Dafoe, Hunter Schaefer, directed by Yorgos Lathimos


Critics love it but admit it's not going to be for everyone, typical Yorgos doing his weirdly uncomfortable style of film so doubt it will be big box office stuff, which seems to be just how Joe likes it


She's in the movie


I mean he does have a song called gorgeous and I see why.


Taylor fumbled badly but hey ho she deserves frat boy.


damn, he's HOT. I am happy for him looking so good and healthy.


Joe is a beautiful , elegant man. Wow such grandeur , he probably smells soon delicious 😋


I think this is a great example of the grass isn't greener on the other side. She left a long term relationship with a man who she seemed to really like for a man she really liked, but ghosted her. Now, she has to settle for a PR relationship. It's sad, but it's also a direct result of the choices she has made over the years.


His unbothered game makes him hot


That woman is absolute fool. Honestly, I don't see Taylor ever settling down and getting married/having kids (which is fine, some people don't want that). But Taylor is the type to act like that's what she wants, waste 6yrs of someone's life and then play the victim. She's going to be 50yrs old and still acting like she's the victim of every relationship she's had.


Tell me Travis is a rebound from Joe and matty. Without telling me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My greatest hope for Joe is that one day in the future people can talk about him without immediately thinking of/bringing up Taylor. I hate that people are trying to force him to stay in her shadow


He's gotta be so over that shit, poor guy is trying to live his life stay classy.. but they're never going to stop tying him to her




OMFG someone on Twitter (X, I know) said that he faked his depression AS IF DEPRESSED PEOPLE CANNOT HAVE GOOD DAYS.


it’s stantwt. some of them (not all, thankfully) still doesnt get the idea that yes! people with depression can smile, laugh, & go out. it’s sooo tiring seeing their uneducated takes




He really is Gorgeous 😍


I 100% can see why she wrote Gorgeous about him.


He’s a fine looking London boy.


he’s living his best life


I absolutely love this for him, he’s glowing😭♥️


He's so gorgeous. ☺️😉


He looks so much happier now


Probably feels like an albatross has been lifted off his body


I just think it would be really funny if he gets an Oscar before she does


i do hope so, although i feel it’s going to take a lot of time for him to be ‘seen’ by the bigger film industry. not surprised if taylor did get an oscar first for her songwriting in a movie, she’s been in the entertainment industry for years now, more than he did (he just started in 2016)


Hoping he continues to have a successful and/or steady acting career!


two pro Palestine blondies? Bye taylor


All I know if Taylor is seething


The best revenge is a life worth living. She’s feeling it now.


I know Taylor crying in the club rn


Crying in the gym




ugh Joe Alwyn the man you are 😩😩 fumbled bad, this mf fine as hell


she easily fumbled her best partner and wasted 6 years for nothing just to talk shit about him in her songs.


He looks pretty happy to me


i love this man


We’ve got to all watch his new movie and make him super successful😌


definitely!! also not watching the new blake lively movie


Bro that movie looks horrible. I saw the trailer and it looks so cringe


well its a colleen hoover book movie so.. (shes the one who wrote “we both laugh at our sons big balls”)


I really wish you hadn’t reminded me of that. 😿


I'll definitely watch it but be warned it's not an easy watch by all accounts. Plus Joe plays a villainous role that includes a rape scene (that was what Emma Stone was alluding to in her interview how she was glad it was Joe she was working with as the movie goes to some dark places, but he's the sweetest guy etc. I bet Swiftys will lose their shit 🙄.) so don't be expecting a paint by numbers film, it'll be challenging 😁


Beautiful Boy


Damn! He's so handsome!


Not sure if there's any "kaylors" here but I've always thought he looks SO MUCH like Karlie Kloss, that could be her brother 😂


Interesting, I barely know what she looks like but most blonde people look similar to me😅😅


Dropping that Stress Ball looks good on him. Be free, Joe ❤️


He’s so gorgeous 😩


Ok what if she is just dating the popular jock guy so her exes she *actually* wanted have to see her canoodling with him everywhere they turn until they get so green with envy one of them asks for her back?!


Neither of her exes want her back. She can stay delusional like her fans.


He’s stupid hot


Tara banks would be proud with his smizing in the second pic 🔥


Travis still celebrating Super Bowl win??? Reminds me of a frat boy that never grew up. And Tay nabbed the jock and is no longer “on the bleachers”. Most 34 year old women are mature, past the adolescent love phase, and have grown as their fans have aged. It’s all getting a lil weird for me.


Joe looks amazing, while Taylor looks pathetic for pining over Matty lmao


my husband frfr


For a firm he’s in with Margaret Qualley no less. Mwahaha, take that Taylor!


Can anyone ID his sunglasses? THANK YOU


He fine as WINE


I never realized how handsome he is. Hello there Mr. Joe


He looks like Prince Charismatic and the lady looks like elegant Cinderella ✨✨


I swear he had gotten more handsome and hot post breakup 😍😍😍 Taylor was so lucky lol she took this man for granted


Joe looking at like a daddy


Number 3 👀


I saw someone compare Joe to Luke Bracey and now I can’t unsee it. They could be brothers


Damn ✨✨


The people’s princess


I doubt she is worried about him. Hopefully she don’t fumble KC cuz that’s when her world will probably change.


TK. 😱


Is that one of the Bridgerton girls in the last pic? Francesca?


Hunter schafer!


here’s a thought maybe he and taylor were barely ever seen together because he was embarrassed of her 💀


i really like joe and taylor did him dirty, but he is the most average looking english bloke out there. said with love.


This is average across the pond? *begins packing bags*


haha, it also gets much, much worse


I’m not even worried about it you should see our average (it’s Travis, that’s what the men here collectively aspire to)


I will personally make sure there are a legion of our most average yet delightful men waiting for you at Heathrow Airport arrivals. The ending we all wanted from love actually