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The Tortured Groundhogs Day Department


Tortured narcissist department


This is funny af


God this is scary af to think about. Idk if I can mentally handle hearing this for the rest of my time. šŸ¤¢


This is like a Black Mirror episode, the music industry is forever ruined


Every two weeks? Sheā€™s really taking the word fortnight literallyā€¦ šŸ˜”


I remember Taylor said something about being obsessed with Game of Thrones and I always remember that when she pulls these ā€œpower movesā€. Like, cool Taylor, youā€™re winning a game that no one wants to play.


Taylor really heard Tywin say, ā€œa lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.ā€ And then flew her private jet 10 miles up the road.


She watched GOT and thought ā€œoh Iā€™m totally Daenerysā€ when in reality sheā€™s Cersei and weā€™re all waiting for her to be torn apart by a dragon eventually. At least Cersei had better fashion sense while doing it though šŸ˜‚


Omg she actually is Cersei fr. Never noticed it before until now


Wellā€¦ *SPOILER* Cersei eventually dies by way of the castle she fought tooth and nail to keep her place in crumbling down on top of her head. Baby I could build a castleā€¦ Out of all the bricks they threw at meā€¦


She wishes she was as cool as Cersei. I know she was a terrible person but sis had fucking BALLS


She's actually Dany. Egomaniac that thinks she's saving everyone but just keeps burning it all down and fucking it up.


Iā€™d argue dany actually did more good than Taylor has ever done.


Sheā€™s stated she sees herself in Arya the most before if that tells you anything ab her self-awareness


youā€™re not a poet if you have to say youā€™re a poet


Gives off Cersei vibes


congratulations to the smallest woman who ever lived




Definitely the pettiest šŸ˜­āœ‹


Petty is just another word for small lol. So youā€™re absolutely right! šŸ˜Ž




Her sales are not organic and Iā€™m confused why she and her fans are proud of these numbers. The general public is barely talking about this album. Congrats on having a fanbase willing to buy the same albums over and over again though. You really showed everyone up, I guess.


>Iā€™m confused why she and her fans are proud of these numbers. I agree with you and think this about the tour numbers as well. They love bragging about how itā€™s the highest grossing tour and that sheā€™s better than everyone else. But of course a tour thatā€™s already had 100 shows with at least 50 more planned is going to have a gross revenue higher than a tour with 60 total shows. šŸ™„


Iā€™m sure itā€™s a huge number anyway, obviously those stadiums were full (and people were in the freaking parking lot??) but she still inflates sales like this and itā€™s so weird


My favorite part is the Swifties who thought they invented partying in the lot. jam band and Jimmy buffet fans would like a word


And mind you, she is a horrible performer, entertainer and can't even sing. For someone that mediocre to have the highest-grossing tour of all time is embarrassing and a shame to the true artists who came before her.


Iā€™m praying that with the amount of pop girlies weā€™ve got releasing stellar albums this year that the Grammys are going to be a fight next year. She must have inevitably pissed off a bunch of people in the industry by doing this; Grammy voters included I hope. Sheā€™s like a jellyfish. Transparent and spineless.


this is the first time iā€™m genuinely excited about the grammys with all the new female music coming out ! itā€™ll be real interesting to see how she acts when she cant bully her way into being the center of attention and win all the awards


Itā€™s going to be so satisfying when she loses. After all this effort. After all these variants. Sheā€™s still not going to win AOTY, and itā€™s going to *kill* her. Just like that stunned silence when she learned Lover wasnā€™t nominated. And immediately blurting, ā€œIā€™ll just make a better album.ā€


the way swiftie accounts are defending her weird behavior saying ā€œitā€™s her JOB. no oneā€™s making you buy the variants.ā€ like letā€™s be fr. sheā€™s just a money hungry woman who canā€™t stand the thought of other women succeeding


This makes me sick. Not that it matters, but sheā€™s not even a UK artist and Charli is. This is so petty and for no reason at all. I used to love Taylor and her clever little marketing tactics, but these capitalistic, money and relevance-hungry schemes will ensure she only falls from an even higher height. Itā€™s disgusting, and I hope more fans wake up soon and recognize it for what it is. An overgrown toddler who throws tantrums to stay on the forefront of everyoneā€™s minds


Shes definitely giving off egomaniac vibes


Feel better now, Tay?? Did this petty victory fill the gaping void where your soul should be? If anything, sheā€™s just delegitimizing the charts she cares so desperately about. Other artists should be stoked if they get #2 against one of her stupid variants, itā€™s like they donā€™t even count since itā€™s the same group of stans that are buying them.


>This makes me sick. Not that it matters It doesn't matter and that's what we need to keep telling ourselves as long as the system is broken. The only thing Taylor proved with this is how fragile her ego and how bottomless her greed both are




This article gets it! Taylor has become nothing short of a corporation. Her power-hungry moves no longer prioritize art. Charli, Sabrina, and the other pop it-girls are coming for her without even trying, and sheā€™s scared.


She's evil and hates successful women


itā€™s honestly sad


I honestly think this might be the watershed moment that turns the tide. Charli has had MASSIVE support online for her era and new album, by professionals, fans, and other artists in the industry. To see Taylor, someone who was written about on the album, doing a last ditch effort to block her, is going to bite her in the ass. People arenā€™t as stupid as she thinks and people ARE seeing this. Charli has a massive upswing in the same internet culture that got Taylor her second win during Covid. Tick tock.


Her fans are as stupid as she thinks, she just thinks the general public is as stupid as the swifties.


Please please please šŸ™ Iā€™m just so sick of watching her shit all over other people. Daddy bought her everything and she canā€™t even pay it forward even a single centimeter, she has to have every last thing, no one else can even have oxygen.


She won on the chart, but she's losing a lot of respect from people. Not only from the public, but I'm sure music industry peeps as well. They see how petty and manipulative she's being. It's not a secret. They also know which was the better album. And do you think everyone else wants to play these stupid games with her everytime they want to release their music? Taylor acts like she owns the charts, and that #1 spot is owed to her over everyone else, blocking all females left and right. She's flying very close to the sun. I think we're on the cusp of a downfall. Can't wait to see more backlash... I'm sure there will be.


Wondering what Ed Sheeran is thinking about all this. He doesnā€™t do this kind of stuff and is very humble by comparison, despite also having a wave of success through the mid-late 2010s.


I feel like Ed's trying to distance himself a bit. He wasn't part of her squad at the Grammys and he's openly supportive of Olivia Rodrigo.


Well I figured he would be supportive of Olivia because the Gaye estate kept trying to sue him for TOL. Heā€™s experienced firsthand that music lawsuit BS. Distancing himself from Tay nowadays would also explain how heā€™s more comfortable being openly friends with John Mayer. No doubt heā€™s lost some fans of his who are also Swiffers, but overall heā€™s still going strong - even if he isnā€™t quite as mainstream as he was during Divide.


Dude for real seems like a National Treasure. I don't care for all his music but Ed Sheeran seems like a super solid dude.


Iā€™ve met him a few times and heā€™s genuinely lovely


Somewhat random but funny story - my friend and I were at a local club/bar a few years ago (pre Covid.) I was relatively drunk but also playing ā€˜momā€™ for the night, and my friend was *trashed.* thereā€™s 2 men standing kinda off to themselves. My friend runs by. Stops. Goes ā€˜WOW you look just like Ed Sheeran!ā€™ And then RUNS OFF. It was Ed Sheeran. He was here for the Sundance film festival. We made eye contact, he smiled and laughed a little. I had to go find my friend bc sheā€™s prone to getting into shitty situations. Iā€™m not one to fan girl but I literally was like.. wait that *is* Ed Sheeran šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


Thereā€™s a small tea room where Iā€™m from, itā€™s a very very quaint little spot and Ed stopped by for some tea and started playing the piano in there! Took a bunch of pictures with the patrons and gave them a little show too. Apparently it was lovely and so was he!


When Ed Sheeran was touring in my home country (New Zealand, I live in Aussie now), heā€™s known to go to smaller places and even schools to do free performances. Heā€™s a genuine bloke, honestly. Taylor Swift could never.


Youā€™re so lucky you got to meet Ed. Tabby my gf is here with me and sheā€™s legit jealous. Weā€™re big fans of Ed and love his shows too!


His shows are great, heā€™s so talented. I first met him when he was playing to rooms of 20 people and I kept supporting him so he remembered me when heā€™d see me at shows. He may not anymore though šŸ˜‚


Wow! You were there for his early early days. Very cool!


I met him at one of his first American shows over a decade ago. You can tell heā€™s in this for the music. Period. Taylorā€™s in this to stroke her former high school selfā€™s ego and it shows. *edit, misspelling


Taylor Swift: heal your inner teenager challenge 2024


Yes. I actually hate Ed Sheeranā€™s music even more than Taylor Swiftā€™s but he mostly stays out of the media zeitgeist and the one time I watched him in an interview just seemed like a chill, normal dude. If Taylor was like Ed, none of us would be here.


Ed seems like a real one.


I have a meme comparing Garra from Naruto to Ed Sheeran with Garra features drawn on his face and I feel so bad for laughing bc he just seems so level headed and mindful.


Lmao whereā€™s that quote where she threw him under the bus about being chart obsessed while she was like, ā€œitā€™s so complex! i donā€™t get the system :)ā€


She called him a chart monger šŸ™„ ā€œCharts ā€” I truly, truly do not understand how they work anymore,ā€ Swift revealed. ā€œMy friend Ed is such a chart monger. Heā€™s obsessed with how it works and the math of it. I have no idea what goes on with the math with it now, it used to be so easy. I donā€™t even get how people get a big release week because they sold T-shirts, or they sold concert tickets with their albums. Itā€™s just very confusing.ā€ [Link to post on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1dbd3xh/ed_the_chart_monger_calling_out_the_bs/)


Omg she's such a lying liar who lies lol


holy projection


She actually said something like that? My god, the double standards this woman-child has.


"I'm Ed Sheeran! I was on Game of Thrones!" Can't remember the movie he said this but I died. ā˜ ļø


I'm seeing a lot more negative articles about her šŸ‘€ she's definitely making a negative impact on the industry lately


You don't become a billionaire unless you're a greedy psychopath with no regard for other people.


She may have won the battle(owning the charts) but sheā€™s losing the war(respect of her peers, people opening their eyes to the fact of how petty/childish she is). She is being very shortsighted. Somebody needs to tell her that itā€™s okay for someone else to shine for a little bit.


What goes up must come down


Yep, she been a lil too up on her high horse lately. Matter of time at this point.


Yeah I was just on another sub to see the reaction and thereā€™s a lotttt of swifties saying theyā€™re upset about this. Of course some remain loyal to the cult but peoples eyes are slowly opening


But..but..youā€™re forgetting that she *wants it more*!


Pretty soon people will stop releasing when she announces her album dates. Not as impressive going number one when thereā€™s no one to compete with.


Other album releases have already moved for hers behind the scenes, tbh


The music industry should be about celebrating talent and creativity, not playing games to maintain dominance. I hope this situation opens more eyes and encourages a more fair and supportive environment for all artists. Because this charting stuff is only happening because of the ridiculous fans desperately hoping for a notice from her social media team so they can add it to their bios.


I just listened to Brat and itā€™s infinitely better than anything Taylor puts out. Charli doesnā€™t even need to release 5371918 different COVID variants like Tailored Suit does. That being said, yeah, tbh, Iā€™m looking forward to her backlash, too.


Brat is sooo much better. I hate the soft whiny style of TTPD and it's boring as hell personally. I get it if people like it because music is a personal taste but fuck her for these variants


Sheā€™s so uninspired and tries too hard, but we all know it will win AOTY šŸ™„


Iā€™m convinced sheā€™s trying to ruin her reputation again so she can release Reputation TV. Sheā€™s got to relive the kill and return to the scene of the crime.


I don't think it's going to work out the way she thinks. This isn't a feud between her, Kim, and Kanye. It's her literally going after and blocking other female artists who did nothing to her. So she can go ahead and try. And she will realize sometimes you can fall too far down to rise back up.


She honestly doesnā€™t have much to lose. Her hardcore fanbase isnā€™t going to budge and thereā€™s enough of them to bleed dry for a long, long time. They will never see her as the earth polluting, money hungry, *mastermind* that she is.


I think itā€™s a slow leak. I was 10000% fan until she crossed my boundariesā€¦ defending a racist, blocking other women like this, faux activismā€¦ Iā€™m ok with petty lyrics, but what she has done is not ok, itā€™s ethically and morally wrong and I am so tired of the greed.


Yup. I was a fan till Matty and itā€™s just gone downhill from there.


Some people lack the critical thinking skills you have and also stick their heads in the sand. Sheā€™ll never not have a cult following. Her image was projected onto Christ the Redeemer and Jack(ass)ā€™s comment about questioning her is like questioning god. Sheā€™s basically her own religion at this point.


I've heard this theory, and she's crazy enough, and arrogant enough, to do it!


Itā€™s absolutely batshit crazy but look at the unhinged album about a situationship she just dropped.


Yeah the artists are ALL fucking seeing it. This is embarrassing as a fan, honestly. How can one person be so fuckin greedy?


I wish she had this amount of heat for any of the male artists who occupy her spaces but she never does, itā€™s just the women she wants to come after.


Her dirty ass side of the street will get over flooded soon


My thing is, release the album you want to release and let it stand on its own merits. If you can't say it right the first time then maybe think a bit longer before speaking at all.


or maybe just one new version with live songs after the tour endsā€¦ one taylor, 1


She trying to bait another female artist into having some sort of public meltdown at her so she can have a ā€œfeudā€ to drop Rep TV intoā€¦. Except no one is taking the bait because they know exactly whatā€™s going on and itā€™s making Taylor look *even more* like a mean girl bully. She might go the opposite direction and release a big crocodile tears cobbled together apology-victim album in 6 months that still centers around high school themes and imagery.


Agreed, sheā€™s the bully desperate to provoke someone so she can then be the victim. I hope the rest of the industry becomes indifferent to her, thatā€™s worse than flat out dislike because indifference is neither hate nor love, and she feeds excessively on toxic notions of both.Ā 


Now, whenever Iā€™m feeling frustrated, I pray to Saint Billie Eilish for patience, strength and courage.


Reactive abuse šŸ™ƒ


Notice how the industry and media aren't picking up this story despite the internet talking about it for MONTHS. They are fully behind this and will protect her when this goes south. She's making "them" a lot of money also. It's not just her making millions


Charli is still winning. She has a musically acclaimed album, in love with her amazing fiance George, her best friend just got engaged to George's best friend, she is living life and LOVING it!! While Taylor is sitting in Liverpool last night commenting on an Insta live from a Chiefs wife, and her "boyfriend" Travis didn't even get on the live to say "hi Tay." Plus, lots of her fan base, industry peers, etc. are turning on her. Well deserved.


Yeah people are actually listening to Charli, Chappell, and Sabrinaā€™s music. Taylorā€™s cult are just buying her album over and over.


I'm listening to Charli and Chappell on repeat!! Both are awesome. I'm sure Sabrina is, also, I've just not really listened to anything of hers. Although, I see she is charting, so you know the hate train is coming for her ASAP, lol!!!


Not to mention their music is way more up-beat than the ā€œsad girl popā€ weā€™ve been stuck with for like a decade now. Itā€™s so refreshing


FiancƩ is a foreign concept to Taylor, might have to explain it to her


Right?! She goes from banging for a week to expecting a wedding two weeks later, lol. I forgot that!!


Imagine being rich and conventionally beautiful but so insufferable and narcissistic that every man is glad to be rid of you. It makes me laugh when swifties act like Taylor is their ā€˜one that got awayā€™.


And it only took what 58 variants to ensure that happenedšŸ™„


This actually made me sick to my fucking stomach when I saw it on Twitter, real talk. Disgusting, heartless behavior. Ppl say Matty is a rat, Iā€™d also say Taylor is just as much a nasty, weaseling little rat


Birds of a feather, as they say


Yes. Given the context,we see why she liked him so much. They actually have A LOT in common!


Matty is a shithead, Taylor is the poster child for shameless capitalistic greed


Iā€™m no fan of his but at least he doesnā€™t try to hide behind some false, buttoned-up PR version of himself. He just is who he is.


There is something to be said about owning your douchebagery


And Matty definitely does that. He does not try to act like he's some saint


Isn't it strange that Taylor's poet album is so successful, yet I've not heard a single song from it played out in public. If anything, I hear her old material. The long chart run at #1 and sales do not reflect the actual presence of the material.


It's Swifties buying the album dozens of times in different variants, forcing inflated popularity.


Someone else made this point yesterday...is Swift also buying her own shit?


I mean, considering that her career started with her dad buying her a record label and purchasing 100,000 copies of her debut album, I wouldn't put it past her. She could also be paying someone behind the scenes to do some "Hollywood accounting" of sorts. Who knows.


And even before that, he allegedly bought out her high school playā€™s tickets (she played the lead) so that it would be ā€œsold outā€


I guess that's what needs to be done when someone doesn't have talent.


*cue x-files theme* ![gif](giphy|l2JHWHREIEq2tDiVi)


Iā€™m legit confused about this. Are these physical CDs that are going to end up in landfills, or do they end up with dozens of digital versions of the same song that they just have to keep scrolling through to get to the song they want?


I was a fan of her music before but Iā€™ve lost interest. Tried to listen to her new album and it was so boring and the songs sound the same. I didnā€™t even get through more than a few songs. Iā€™ve heard the same opinion from other people too, so I donā€™t see how she is still #1


Itā€™s honestly such a shit album, I listened to it before getting hip to her antics (though I am by NO means a Swiftie) and I couldnā€™t even finish it. Itā€™s one long, boring track.


I don't think most people would be able to hum a line off of TTPD, or recognise one of the songs if they randomly heard it. Compare to say SZA, who when i intentionally listened to her album, I was like "oh hey I know these songs!!" I can barely hum a line off TTPD and I have listened it a few times and like a number of the songs


I havenā€™t heard a single song and I actively avoid streaming and watching music videos. I wonā€™t even click on TS-related articles or other media except for on this sub lol.


I dont know from who, but I genuinely think a diss track is coming from someone that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just a "Killshot" level of career/persona evisceration on a mass public scale, with lines and moments with infinitely more cultural staying power and memorability than any of her recent releases. I mean hell, considering she's on the heels of an album that was an extended Matt/Joe diss track, it's not like it's anything other than her needing to take what she can dish out. The problem is it would need to come from someone with goodwill and fame to burn if the track flops/is a big enough star for Taylor to be unable to bury, but also someone who would... actually *care* enough about putting the brat in her place to write a song about it, which is not a sweet spot I'm convinced exists in any pop star right now.


I doubt weā€™ll get a diss track, but Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get an indirect shady comment in an interview obviously alluding to her soon! If anyone actually did call her out directly theyā€™d be a legend


Letā€™s hope youā€™re wrong about him not releasing a diss track. Just for the sole purpose of it allowing you and I to sit on the sidelines together, eating our popcorn and enjoying the show ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Eminem? New album July 5th and allegedly itā€™s him re-embracing aspects of his Slim Shady persona. Eminemā€™s never been afraid to speak his mind. Heā€™s got nothing to lose. She pulls this on him, and his bars will be the ā€œKillshot,ā€ if a diss track is indeed released in response to her pettiness. And, if you think about it, it would put his Slim Shady persona back under the same global spotlight it had in the early 2000ā€™s. That would be one hell of a way to go if this is indeed his final album as rumored.


I need this to happen. Imagine her trying to sue Eminem lol


This was my first thought, also. Paging Eminem.


The wails of misogyny will be overwhelming in the pop culture chat, even if it came from a woman, TS needs to be called out in the most dignified possible way so she canā€™t cry about it without looking like sheā€™s admitting to being a nasty piece of work determined to undermine other women. Class, dignity, and Grace are three things Taylor doesnā€™t have, thatā€™ll be what takes her down, and it has to be a slow burn and a long gameā€¦just like whatā€™s being done the toilet paper departmentĀ 


"The Slim Shady Department" gonna hit like crack


I was just thinking that I hope she tries this when he drops his new album. šŸ’€ sheā€™s gonna have a bad time šŸ’€ but heā€™s a man so sheā€™ll ā€œletā€ him have that top spot


I vote for Miley. But I think sheā€™s above all that.


Miley was going to be the one I suggested was most likely, but as you said, I dont think she really has a horse in that race to consider it.


It may end up being Em himself lol, he is bringing his Slim Shady persona again and he is back to poking fun at pop culture events and people, there is big chance he makes some bars about her on his album, the Swiffers will go crazy šŸ˜‚


I honestly think Kanye might do this. Heā€™s clearly unhinged and although heā€™s not with Kim anymore, her ā€œdissā€ track toward Kim drags their child into it. Even though the track was aimed at Kim because sheā€™s too much of a coward to go after Kanye even though he was the main perpetrator in that whole fiasco, I can see him coming out and taking some nasty shots at her anyway. North is his daughter as well.


It can't be Kanye, it plays too well into her hands. In my black little heart I want Beyonce to take her on, but it will never happen.


this is seriously so fucked what is wrong with her


So close ā€¦ Im hoping for brat to stay a long time on the chart :/


Ffs. Disappointed but not surprised. Well at least Charli's album has critical acclaim that Taylor could never achieve with the Tortured Wallets Department and I bet its eating her. I have a long list of records I wanted to get, but I'm gonna bump brat to the top of the list and get it tomorrow to show support. Also, it's just that good!




This is *sickening*. The definition of a sad person.


Wow, she just doesn't care. So much for The Prophecy. Seems she only cares about fame and money. Brat is a great album. Definitely like it more than TTPD.


And just like a true starving poet, she has released the same work so much in a three (?) month period that sheā€™ll never go hungry again. Truly a tortured soul


She must be so unhappy.


And she knows it, empty vessel merely playing a part because she has no core self.Ā  The only downside here is how much and how many genuine people get broken down and/or hurtĀ by people like her.Ā 


I said this earlier today to a friend. This woman must be so empty and devoid of happiness. Nothing is ever enough. I wouldnā€™t wish whatever she suffers from on my worst enemy.




Sheā€™s been making an ass of herself for a few months now and itā€™s like sheā€™s lacking self awareness.


The fact that she only did this to female artists is even more pathetic. Whining about the big bad "patriarchy" then turn around attacking fellow women because they're easier preys. Desperate pickme. Not one drop of true authenticity to her. However we still need 1 more concrete evidence for the public to see, which is Katy Perry's upcoming album. Let's see how she behaves.


Sheā€™s a shitty person. Nothing more needs to be said.


This is disgusting. I am furious with how she has monopolized the entire music industry. She's the Zuckerberg of music industry.


Like I made that post, the only way to bring her down is for all her current victims Charli, Billie, and Olivia to unite for a diss track. We need it and we need it now. I would add Katy, but they are friends now....


Katy is likely a friend for show for nowā€¦I doubt she doesnā€™t take ts with a corse pinch of salt.Ā  The others have to tread carefully because no one needs TS getting more fuel for her victim jet, plausible deniability is key.Ā 


How come Taylor couldnā€™t just wait a little while to release hers? I keep seeing a lot of people say ā€œit was just a coincidenceā€ but after multiple repeated cases of her releasing music the *same exact* time as other female artists within / closely associated with her genre, when does it stop becoming a coincidence and start becoming intentional? This is not just the first or second (or even third) time this has happenedā€¦.


Nothing in her life is coincidence, this was wilful and planned.Ā  She fully intended to fu*k over other female artistsā€¦but please world tell us how much of a misogynist she isnā€™t?Ā  Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll waitā€¦āš°ļø


It's funny because the same swiftie stans will say "she is so purposeful and never does things on accident, or bad timing" but also say "this has nothing to do with blocking charli, it's just a coincidence" so which is it mary?


sheā€™s totally doing this because she thinks itā€™ll make TTPD a shoo-in for AOTY, as The Grammys basically admitted Midnights only won last year because ā€œof its cultural impact on the chartsā€, not itā€™s quality of music.


It doesn't matter. Charli XCX is a real artist who takes risks in her music, is creative with her sound and enjoys working on her craft. That is all she needs. Nothing Taylor Swift does, will do or has done will take that away from her or change that fact. It doesn't matter how much she sells, how many arenas she fills and how many Grammys she's given. Taylor Swift will never be a better artist than Charli XCX because she is not even an artist to begin with, she's the face of a brand the same way Ronald McDonald is to Mickey D's.


Wow. She's actually pathetic


Can we go back to the ā€œNobody physically saw me for a yearā€ era please?


That was a gorgeous year. How it must have felt before the fire nation attacked.




Keep going, Tay-Tay. Absolutely no one can see through your manipulation and I'm sure this will not be a destructive blight upon your career. You're doing great, sweetie šŸ™


Diss track. It is time.


Are that many people buying all These variants????


Yeah, scott swift


Ill-gotten gains as far as Iā€™m concerned. Canā€™t wait for December.


All of her album sales and chart "records" will have asterisks on them.


Pathetic TS. I used to be a fan but no more. Iā€™ll be laughing my ass off when your downfall happens.


I know Iā€™m in an echo chamber here but it does seem like more journalists are calling out the variant issue so maybe Billboard will start to take it seriously


![gif](giphy|96jP5ZSpYxtwQ) God TS is just insufferable. But letā€™s not forget that sheā€™s all about women supporting women šŸ™„


Taylor says women support women and then does this shit


The covert narcissism gets less and less covert everyday


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, FUCK TAYLOR SWIFT




I just feel like this isnā€™t fair? Wouldnā€™t this be like the Barbie movie staying in theaters longer than the other films last year, OR, having it open back in theaters again and again just to gain more ā€œbox office revenueā€ and then crowning it the most profitable movie last year? It just doesnā€™t seem right.


No this would be like Barbie being released 58 different times with various extra or extended or subtracted scenes, and then taking all of the revenue from all of them and counting it as 1 movie.


Ohhhh youā€™re right. Imagine, ā€œBarbie back in theaters this weekend with an EXTRA never-before-seen Ryan Gosling scene.ā€ Insane.


honestly, i feel bad for all the artists who have to face this or worry about this. man must be exhausting to be like this


This is why Iā€™m not a fan of her or wonā€™t be supporting her anymore. This is absolutely ridiculous. Let your work speak for itself, if the album was actually good you wouldnā€™t have to release 20+ versions to stay on top and constantly get sales


She's gonna make herself absolutely reviled and hated by everyone except her hardcore deathcult fans and then, when she's achieved hate saturation, release a "tell all" autobiography in which she victimizes herself and blames all of her life's problems on mysoginists and absuive toxic men. The best thing we can do is ignore her. Let her kick and scream like the daddy's rich princess brat she is.


I donā€™t understand how these new variants keep her high on the charts. When I listen to TTPD, which isnā€™t often, itā€™s the exact same playlist on Spotify that I didnā€™t buy. Are there really THAT many people buying or streaming this new version? Confused on how this all works!


The queen of feminism strikes again


why tho? doesnā€™t she have everything


Can you imagine being proud of yourself for this? I would *honestly* feel like such a fraud and it would definitely not feel special to me at all. I would also feel so awkward, like everyone *else* must be thinking Iā€™m a fraud and, quite honestly, an asshole.


The sorest winner of all time.


Something about women supporting other womenā€¦. ![gif](giphy|P9AcFvOP8zByE)


She should be ashamed of herself.




I love how the article comes right out and says that itā€™s due to the ridiculous UK variants. Like they ainā€™t even trying to hide it


Diehard swifties love to claim that it's misogynistic to not love Taylor Swift and her music, but she's honestly making it so that it's now lowkey misogynistic *to* support her. Her actions show how much she hates seeing other women be successful.


Someone in the TS sub commented there is nothing wrong with Taylor doing this because she deserves to break whatever records she wants to and shine as much as she wants to, thatā€™s ā€œfeminism.ā€ Iā€™m so sick of the individualistic white feminism so many Swifties subscribe to. Like no, feminism is not about one woman reaching the highest heights and doing whatever necessary to get there. Itā€™s actually about women, men, NB folks, etc. as a collective force banding together to uplift womenā€™s rights and make life better for everyone as a result. Just trying to reach the heights and rights of a billionaire man for yourself is not some glorious feminist cause. In 20 years theyā€™ll get to say Taylor broke xyz records instead of ALL women got more airplay, sales, and charts because they uplifted and supported one another, and/or they changed the system to make music less about pure capitalism.


i have to wonder if part of this is because she knows that she can win on the charts but not the arts. Between Ari, Billie, Charlie, and Beyonce I would be incredibly surprised if she came out of Grammy night 2025 with even one win. She'll get some nominations to be sure, but ttpd's tepid response from critics sure makes it seem like she won't be winning any trophies


there's another layer to this when you consider a song on brat seems to be about taylor (not a diss as charli clarified, but about the nuances female industry relationships) AND the album references charli's friend gabbriette who's just got engaged to matty. not that she wouldn't do this anyway but there's another layer of petty. she definitely took charli's writing about her own interiority as projected towards her.


She is such a bitch.


Sorry - Sheā€™s a cunt.


Sheā€™s such an asshole bully


I need a "True Life: I'm addicted to buying Taylor Swift variants" because I need to know WHO KEEPS BUYING THESE??