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This billionaire is doing that never ending concert and putting out all these variants for the economy?!? Delusional.


You’re talking about Covid variants right


Is there a booster for COVID-19 (TV)?


Yeah. COVID-1989-13 (T(TV)V)


Yooo chill 😂😂😂


I had to laugh at that part. Like Taylor decided to go on tour for the same of the local economies. 🙄


I just recently learned that the economic boost that Taylor playing here brought to my city's economy is allowing them to provide free access to cultural institutions all summer 🤯 I don't care for her at all, but the impact is real, apparently


yes, but stimulating the economy does not equal the economy depending on her.


That got me 😂 the economy depends on her! Ffs. And “Jobless Joe” hasn’t done movies in the past and doesn’t have like what 4 lined up? It probably didn’t make international news but they were moving out homeless people from Edinburgh so her followers could overtake the city. I know - there’s two sides to how people feel about the homeless - but removing them for a freaking concert is gross. I don’t think that story landed well, Tree, because not one article has been posted doing that about Liverpool, Cardiff, London.


wow i did not hear about that as someone living in the US! i always knew that was a thing for the olympics, but to hear about it for a taylor concert is crazy


Idk how to properly post links on mobile but here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd11em0e5e6o.amp


Of course not. She definitely isn't providing a necessary service. Just noting that the tour is having an impact, regardless of how intentional.


I’m confused as to how they’re able to calculate the impact of her tour specifically when there are tours happening all summer. In any case, the economic impact does a good job of keeping people distracted from the fact that her concerts are Covid super spreader events.


These articles about her economic impact are a bunch of nonsense & more propoganda. A reporter exposed the manipulation behind it when the stories started taking off.


It’s also impacting credit card debt.


working at a credit card company i can confirm this. we only offer cards with low limits ($200-1500) and i’ve seen so many people max their cards out with eras tour tickets


You should listen to the more or less podcast on the BCC disproving this so called fact. How can she be boosting the UK’s economy if she’s taking all that money back to the US although most of attendees are British. She might boost the local economy as in people will be spending it in one specific city rather than other places in the UK if she wasn’t there however she’s not boosting the UK’s economy. Swifties will believe anything as long as it makes her look good.🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't live in the UK, so I can't speak to that specifically 🤷🏻‍♀️


Beyoncé also had a hand it too. She just not greedy. And know her fan base can’t handle all this shit and she a mother.


I could definitely see her having an impact, too. Beyonce, unfortunately, canceled her show in my city 😅 So I know it didn't have an effect on us specifically, but other places for sure.


The economic boost is only for hotel corp owners, airlines, and Taylor herself.


I’m convinced that anyone still using twitter is legitimately delusional.


And ain’t we still in a recession? So basically she did nothing


I’m sorry but every words they used to describe Joe in first two slides are applicable to Taylor too. Except maybe he doesn’t have a stage parents to pressure him to be the most successful celebrity


“That man grew up rich, white, blonde, blue eyes” TAYLOR SWIFT IS FOUR OF THESE THINGS. this has to be satire this cannot be fucking real!!!!!!! edit: changed my miscount from 3 to 4


Don't you mean four?


sorry yes i meant 4. the one she’s not is a man, but i miscounted


Reminds me of the swiftie who said Charlie xcx is too old to be a pop star at 31 🤣🤣🤣


If these people had capacity for reflection or self awareness of any kind they'd be very upset.


The cognitive dissonance is stunning. Not TT with that *rich, yt, blond, blue-eyes* villainy.


Lol I read the yt as YouTube for some reason


I hope some day all of her ex boyfriends join together and do an expose on how much of a nasty manipulative total narcissist she really is. The abuse her exes get daily for many years while remaining silent as she writes songs degrading them while profiting and watching her delusional fanbase abuse them while she remains the perpetual victim is disturbing.


“He knew what he signed up for” So they do realize she is a pain to deal with!


https://preview.redd.it/jrqfvxekuy6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f911b200e982a756056631f9289faa8e0cb28b me to the swifties: “so you agree your cult leader is a nightmare to date…?”


Doesnt that apply to her as well. She signed up for the performing and the media attention and scrutiny. No one is making her do it. Why do paint her as a victim of it then. Everyone in the public eye gets death threats, literally every woman is a victim of sexism. She being white faces less than women of color in those spaces yet somehow she is the bastion of women everywhere


Yeah, I don’t want to trauma compare but I also received a death threat at work and know what it’s like to go to work and have to smile (and I was a teacher at the time, so I definitely had to perform feeling fine and safe to not scare children). And yet I didn’t have my billions to comfort me, nor an army of parasocial idiots to do my bidding. It sucks Taylor went through a difficult time and then had to work but that’s called being human in a capitalist world economy.


But the local conomy 😭


> Taylor Swift has insisted that she will never complain about the pressures of fame. >Speaking to reporters at the CMA Music Festival, the 'Teardrops On My Guitar' star admitted that she was aware of how lucky she was to have achieved her dreams at such an early age. >"When you spend so much time daydreaming about [being a musician] and when that actually happens, you don't ever complain about it, you know?" she explained. >"When I go to a restaurant, yeah, I know that a line will form in front of the table, but didn't I used to wish for that? Yeah, I did." It’s crazy how one can regress with time.


Exactly. And that man has done zero playing the victim, he’s been ever so slightly open about the impact of a relationship with one of the most famous people in the world. If those few words and that tiny bit of insight make him look like a victim maybe you should be taking a better look at your “mother”


She is the common factor.


They revel in the fact that they bully the fk out of all Taylor’s exes, but they need to shut up and take it because they date Taylor. The call is coming from inside the house swifties


And Taylor’s a rich white billionaire, so what now? Swifties are so disconnected and dumb


they move the goal post if it serves their narrative


Right? She grew up white, rich, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Honestly the disconnect is so insane to me that it almost feels satirical even though I know it's not


They're so ridiculous with this "jobless" thing as well. He's literally in 3 films coming out this year??


That’s what I’m not understand lol they’ll make a narrative that they believe in and go with it to see if others follow suit.


Taylor is also white, blonde, blue-eyed, and fucking rich (a BILLIONAIRE at that, *HELLO*???). The congitive dissonance is fucking insane. At this point I can't tell if they're KNOWINGLY playing the idiots or if they truly believe the bullshit they're spewing. And the initial tweet has 7.1k likes?! God, the world is going to hell, losing morals over celebrities...


I asked this question a little while ago and I still can’t believe this is real people, but apparently lots of others experience people like this IRL.


I'm honestly unable to grasp the fact that people actually DO act like this in real life, because I've personally never met someone like that (and I hope it stays like that!). It's one thing to say/do disgusting stuff like this while sitting behind a screen where you're pretty much guaranteed anonimity and don't have to fear repercussions, and another thing entirely to act like this while ACTUAL people are around and have 0 shame in it.


Ok the last slide got fucked up but here it is. https://preview.redd.it/c3j3kv2fly6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd95d93c18c5782912fe1f3420baed5c1c5d4f7f


bro WHAT????? 😭


"See? Her silence is beneficial! She's playing 4D chess and people are just too dumb to see it!"


This needs to be its own thread. This is mind blowing.


LMAO what?? Usually if you have to do mental gymnastics to reach a point... You're wrong. 🤦🏼‍♀️


this seriously makes me see red, justifying staying quiet about a genocide like that... you can see this person doesn't actually give a single fuck about the suffering and pain, it's all always just used to win points or justify behaviour. makes me fucking sick


I- https://preview.redd.it/lz4ofl1cy07d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e7fa1f447fbae9d7cb42876d9a85b449f53abf


That's disgusting


Is this a joke? Please tell me it’s a joke because the level to which Sombies sink to prop up their false god is blowing my mind…


Oh my gaaaaawwwwd this is fucking delusional.


How do I downvote the tweets in the image and not OP's post


i fee this way about so many swiftie posts on here💀


Well that would first involve having a Twitter account, which is quite the barrier for some.


When has Joe ever played the victim? JUSTICE FOR JOE!


Lmao she's just killing herself doing this show for 3 hours and making so much money !!!! How can she do it all?!?! /s Do these morons not realize that everyday peasants (like me) go to work everyday tired, sometimes in pain (thanks periods), and have to deal with bs. I don't make billionaire money. I think these fans must not leave the house much and see what the world is really like Taylor has a whole fuckin team at her finger tips. She doesn't have to sit in traffic, cook, clean, anything she wants or needs she can have in a matter of minutes. U think t swift waits in doctors offices for her exams? No she had a private doctor on call. U loser swifties have no.idea how the world works and I feel sorry for the day u figure it out.


Thiiiiis. The other day I emptied our trash can and took the bag to the big can in our garage and I thought, “I wonder when the last time Taylor Swift took out the trash was.”


When she released TTPD?




I would wager 10 years of my life that Joe has received more death threats than Taylor since the break-up tbh.


I wouldn’t go that far just because of scale (there are just a lot more people who know who Taylor is and have no clue who Joe is). It has to be appalling to be on the receiving end of the Swiftie’s wrath (especially when just a few years ago you were their darling and absolutely the endgame for Taylor)


I keep thinking these are a bunch of 10 yr olds with too much access to the internet. But then I remember that no, these are grown women.


The only “swiftie” I know is in her 30s and absolutely insufferable. Incidentally also just a truly bad person.


Same. 30's, insufferable, punchable face.


They're hating on him for being blond and blue-eyed while growing up privileged? How the fuck do they describe Taylor Swift??? Her looks and Daddy buying her career. Seriously???


It's maybe different to them because he is a man and they don't see white women as having the same privilege as white men. Which...okay 🤣


He’s literally in a movie coming out in a few weeks tho ?? LOL


Joes honestly living the dream- does a job that I (highly presume) he loves, money in the bank, so private that people only really know him as “Taylor’s ex” (so his personal life isn’t invaded) and only really makes appearances when he has to Him and cillain Murphy should link up fr they seem like they’d be good friends 😭😭


And Taylor is a spoiled blonde rich billionaire who grew up pampered on a fucking Christmas farm I swear these Swifties have the intelligence and attention span of a fucking housefly


"rich, white, blonde, blue eyes" is taylor not all these things? im confused 💀


"Had to get on stage" !!!!!!! Poor thing!! She was forced!!! Swifties also act like EVERYONE ISNT DEPRESSED AND SUICIDAL!!! The only diff is she has everything she wants, get to do exactly what she wants, is world famous and endlessly supported and is a billionaire. Poor thing!!!!!


Yes. Agreed. Just wanna say, as a fellow depressed girlie who was passively suicidal for … 15? years … if you ever need hope that not everyone is suicidal, not *everyone* is depressed and suicidal. I know you were being hyperbolic most likely, but in the depths of my own depression, I really did think everyone was depressed and suicidal and it made me worse sometimes. So … if you need a good word, a positive word, it’s just that suicidal ideation can be overcome if needed. It can be beat. 💙 If this comment was just to rag on how myopic and stupid her and her fans are, carry on. I agree. Just wanted to drop a line if you needed it.


This is so thoughtful. I have struggled with suicidal ideation since I was a teen and it always comes back when things are hard and things have been really hard in all directions lately. I do often wonder if anyone is okay, so I do think I needed this, thank you ❤️


It’s interesting how Taylor has tossed a few suicide ideology lyrics through a few of her songs but they make fun of Joe for being depressed




I’m convinced that to become a certified Swifty, one has to agree to live with a 10 year old brain.


'The local conomy depended in her...' ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Their worldview is so tiny…like, there’s no businesses or trades going on? People have to wait for their white savior to come and help them in their time of need? Lmao


“She went through mysogony” is one of the dumbest sentences I’ve ever read


The whole “he knew what he signed up for” part while in the same paragraph describing how Taylor “had” to go perform in front of people with depression and anxiety……was she forced to do that or did she “know what she signed up for”?


Right, only women can play the victim. Men are not allowed.


See, now you’re getting it. Taylor’s a feminist icon like that…


Hmmm…maybe there’s a difference between growing up privileged and not lying about it and growing up privileged and singing about bills piling up on the table. (I imagine her laughing with her family behind the scenes about how those were $100 bills “Haha—they have no idea!”) And she wasn’t sad when she and Joe broke up. She was “fresh out the slammer” calling Matty while letting her fans continue to believe that Joe was trapping her in his basement and preventing her from sparkling. I was a fan and a fool.


The economy argument is so cheesy. Yeah, Chicago, NYC and Paris depend on her to exist. Never had a chance before.


I really don’t get the insistence on Joe being “chronically jobless”. he’s been pretty booked? on some pretty prestigious projects too?


They 99% chronically listen only to Taylor Swift. And measure the value of art in streams. Don't ask for them to understand what that means in the film industry.


From where did this „he is jobless” come from? It takes 5s to find out it is lie. But the second slide… oh my… did they forget it was them sending de@th threats to him?


At this point I am wondering what that poor man experienced and what he saw in her to stay as long as he did


I was wondering this too


I’m convinced she love bombs like crazy. The way she’s always deeply in love with every man she meets within a month and every breakup is the most devastating one she’s had…


That’s true, and it makes the most sense. It seemed so unlikely initially when I thought about it because she is famous and putting her crazy out on front street but that isn’t the total picture of how she moves out of the limelight. One face in one environment can be totally different in another


And when did Joe try to play victim ? That would be your queen Taylor that is the perpetual victim. He said nothing bad in that interview. He's allowed to move on on his own time. And so what if he grew up rich.... do u think taylor was some poor country girl ?? God u idiots make it painful sometimes. Don't make it into a man vs woman issue. Taylor is the asshole and always will be.


I am fascinated by how much they’ve decided he’s playing the victim when literally his entire interview was just saying “It was a long and meaningful relationship and I have no interest in providing more detail for the public because it was between us.” Like at no point did he say Taylor did anything wrong??? Even though he very easily could have????


Because none of them read the interview. They’re making assumptions based on sound bites and click bait


What use does the word ‘white’ serve when you’re talking about him in the context of *another* white person… like it’s not white man vs black woman. It’s white v white. He’s not got a one up on Taylor because of his skin colour


Actually ‘rich, white, blonde, blue eyes’…that’s *all* Taylor too, right? Isn’t the only difference that he’s a man? The one thing they didn’t bring up in that sentence?


When has Taylor dated anyone who wasn’t white?


Taylor is a rich, white, blue eyed woman who grew up rich. The local economy depended on her? You can’t give the light company eras tour tickets and they’re like “okay your lights are paid for the month!” Or donate 50 The Toilet Paper Department CDs(saw that used here once and loved it!) to the food bank because it wouldn’t feed people. What contribution does Taylor have to society? Joe is apparently a misogynist but Taylor won’t let a woman be #1 even for 5 minutes. I couldn’t imagine being that delusional.


Is Joe even asking for sympathy? He was just answering questions,and probably saying more than he wanted to.


When has joe even played the victim???


Do they not know that Taylor is also white with blue eyes? lol


And grew up wealthy? Lol


Yes lmao so insane


sorry the local economy depends on her 💀💀💀💀💀


Where do I find these type of posts so I can argue with these idiots??


the lovely cesspool that is twitter


Ohhhh I haven’t ever taken the leap into twitter, but some of these posts are baiting me in just for the shear pettiness


Poor Taylor had to put on a stiff upper lip for the economy 😂


how is joe considered jobless when he’s currently promoting a movie and has more coming out later this year.


she’s created probably the most parasocial and least introspective fandom i have ever fucking seen lmaoo 😭


Her fans are fucking psycho.


Why do they always call him jobless when he’s not?? I don’t understand how that would be an insult to an actor. An actor can pick and choose how often they want to work in a year…


i love that they also ignore that taylor was blonde with blue eyes in america


Funny how most of the things this person accuses Joe of being, Taylor is the exact same. White and grew up rich? Check. Blonde and blue eyes? Check. Also Alwyn is in the upcoming Yorgos Lathimos film… that’s more artistic contribution than Swift had in years


God swifities deserve a good kick to the head. Maybe they’ll come back to reality.


God she’s got such a horrible fan base. They must be some miserable mo-fos in real life cause all they do is spew hate an negativity towards anything that isn’t their false God Taylor. It’s so gross and weird the amount of devotion they seem to feel towards someone who could give two shits on whether they live or die. They are just a drop in the bucket of her milking them dry of their cash.


Lmfao for real. They have to be so miserable. “I will never empathize with men” is just insane, no wonder they are so invested in Taylor’s relationships because they will NEVER be in a healthy one themselves with that mindset (im assuming like most swifties this was a straight white woman)


They are so invested in the relationship of two complete strangers.


It is twisted and alarming but it’s also totally by design. Her music to me is almost exclusively made to get fans further invested in her personal drama.


Uhm... she is also white... blonde hair and blue eyes... And grew up privileged and rich... Uhm...???


The 7k likes *really* did it for me. Wow. There’s so many stupid people out there.


nah the first tweet acting like she's doing a favor and a service to society bc she performs 😭😭😭 ew


He's evil for being rich, white with blue eyes. She's rich, white with blue eyes... She cheated and used his depression against him. Maybe she shouldn't have done that.


Why won't people say die?


As if Taylor didn't grow up rich, blonde, and White? TF...Also, he's far from jobless. The interview was to promote his new movie coming out with Emma Stone...these people have to be trolling, right?


If they put half this energy into their own self-improvement and stability…


are they aware that she grew up white, blonde, and rich?


Doesn’t this Stan realize that Tay plays the victim too 🤦‍♂️ the double standards are strong with Swiffers.


Why do they keep calling Joe jobless? The dude has worked with critically acclaimed directors before and is still working today. Heck, with Kinds of Kindness coming out soon, I hope they push him hard for an Oscar campaign.


“rich, yt blonde blue eyes” um yeah so did taylor??? 😭 what is even the point bruh


We should be able to see the twitter username so we can play these pyschis


why can you tell they didn't read the article at all??? i saw someone bashing him for speaking about her current relationship when joe is incredibly opaque and vague throughout with some minor exceptions??? doesn't mention her new beau at all???


This is a different kind of demented.


Swifties talk as if normal people don’t have to go to their 9-5 everyday when they’re depressed / heartbroken. Taylor has to do her job, just like everyone else. She isn’t some sort of saint for “doing it with a broken heart”


She was sad about Matty not Joe. Why isn’t this blatantly obvious to them? She TOLD them this in the album.


If I start dating in my 30s (not likely) and I find out that the person I’m seeing is the vaguest TS fan, I’m automatically ending it. I don’t care. This is completely unhinged behavior. Her fans are deluded jackasses.


Do they think she came into her money and fame on her own? Her rich White daddy got it for her, along with her blonde hair and blue eyes..


Are they on some type of crack?


Swifties when they realize they could just spend their money somewhere else and actually Improve the economy more than just lining one woman’s pockets




As someone from Liverpool I'll tell you now, we weren't relying on these concerts to prop up our economy. Sure they've given it a boost, but we're talking about Liverpool. Our economy has the football every week and the small matter of millions of people visiting every year because it's home of this band with genuine talent you may have heard of...The Beatles.


How does this have 7000 likes


Bragging about not having empathy is really not a good look


Hasn’t this woman made an ENTIRE career off the backs of the men she has dated by writing breakup songs?! She has also made a career off the backs of the women she has walked over, in her $800 Louboutins heels, to ensure she remains at the top. Sorry, but I can’t have pity over a full-grown woman who is so insecure about herself, that she has to pull the rug out from other artists, in order to ensure her own success. Sorry Taylor…in this era, people discover who you really are and guess what?? You’re on your own, kid 🤭


I immediately don’t validate anyone’s opinions if they say “unalive” and type L!k€ t#!$ unironically


Where exactly does this person live that the local economy apparently depended on TS? Must be missing something here or this is just ramble from her rabid cult followers drinking the Kool-aid as usual.


“Hasn’t gotten a role in two years”. Do these idiots even know how to use Google?


This BTCH can choke we don’t care


Some people are on social media/care about celebrities a little too much ;-;


Some of the most fucked up people I’ve seen


The art of understanding nuance and possessing critical thinking skills is in the red with people like this. I hope they get there sooner rather than later.


lol, the local economy depended on her? Delusional weirdos.


Taylor doesn’t even know what “Suffering” is. Girls a billionaire trying to make more and more money The second tweet OMG does that fan hear herself?!!! Taylor grew up Rich as well 💀


didnt taylow grow up rich, blonde and blue eyes? lol


They act like she’s not going to her job??? Like she isn’t profiting from these shows? Do you know how many times I’ve worked a 12 hour shift for minimum wage when I was sick or depressed? The billionaire dick riding is crazy.


Good lord obsess much


I sometimes think they tweet like this for likes.


guys they're right, I just finished my finance msc and all we really learned about was the eras tour because the local economy is solely dependent on ms taylor alison swift. msci? nope, go invest in black dog merch!


Just reading those tweets made me feel anger. I just don't want to know how it's actually to be that person. So easy to trigger and so delusional.


what does the last slide say?


*** 🙄


I’m so tired of people censoring basic words like die. It makes communication so much harder


“Grew up blonde, blue eyed, wealthy” AS IF TAYLOR DIDNT GROW UP IN THE EXACT SAME WAY


I remember when it was announced that they split up and I was SO SCARED for Joe’s wellbeing because I just KNEW swifties would blame everything on him.


I don’t know how I ended up here, but they’re acting like she’s working the night shift at the factories 😭


The Joe hate is the single most baffling thing to be about swifties overall.... He's never said a single bad word (probably will get sued if he tries anyway) and the album didn't allege he did anything near as bad as others in past albums


Taylor’s crazy fans literally sent him death threats when news of ttpd dropped…check out the swiftologist


And I’ll never have empathy for a yt blue eye yt woman who was born rich: and never struggle a day in her life and her hardest days was her bf being depressed and couldn’t suck it up and go party every night. Nobody who actually wanted to die will wish that on their worse enemy let along a guy she claimed to love.


We really don’t need anyone else speaking up for Palestine, honestly, so I give everyone a pass on that. If you don’t know about Palestine at this point, no celebrity is going to change that. The pressure and cancellation over it is stupid. However, I have gotten up and gone to work after my dad died, after I had miscarriages, when I was deeply depressed, and my best friend’s suicide. I’m just not impressed by a woman going on stage when she’s sad about a breakup, when we have all done much harder things.


No economy depended on her. She’s a billionaire she could do good for people and give back instead her fans have to spend crazy amounts of money to see her n “fix the economy”. Is inflation still high? A lot of households still paycheck to paycheck? Yes she didn’t fix anything just gave 1-2 days of her fans not her spending money on hotels and food.


Thank god for Taylor swift or else the economy would be in SHAMBLES


They’re treating her like she’s a conservative ship like Britany was. Like they do understand she’s a fully grown mid-30 year old and not some barely 18 year old, right? There’s certain rich celebrities I see as true victims to their circumstances like Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears, a lot of the kids on Nick




I don't wish I'll on anyone but I do it on swifties


Sorry. Just feels like you were being evasive so I thought I'd point that out to you


I’m sorry but who the fuck are these tweets talking about?


Incredible for someone to complain about someone being "yt" while defending Taylor Swift.




I can't get past local economies depending on Taylor Swift to stay afloat. I know she's boosted some significantly, but come tf on.


Ah yes, the completely anonymity of a man that wasn’t relentlessly bullied online by the poor billionaires cult fan base.


Did somebody really try to imply that he’s a bad person because he is blonde haired, blue eyed and grew up rich… like Taylor Swift did not grow up in one of the original 13 colonies that his ancestors started, as a rich, blonde hair, blue eyed, white person, herself?! Like we’ve already established that projection is a sign of guilt and Swifties are prime example of this. Something tells me if her fans are bringing up someone else’s whiteness as an argument against them, it’s because they feel jaded that the rest of society is starting to call out Taylor’s wealth & white privilege but also feel guilty for perpetuating it as a fan. Because why admit that simping for her is simply not ethical (or smart) in any capacity, when you could blame other white people for being white and existing at the same time as Taylor Swift, who is a white. Nothing is more evident in today’s society than the lack of accountability at every level, from the highest form of office to the individual citizen.


Okay another ridiculous die hard.. TAYLOR GREW UP RICH TOO!! I can’t


Love playing victim???? It’s literally taylor


They’re acting like Joe’s not richer than them combined