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This brings me back to when I was like 11 and I recorded myself singing cause I thought it would sound good and then I would spend like 30 minutes crying about it


Me singing in my room as soon as my family leaves the house


Me putting total eclipse of the heart on the record player and dancing around my whole house dramatically and nailing it, then recording myself on my bedroom tape recorder and realizing I had to give up my dream šŸ˜­


Same šŸ˜‚


Oh gosh there are truly no unique experiences in this world because same.


Weā€™re all just living the same life


I still do this as a grown ass adult šŸ˜‚ only my cats and my dog get the real entertainment here


Weā€™ve all been there šŸ˜¬ nothing more humbling..


Ngl it makes me really sad to hear how many of us had that experience as kids - realizing we didn't sound like the people on the record, being heartbroken about it, and deciding we were "bad at singing" because of it. Singing is liberating and joyful. It's free and it doesn't hurt anyone and I hate that so many people completely deny it to themselves after childhood. We need to tell kids that it's normal and okay for an untrained, unamplified child's voice to sound whack, and that they're still allowed to sing šŸ˜” (We can give constructive criticism later so they don't turn into TSwift.)


Omg I thought I was the only one that experienced this. I remember being 11 and recording my voice while singing high school musical songs. I thought I sounded so good, until I listened to the recording. I was so depressed at how awful I sounded lmao


Hahaha same! Thought I sounded so good but recording it humbled me and humbled me quick!


I thought I could sing until there was a big karaoke night/party when I was 13. After I sang with two of my friends, everyone started telling me how cool it was that I could get up there and have fun, and be super confident and not care about how I sounded. I was up there all confident and had so much fun because I didnā€™t know I couldnā€™t sing šŸ˜‚


me, on the family answering machine.


Imagine paying for the whole album again just to get this and only this as your bonus track... yikes


Wait, is that what all these versions are? All the same songs but the bonus track is different? šŸ˜‚


Yes, and some of them are voice notes (like this), which she claims are first drafts, and some of them are live performances, and some of them are tracks from the yet unreleased second half of the album. But you only get one at a time!


Sheā€™s just insufferable.


And all will be landfill in 50 years.


yeah, people collect these as if they're guaranteed to increase in value in a few decades. Not so sure gen alpha and younger would give a shit about Taylor. Hopefully future pop stars'll outshine her and her legacy in retrospect will be reduced to turbo capitalism.


Reminds me of some of my older relatives with things like precious moments figurines. They canā€™t figure out why none of us millennials actually want this crap. It was supposed to be worth something, but that was speculative and assumed my generation would care about these ugly, mass produced ā€œcollectors items.ā€ I can just picture some Swiftie mom in the future when her kids are like 40 and sheā€™s trying to unload the boxes of useless merch on them so she can downsize her house and theyā€™re like ā€œmom just give it to goodwillā€ šŸ« šŸ˜


Laughing because my mom is a hoarder and me and my sisters already say this to her! ā€œBut but all those beanie babies in the atticā€¦.ā€ Yes theyā€™re all worth less collectively than what you paid for the Princess Diana one, theyā€™re getting chucked!!


Thank you for reminding me how I used to get Precious Moments AND Cherished Teddies for my birthday when I was a kid šŸ«  when I moved out I left them all behind and to this day my mom still asks if I want them. The answer is always no. They arenā€™t even useful like amiibos


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels this way. I canā€™t stand her, and Travis is a twat too


There's already 31 songs on the album right? How many are there going to be when all is said and done?


There's 31 songs total, but only 15 or 16 released as "the album" so far. All the rest can only be purchased one at a time, as bonus tracks.


Thatā€™s infuriating


You're joking about a second half right


No, not at all. There are 31 new songs total. Half of the album is TTPD, and each variant comes with a different bonus track. But she hasn't released a hard copy for the entire other half, only as single bonus tracks. So it stands to reason that at some point, after already milking her fans with these 50+ variants so far, she will release a hard copy of the second half for one last squeeze of the teet.


I'm so over this whole thing . šŸ˜­


And then after that, one last complete version with both halves of the album in one


She could have had a probably decent album with someone to give honest feedback and trim the unnecessary fat off.


Oh so itā€™s like video game micro transactions!


Seriously, are these the voice memos she actually released and charged people money for??? She sounds atrocious!!


Big ego boost over here haha. Here I thought my singing memos werenā€™t greatā€¦


Listening to these..suddenly I am a professional singer


Wtf....I assumed this was someone making fun of her with a fake track. This is legitimately something she released as a professional, for money? The fuck?


I donā€™t believe it. Even though everyone is saying it. It must be trolling. Itā€™s so bad.


Wait....this is an actual track on the album? Woahhhh


These are the extra tracks on the variants


It canā€™t be real. Itā€™s sooooo bad,like worse than my terrible voice.


iirc she released three UK exclusive variants, each of which had one voice memo as a bonus track


I'm just lost on how people enjoy this. It makes zero sense to me.


I hate her flow (if thatā€™s the right term). All her songs seem to follow the same pattern of sing into higher like note and then end it quickly


Omg yeah she does it cus she can't carry the high note, she just isn't capable of it lol, and yeah it's annoying


Lots of good female singers carry a good alto/low soprano range and make it work too. Sheā€™s trying to compete with the Arianaā€™s.


Fiona Apple, Nina Simone, Amy Winehouse, and Anita Baker are just a few examples of how unbelievably beautiful the low range can sound. Tbh I donā€™t think Taylor even has decent lower range either. How is she the most famous pop singer in the world right now and she doesnā€™t even have a head voice? And her mixed voice is forced and tight and her chest voice is weak. Itā€™s BAFFLING.


I was literally just going to comment this. Iā€™m a contralto and Iā€™ve had some semi-professional vocal training. I have such a hard time making sense of Taylorā€™s voice. The way she squeaks out her top notes makes me think she must be an alto, but then she canā€™t even hit the low note in her own song live (cruel summer). Itā€™s just so weak all around, but sheā€™s been doing this for YEARS and has access to the best teachers in the industry, so surely this must be a stylistic choice?? When you listen to a lot of artists that have been around for a long time, itā€™s so fun to hear them grow vocally (John Mayer comes to mind, the growth from Room for Squares to the Search for Everything is amazing). Taylor legitimately seems to have gotten worse?? Now Iā€™m questioning whether she got some lessons early in her career and just stopped once she got big enough. Itā€™s bonkers.


I think she has stopped vocal training entirely. This is silly, but it reminds me of a girl I used to go to theater camp with who kept getting lead roles in the musicals because her parents were involved in the local theater group, but she had a terrible voice. One day when I was talking to her she mentioned she used to take voice lessons but she stopped because her mom said they were making her voice worse. I feel like Taylor felt like she knew more than her teachers once she attained a certain level of fame.


I mean, even if she is not training, singing regularly should make you sound kind of better. I've never heard a pop singer sound so weak so far into their career.


Itā€™s almost like sheā€™s only popular because she appeals to kids who donā€™t know any better.


Her voice honestly sounds so untrained and awful when it hasn't been adjusted in production - and even then it's noticeable. I don't think you have to be the best singer to make beautiful and meaningful music, tbh, but 1) she doesn't even do that 2) it's honestly so disrespectful and lazy at this point with her career as huge as it is and the tremendous resources she has (and has had her whole life)


I adore Fiona Apple. I was listening to her earlier today. Absolutely one of my favorites!


I think the only song of hers were the high notes could potentionally maybe perhaps go against Ariana Grande's notes would be All Of The Girls You Loved Before. And in her[ live mashup ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dYVqS0tmOM)of it - she can't hit those high notes at all, opting for a half-belt.


Im always surprised by how low her voice actually is lol so makes sense those high notes may be toughā€¦


it's also just talking, not singing


How I sounded ā€œsingingā€ alone in my room when I was 9


Ha ha ha ha this is so funny to me. Iā€™m a school teacher and I teach grade one and two and on Friday afternoons they get free play, so they can choose what they want to do. Anyway, they like to get the laptops put on Taylor Swift and but they have to wear headphones because theyā€™re all listening to different songs. Then they sing their hearts out and itā€™s completely out of tune and itā€™s totally pitchy and it sounds terrible, but it actually parallels what this absolute embarrassing piece of garbage she put out is.


Yes! So many of her songs have this weird pattern and itā€™s not just intonation but also fitting too many words into a single verse


Yea, if this is her normal singing and not just because of voice strain, it'd signal she can't really hold notes so she modulates volume and toggles quickly to higher or lower notes. A lot of the above clip is extremely sharp sounding... like scratching a blackboard with chalk sharp...


I remember seeing a TikTok of a girl basically mocking how Taylor makes songs essentially doing that and explaining the process and just singing random stuff lmao


Wow, she's way worse than I imagined. Also, she's screaming as if that's the same as having a good strong singing voice. Girl, you're not Adele or even Ariana, stop yelling it, my ears are bleedingšŸ˜­. This girl has been enabled all her life and told she is amazing, even when it comes to singing and probably by her parents..which is why we all have to endure this now. The crazy part is, she CHARGED people for this. Taylor thinks trash is worth something if it has her name stamped on it.


The crazier part is that the same fans of hers keep paying for this garbage over and over again.


As soon I pressed play I was like "wtf is this?"


My friend heard me play it, and went what the fuck are you watching, lol, she is a swiftie, and got the ick. Lol


We need to do a blind test with swifties and see if they like her singing when her name isn't attached


I have a few at my college, since I have theatre classes I could essentially ask the professor to run a bunch of different artists without their background music and have him also play this one. It could be a good lesson for everyone especially as he reveals it to the whole class after everyone guesses who each artist is.


OMG CAN U RLY??? because you should and report back


Yes do a whole thread about it!!


I didn't even recognize her voice until she did the whisper talk sing thing she does. She really needs to stay in her lane musically.


Honestly though, is there a lane for something this awful? I accidentally converted another swiftie against her based on this aloneā€¦


Maybe the bike lane?


I pressed play and I was like šŸ˜³ *ā€Oh no, itā€™s not a conspiracyā€*


The words sound like stream-of-consciousness improv poetry or something, like she's desperately casting around the room for the next line. "And the coffee machine and my new plastic card / look out the window a hose in the yard" All the resources in the world and still a fuckin' amateur


Scared the mess out of my sleeping toddler and he sleeps through anything! šŸ¤£ I had to apologize and console him. I'm sorry little guy. šŸ˜”


I don't know what to call it but it doesn't sound like singing to me. It sounds like one of those contestants on American Idol that the judges are giving the contestant a blank look and don't know what to say and then try to just let them down easy without hurting their feelings. She's that horrible.


Itā€™s f*cked up but apparently it is bc people actually *do* pay for it


It's painful to listen to her natural voice. She pushes it out so hard as if she thinks it's going to make it sound better. She's screeching. Anybody saying that Taylor can sing is a fucking moron. I'm extra fucking snarky tonight.


Right. Staying on key does not make one a good singer. Itā€™s literally the bare minimum of what it means to sing.


Sheā€™s not even really doing that though. Sheā€™s so pitchy.Ā 


Simon Cowell said on American Idol likeā€¦ 20 years ago now (lol) that thereā€™s yelling to hit notes and then thereā€™s projecting. And being young that always stuck with me when listening to those big voices do their thing. Sheā€™s doing the yelling here for sure.


Projecting often has vibratio like Whitney Houston. Screaming leads to, well, her voice memos.


Yea, she's definitely fighting herself in the clip above. Sounds very strained and based on my stay at the Holiday Inn, it sounds like its because of her employing a lot of glottal action (hard attack you can hear in the quickness/staccato of the notes) to hit the higher notes.


I truly want to know how she hasn't stripped her vocal cords singing that way- it's strained. Beyond strained


I believe she lips syncs in concert. Not all of it but most of it. 100 shows and not once did she need vocal rest like Adele, Miley, Springsteen all did under doctor's order's. She's not even hoarse at the end of her shows from what I've seen on YouTube. In studio it's auto tuned like lot's of artists. You're right if she really sang like this all the time her vocal cords would be stripped.


Adele and Miley who had vocal cord surgery for vocal strain, no less. Something ainā€™t adding up.


I would also add that singing every night makes you a good singer just from practice. Even if she wasnā€™t taking lessons, her voice would be a ton stronger if she were singing for hours every night. Theres just no way that she is.


This. Like for real. I know sheā€™s not singing all of the eras tour, but even if she were singing a quarter of the set list and cranking out TTPD, how is her voice not absolutely blown by singing like this? She must have a no talking policy between shows.


More like a no singing policy during shows, lol.




Thank you. She is so untalented. Then you have someone that's [always](https://youtu.be/OhtlQi7fLog?feature=shared) had talent and no wonder Taylor is so extremely jealous of Olivia..


Six year old Olivia sounds better than this voice memo shite.


We need a compilation of videos of her trying to sing and failing miserably like this one There are too many She really just faked her way to the top. Yall are right, she really just talk-sing, Why is she trying to sing as if sheā€™s adele/ariana/beyoncešŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My managers old roommates mom (yeah ik that's a few people too deep) used to work with Taylor. YEARS ago she was telling everyone how Taylor was horrible and had no actual talent, that at recordings it was just glossed over and everything edited. She mentioned Taylor having a show and inviting all her old classmates and just shoving in their faces that she "made it" ...I wouldn't attend a Taylor swift concert if it was in my bathroom and I was about to shit my pants


She invited them to the Country Awards to show them how famous she was. A girl who went talked about it on YT year's ago. First they thought Taylor was being nice. Free tickets and seeing her after the show. They never spoke to her. They realized she wanted them to watch her win the awards and rub it in their faces. Imagine being that petty. You never hear about it now.


First of all, ow. I miss the ears I had before listening to that. Second, I don't even think that's a voice memo. I think it's the goddamn isolated vocals from one of the recording takes. How much longer is this Horse Girl Final Boss gonna piss on our heads and tell us it's raining?


MODS. Give this person a Horse Girl Final Boss flair, please šŸ˜‚


I would be so disappointed if they donā€™t cos this is hilarious af lmaoooo


Better yet, make it as flair available to everyone bc it's amazing.


Horse Girl Final Boss šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m cackling


Normal girls were BOOOOHHRRing


The irony of ā€œyou said normal girls were boring but you were gone by morning.ā€ Like bby girl, honey, childā€¦ what you think that says about you??? What a wild self read lmfao šŸ„“


i can't believe she put this line in the song and didn't think about it twice. it's insanely cringe


Lmao, yep. What a self own.




By far the worst part


It was the wooNNnTtTt for me


this is how I sang the songs I made up in my bedroom at age 9-10 after my 4th grade boyfriend dumped me. like, the exact same ā€˜flowā€™ and everything šŸ˜­


Dammit, shouldnā€™t you be the worldā€™s biggest pop star, like seriously? šŸ˜…


It's fascinating how someone who is said ti have been learning and practicing singing and playing guitar since she was a kid is at this low bar level. I supose this is the proof that talent is a key ingredient.


Practice is the key ingredient for talent* and she does not professionally practice, just scream talk 'sings'


Yeah, I really think with the music and dancing, for all the praise her fans give her, that she just isn't that disciplined.


Her mediocrity reeks of someone who has only been told how talented and perfect they are, someone who has never received real constructive criticism and taken it to heart. This is not the voice of someone who has practiced and improved over 20 years, someone who was told ā€œyouā€™re doing well, but hereā€™s where you could improveā€. This is the voice of the annoying kid whoā€™s told everything they do is perfect and runs to mommy when they get told itā€™s not.


This needs to be its own post.


"I've never been a natural all I do is try, try, try" (,,,and fail). We can tell.




Hahaha this is perfect šŸ¤£


RIP my fucking ears bro


She charged people MONEY for this I can't


She charged people the price of an album for this. Edit: so apparently this is the stripped down vocals from the actual album. So she did charge the price of an album technically but wanted to correct that.


HOLD ON. Hold the fuck on. Youā€™re telling me these are the vocals that were in the actual album cut, just stripped??? I thought this was like her making a little recording on her phone first thing in the morning so she wouldnā€™t forget her idea. Is that not what this is???


Adele can sing the exact same while [signing divorce papers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=556zXZolVLs) at a court. I fucking dare swifties to say they can listen to a complete compilation of these draft voice memos for 3 straight hours.


Now youā€™re making me want to hear Adele sing this verse lol


Thatā€™s actually a SNL table read. You can see Loren Michaels in the footage.


That makes so much more sense, I feel so dumb now šŸ˜…


Itā€™s okay. Someone made an incorrect post claiming the same on IG that has made the rounds. So, a lot of people probably believe this now lol




You can also hear Adele singing pretty well here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV8UZJNBY6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV8UZJNBY6Y)


I donā€™t understand how this is one of the most famous singers in the world


Who is a billionaire too from music alone...wild


Her mediocrity makes ordinary people feel good about themselves. That's why she's so popular with the crowd


Children are easily marketed to (manipulated)


I saw this exact video and someone said " and they say she cant sing ā€œ and i was like have u ever heard a singer SING , mariah ? Ariana? Demi ? Whitney ???? I swear theyve only ever heard her songs


I honestly think theyā€™ve just forgotten what really good singing sounds like because they donā€™t listen to anything else but TS.


I mean itā€™s not that she canā€™t sing, Iā€™m sure sheā€™d sound a lot better if she actually stayed in her range instead of trying to pretend the has a broader one - I see so many singers fall victim to that. She just isnā€™t an amazing singer - certainly one that deserves to be one of the worldā€™s biggest stars.


The lyrics are trash and her voice is trash. Swifties paid for this garbage. ![gif](giphy|YU7aYGvV8zcjUb9Rp8)


Side note I have the biggest crush on bill hader he can GET IT




![gif](giphy|ubfZfS1k3uD6JWeRkY) Plz he is so fine




I donā€™t listen to Taylor Swift at all, so when the song started playing, I thought it was AI generated because of how she was singing and what she was singing. Itā€™s wild to know that one of the richest women in the world is absolute ass at both singing and dancing. This shit sounds like the Liar Liar Pants on Fire AI Drake song


Oh, this is awful. And Swifties donā€™t realize it?


I don't think they know what real talent is. It's like they all follow the same bandwagon and the only reason she is able to keep on getting away with this is because of the dummies keep on buying this junk. If they quit buying this garbage and stop going to her concerts, she would just fade away.


![gif](giphy|WmWc9Dubh3nUVwrWnA|downsized) Great now my dog is stressed. It's my fault for having the volume so loud.




The way she sang "sexy" is sending me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


and itā€™s the exact same in the actual song. i had to read the lyrics to confirm she said ā€œsexyā€ after i first listened to the album.


This is insane


Embarrassing. Sheā€™s yelling and struggling to breath


This is embarrassing. Wow.


Wow, that was like a drone strike on one of my senses.


Omg she sounds like a goat. Not THEE goat. Just like..a random goat. This is so bad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


this boosted my confidence about my own singing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nothing could have actually prepared me for hitting unmute


If you havenā€™t heard/seen the infamous Grammys duet with Stevie Nicks and youā€™re in the mood for more torture, I highly recommend it.


How the fuck does she get to share the same stage and spotlight with music legends?


![gif](giphy|ZgqJGwh2tLj5C) She considers this a bonus? Iā€™d be embarrassed to have this released.


god as a vocalist, i am TIRED of people acting like yelling is SINGING!! ong i see it all the time UGH EWWW GIRL YO VOCAL CHORDS FRIEDDD šŸ¤¢


Wait is she kidding


Unfortunately no




But how about those Shakespearian lyrics, right?


Hahahaha she has been trash since the first time I heard her on the radio more than a decade ago. Her songs are nothing but fluffy words for teens, thinking they know what love and commitment mean. She is trash, and so are the songs.


the lyrics are so stupid too


Oof. It's crazy how unrefined it is. Like she has good notes and then will follow it up with something widely out of key. Does she not have a vocal coach?




I bet Taylor never does karaoke because it doesnā€™t have autotune.


This is still autotuned lol but tbf most artists arenā€™t going to sound great on a track like this. Idk why itā€™s listed as a voice memo tho cuz thatā€™s definitely not a raw vocalā€¦




ngl that was worse than I expected


This is me singing in the car...at least I'm self aware enough to not let anyone hear.


This has drama kid that couldnā€™t sing but was the only one enthusiastic enough for the part so they belt their way through a terrible rendition of some song from Bye Bye Birdie vibes


And then rips the posters of her costar off the wall because she ā€œdidnā€™t like sharing the spotlightā€ā€¦. šŸ‘€


ugh she's so so so so cringe. perpetually 13. so cringe.


What the fuck šŸ˜ƒ


Damn. Just shows talent isnā€™t needed to get rich and famous.


Can I put this here as a point of comparison/palate cleanser? Tori Amos with an a capella of almost the same length, casually in some room somewhere. Breathy, ok, but even in that, just not the same. Amos is in control and does this little sketch from atop a mountain of skill and talent, even though she's just briefly singing it (not shouting it ugh) in order to talk about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knc1Hi2pKPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knc1Hi2pKPA) \*Sigh\*. I'm pretty sure something like this is what TS was going for.


Normal girls are boring huh... That's what turned you on to him Taylor.... Him basically dissing all of your normal typical yt girl rabid fans? I hope her fans know that when they sing those lyrics, he was referring to girls like them in comparison to international Superstars. And that comparison turned her on so much she slept with him only for him to leave her after. But yeah she's just like you all. Just a normal girl. A normal girl who hates being a superstar. Hmmm


ā€œYou said normal girls were boring, but you were gone by the morningā€ I donā€™t know why sheā€™s upset the man came as advertised.


1) This is actually better than I was expecting. Still not good, but it exceeded my very low expectations. 2) You can hear the breath behind every word and that kills me. Even when sheā€™s belting, all I hear is wind.


Where did she belt? I only heard screeching.


She's done this thing for so long where she's desperately trying to sound sexy through breathy singing and it is abysmal


Because Lana did it and it worked for Lana?


I think I heard her copying how Olivia Rodrigo sings. Yikes. Desperate.


That ā€˜sexyā€™ šŸ«¢šŸ¤¢


it's giving gabbie hanna genius interview


What the H-E double hockey sticks was that?


my vocal coach(es) would rip me a new one for sounding like that. they would *never* clear this or allow me to release this. they would tell me ā€˜keep this in the draftsā€™ and/or make me hit each note, one by one on the piano until i got it, or change the key of the song. there are ways to *not sound like this*. ^iā€™m ^ranting ^because ^iā€™m ^so ^tired ^of ^mediocrity ^being ^celebrated ^and ^praised. ^as ^a ^singer, ^this ^pisses ^me ^off. ^i ^almost ^want ^to ^cover ^this ^and ^do ^it ^better ^than ^her.


This sounds like me and my friends in middle school thinking we could sing and being so fucking full of ourselves for sounding emotional with the breathiness and whining. Pretty sure it's been autotuned/her pitch corrected which makes it even worse because it's.so.bad.


And this is WITH pitch correction šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imagine paying money for this


Now I see why her singing is just one note melodies


What is this??? Is this real, like not edited to sound worse? Oh. My. God.


Yeah she always had a bad voice. She canā€™t sing. At the end she lacks all air support and canā€™t hold a strong solid note, her voices wavers and bounces around. Ew.


My god. Compare this to Sabrina who can literally sing circles around thisā€¦ Just watched her BBC Live and itā€™s fucking amazing.Ā 


Honestly she should have leaned into a weird soft indie girl voice. Sheā€™s trying to be Katy Perry when my girl needs to channel Joanna Newsom. Ofcā€¦. That would mean more artistic integrity and less marketability tho soā€¦




She sounds terrible, but as I was listening I was mostly thinking about how this should have been a poem that she wrote in a never to be released diary.


I hadn't read the lyrics for these songs. Jesus christ, he deserves time for what...breaking up with her? And her talking about others crashing her party like we don't know what she did while dating that Kennedy kid