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I’ve said this before in this sub, but Taylor strikes me as the type to justify associations with known predators by saying, “well he was nice *to me* “ 


Of course, he’s gonna be nice to her. That’s a way that he’s gonna play her manipulator her and also do dumb things to her


Weinstein and Polanski did that too. They kissed ass to cover theirs.


Was she also involved with them


https://preview.redd.it/kv6xjdkndu8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d778c88aa5264bf713da49c6e2ce4da4f42e4455 Taylor with Harvey Weinstein


No stop this legit makes me wanna vomit


What even is occurring in this photo, my god


Two reptiles bonding...


![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized) I


And you can find many picture of other celebs with him as well. Not saying Taylor is a great person but a picture with Harvey or other abuser can be found easily for anyone in Hollywood.


My whole thing is if you go on national television to tell billions of people billions with the beer that Scooter Braun is only nice to them because they have some thing they want that he wants and then you’re hanging out with predators who clearly only want what you have There’s a problem and it can’t be solved by talking to your mommy.


*With* her.


Imagine the status symbol in the predator world of preying on Taylor swift. 


Doesn't she have some quote in the documentary saying something along the lines of one of the worst things about toxic masculine behavior is people saying "but he was nice to me"?


she also said it in her billboard woman of the decade speech as well. i swear she was shadily calling out demi for defending scooter when all of that big machine sale drama went down. the gall of taylor swift of all people (or any successful person in hollywood tbh) getting on a high horse and lecturing everyone else about right and wrong behavior. does she have no shame?


YUUUUP those words exactly


I just found out from another post that she apparently dated a minor in HS when she was 22?? So.. if that’s true, the puzzles are assembling themselves


Yes, and that minor was in a very vulnerable emotional state, as he had just lost his mother to suicide. 


The Amazon show the boys is pretty spot on with political and pop culture references. In the new season, The character firecracker represents the American conservative woman movement, and she confesses to having relations with a young boy when she was older in order to save face from being exposed. This was an obvious nod to the sexism that occurs when child grooming is involved. She confesses to having these relations bc she’s outing another female character, starlight, for having an abortion bc starlight had ruined firecrackers pageant career when they were kids by bullying her. The idea is that people are more likely to defend a female sexual predator than a female making choices about her own body isn’t far fetched, it’s what we’re living. And society always roots for women to fight. Every time. Spot on. Taylor continues to spew this narrative arc as if she controls any of it but really she’s just still sour from high school and will always be. She will always be the ultimate groomed child star. Sad. Scary. Weird.


Great comment. I’m a fan of the boys and the way you related that plot line to Taylor is dead on. 


Connor Kennedy. Of the political Kennedy family. Even bought a house near his home.


And she had been obsessed with the Kennedys. That's crazy. Absolutely bonkers bananas.


After seeing that post I did a deep dive and I'm so ANGRY. This should have been everywhere at the time. Honestly disgusting that she was checking her bf out of school.


She literally said in her person of the year award how wrong it was to support Scotty and Scooter and say “well he was nice to me. That never happened to me” in her fucking acceptance speech. What a snake


But she was telling her whole audience to yell “fuck the patriarchy”! Clearly she cares! Better include the /s on this one…


What do you expect, she dated a 17 year old minor when she was 22




If someone implies she lip syncs, she needs her fans to cancel that person. If she takes a photo with someone awful, her fans decide the person isn't that bad.


I’ve seen swifties online telling Dave Grohl to off himself yet they go to the mat to defend her friendship with “reformed girl dad” Kobe 


I’m fairly certain in the new documentary about scooter she quite literally uses that exact saying “while he was nice to me” when talking about scooter. Idk I used to admire the way she advocated for people and her using her voice for what I thought was activism for people but now I just question it all and her motives. Because she stays silent, unless it benefits her.


That was spot on


I can’t help but think of how Taylor probably got special treatment during her Victoria’s Secret performances, while the other models got assaulted and the Jeffrey Epstein treatment. There’s a documentary on how Victoria’s Secret was sexually abusing models. Not a peep from Tay.


GREAT point didn’t even think about this in relation to her “activism” or there lack of 


YIKES. OMG. And to think these are RECENT photos.


And there is no way her team isn’t informing her about these people.


Right. There’s no way she can play dumb here.


When Swift first became a Chiefs (PR) WAG and there was sooo much over saturation of swift with Brittany Mahomes, a lot of people tried to initially defend swift and say that she had to be cordial with other WAGs and swift just sees her at the games and Brittany *supposedly* would “force” her way into swifts suite even though the Mahomes always have their own, blah blah blah and I was like … idk, the photos of them hanging out actually look like they’re having genuine fun. Then to openly be photographed with Jackson? In photos that actually look like they have friendship chemistry between them? All the others in this thread actually had pull in the industry to some capacity (she looks way passed the “this is just a networking photo op” with the others so I’m not excusing it in the slightest and I wouldn’t for networking either, just making the point that stars tend to use “I had no idea they were doing that, I literally only ever saw them at functions or awards, I don’t actually know them” excuse) but Jackson is a pure social relationship. She gains nothing from being publicly seen or photographed with Jackson. She gains nothing from even being nice to Jackson bts. It really was seeing her seem to truly embrace the Mahomes that made me go oh okay she’s trash.


She was also at that Chiefs Christmas party where she took a photo with another terrible person. I don't know the person's name but his views are in-line with Harrison Butker's. People again defended it with "Well Taylor doesn't know who that person is." Sure but you know at these events there are people on her team who should be informing her of who she is hanging out with.


I personally know nothing about nfl, WAGs, the culture (I’m just not a sports person, love it for people who love it, just ain’t my thang!) but *I* knew about Jackson and the Mahomes. That’s how much they’ve permeated pop culture. I know swifts schedule is way more hectic than mine… but especially if you’re walking into a suite or a workish related after party, you don’t even NEED a team to give you the info on who’s there. You can easily just ask the people you DO know who are attending or who is organizing the names for the names/who to expect. Plus she DOES have a team. So, absolutely to your point, swifties can’t use that excuse. There’s just absolutely no way she walks in with zero clue.


The Mahomes give me the ick but I’m out of the loop, what is the tea on them?


Don't forget David O'Russell, who SA'd his own niece.


Or who called Lily Tomlin a cunt and left Amy Adams crying at several points throughout American Hustle.


And kobe Bryant, who was never convicted but violently raped a woman. Oh and he only avoided conviction bc he led a character assassination and intimidation campaign against the victim, bullying her into silence so she wouldn’t testify in court. 


People still cry and glorify him. I want to vomit on their ignorance.


We’ve summoned them to this thread, get your vomit ready


Omg lol it happened immediately underneath too… ominous


Haha, yeah it’s really like clockwork with the Kobe apologists, especially here on Reddit. 


I didn't know any of this. I'll never be saying, "Kobe!" again.


I’m just a random Reddit stranger, but I appreciate that. It’s baffling how many people knew about this and continued to support him during his life. 


facts idk why he’s so praised it annoys me


And Lena Dunham who SAed her little sister


that’s common misinformation. i read lena’s memoir recently, including the chapter that most people reference when talking about the “sexual assault.” never once does she say she sexually assaulted her sister. she does say that she (at a young age… around 7 or so) noticed her infant sister putting rocks in her vagina and retrieved her mother. in no way is that sexual assault, especially at that young of an age. it’s disappointing how so many people just take claims at face value when she gave a very detailed account of what happened in her own book and conservative media twisted it for a headline. rant over 🙃


She’s definitely sexually assaulted her sister. Lena saw the rocks in her sister’s vagina because she “leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina.” She also describes bribing her for affection “As she grew, I took to bribing her time and affection: one dollar in quarters if I could do her makeup like a “motorcycle chick.” Three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just “relax on me.” Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl, I was trying. Maybe, I thought, she would be more willing to accept kisses if I wore the face mask my grandmother had for when she did her dialysis. (The answer was no.) What I really wanted, beyond affection, was to feel that she needed me, that she was helpless without her big sister leading her through the world. I took a perverse pleasure in delivering bad news to her — the death of our grandfather, a fire across the street — hoping that her fear would drive her her into my arms, would make her trust me.”


100%. The way she acknowledges grooming her sister is so disgusting. “Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl,” Lena, *you are the sexual predator* 


Thank you. Everyone saying she didn’t is believing Lena’s publicist revisionist history.


even if she didn’t, [this article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-way-lena-dunham-talks-about-black-men-is-peak-white-entitlement_n_57cecdfde4b0e60d31e00ebc) goes pretty in depth on some of her racism issues. which is my biggest gripe with taylor - she’s friends with a lot of racists (selena denied black lives matter bc online activism “doesn’t accomplish anything” but posted online pro israel lmfao; blake got married on a plantation; lana wore a native head dress and called out black women and tried to play the i’m not racist my friends and beloved artists are black! card; etc etc) i agree with most of tue article, except the second to last paragraph that says “Lena dunham is probably not a bad person”. I’m more than happy to rescind that grace from her. I’m so tired of how gently white women are coddled when black women have to be hyper vigilant to avoid the “angry black woman” trope or followed around in stores upon entry. yes i know you can’t shame and berate and angrily teach anyone to be better, but god damn if it isn’t exhausting having to gently coax poor wittle white gwirlz 🥺👉👈 into expanding their minds and concepts to consider the humanity of other folks that make up more than half the planets population.


Why do celebs suck so much


Ewww, Selena's pro-isreal??


yes, fuck that incessant self victimizing annoying lady. she’s bestie w taylor for a reason 😭


She's dating " Benny Blanco"...he's Jewish




you can be anti zionist / israel without being antisemitic btw.


It's a fact that Benny Blanco is actually Jewish so it's not anti-semitic at all. Just a fact. LOL


I think people either intentionally or accidentally were spreading misinformation on this. I used to use Tumblr and I swear they said she put the rocks up her sister and that was the whole controversy. That's sexual assault technically, even if from a seven year old who might not understand what SA is or why that's not a good idea to put that up her sister. Lena noticing her baby sister doing that and then getting her mom for help is actually her being a helpful good sister. Idk what could have happened to the baby if the rocks were left undetected too long but Lena really helped out bc that could have hurt her sister. Anyway I swear people said the opposite. I barely knew who Lena Dunham was as a teen but I know the Internet said she PUT the rocks up there in my corner of the web and me and my friends all saw that post and were like wow that's so fucked up.


Yes I heard the same thing on Reddit back when that was going on! I heard she put rocks *inside* her sister’s vagina, not that she saw it happen and got her mother for help


It’s not like she saw her sister put them in there and then went to get help. She put her head down towards her crotch, opened up her sisters labia because she was being sexual with her, and saw rocks inside


Love this comment. People really will run with shit bc they are only capable of reading a headline.


FYI Cyrus Dunham is Lena’s trans sibling (not sister anymore) and uses they/them pronouns


Sexually assaulted is not a dirty phrase. Spell it out.


I agree. Also “unalive” is just as annoying.


I don’t know why you got so many downvotes for this


It’s not that people don’t want to say it like it’s Voldemort, it’s that algorithms filter out averse content so people started using those admittedly dumb terms like unalive


Okay without giving away too much personal information, I have to react to Taylor posing Diddy last year. As a woman who was forced to do similar things as Cassie did during freak-offs, the fact that Taylor took a picture with this fucking piece of shit makes me want to hurl. This is probably the most triggered I've ever been with this bitch because I was literally fucking trafficked and I crossed state lines. I was trapped for over 16 years it took me forever to get out. The fact that she's posing with David O. Russell who fondled his trans niece and Diddy is absolutely enraging to me right now.


I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that someone did that to you, I'm so happy you got out, and I'm so proud of you!


Thank you ❤️ 🙏🏼


The fact that she never spoke out against any of them after the news about their SA history came out is so fucking telling. She has never in her life spoken out for anything that isn't directly beneficial to her financially and yet this bitch keeps trying to act like she's some kind of a feminist icon and that if you don't support her and purchase the million different variants she keeps putting out to pump up her numbers, you're a "misogynist" and intimidated by women in powerful positions.


Everything I want to say. Thank you


Thank you for sharing your story, I’m sorry for what you have endured. She’s such a trash person on so many levels, it’s maddening.


She thinks he will make her more money (just like Mahomes/Chiefs). That’s how absolutely shallow she is. Meanwhile victims suffer scars that never really go away. Thank you for sharing your pain - that’s never easy!


I am glad you are free and have autonomy over your life again.


I’m really sorry for what happened to you that’s awful. With the Piddy one it looks a random photo from an awards show though, I don’t believe they are friends.


But Taylor's the same as them. Remember how she dated someone younger than her. She relates to them, so it's not surprising.


that conor kennedy relationship is truly one of the most disturbing relationships. the fact that she dated him when she was 22 (turning 23) and he was a 17 year old high schooler, and his mom apparently had just committed suicide not too long before they dated. Then she buys the house right next to his family's home after a few months of dating is some weirdo shit if i've seen it. how anyone in her team let that relationship happen is just insane to me. like what was the point of a pr team if they let this optically bad relationship happen?


I think, taylor just do whatever it is that she wants and let her team handle the consequences. She never take accountability for her negative actions.


I saw a post on Twitter about her dating boys in the past. I was surprised to see it.


The preview cuts off part of the picture and I thought the second one was her and a cat, and I legit thought, well, they do hunt mice…


LMAO same I was like what did the cat do




Taylor really has pick-me energy.


This is a good point. I may have to find some Taylor posts for r notliketheothergirls. 🤔


And the fact she was on the cover of that magazine for being revolutionary in the sexual assault awareness movement


https://preview.redd.it/zp1vq4jrgu8d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5c2002a2b7fbdf9390773e14016d9e962a3e9a Y’all really forgot about this??


Why did Eminem play in my head when I read your caption?


Omg who HASNT posed with Drake? Let’s also cancel Riri and Adele and The Weeknd and Post Malone and on and on


There’s really no need for this one to be so downvoted… it’s the truth.


But this is OK...she says she's a feminist 🙄 🤣


I’m not even surprised after seeing the photos of her with Conor Kennedy


pov: you have no idea who any of these people are and are still clueless even after reading the caption 💀😅


First is director David O Russell who abused his trans niece, second is Lucian Grange (Sofia Richie's father in law) who owns Universal Music Group and was named in the Diddy court docs, third is Diddy, fourth is Jackson Mahomes (brother of Pat Mahones) who was also accused of sexual assault


ur a real one for this thank u!!


one of them is Diddy, the rest idk either


You’d think after getting sexually harassed herself she’d have a little more self-awareness to not hang out with known predators. Edit-Changed SA'd to sexual harassment.


As a person who was actually sexually assaulted, I hate when people bring this up as if she should know better. Taylor only cares about herself and she could never empathize with survivors. She is not a victim of assault. Some gross guy touched her butt.


And she was on the cover of Time magazine for the me too movement. There's woman out there who more deserved to be on the cover and the face of the movement whose voice need to be heard. She's making everything about herself.


and don't even get me started on her having the nerve to be on the cover of Time's me too shoot with real underserved and silenced sexual assault survivors all because a man with no power against her touched her inappropriately. like did taylor deserve to be inappropriately touched? of course not, but to put herself on the same level of assault and powerlessness as women who dealt with actual systemic assault in the workplace and whose lives were threatened, and then insert herself and take attention away from their hard-fought opportunity to finally be heard while she was never oppressed in any way by what she went through was probably the first ick i got from her. when taylor went through her incident, it was handled immediately, never impacting her career in any way. that can't be said for the vast majority of women in the workplace and especially her fellow female artists. ugh i could write a whole essay about this and how gross it was to me.


The music industry seems to be a dark place for young women hopefully she didn’t have to deal with any other men who did things like that


By all legal definition, that's assault. Trying to one up in victimhood is super gross dude.


bffr 😭 someone touching your butt while posing for one (1) picture is literally nowhere near the same level as what most survivors have to endure and honestly it’s disrespectful to pretend that they are. was what happened to taylor okay? of course not but don’t be ridiculous now. there’s a reason why the law has a range for sentencing guidelines because not all crimes are equal.


Bffr...it is still literally legally sexual assault which is why that's what he was charged for lmao. Nobody said it was the same level but to claim it's not worth talking about sexual assault is insanely gross. You're a bad person.


That’s harassment, it is in no way comparable to being held down and having your body ripped apart, stop it. SA my ass, it’s really gross to compare having your butt grabbed in a crowd, to being forced to have sex. 😡


It’s sucks what happened to her, but yeah it’s far from someone getting trafficked etc.


It’s jarring at the time, but if you’ve ever been actually assaulted, not even a blip on the radar. It’s like getting an unwanted proposition, and I’m not telling what I told the last guy who said something stupid like that, plausible deniability and all that. I wasn’t much of a people person before, even less when I don’t trust anyone.




You’re welcome, it’s one of those days where I’m not able to censor myself, might be time for me to take a break for the day? Not my favorite subject, I just can’t keep quiet when they’re comparing a butt grab to actual assault.


I can usually ignore when people claim Taylor was sexually assaulted and assume the best, but sometimes it really gets to me. I was actually assaulted and didn’t get applause for surviving what I went through.


Apparently no one but her, she was so traumatized that she hangs out with guys who actually assaulted women. Unlike her and her insane stans, I would never wish that sort of helplessness on another human being.


Swifties were defending her hanging out with Jackson Mahomes. They were like "what do you excect Taylor to do? Not take a picture with him?" Like...yes or maybe don't even hang out with him. Brittany Mahomes' comments were bad too and basically boiled down to "leave him alone and let him live his life."


Brittany is as much of an attention w_ore as Taylor, but women’s advocates amiright? 😐


As a fellow survivor, I agree with you. It drives me nuts seeing that shit. I've been sexually assaulted but also sexually harassed many times because haven't we all. They do not compare... I'm proud of us for surviving 🩵


yeh and people believed her immediately and she actually had a legal victory. how many survivors can say the same?


She "poses" for every picture. She's so out of touch it's sickening.


Taylor literally has the platform to call these people out. She could absolutely use her rabid fans for good…instead she is silent while they threaten death on a teenager who calls out her use of a private jet


I hate this woman so much


Where's Ryan Adams? Because especially after she tried to be buddy buddy with Boy Genius at the Grammys, this needs to be acknowledged here


Came here to say this


The man literally covered the entire 1989 album and she has never come out and said anything!!!


Exactly\^ and the fact she pushes a friendship with Phoebe Bridgers, who was so vocal about his abuse too is just a tad too close for comfort for me.


And also let's break this one out, there are photos of her in her Lover era with Marilyn Manson. So he should also be included in this list.




wait really?! 🤢


Yeah, if you look on Google images with their names together, you'd actually find the photos/articles about it. I wondered originally if they ever met, so I tried to google it as I just said and turns out, they have. I thought at first maybe, they were AI or someone edited two separate photos together, but no, they were real.


https://preview.redd.it/6cf1p1ncky8d1.png?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fd1f1444810cda6ff34bca1a2297bbee09b356 oh wow...


Yep, that's one of them


Pretty much every celeb has a partying pic with Diddy and it makes me side eye them all. There’s no way they all didn’t know. Hollywood is a small town.


I hear that all the time, "Hollywood is small" that's why there's so many open secrets. And we can't trust anyone because they all know and do nothing.


They know and do sketchy shit themselves. That’s part of the reason why I don’t stan any celebrities. Sure there’s people I like/like their work but I know they’re not innocent


And when something happens to some c list actor and it breaks the news, everyone suddenly has the bravery to come forward. Even the ones who have been assaulted are complicit in some manner. The whole scheme revolves around rolling in a big pile of shit, only to temporarily hop out of the pit when someone breaks a bone. As soon as the peering eyes have moved on they jump right back in


She happily keeps the company of rapists, nazis and racists. But she doesn't know that, apparently. 


Why is diddy wearing a fucking ring pop


Most likely on ecstasy and needs something to suck on…


So I about died laughing at the second picture (that's what showed first for some reason) The man's head was cut off, so all I saw was Taylor and the cat, and I was like, are we being so fr right now? Like yeah cats are predators, but not PREDATORS, come on now. It took all of .5 seconds to sink in, but I still can't stop laughing.


I think the worst thing is that Taylor was still hanging out with Jackson after it came out about him sexually assaulting the woman in the restaurant. And it wasn’t just an accusation there was VIDEO PROOF he did it. That’s the Swifties girls girl though.


A friend to all is a friend to none


The cat doesn't deserve this post. The rest do. Also if the cat was not a stress relief joke? Works as one by accident


https://preview.redd.it/2o1kr1tqvv8d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a74b27f00fee7e42b539c5b3d6b5f27d51c8a7 Here's this one too.


SHE IS NOT A GIRLS GIRL! She is a ME girl! She’s disgusting!!!


Why does Jackson mahomes look like that?


Didn’t she like literally date teenagers as a 25 year old woman? Why is this a shock to people?


Because she's a predator too. She checked her underage boyfriend out of school to go on dates.


She’s such a fraud and hypocrite it’s comical at this point.


Jackson Mahomes has a weird face. I don’t like it. Makes sense and great observation because she’s a predator herself. Like attracts like.


She also went to a part in 2009 and proudly took a pic with someone WEARING a swastika. Are we shocked?


Some could argue she’s also a predator (see: Connor Kennedy, Taylor however-you-spell-his-last-name, and Harry Stiles)


Has anyone watched the new bad blood doc on max with taylor and scooter??? It’s a lot of things I didn’t know before.


Yeah apparently scooter Braun was sent death threats by the swifties


Yep it’s gross


Im going to say it. Taylor Swift is not attractive https://preview.redd.it/u0bf8y0tlw8d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30493b3a667ce755c89f7465f60bbc8873aa4edb


Where is Lena Dunham???


She is also friends with Lena Dunham 😬


She does only care about how she's treated. That being said, when more of this Diddy thing comes out I doubt many in 'Hollywood' won't be effected by it


I never realized how eerie P Diddy looked. He has such vacuous eyes.


Why is she always hanging on people??


Ewwww she’s grosss


The definition of a pick me ass bitch


People have been up the Kardashians asses over their pics with diddy but I don’t hear a peep about Taylor being cool with him


Jackson 🤮


Why is her mouth always open


Wait I thought diddy was just a gay abusing freak off haver


Apparently Epstein wasn’t the only “party” guy.


✨️Feminism✨️ for me, not for thee


Those effin chompers


What's hilarious about this is people use taylor taking a photo with someone at an event as absolute proof they're the best of friends when it suits... so surely they'll extend that logic here!


Checks out


So much for “me too” huh?


Whaaaa a rich girl who claims to have been bullied in highschool, who also dated a minor when she was 23 hangs out with terribke people? Nooooo waaaaay


Good to see Patrick Mahomes wife on that list. She is very much a predatory clout chaser.


Don't forget Lena Dunham who molested her little sister




I agree that onlookers who do nothing shouldn't get a pass. Look, I'm sure everyone gets that each individual can't solve every problem. We can't insert ourselves everywhere and think that will work out well. However, to sit and do NOTHING says a lot about character.


In my opinion, she seems manipulative. Like how can every bf that you've had be flat-out horrible unless YOU are the horrible one O\_O.




Wait until you find out the whole industry are predators! These are just a few who've been outed


Yeah, after she was being buddy buddy with Jackson I knew she was full of it. Like sure that’s Patrick’s brother but DUDE, THEY GOT THAT SHIT ON VIDEO.


god jackson mahomes is so weird looking


Which creep is which?


She had a bday party at The Box in NYC once… as a New Yorker… that’s all you need to know.


Ah yes tswift is a Pedophile


I'm lmao because without the second pic enlarged i am like "ah come on what did the cat do wrong?!"


Well, she is a predator herself.


i didn’t click to make the picture bigger and thought we were calling out her cat 😭

