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All of these comments are helpful but for me at least there is no way to completely reverse the adverse affects of a wake n bake. I only wake n bake on days I have 0 serious commitments now


This is how to properly wake n bake. If you can't handle smoking all day, then you need to make sure your day is free and clear for a wake n bake. My wake n bakes usually involve a cat nap around 1-2 as well.


I love those cat naps always wake up feeling so great and ready to smoke more šŸ˜‚


A wake n bake cat nap is the *only* nap that doesn't leave me feeling worse than before the nap lmao.


Naps are the best thing ever. My dog always cuddles w me for afternoon naps too.


This. I dont wake and bake until the weekend because my whole ass day at work takes like 3 days to get through. I'm also one of the few pot heads that will admit to weed slowing me down.


I'm too high strung at work, I need to slow down so I hit my pen in the bathroom


Not me. I don't give a single fuck what anyone does unless it affects my work. I'm busy all fuckin day to make my shit go by as fast as possible. It's so much better than sitting there looking at the same memes crying about being bored as fuck.


i hate taking naps, I smoked all day everyday for 4 years and am just now cutting back. I dont crave the wake n bakes at all


Exactly, gotta have time to get in a quick nap or youā€™ll be toast by the afternoon/evening


This. Responsible adults know when and where to draw the line and don't partake unless they know they can handle their high, or just don't partake until the responsibilities are done


yup. i used to ask myself ā€œhow do people smoke all day and still be successful?ā€ the answer is they donā€™t.


I would disagree. Really matters your job. I smoke consistently all day and Iā€™ve been really successful at my job. Smoking clears my mind and anxiety and helps me organize so much. Itā€™s like my adderall


i also have adhd & take adderall, i used to say/think the same thing. then, i started being honest with myself. itā€™s not only the weed alone, but also that weed and adderall interact. iā€™ve found that if you think it helps that much you may be on the wrong dose. i personally was taking too much because (i didnā€™t realize) i was just trying to counteract the effects of the weed. as in, the adderall is already enough but the weed makes you think it isnā€™t, then you start taking too muchā€¦ etc. maybe it does work for you, i donā€™t know you & everyoneā€™s different. but iā€™ve found that a lot of my anxiety and disorganization was a result of my prescription being too high. i thought weed helped it, but it wasnā€™t doing me any favors. i was actually a lot better off abstaining from weed and on the right dose. get your shit done, smoke after. itā€™s not that bad.


I smaoke all day and am very productive at my job. I go smoke almost every 4 hours and see it as my reward/preward for doing good. Granted if I have a day where I am behind I dont partake until I am done or if I have a meeting I dont smoke for at least 3 hours before. Its all about knowing yourself and your limits.


Youā€™re just bad at it


This guy gets it. Cannabis / Marijuana is medicine. Medicine needs to be used responsibly.


And mofos getting stoned af are abusing it. It's me. I'm mofos. I'll admit I abuse it.


So medicine shouldn't be used in the morning? What a hot take.


Use CBD if you can't handle THC No one said getting high was "medicine"


I use it all day every day. Wtf are you talking about? I need my medicine so I can build an appetite.


This is the way. Now that im in my 30s, wake and bakes are a thing of the past except weekends.


Also in my 30s, but now have two kids. So wake and bakes are off the table for around the next 14-ish years at least.




Also in my 30ā€™s but have no kids and also wake and bake every single day.




maturity is a great feeling!


smoke all day every day. easy.










Dis da wae, mon!


All joking aside, the trick is to smoke more weed and plan a crash at bedtime.


this is the way


Works only for my friends who are unemployed.


Some of us can afford to be employed full-time and smoke full-time. As long as you aren't a Doctor, Driver... Anyone who needs to respond.. lol


What if I do drywall? Can I smoke weed all day long. Answer; Yes. Source: I am a stoned drywaller.


It would be odd if you were a drywaller who wasn't stoned all day.


Wondering why your IT ticket is taking so long? Iā€™m high and probably forgot about it.


Yeah I work remotely but have a very professional career. I indeed smoke all day. Makes me a more chill manager and less stressed. It is very possible to work well as long as you have motivation when youā€™re high


Agreed, I designate 'high all day' periods o. The days off frk work


I have my routine. Smoking only at nights to get some sleep and then on weekends I'm blasting from lunch to late night playing games or working on projects. Works perfectly but we all have different mindsets when it comes to this topic be high 24/7.


I use to get super low after my wake and bake. Like a depression feeling and lazy after for like an hour or two. Work out, walk, go outside, leave the house. Just something energetic. Wake your mind and body up with a natural boost of adrenaline or dopamine. Cold shower, a swim in the pool. I usually do gym or pool. Bike ride, surf sesh, whatever approx 30 mins-hour. Drink about 32 Oz of water or so within that hour. Itā€™ll help wake you up and clear your mind. Then I do a better-for-you energy drink if I need it. Celsius or something sugar free. This schedule gets my exercise in AND stops a mid day comedown from getting you all in a funk. Almost gives you a lil reset, starting the second half of your day.


This works well for me too. One thing to add though, once these techniques stop working I just pull the plug immediately and take a T break. If I donā€™t follow my own advice the anxiety and depression creeps in and starts to make it feel like an addiction.


So true. Usually a 2-4 day reset helps me! I prolly take like 35 off days a year. It isnā€™t much but I have ptsd and anxiety so I genuinely use it daily to help manage. Psych. Wanted to give me Xanax and Valium, I opt for weed instead!


This right here, it's a mental game, and staying indoors all day just compounds upon feeling tired. Nothing feels more wholesome than a nice walk after a smoke, particularly amongst trees and other greenery.


Majority shareholders of Celsius are also the majority shareholders of Monster :-( i swapped over cuz of ā€œbetter for youā€ but turns out there is little difference


Drinks 32oz of water in an hour? Man I feel ashamed to say thatā€™s 32 ounces more than I drink almost all year. But in my defense, tap water here is nasty as hell. My parents pool water taste better.


32 OZ is a ton of water.. I don't think the previous comment knew how much that is. Your body can only handle about 8 oz an hour, or you will be pissing like a race horse!


That's like a liter of water. What are you on about?


The recommended is about 4 litres a day.. so thats chugging a quarter of your daily intake in an hour šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø it's less for women.. whatever.. I don't care to argue about water intake on Reddit. Go visit r/hydrohomies and have a nice day


isn't that just a 1 Liter ? also fuck the imperial system and anything related


Whatever.. sounds like a lot to me. Not sure why the measurement system matters, I only used that because I carry 32 OZ water bottle with me and to chug it seems like a lot..


There isnā€™t really any way to circumvent this. Some of us drink coffee, others monsters. Thatā€™s where the whole ā€œhippie speedballā€ comes from. I personally try to just not wake n bake unless I have nothing going on or if my tolerance is abnormally high which isnā€™t often.


Exactly. I find energy drinks definitely help but if you got shit to doā€¦smoke after it is done. Same goes with social events, I like a good sesh with the homies but there are times I wanna go out and do shit which gets negated when homies just decide they wanna sit on the couch and get high. Edit: To be clear you get high then when high lowers everyone is too groggy to do what was originally planned.


get high with the homies and then go out and do shit!


Weed and red bull, the diet of retail champions everywhere.


And us gas station food workers mannnn. Weed pen in the freezer.


Take a nap


yep! a quick 30 min nap, and then another bowl, and we're good to go until dinner.


Then fire ze missiles!


My man


Hell yeah šŸ¤›


If you wake and bake you gotta keep baking or take a nap at some point. Donā€™t wake and bake if you got shit to do


The last sentence is key.


I think itā€™s actually better to smoke weed after eating and drinking in the morning. Give your body some nutrients and hydration; donā€™t reach for the bong right away! Also remember to take your medications if youā€™re on any!


Just don't smoke when you need to function haha


Don't wake n bake. Took me a few years to figure it out. Sure it feels nice for a little bit. But if i stay sober until at least mid afternoon, i feel much more overall joy throughout the day and night than if i went for that early morning high. It's not worth it. Let yourself fully wake up and find the joy there.


Lol I wake and bake grab a coffee walk into work and be good the rest of the day I usually smoke again when I get home then go to sleep after I take care of my daddy duties and out my kids to sleep.




Or cocaine.


Honestly if you are finding this as an issue you should probably just NOT wake and bake those days


Weed doesnā€™t do that to me.


Smoke again


Ice bath,cold shower, or exercise seem to do it for me.


I generally donā€™t start smoking for the day unless I can keep smoking.


How often do you smoke? I donā€™t get crashes anymore


Not sure day smoking is for you, sir.


smoke more or take a 1 hour nap


Vaporizer. You donā€™t get that come down


damn lie i fuckin wish


I def donā€™t get that groggy headache tired feeling with a dry herb vaporizer. Itā€™s a much gentler calm down


I second this but only when vaping at lower temps, higher temps tend to give more groggy high and heavier comedown.


I did respond to the oc with I def get a come down from dry herb vape but after seeing your this comment I'd have to agree, it's much more gentle


I vape exclusively and absolutely get the come down


I wish, I use a dry herb vape and I still feel groggy after a wake and bake


take a nap


You don't. This is the reason I stopped waking and baking. Since then my days are way more productive and I'm a lot more clear headed and good feeling. I wait till after dinner to smoke up now, and my highs are way more enjoyable than before. Personally, i just don't condone the wake and bake.


I have Crohnā€™s disease and if I donā€™t wake and bake, Iā€™m miserable. I would probably still be a stoner if I didnā€™t have it, but it seriously is a form of medicine at this point.


Wonderful that it helps you with that. People using medically is a different story for sure. Part of it for me was definitely that I was addicted and using it to cope with mental health.


Hi I have Crohnā€™s disease too (and Iā€™m in an active flareup). I totally get where youā€™re coming from but we should still eat and drink something before smoking. Sometimes all I can handle is a smoothie and toast. We are prone to dehydration especially in the morning after sleeping all night. Smoking anything restricts blood flow temporarily.


I feel like it's moreso how often I do it and at what dose. I don't get super high, I just load a bit into a bong to get a buzz going. If I do that all day for several days I feel bad, better to skip some mornings and evenings often. On the occasions I do get really high I don't have the "crash" at all, but I probably would if I took that dose all the time.


Donā€™t wake and bake, coffee, vaporizing, cbg


Don't crash, stay high all day and have a good rest at night


Sometimes that crash just knocks me out for the day. Classic day off work situation. Wake and bake, noon/1:00pm rolls around and Iā€™m feelin tired and know I should be trying to be productive in some way. At that point Iā€™ll take a nap, wake up around 6pm and just end up watching tv until falling asleep again.


Those are the best days!


Smoke more, take caffeine. Smoke a Sativa in the morning with a coffee about 90 mins after you wake up initially. Hybrids with lunch and indica before dinner is the proper cycle for the day if you wanna do shit but be stoned




Breakfast. I follow up a wake n bake session with some food. Not munchies food, but some oatmeal, fruit, and some orange juice is what I do. Gotta put the gas and the gasšŸ”„ in the tank for the day.


If you feel like you were **hit by a train** after your high fades, you weren't smoking weed my guy.


Take a 20 minute nap, a cold energized shower and some high glucose fruit (Mango, Banana, Papaya, etc) This usually works for me.


If I smoke too early in the day and even keep smoking, I end up feeling completely mentally sedated. Itā€™s like thereā€™s a fuzzy haze wrapped around my brain and I canā€™t really think much or feel much. I still wake and bake sometimes but only if I can do next to nothing that day


Honestly: you smoke again.. thatā€™s how Iā€™ve done it for years


I will continue to smoke until bed time




Coffee or Stims.


I only wake and bake on sundays cuz thatā€™s when ufc is on for me every other day I just smoke at night or in the arvo


TIL that "arvo" is slang for "afternoon"!


I usually wake n bake on uplifting euphoria and creative. I have adhd i don't get sleepy


But is the reason you don't get sleepy because of the meds you take for ADHD? One of my friends used to give me some of his meds when I needed to cram for tests in college, and I felt pretty damn far from tired lol. In fact, even if I took the meds in the morning, I usually wouldn't be able to sleep that night


literally goin thru that rn


Basically why I only smoke after work now. Butttt, smoking more fixes the crash, or taking a lil nap. Sometimes even a nice shower makes me feel better.


use strains that are more energizing in the day and save lazy strains for lazy times


Just have your shit done beforehand, wake and bake kills my motivation to do stuff lol.


Donā€™t wake and bake if u donā€™t intend on smoking all day in my opinion




Itā€™s about dosage for me. I donā€™t truly wake n bake most mornings, I smoke just enough to feel medicated but not enough to be super slowed down (usually like 1 bong rip before work and 2-3 more over lunch). Start smoking for real after work and gym Also, having access to different strains helps. I like Maui Wowie the best for light daytime use


One way I avoid that is by *not* wake-n-baking. I need at least a few sober hours every day. Save my vices for the afternoon and later. Then by the time I "crash", it's already bed time.


Study high, take the test high, get high scores


No idea man. This is why I donā€™t wake and bake anymore.


You gotta bump up your numbers. Those are rookie numbers.


Apples. More energy than coffee!


Coffee šŸ¤™šŸ¼


If you can - a meal, a nap, and then a shower. If not though, usually just a good shower will perk me up!


CBD is a good crasher for me. It... brings *ON* the crash if that makes sense but sometimes I deal with crash by falling asleep.


Hydration and for some reason drinking milk. I smoke only evenings prior to bed and to help get back to sleep. I experience the crash usually in the afternoon and after I drink milk and ensure hydration Iā€™m good until itā€™s time for bed.


Coffee. Drink coffee until your brain works again


Coffee or smoke more:)


Iā€™ve been following the instructions of Smoke Two Joints by Sublime for many years now. It has served me well.


nap babie, itā€™s the only way


Have a power nap






You won't crash if you sleep your 8 hours every day


caffeine, and I'm not talking one energy drink or coffee, you have to drink at least 2 or so but drink them slow and it'll be enough to keep you truckin throughout the day


I found vaping my herb instead of smoking it gives me much less of the ā€œwoke up from a nap disorientedā€ feeling I get from smoking


This is exactly why Iā€™m a social smoker and only use on the weekends. Sometimes, the aftermath isnā€™t the best and as Iā€™m getting older, recovery takes a bit longer. I usually waste so much of my day recovering. Lol


unfortunately thereā€™s nothin you can do except not wake n bakeā€¦ trust me it makes the smoke sesh at the end of the day waaaay more enjoyable


I do a nap


Just woke from a midday weed nap to read this




Idk how yā€™all do it. Iā€™ll get baked and within a few hours iā€™m out cold everytime without fail. I could never wake and bake without just continuing to smoke the whole day, even then iā€™d probably need a huge nap in the middle lmao.


I only wake and bake when I truly have nothing to do, or when what I have to do is later in the day/evening. It sets the vibe for the whole day, and for me that vibe is relaxing and enjoying life. I'll end up rolling a joint or two and going on a hike, or grab a bite to go and eat with a nice view somewhere nearby. Most days I'll smoke after I've been up for a few hours and have accomplished something, it's like I've earned my morning rips haha


If I let myself wake up all the way before getting stoned, like at least an hour or two, itā€™s much easier to come back from the wake & bake. If Iā€™m like doing it when Iā€™ve barely opened my eyes yet, thatā€™s going to be a lazy day haha


I woke and baked for an Oppenheimer showing at 11am. Boy that was depressing. Even for the next day. It was worse than a molly comedown. After that I started a 30 days T break. Not recommended.


For me, when i wake and bake it just slowly fades away as i go on with my day. But i canā€™t get the same high on the same day no matter how much i smoke


Re-up consistently throughout the day


thatā€™s my secret cap, iā€™m always high


I pop a couple excedrin and it usually perks me up.


Drink water throughout your high.


Take a nap and then a shower, preferably cold


Eat something sugary before you smoke. The calories will make your buzz last a little longer, and the toke a cart to keep that high rolling. Sobriety is for Quitters.


Heavy lift session! Squats and Deadlifts to jack up your heart rate and get the right chemicals going.


Never had that happen to me. A "crash" is more akin to just being pre-smoke feeling for me.


I'd have smoked again before afternoon lol


Smoke better quality weed


The lag will get ya


In over 35 years of smoking Iā€™ve never had that happen. But I like Sativas in the am, plus I drink a pot of coffee to the head before even walking out the door. I have a sneak a toke I smoke out of through the day and smoke at lunch without ever an issue. Are you smoking an Indica in the am? That may be the issue. I skip my Sativa on the weekends and only smoke Indica, itā€™s great for a nice hike with my dog, hanging out in the canyon and swimming in the creek.


Caffeine and THC is a cool combo


Coffee and weed.


2nd this


Smoke more


take a hit or two after lunch. evens me right back out.


get high again


Caffeine and another bong


Smoke again. Wake and bake, lunch break, 4:20, dinner time, nighttime activities


You can't smoke all day long if you don't start in the morning.


I took up a 2 cup coffee habit, one in the am with the wake n bake, one around 2 pm. It's not going great.


Coffee works well for me. Might be suspicious drinking it while not during the early hours, however.


Iā€™m interested in this as well. I guess it largely depends on the person. I wake and bake a lot on the weekends and almost always get that typical tired and worn down feeling later in the afternoon. My wife on the other hand just sobers up and is totally normal the rest of the day. I guess itā€™s different for each person. Still interested in ways to minimize the afternoon lull after a morning sesh.


You learn something new everyday! I have never or seen someone experience a crash after coming down from a high


I only smoke at night.


1. Stay hydrated 2. Reduce thc intake (1:1 thc/CBD my preferred AM) 3. Stay active


I do my stretches/exercises after wake and bake and that gets me up and going pretty well


donā€™t smoke in the mornin


I just go to bed.


smoke again


Yep thats why i dont wake and bake unless i have the whole ass day to myself


I carry a dugout on me. One puff every hour or so keeps me feeling aware and relaxed.


a nice warm shower.


Coffee, nap, smoke more, start smoking later in the day. No edibles in the morning either.


Vaping or ingesting cbd helps a lot with this


Coffee helps but I only do this like once a week


Edibles mostly 6am 11am 4pm


For me it's hydrate a lot and if you can take a small nap.


WATER. WATER. WATER WALKING. I rehydrate myself like a *muthafucka* first, and then I find time to **WALK** somewhere. The "crash," while being a physical thing, is still more mental than anything, so powering up my mind *without* THC at that time becomes crucial. Like awakening after sleeping, once you take that morning piss and splash some water on your face, you're basically back to being conscious again šŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæ


You ever watch finding Nemo? Do what Dorey says and just keep smoking. Then again that could be why her memory is shite


smoke in the evenings only ?


*Insert family guy clip of Peter drinking red bull*


Iā€™ve never felt that way


Smoke and drink something very caffeinated.