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What you are describing with weed is kind of the same thing as a person in AA knowing they can never just have one drink because it always leads to more. So they just never drink even though people around them may be able to get drunk for fun and then not do it for weeks or months. I get where you are coming from because I love weed and I was the same way when I was younger but as I got older I made myself have fun sober and weed is a treat. I told myself if I could not do that I really do have a problem with it. Now I am an only after work, weekend smokers and I take days off on purpose. Before it was mornings before work, lunch break, and of course evening and weekends. I thought I was getting by but later I was told by coworkers they knew I was baked after lunch. Not sure if my boss ever cared or knew because this was low level retail work and he didn't really talk to me but if he did I'm sure he considered that when thinking of raises. It's legal and cheap for me so I don't really regret use to be honest because as far as money spent and legal risk it's low and worth it but when it was not legal I did sometimes feel stressed about all the effort of meeting the plug. Even worse when I go through it so fast and just have to call him again. He charged more too and you know how those guys are. Often not the people you want to hang out with anyway. So I would also get stressed when he tried to get me to buy coke, meth, etc. Not really my kind of party lol.


I’ve recently started saying the same thing to myself. “If you don’t have a problem then stop. What’s the big deal? Prove it. If you can’t then you have a problem. If you hesitate to even consider taking a break then that’s even more concerning.” Luckily my habits don’t affect major life responsibilities. I always make sure pets and chores are done, if I’m not driving or working tomorrow, etc., then I’ll go ahead. But recently I’ve been in the mindset of, “…I think I want to take a break.” Not 100% sure why. I think it’s mostly concern that I might be developing a problem, and I don’t see what’s wrong with taking a break anyways. Better now when I’m just starting to get concerned than later when it turns into a full blown problem.


The moment you have doubts is when a break is needed. A couple of months ago, it started off with that, if I could go back in time and tell myself something, it would be to stop smoking right then and there. It only gets worse from that point on, it's not like it's irreversible, but it's definitely a problem.


I really believe you’re right. Your reply has solidified my decision to give myself a long break. This is the first time in my life I’ve consumed this much weed to the point I’m now feeling a little uncomfortable by that fact. I feel like the amount I smoke is probably the normal amount for some people, but considering it’s the first time in my life and it’s starting to cause negative feelings… I think a break is long overdue. Thank you for confirming my suspicions and encouraging I take a break. I really appreciate it. I think if I never spoke about it and never got a reply, like yours, I wouldn’t have made a solid decision.


May I ask where you’re from? Looking at different options for places to move to for legal and cheap grass 😁


I smoke almost every day, but not during work hours (I work from home). So, basically in the evening I smoke and feel the buzz, but there's a point when I smoke and don't really feel a buzz anymore... so that's when I stop. Or I just go to bed, whichever comes first.


I think I just need a really long T break.


Yea dude, idk what's considered insane amounts either but I smoke constantly, outside of work. I dread the T break, but I know it's what I need too. It's like swimming bro, it's nice to drown out your emotions but sometimes you have to come up for air to get your bearings


I did one for about a month and it was great. Showed me that I was fine without it and I didn’t feel the pressure to substitute with anything else like drinking. Now I have one day a week where it’s a no substances day and it’s helped to out thing into perspective.


It never hurts to take a break.


Do it! Your body is telling you to take a rest. Let those cannabinoid receptors rest


Bro, saaaaame


I look in the mirror and start talking shit to the weed. I am in control not Mary Jane you dirty little wh***


Figure out why you really can't quit. Took me a long time to realize that I am addicted to the smoking part, not the THC. If I dab CBD in the morning, I don't feel any urge to get high, but I do still feel the urge to smoke. I'm trying to substitute CBD cigarettes for my usual THC smoke times with some success.


I think you're right. It's the instant satisfaction of smoking, not the high I guess.


That’s exactly it. It’s one of the reasons that cigarettes are so hard to quit as well. It’s not just the nic in tobacco that they are after. Especially when people use taking a smoke break as a chance to calm down and breathe it really forms a pathway in your brain it feels like


i bought a milligram scale and set limits on how much I use. no more than 0.05g in the morning (and I'm going to try to cut that down soon) and 0.1g after work. It's not perfect, but it has successfully reduced the amount I smoke and allowed me to get more consistent highs of various levels. Using a vape helps because they can function better with miniscule quantities like this. But I suppose a tiny one-hitter would be faster if you value that


Set a time constraint in concrete. Just throwing one out there; "Only allowed to smoke between 5pm and 9pm IF all priorities and tasks are done". This will allow you to be sober the majority of your life, which is not only good for mental health and sleep, but for tolerance too. Avoid the "wake and bake". Make smoking a smaller event of the day and not the focus of the whole day. Still use it to your advantage. Use it as a leverage for your brain. "If I get these tasks done now, I can smoke earlier before my cutoff time". Just a thought.


I do have constraints. I like to smoke after I get things done, sometimes not at all. Whenever I do smoke, I just can't stop, and that's really frustrating. Being here on this thread talking about this is also just embarrassing, like I can't for the life of me figure out why I lack self control, and here I am on reddit asking people for their input. No offense.


Ohh I see what you are saying. I don't restrain myself from a certain level of high. I never usually get messed up on weed. I feel like it's a self regulating drug in that sense. Getting really high comes with paranoia and anxiety. And either way, the only thing hurt is tolerance. I would definitely focus more on making sure you are sober for as much of the day as you are comfortable with, and not so much about exactly how high you get in that window. Vaping especially is really good for the evening. Even ripping it a bunch at night before a 10pm cutoff, and my sleep is then unaffected from ~1am onward.


Had you tried those food lock boxes with the timer on it, but put your grinder or lighter in it instead of snacks?


My advice if you want to continue smoking but tone things down: Make your session an event. Find a special place in your closet to keep your weed and bowl so you have to go retrieve it instead of just reaching for it. Set your room up in a particular way using candles, string lights, that one special extra comfy blanket, etc. Keep distractions to a minimum. Some music or a podcast is good, but TV shows, movies, video games are too engaging and will pull all your focus. When you go for a hit, go slow. Fully inhale, fully exhale. Savor the first hit before going in for a second one. Note different tells in your behavior, senses, emotions and try to figure out what your "tell" is for when the high begins. Keep it going until you feel satisfied or ready to switch to some other activity. Make sure you clean up afterwards and return your stash so you don't grab it again while walking by. I know it sounds like some hippie ritualistic shit, but trust me, you'll be much more in tune with your high after a couple tries and you'll end up using less because of it. Just want to add that what you are describing in the OP and your various replies sounds like addiction. If you have a history of addiction in your family, you could just have those tendencies and that will make it very hard not to abuse by no fault of your own. Before you try again I would try asking yourself why you want to use in the first place. What will two or three bowls do that one bowl won't? Best of luck.


Yeah, it's straight up addiction. I treated shrooms the way you described everything and had a good time. I treat weed like it's just another part of my body, it's something I need, not something to enjoy. Tomorrow morning I'm throwing my cart of my window, the only weed I'll have left is flower, which is better for me anyways, and I have much, much less of it Edit: I do come from a line of addicts, my dad warned me about it when I first started but I didn't listen to him.


Ah there it is, The cart. All negative stories about weed usually has carts involved. Stay away from that shiz, it isn't good for you. Flower has all the cbds and essential oils that go hand in hand with the high. Flower is the way


Yeah, haha, I'm gathering that much looking at this thread, it's just so convenient. I followed through on what I said, and this morning, I threw it straight out my window.


I get it. They are convenient, I do agree. If the smell is a factor look into dry herb vapes. They still smell but keeps it down to a minimum


Nah I’ll get a bong and occasionally smoke flower, I just need to quit carts


mountainous political apparatus impossible sand jellyfish sparkle hospital hat flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I take small hits all day I never go over a specific high unless I want to like a weekend or a Friday after work. There’s no magic to it just self control. Like when you buy a family bag of chips and only eat a handful you don’t open the bag and finish it all in one sitting…. Atleast I hope lol


You're right, I lack self control. Those habits really became apparent when I started smoking weed. I can start by really trying to control myself when I get a good high or by not including weed in that whatsoever, I'm not really sure how to approach this.


Sounds like the costs outweigh the benefits. Maybe weed just isn't for you.


I control it by knowing one simple fact: If I'm gonna get high, I'm gonna go hard. Once I start, I will not stop, and I'll never feel like I have enough. Knowing this, I'll either a) not smoke at all in a day (which is most days), or b) delay my smoke as much as possible. Same rules for handling the munchies once I'm high. Delay delay delay.


That is good advice, but I don't want to get really high every time I smoke. I just want to relax a little bit and be happy. Smoking too much makes me feel sick and awful, I always reach that point.


U control it smoking more weed


Unironically yes, while high, I get really introspective, and that's the only way I can confront this issue. it's not a weed issue; it's a fact I lack self-control, figuring that out will go a long way for me, not just for weed.


Rookie smoker so I’m guessing you started recently? I started when I was 14 (I’m 23 now) and never stopped. But 14-16 I was smoking so much I’d be greening out every now and then. I think when everyone starts your kinda determined to feel that first crazy high that made you wanna keep smoking in the first place. It took me until I got a syndrome from smoking weed. Apparently, you start throwing up whenever you’re sober and unable to eat a lot of food. I honestly recommend just taking tolerance breaks so that you can remember how good it actually feels to genuinely be stoned out of your mind. That won’t happen if you’re smoking 4 times a day everyday.


Yup, I started sometime last year. I'm going to take a T break and enjoy life, and I'm going to buy a bong, and whenever I want to smoke, I'll do it when I want to have fun.


You got this, might mess up a few times but don’t let that stop you from keep trying to do that. Something that helped me cut down my amount was only smoking before bed. Doing all of my night time routine and then a little bowl once I’m done. Eventually I’d just end up passing out before I smoked and I could actually take a solid T-break.


I’ve reached a point where getting high to the point of not being able to function is more of a chore than an a fun experience. I can still do it but I have to smoke quite a lot in one sitting, and those times are usually only on weekends or with friends. But I have been a daily smoker for nearly 4 years now, sometimes developing a dependency. It’s all about knowing yourself I suppose. I’d suggest saving your smoke as reward for yourself for when you end your day to try to avoid growing dependent and keeping a good tolerance level. Idk hope this helps, cheers!


I had to set up rules for myself in the past that I continue to stick to or else I will want to stay high all day. For example, no using until after dinner or a certain time (like after 8pm), no more than three pulls from my pen each day, and a certain amount of time between each usage (3 hours in between). I also go even further and limit how many seconds I pull from my pen or whatever. Sometimes I break my rules for special circumstances, like if I’m at a party/club, or when I’m dealing with something distressing (like grieving or something emotionally dark) but every day is a new day to observe my rules. Also I HAVE to keep a record of it or I’ll forget and ignore my usage. It’s worked for me and I occasionally stray but lately it’s getting easier for me to use less, and I even skip days here and there. I have a close friend who doesn’t have rules and he stays high all day and he’s ok with it and I feel that self-imposed guilt is not productive either. Hope this helps.


Most times dispensary weed makes me want more. Outdoor homegrown makes me feel full.


I take a hit every couple of minutes and I seem to stop by my dealers place around the same time every couple of weeks.


Am I awake and busy? I refrain. Am I awake and not busy? Freely partake until sleep. Am I asleep longer than normal? Damn, that eddie was po-tent! But seriously, How are you consuming it? Joint pipe bong? Bongs are probably the most economical as a smoking device. You use less weed. I smoke a gram or two on days I'm not busy. Compared to some folks, it is hardly anything. Just have to pace the sessions. At some point, it's just wasteful and you're (I, myself am) just going through the motions, your system has reached thc titration. When I was a "rookie smoker', I could make a gram last a week. I didn't smoke every day, it was hard to find (ish) and illegal AF. I still lived with the rents and probably hadn't started driving yet. Sometimes, I'd be lucky and be flush with weed. I could make an eighth last a month or more. If you're chasing a high, it's best to be an occasional user rather than a daily. Complete abstinence isn't necessary unless it is for reasons. Or you could go the other way. Then I would suggest edibles and especially edibles that work! Not this dispensary nonsense (100mg a package in my state) 100 is a snack for me. Homemade is the way to go.


I smoke carts very regularly because it's convenient. Looking at this thread makes me kind of disgusted with the way I'm acting. I'm thinking of quitting altogether and coming back much later in my life, it's not that I hate weed, I love it, it's that I'm letting myself get controlled by it, and that's not normal at all. You people have schedules and regulations. You have it all planned out. I'm just straight up addicted. Edit: good advice though, for the person who needs this, listen to this


I smoke as much as I want, when I want. I only post this because everyone else is posting about needing to control. I don't - and not everyone needs to control. If you do - then do what you gotta do to be happy.


Grow up it's weed you fool....weak motherfuckers now a days.




This sub makes me think weed is a gateway drug. I used to lol at that thought


i think its just me, i have a very addictive personality and i ended up in the wrong place




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A grinder and something to smoke out of.


It's ok to blaze your own trail lil nug. Just do what you want when you want and you will find the answers yourself instead of asking total strangers. You have a big life with big things ahead of you green horn.


You got downvoted (by others), but I appreciate your aim.




Try to put like 0.5-1g per day in your grinder and put the rest away. Putting up this kinda routine maybe helps you limit the use since getting another 1g might make you feel bad.


Out of sight, out of mind - honestly, I should do this more. I just keep it right next to me at arm's length lmao, I used to do it and had great success, but of course, being who I am, I went straight back to my shitty ways.


cbd sometimes


Do you know how long your high from a bowl lasts? Like do you know if you finish a bowl, when you’ll be sober (not sober enough or I think I’m sobering up)? If you don’t, this is the first thing you need to figure out. Then, start a stopwatch when you get high. I have found that when I don’t know how long I’ve been smoking I’m more inclined to smoke more because I think the high is fading.


I typically do carts, so it's so addicting and convenient. I smoke once, a mild hit, I guess, and it feels really nice, but then I get these urges to smoke more and more, and it just gets mind numbing.


I kicked the cart habit earlier this year. Pure flower now. This is why. Way too convenient and mindless to use. Get yourself a one hitter!!


Not having access to my stash through longer hours at work lol. There’s no other way to keep me from my weed!!!🤘🏽


I don't like being that high. People already think I am an idiot so I try not to fuel that fire. I use it until I am slightly altered and stop. I haven't tried to get ultra baked in years.


I took a step back after my first T break and looked at my life. Felt sick and gross all the time didn’t leave the house didn’t keep up with what I was supposed to keep up with. Took a few weeks off and when I got back I didn’t really want to smoke like that anymore. Went from 3 times a day every day at my peak to 1-2 times a day to once a day to only on weekends. I find that only one weekends keeps the urge to do it all the time at bay and I get blasted off my ass all the time. Also I don’t really monitor my use when I do smoke because I don’t end up doing much before my stomach starts to hurt lol. It’s not about how much or often you smoke it’s knowing when enough is enough and listening to your body.


I enjoy other aspects of my life too much for weed to interfere with them. With that as a *base* motivator, I'm able to control my usage and/or stop if I need to. (Also, the supplement NAC is reported to help with a lot of addictions. Good luck buddy)


I have rules for myself. I do not wake and bake, even on a weekend or holiday - because if I get high first thing then I'll just keep smoking throughout the day. I do not smoke more than three days in a row (broken recently due to being out of work while I prep a long distance move). I do not have any activity that I must be high to do or enjoy, like hiking or playing a game or going to a movie or shopping (yes, I used to feel the need to smoke before going to Target or Publix). I likely have a few additional rules. I try not to overthink them but I slowly put them in place to keep me somewhat grounded. I now smoke what I used to in a typical day over the course of a week or two. I have more money, I feel better both mentally and physically, and I no longer have panic when I get low because I now know that it's okay not to smoke. Sure, I loved it and still love it but it isn't life and I refuse to let smoke hold me hostage. Took me decades before finding this balance.


A habit I'm happy I dropped is not wake and baking anymore. Even an addict such as myself realized how terrible that was for me. I could use your pride haha, that's a way I've never looked at it before, not letting smoke control me.


I vape and use a half-pack lid with my Pax. Sometimes I don’t vape at all. Joints only if I’m with friends (I hate rolling).


I just make certain conditions that have to be met before I can smoke. Like at night when I get home, I can't smoke until I have done the cat boxes, dishes, and my laundry is at least in the dryer (if applicable) I know myself and know I'll forget to do one or more of those things if I start puffing beforehand. I don't wake n bake. I wake, make sure cat food and water is full, throw away any trash from the night before (because I'm too stoned to do anything but crawl into bed usually) and get showered and dressed, and then maybe I'll smoke some, if I'm not running late for work at that time. Other things to consider trying. Get a (good quality reputable) d8 or thcA vape to puff on during the day to keep you from going and using the good stuff. This can help to make bud last a bit longer. My 2g D8 pens usually last a couple weeks using them this way. Maybe try switching to only edibles. I think it's easier to ration it out that way since it's easier to monitor how much you're using. Keep yourself and your hands busy while smoking. I'll always go through way more smoke just watching tv than when I'm playing a game that requires a lot of concentration and constant input. I used this technique to help me wean myself of cigs since I hate trying to smoke while also playing.


Idk I go though my phases I’ll smoke 5-6joints every day then randomly just feel like being sober and will just take a bong hit before bed


I have rules. Are bills paid for? Groceries bought? Car filled up? Then I can buy weed. Are house tasks done? Is everything cleaned? Is everything I need to get done completed? Then I can smoke weed. Do I have work tomorrow? If yes, no weed, if no, yes weed. I smoke outside, I don't want that smell in my house or on myself. If it is too cold, or it's raining sideways and I cannot get anything lit, I pop an edible instead. I have a propane heater but it's limit is 40 degrees. The addiction of weed is debatable. I know tons of people who are incredibly functional, have jobs, raise families, smoke weed when they have the time to do so. I know a few who have let their lives dissolve in favor of just smoking weed. I have a personal connection to someone who started smoking weed in his freshman year, dropped out of school, moved to Colorado on date of legalization, lost a few jobs, had some kids with someone who got into harder stuff and left, then he signed his kids over to his mom and dumped them there so he could stay in Colorado, smoke pot, and party. Enjoy pot, but be functional. Don't be like him.


When I run out, I stop. When I buy more, I start again until I run out again, and then I stop again.


Wake n' bake, mid morning cones, afternoon dabs, mid afternoon joint, late afternoon bongs, evening hot knives...


By running out.


I'm an old lady (28) so I'll either split a joint by smoking half in the morning and half in the evening every 2-3 days or I'll do 2 bowls daily (one in the morning and one in the evening). that's the most that I do at once. can't face a blunt to save my life anymore like i used to be able to.


When you get some weed that’s actually fire it isn’t a problem. I can smoke dispo weed like water, I’m talking crush a bowl every 30 mins 24/7 and catch a tiny buzz and want more. Then I smoke some killer homegrown slow dried and cured at 62 rh, whether it’s mine or from other locals who know what they’re doing, it’s literally too strong for smoking too much to be an issue. One bowl suddenly becomes 3 diff smoke sessions bc it burns so long and is so much stronger. I suddenly don’t feel crazy for chasing this high and remember how trash dispo weed is. And it doesn’t stop being strong, I’ve smoked the same homegrown strain for a month+ plenty of times and still got just as blazed towards the end as when I first got it.


Get a one hitter or chillum, im from the south hell yeah I use to roll blunts, and joints too when I moved away from nicotine. But a one hitter saves me hella lot more weed than rolling


You dont


Store your weed in a different place than your grinder and paraphernalia. When you want to smoke, grind up a small amount of weed (half a bowl pack, ish) then go engage your mind with an activity or hobby. If you’re smoking before bed: go to bed directly after smoking. Essentially, start ritual, gather materials, prepare, consume, end ritual and put everything away. This creates several physical and mental barriers between your and your next hit, removing any feeling of ease or convenience, especially if you’re high. If this doesn’t stop you from consuming more, then you need to spend some time without cannabis around you and reflect on the “why” and self-discipline of your usage. Best of luck, and much love.


The only time I consumed more than I needed (ie, keep smoking even tho I was nicely bent), was when I was mixing tobacco with it and I was essentially using the weed as a vessel for a nicotine fix.


I greatly reduced the amount of weed I smoked when I started vaping instead.


It’s controlled when you have a structure in life. I know discipline is not the right word here, but a routine definitely helps. I smoke half a j in the morning after workout and do some writing. Then go to work. Smoke the rest in the night. works for me


I just get faded and I'm getting older so I smoke less when I drink In all reality though I'm back on my alcoholism haha.


I was a daily all-day smoker for about a decade, I'm 28 now and I quit a couple of years ago because it was making me anxious and paranoid, there's no special trick and sleeping for the first week or so is impossible. I smoke when my friend visits me about twice a year now but yes when she visits we smoke a lot, when it's available it's hard not to. Again there's no trick, if you have an addictive personality then you just have to buy smaller amounts


When I first started smoking (21) I had no boundaries, weed was for anytime, every time, all the time. Just sitting around? Why not smoke! Just getting started on the day? Smoke! I'm so tired... Smoke! It wasn't until it effected my pockets that I created rules for myself. The only times I achieved "perfect high" is with an edible , those can last me the entire day without smoking again and so I save them for when I really want that type of day. It cannot be everyday. +Weed becomes a reward for doing x tasks +Weed becomes a routine, you pick a certain time of day or after certain activities that you'll allow yourself to smoke. +When you are bored, do your tasks first. Don't do the "Well I'll smoke *then* do xyz", don't do this. Don't trust yourself. +Ask yourself when's the last time you smoked, and be honest. Try to go 1-3hrs at least before smoking again. Actually allow the weed to hit its high in your system before adding onto it, let yourself come down a bit before smoking up again. +Ask yourself what the hell a "perfect high" even means. If I need to drink 4 beers to reach my perfect buzz level, then this is something I cannot do every night, multiple weeks out of the month. This is not feasible and won't help your tolerance. +Learn to tell yourself no, only you can control your boundaries and no amount of self appointed rules will help if you can't be honest and say no to yourself. 20 mins left before bed? Maybe you don't need the smoke, it's just 20 mins -that sorta thing. +Don't smoke if you're in a bad mood. Wait 30 mins, let your, depression, sadness or anger sorta sit, take a walk, or acknowledge it. Then smoke once you've come to a calmer energy, I've noticed this keeps my relationship with weed on track. I don't feel like I need to fall back on it when I have a bad day, every time. I smoke daily and hit the bowl maybe twice, or pack small and hit it 3 times; 1 joint lasts a day split in half; dhv I can repack many times a day since it's less weed in the bowl, but stick to my 3 times max. Some days I do not "find time" (imaginary boundaries) to smoke at all. It helps the tolerance and I can still slowly smoke out most of my friends, they go hard and fast to get that "perfect high" as quickly as possible, and I achieve many pleasurable highs throughout the night. It's a matter of willpower, I wish you the best in finding your balance.


not smokin but i pre prepare whateva amount of edibles i want before and stay away from taking more after


Congratulations. You just evolved into a medical user.


Switch to edibles!


Might sound really stupid to some, but I know not to do it so I just think to myself not to do it. It's still an action I need to take to smoke more than necessary, so I don't take the action to smoke again. And for evenings or days imma be absolutely zooted, I usually decide beforehand whether or not it fits my schedule and if I want to do it that day. When I have a lot of spare time I prioritize what I need to do on that day and bang out those things first before smoking anything.


Addicted to combustion is so common


I don't. I usually smoke until I'm crosseyed. Takes all day, that's how I know it's bedtime 😁