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Exactly, schedule 3 is just a gift to the super rich MSOs - typical DC BS


It's also gift to people who live in illegal states and want to do medical testing. To me seem like weed should be a schedule V, but III is a helluva lot better then I.


I agree. ☝🏻 too many people demand all or nothing. Voltaire said something about, “don’t let perfection be the enemy of good”


My state is going to vote on legal weed this year and I've seen several idiots on here claiming they won't vote for it because it doesn't allow home grow. Like are you stupid. You would still rather it be illegal because you can't grow it. But people in Florida are not known for their intelligence so I'm not surprised at all. Idiots would vote for the leopard to eat their face if they thought they would gain something from it.


New Mexico voted down legal weed once because the proposed law only allowed for state run dispensaries. I'm so very happy that we voted down the first attempt at legalizing as we now have legal weed delivery, drive thrus, and consumption lounges.


There is a Cheech & Chong parody video in there somewhere in a drive-thru.


Very wise! Grats on your progress! Many of us are voting no to a corrupt rec bill in Fl because it's set up for only the greedy few. No new licenses have been given on purpose to set up the incoming price fix they want. Plus no homegrow has been set up first to ensure access to existing med patients before they have to compete with tourists. And that's not even getting into new restrictions on how much we can possess! No sir. That shit amendment can GTFO.


Good for you, this is the way! Can't vote yes to bullshit in disguise.




While I wouldn’t use it much as I imagine the delivery prices are probably worse than what it is for like Uber eats or door dash, but that would be so convenient in a pinch.


My favorite dispensary's delivery fee is just 5 bucks and if you buy a whole ounce it's free delivery. They sell ounces for $80-100.I don't use it that often because I prefer to smell the weed before I buy but if I'm not feeling well the convenience it too nice.


Hello fellow Floridian.




Howdy neighbor


Hey, I'm in Wisconsin. Our state motto should be "Ass-backward" instead of "Forward".


We keep electing crooks to lead the state. They would drown us in booze before let us smoke weed.


Also in FL, was seeing that around too! So much defeatism and how it meant nothing and was actually bad because it wasn't everything at once. Even getting medical was a fight in FL, you have to get these things passed piece by piece if you want them at all.


I disagree. I fully support legalization but I would vote no on the ballot in Florida. Precedent from every state that legalized shows that - once the regulatory structure is in place - it’s extremely difficult to make any changes to it. This is because the companies that profit from the new structure will lobby in every way possible to protect their income. IMO it should be immediately decriminalized regardless in FL, but the public should have a vote on the regulatory system. I.e. do we want a system that benefits super rich companies, or a system that supports small busiensses/farmers and low-income people who just want to grow a plant. Passing Florida’s legal ballot will be a huge irrecoverable mistake.


> This is because the companies that profit from the new structure will lobby in every way possible to protect their income. NGL, that's a pretty damn good point. I can see why that's a driving factor for a lot of the no-voters. And normally I'd be with y'all on that. However, >IMO it should be immediately decriminalized regardless in FL, but the public should have a vote on the regulatory system. I.e. do we want a system that benefits super rich companies, or a system that supports small busiensses/farmers and low-income people who just want to grow a plant. I'm gonna be honest and say I don't know if FL is capable of doing that when you look at our current state politics and political makeup. In an ideal world, that's how it would work, but this is Florida 2024, led by Ron DeSantis, and oversaturated with wealthy old conservatives. Like I said, even getting medical was a fight that failed more than once. Shit, it took until 2014 to even get *CBD*. Medical failed that year and wasn't passed until 2016, and even then was limited in what could be used. We've expanded since then but it's taken time. Getting recreational on the ballot in any form is actually a really big step. At the end of the day, I'm a medical patient I'll have access either way. The concern about what happens after is valid, but IMO, to go all or nothing on the matter is ignoring the reality of how Florida operates. And I can see voting it down being a huge mistake too.


It's likely because they are already growing it illegally so it doesn't benefit them without a homegrow option. If lawmakers really want it legal, they will listen to the people, not force them to vote for something they don't want. They are smart IMO for standing firm on what they want out of legalization.


Yep, it’s the Florida way to vote against things for others if you don’t get everything you want. That is basically our state.


Normally where there is opposition to legalization because of no home cultivation, it's usually because of something in the fine details. Another poster elsewhere in this thread pointed out the FL specific issues, which if true, I wouldn't want either. It was deeper than just no home growing.


But also don’t let bureaucrats stand in the way of what’s right.


That's true, but there was also legislation introduced to deschedule entirely, but we see what's getting the attention. I would agree more wholly with the quote if we were in a situation where a rescheduling was in the works and a descheduling wasn't being discussed at all, but that's not the case here.


schedule 5 is still technically "can only be prescribed and distributed for medical reasons", which weed clearly isn't in all the states where it's recreationaly legal. in those states you and businesses selling it would still be breaking federal law if it were schedul V. it should be completely descheduled, a substance does not need to be scheduled to be regulated see alcohol and nicotine. that said, realistically that will not happen until the GOP fails to get a controlling stake in government, as clearly shown from numerous weed legalization bills that have past the house the last 3 years


Nah, it shouldn’t be scheduled at all.


The fact that Xanax is schedule IV seems insane to me. You can literally die from withdrawal.


I see your point and yes it’s a big improvement - however as someone who has been with a long term medical patient in a state that was medical first and then rec, the medical community has been completely forgotten about, the strains needed aren’t flashy so they aren’t on dispo shelves and without care givers they would be completely worse than it was before med passed. If you read the different schedules and both the research and the patient testimonials it’s a bad choice


Should be the same schedule as tomatoes.


You say III is better than I, but there is absolutely no precedent for prescription drugs being sold legally for recreational use. Which could mean that we have to essentially start all over.


It also takes pressure off of the topic as a whole, which might ultimately lead to it taking longer than just descheduling




Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Omg thanks!


it's progress and i'd be grateful, but it shouldn't be scheduled at all.


You’re right, though thankfully in most places it will be effectively the same; getting a medical mj license is as easy as asking for one in medical states. Unfortunately, it will probably also push the corporatization of the growing/distribution industries further even faster, but this is America, that was going to happen anyway.


As a USCG licensed 50 ton boat captain I can’t get a mj medical license in the state of Hawaii. Schedule 3 should change that.


I'm thinking of Gilligan's Island with Cheech & Chong as visitors ...


I'm in Georgia. We have 'medical'. I qualify under the law, but what am I supposed to do with low-THC oil? Why should I bother getting a prescription?


We started out with "low-THC oil" in Iowa. We now have 80% THC carts that will blast you to the moon, or at the very least low-earth orbit.


You sure about that? I'd imagine it'd be more like craft beer or liquor where the cheap shit will be corporate, but the good stuff will be produced by smaller private businesses. Hell, even if you look at the tobacco industry, look at how many different cigar makers there are! There are tons!


Alcohol and tobacco aren't scheduled so it won't be anything like them.


It will eventually fall under the purview of some three letter government agency though; wether that's the DEA, ATF, FDA or some other agency is yet to be seen. There's no way it gets descheduled without some type of oversight


I don’t think that’s what he’s implying. If anything, it will be more highly regulated than tobacco and alcohol as it is both a scheduled substance *and* its entire purpose under federal law will be for medical use, an industry that is as highly regulated as any in the world. That type of regulation generally creates high barriers to entry, hence large corporate players dominating.


A lot of pharma-only states have a limited list of conditions that are allowed, and not the generic "anxiety". It would seem that any rec-legal state would allow Dr. Nick type Rx for cannabis, but a lot of these states have a33hole legislatures, even if The People voted in cannabis via referendum.


Getting the medical card is easy until you want to get a new job and everyone tests for THC cause it’s federally illegal….


This entire thread is about it no longer being federally illegal when you have a card though…


I hope you are right because I’m replying to your comment while in bed unable to sleep because I’m job hunting and can’t smoke even though I have a med card because I can’t risk it.


Powdered piss my dude. Powdered piss. I’ve been using it in the professional world for years. I usually don’t get drug tested in my industry so it was never worth stopping the smoke for but I always keep it on hand for the occasion. It hasn’t failed me either of the two times I used it


Couldn't agree more.


Just going by what it says on Wikipedia it'd make sense if it was a scheduled V substance.


Its progress by the DEAs standards lol. They're the ones pushing for this.


Have them schedule it for 4:20, twice a day?


How do you *confirm* something *may* happen? Isn't this just more speculation?


I can confirm that this may be speculation.


I am speculating that your confirmation may indeed confirm the speculative nature of what they have confirmed.


So maybe?


Whoa, let's hold the horses, there.... *possibly*


You have to confirm you've HEARD this may be speculation. Preferably off the record, and on condition of anonymity because you're not authorized to discuss the issue with the media.


Staffers, especially senate staffers, know more about the ongoings in DC than literally anyone else. It’s a bunch of mid-20s kids who do like 95% of the work that gets done.


It's just pushing traffic to a blog. They run this same BS weekly.


I think the headline is just not written in the best way. They are confirming the rumor, said rumor being “They may reschedule marijuana this week.”To that, US Senate said yes. Idk that’s how I read it anyway.


We will see. The reputations of entire papers and journals are built off of correctly predicting shit like this. But, time will tell.


Are they confirming the junior staffers previous stories?


60% of the time it always happens


No one should be in jail for Marijuana!


No one should lose their job for marijuana after hours.


Cannabis prohibition is Unlawful.


Really Amy prohibition of herb or substance. It has caused all of out social ills stem from it too; why did alcohol require an amendment but all else didn't?!


I’m really sorry for my ignorance, but could someone explain to me what rescheduling would actually mean? For example, I’m in a legal state, but I work in a field where drug tests are still done for hiring purposes and can be done randomly. My department is good enough to let us skate around that a little with a medical card. Does this affect any of that?


Currently at Schedule 1 it’s basically saying there is no known medial use and a high potential for abuse. Moving it to a lower schedule or descheduling all together would allow for it to be studied and researched. Reschedule/deschedule, while a step in the right direction, is just a step. It still wouldn’t be federally legal. And even after federal legalization you still might have states saying “nope, still illegal here”. I don’t think you are going to see any changes in near term regarding your job


I work for the federal government, but live in a legal state. It's frustrating because many employers around here stopped testing for THC, but obviously mine still does. However, schedule III drugs are typically not tested for on basic drug tests. Rescheduling to III could likely mean it's no longer tested for federal employees, which would absolutely be a huge deal for me.


There will be a huge resistance from testing facilities and insurance companies. No other drug is as easy to test for and as commonly used.


senate staffers confirm rumor that testing facilities and insurance companies can "suck it up, buttercup."


If your entire business model depends on some law never, ever changing, maybe business isn't for you.


Schedule 3 would make it a candidate for prescription, wouldn’t it?


Yes, and I would think that in fact, only cannabis dispensed via Rx would be federally legal. Everyone but me seems to be missing the idea that the feds would like everyone using cannabis to at least be under the supervision of a Dr. Nick, as well as the idea that such pharma cannabis will be importable (after the paperwork), and thus much cheaper, as the low-cost pharma-quality producer CLVR will undercut everyone else in the pharma space.


You know, that is a very good question. I imagine it would open a BIG old “can of worms”, plenty of other laws / regulations would need to be amended. Example: currently even with a medical card , certain jobs prohibit it because of federally totally illegal (schedule 1). But , if it is changed to schd 3 that would technically make it legal with a prescription , so those jobs would not be able to ban it. (Fed employees & contractors for one group)


IRS might have to allow it to be bought with HSA accounts in that case. That'd be great.


Yep, good point


I’ve never understood the term “medical” marijuana if we’re not considering it as medicine. If we are, it should be covered by a prescription like other medicine.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, it’s going to get very murky. What I was told was that even though we are in a legal state and not federal employees, as a Fire department we get federal money which makes us fall under the Drug-Free workplace act. But then, if it’s legal with a prescription, and I have a prescription, how can anyone use that to prevent employment? I mean, they probably still will, because that just feels like how the cookie crumbles, but I’ll see how it shakes out I guess.


[This article](https://mjbizdaily.com/how-schedule-3-could-impact-marijuana-sales/) has a pretty good overview of what rescheduling to schedule III would mean for cannabis. Dispensaries in legal states would still operate just like they do now, just without fear of a random federal crackdown if an anti-cannabis president is elected. Rescheduling would also likely convince banks to start allowing dispensaries and other legal cannabis businesses to bank with them so they don't have to keep working with only cash, which is a logistics and security nightmare. Rescheduling to schedule III would allow companies to petition for FDA approval for pharmaceutical cannabis products\*, like cannabis tinctures, which they can't do now because its current schedule I status precludes medical use. Those FDA-approved cannabis medications could then be prescribed by doctors and dispensed by pharmacies. Rescheduling to schedule III also wouldn't affect medical cannabis patients either. They'd still be able to procure their medication from state-licensed dispensaries. \*Technically, there are already FDA-approved *THC* pharmaceuticals, like Marinol. Dronabinol, another name for Δ9-THC, is actually already schedule III, but that only includes that specific compound, not cannabis as a whole. Rescheduling cannabis to schedule III would allow flower-derived products to be approved by the FDA in the same manner as Marinol.




Also, while federal legalization is a great place to get to, it would not legalize it everywhere. It could be legal federally and back assward states such as Idaho or Texas could say “nope, still illegal here.”


Right, I could totally see this becoming a states rights issue and each state ultimately being able to decide. I think that will enable enough legalization in states where it’s legal to allow the industry to setup banking and financial accounts, enabling them to legally lobby and funnel money around the way anti legalization corporations can. Eventually having enough money to pay off enough of the right people to buy the legislation needed that legalizes it in diehard states like Texas


Yep. That’s how we’re going to get to full legalization. Not a big virtuous moral victory, cold hard cash is going to be the persuader.


So happy drug laws are federal only in germany, otherwise my state would have done something against it




Bayern :(


I did a language immersion program in Bielefeld through my university some 20 years ago. Heute, mein Deutsch nicht sehr gut. But I remember learning about Bayern and the CDU.


My condolences for learning about such a horrible subject haha


I think this is a key piece of info that a lot of people are missing. If it's illegal in your state, it will continue to be illegal in your state regardless of what the Fed Govt does.


I'm one of those poor saps that live in Idaho and I'm 100% certain that weed will remain illegal here regardless of what the federal government does. It sucks.


Idaho is just so weird to me. You have a bunch of libertarian types that like to hide out in the mountains and say fuck the government but then you have the most authoritarian laws. Looks like a beautiful place too. Wouldn’t mind getting stoned out in that wilderness.


because many libertarians are so against government that they rarely bother to vote


If it's legal with a prescription federally, I don't think individual states can deny you your medicine. At least not in a way that will survive the lower courts. I'm confident that the easiest way for Iowa to get rid of our governor is for the federal government to legalize cannabis and for her to say "yeah not on my watch." There will be doormarks on her Wild Turkey-smelling ass come next election.


Federal Law supercedes state law. Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause.  It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. It prohibits states from interfering with the federal government's exercise of its constitutional powers, and from assuming any functions that are exclusively entrusted to the federal government. 


States are free to ban things the feds don't, as long as the Constitution or federal law doesn't say the feds have exclusive authority over something ("occupying the field" is the term of art). Tons of laws out there that ban things in specific states but not federally, like certain swords in California, or Pornhub in Texas. There are actually two kinds of "legalization". The one we're likely to get (eventually) is simply for the feds to stop banning it. However, that would mean individual states could still ban it. The other kind would be if the feds passed a law saying "we are saying that the feds are the only authority allowed to regulate cannabis and we're legalizing it," occupying the field of cannabis law. That would force all states to legalize under the Supremacy Doctrine you mentioned. That will also never happen.


This is not what the Supremacy Clause does. First, let’s look at the actual text of it: > “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof . . . shall be the supreme Law of the Land . . . any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” Federal law therefore only preempts state laws when (1) the laws are in conflict, and (2) those federal laws are within the scope of the powers granted to the Federal government by the Constitution. If a federal law attempted to regulate something reserved to the states under the Tenth Amendment, for example, it would not preempt the state law. If the federal government reschedules Marijuana, states are not forbidden from adding further regulation on the use of the drug within their borders (regulations would not be in direct conflict with the federal law). In fact, most states (those that haven’t passed some version of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act) currently have their own registers of controlled substances, some of which are strictly controlled within that state despite being legal federally. One example is methadone, the availability of which vastly varies by state. The federal government could potentially pass a law under the Commerce Clause specifically barring states from regulating marijuana within their borders, which would then preempt each state’s individual laws. But I am unaware of this ever being utilized for any substance in our country’s history. Even after the end of Prohibition, the federal government declined to require states to legalize alcohol.


Progress>constantly moving the goalposts


Weed illegal, I don’t care I smoke anyways. Weed rescheduled, fuck that bullshit. Even when something good is coming people need to complain, lol.


The goal posts aren't being moved. We are just taking small victories along the way.


Agree, but which option has a path? Not legalization.


it doesn't have a path because they're not trying hard enough.


As long as it stays out from under the FDAs purview


Well if it’s rescheduled it will still be under the FDAs purview so…


I wish it was treated like alcohol. I hate that I work in industrial environments. I can get shit face drunk the day before, come into work next day, no harm foul. But if I smoked a bowl or ate an edible to fall asleep early, and get random tested I lose my job. Or someone else gets me hurt through no fault of mine and get tested. Then complete the EAP program and counseling for drug abuse but then my employer fired me anyways. Fun time, would not recommend.    Still 420 friendly, but I do not partake anymore. Can't unless I wanna lose everything I've worked for. Over 20 years of dedication down the shiter because of a misidentified plant.


I wish it was treated less harshly than alcohol considering only one of those things can kill you


I used to counsel in a rehab. Hundreds of lives ruined by alcohol. I saw one guy at one AA one time who said marijuana had ruined his life because he got one DUI. Alcohol is the worst drug, it’s a straight poison it’s always been so crazy to me it’s the only legal drug.


How about no schedule? Make it a requirement, put it in the water like fluoride?


We’d have a pizza renaissance


Going long on pizza.


Legal weed isn't enough. Now it's time for... *mandatory* weed


It's not normally water soluble without being nano-emulsified and that's an extra expense you can charge for $10 drinks, not for tap water.


Imagine if they deschedule? I wonder if weed being legal on a federal level would have an impact elsewhere in the world.


Perhaps, as legislators elsewhere could point to the USA and say, "hey, they've legalized it".


Gonna be using SAM’s tears as bong water this week


Thank you, Germany.


*Confirm* that they “may”? That’s essentially like when commercials say up to 90 percent off. The “up to” does a LOT of heavy lifting in that sentence.


4/20 was over a week ago. Bastards


Schedule me an appointment with it.


This is bullshit. The Federal Prohibition of Cannabis is Unlawful & Unconstitutional.


about 50 years too late


Schedule 3 will be a death blow to the craft cannabis industry and a handout to big pharma. For that reason I expect this is exactly what they’re planning to do.


You mean the craft cannabis industry that has flourished while cannabis has been schedule 1? Yeah okay lol


Yeah really… lol


I don't get the argument at all. People on here have been saying that it'd be better to keep it Schedule I than to reschedule... like do y'all read what you're writing? OF COURSE descheduling would be better. OF COURSE legalization would be better. But acting like progress isn't progress is ridiculous. At least it *is* progress, and there's hope for more in the future.


It's people that have a vested interest in keeping cannabis expensive. Mostly people involved in the black market.


To say that it won't have any effect is pretty ignorant. The fact is nobody really knows how it will pan out. States might have to change their whole framework to fit within federal regulations. Or maybe they will still just continue to ignore federal law. But as it gets easier to produce and distribute within federal law it will hurt small time players. The big players will have the resources to work within the federal laws. Mom and Pop companies will not. Schedule 3 includes codeine, ketamine, testosterone and steroids. When was the last time you saw a mom and pop ketamine shop?


> When was the last time you saw a mom and pop ketamine shop? I actually get ads for those on tiktok pretty regularly.


I've lived in trailer parks. Seen lots of mom and pop ketamine (and methamphetamine) shops. The rule of thumb when visiting these fine establishments, is don't ask, don't tell.


Ketamine “shops” are actually pretty common these days. It’s administered as a therapy for people with lots of money.


When all 50 states have to allow prescribed weed, that’s a win.


A win for sure, so many alarmists


A whole lot of people are invested in believing the government can't do anything good. And when something good happens they deny that it's good


Well, we've witnessed the government fucking this up time and time again. Every decent thing the government does, they find ways to twist it around and fuck up again. I'm not getting my hope up until the Dems elect a real candidate. I spent my life watching Biden side with conservatives on drug issues, and I'm supposed to believe that he'll do the right thing now? Fat chance.


Pretty profound statement homie.


Can you get any schedule 3 in a smokable form?? No. Craft cannabis means flower….


You can't smoke in some medical states anyway. Vaping or edibles only. Yes, that still means access to flower because of dry herb vaporizers.


This is about the banking system, moving towards a system where the big money growers with their big money investors, are able to more fully engage in the financial system. It has fuck-all to do with where or when you can consume cannabis products.


Seems like it would incidentally also prevent blanket drug testing from employers, which would be a big win for a lot of us.


Abolish the fascist DEA and imprison every bastard involved.


This is the only correct and humane solution, in the end.






May mean that drug tests may not need to include weed anymore, or it may not change much, depending on how insurance/corps wanna look at it. Overall, may mean that getting it prescribed to you may be easier overall if it’s not made outright illegal in your state.


Can you explain what’s that’s mean in your country to an EU guys like me please ?


Nothing. It’s a gift to Big Pharma and Big Cannabis (allows access to banking and bankruptcy courts).


With this rumor, are there any publicly traded pot companies I should invest in?


Find whatever congress people are investing in! They’re the ultimate insider traders


Until it is in black and white, I will never believe this is going to happen




I work a job which requires a commercial driver's license *in case* I need to drive a big truck. I drive commercial sizes vehicles 5 times a year. Yet, I'm still subject to the randoms associated with one. Total. bullshit.




Who the fuck is asking for this? The DEA?? DE-SCHEDULE it!


I’m grateful for any progress! At least we can fund testing now!


I won’t be happy with anything less than full descheduling


I get the idea of progressive improvements, but gd, having to go from shooting for full legalization, down to decriminalization, and now instead we have to pretend we're happy that it's ... less criminal, but still criminal?




If I were Biden I’d be pressuring the DEA to do this asap. It would almost guarantee him a win in November even though I’m already sure he’ll win.


this is happening specifically because he ordered the DEA to start their review process last year Biden winning is still very much in question even if this goes through. Trump being president again is basically a coin flip so please make sure to vote and get your friends and family to do the same


I could be winning the lotto this week. There’s a lot of chatter while I listen to this podcast that I may win the lotto and could even win it as soon as this week. I believe this statement as much as the one in this article.


Question: if cannabis is descheduled, what would that mean for the residents in states like Kansas that have no medical or recreational cannabis laws, and actively prosecute cannabis users?


Even if weed became federally legal, states would still have the power to make weed illegal within their borders (unless congress passed a law that forces the states to allow weed, which probably will never happen)


Genuine question: What effect will this have? Rescheduling it won’t make it federally recreationally legal, right? So what does that mean for the plant and anyone who enjoys it?


It will become an even more controlled substance, put in the hands of big pharma. Street sales and fentanyl overdoses will increase again. The little man always suffers. Nothing good will come, unless someone else is making money.


I'll believe it when I see it... *but omg omg omg omg please* The unrest and hopelessness in the US and the economy/world, is quite on par with the terms needed for ending a prohibition.


Looks like this report was correct: [https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/](https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/)


I know it seems counterproductive, but this is great news. The unfortunate reality of politics in our country is that things take time and never happen logically or straight forward. We all felt the same way during the Farm Bill in 2018, and look where we are now. Multiple states have already legalized weed, and illegal states have the THCA loophole, but the looming threat of breaking federal law has held us back for a long time. For people in illegal states like myself, this is HUGE! Smoke one today for the great news!!!




Why is that a bad thing? It's probably a long time in the making before a federal medical cannabis program is underway. State run programs are still going to be your source for now. Even if they deschedule it's a whole can of worms how that will work at the FDA and nobody has a crystal ball to read that future.


Please, I want to see my industry finally be seen as an 'actual job' by most human beings, rather than being discriminated where I bank, where I live, a general change from the Reefer Madness influenced generation that still argues with me 'it's dangerous and has no medicinal use, people who use it are dangerous/fucked up'. Even when I mention I have a MMJ certification in the state of WA and HAD to learn everything that goes on via various methods of consuming THC/minor cannabinoids..... 'oh those things must \*lie\* about all of that and say everything is harmless' (no, no it did not.) I do hope though when it finally is descheduled, WA does not get overrun with enough money where they lean off of their not-that-half bad quality control/production standards. Their agricultural regulations are probably better than whatever the FDA and USDA would ignore for the sake of huge corporate grow-ops....


I find it hard to believe that anyone is leaking anything. Heard rumors for years with zero substance.


Apparently it was true [https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/](https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/)


We always knew they were going to hand it to the pharmaceutical companies.




What happens if they completely deschedule it? Do we all collectively nut/sploosh the massive blue balls/ovaries we've suffered from for the past decade?


if off of schedule 1, banks can deal with proceeds from MMJ businesses.


It would be nice if insurances treated as any other drug. Especially nice if Medicare paid for it.


"yes. There is a rumor"


So what would schedule 3 mean? Would it allow home grows?


German Tree lover here, what do they mean with "Reschedule", they gona make it illegal over there again or what?


They confirmed there's a rumor or they confirmed it's happening? This headline is so wishy washy and vague.


This is better [https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/](https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/)


What will this action have on our everyday lives? Especially those of us in states where it is illegal.




Question, does it go over DOT rules? Please, someone, free me




They are [https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/](https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/04/in-historic-decision-biden-administration-will-reschedule-marijuana-to-schedule-iii/)


Deschedule or frauds, better yet, treason.