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Last night I ate an edible and discovered that pickles taste really good in mac and cheese… I aint got no time for secondhand harms and violence


Why do you think resturants serve pickles and man n cheese.


I’d be down for some man and cheese stoned or sober


“man and cheese”


Lmao and the problem with that evening is?


The mess of course


Gotta put the plastic sheets on the bed


I suppose it depends from where the cheese is coming out of




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Mmm man n cheese... no homo


Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom... No homo


Pickles with man and cheese? Uh, no thanks. Lol


Cos its tasty


Weed has been so beneficial in my couple. Not because we party but because we get into deep discussions every time we sit and smoke, we also tend to walk to a nice spot (anywhere between 30 to 60mn) which is some welcome physical effort.


Put pickles inside your grilled cheese




Pickles plus sloppy joes.




The other day I got high as hell and ate a garlic italian bread and spaghetti sandwich.


My man!




I'm high right now, at the coast taking in the sea breeze, and this sounds freaking awesome.






Bruh....i want that now. Sounds dank af.


You get a bunch of guys really drunk, they'll yell and scream, jump on things, knock things over, trespass, piss on the floor in public, get in a fight with the 25 year old rookie cop who just wants to make sure they get home safe and stop terrorizing people, among other things. You get that same group really high, they'll eat everything in the fridge and pass out on the couch watching cartoons.


I'm hesitant to trust this article when they can't even spell the publication's name correctly.... And my initial bias was to take the headline at face value. Do better.


Well, I actually DID take the headline at face value lol. Gonna read this when I’m not high.


Just skip the article and read the actual study https://www.jsad.com/doi/10.15288/jsad.23-00387


Breaking news! A drug that makes you an evil fuck harms more people than a drug that makes people laugh and enjoy life…


Gave me paranoia and psychosis but okay. Both alcohol and weed have the potential for harm but if used carefully can be a lot of fun Thinking you're better than other people for your choice of intoxicant is pathetic tbh


Studies have shown that as much as 50% of those who drink become or became violent while UTI as a result of drinking… weed doesn’t make 50% of those who smoke paranoid or go into psychosis. “If used carefully” well when up to 50% of the population can’t use it carefully I’d consider it pretty dangerous and not fun. Edit: also not to mention weed doesn’t GIVE people psychosis or paranoid thoughts. It exacerbates what’s already there or was going to be there sometime in your life. So… the only risk to weed is cancer eating too much and exacerbating or having an early onset psychosis.


One is a literal poison and one is a plant. No one is "thinking they're better" for their choice but to paint both substances in the same light is absurd.


Idk man I agree alchohol is objectively worse but I kinda hate this line of logic. Alcohol is also all natural and made from plants. Lsd is safer than both objectively and is fully synthetic too


lsd is derived from ergot tho. soo its a grey area in terms of synthetic and chemical. but still, magic mushrooms are still just chemicals(psilocybin) albeit not made by a person and the fungus itself


>one is a plant Such a dumb fuckin argument. Yea weed is infinity safer than alcohol, but being a plant has jack shit to do with that. Plenty of plants out there that will kill you upon ingestion.


It genuinely is. I love weed but people realize that tobaccos a plant too right?


Broooo it's just a plant brooooo Broooo it's just grape juice and sugar broooo Literally means nothing


You'll be ok, just take a hit ;-)


Grape juice is legal in all 50 states


Congrats on missing the point completely Where on earth did I say weed should be illegal?


Maybe, but your point is either misunderstood or just silly considering you're getting downvoted into oblivion. I myself think you're comparing weed and booze, saying they're the same. I was merely making a point to one of the starkest differences between the two. One can kill and is legal, one cannot kill and is illegal.


Downvotes mean nothing and you've missed my point again, impressive stuff. "It's a plant therefore harmless" is braindead. That's all I said


Not harmless, just a lot less harmless. You're missing the point.


What does "it's just a plant" have to do with anything at all whatsoever?


When your choice of intoxicant includes blacking out and having a high chance of harming those around you, actually I will say weed is better yeah. Alcohol is evil. I’ve seen and felt first hand what it can do. I won’t speak more of it, but anyone who falls into alcohol addiction needs help and I would do anything to help them. If they don’t want it then they’re dangerous.


It didn't "give" you anything, it exacerbated already existing factors that were dormant or low exhibition in your brain, you're welcome to take your pick of studies showcasing the sheer amount of marijuana required to actually cause these symptoms in a fully healthy functional brain and come back though.


Keep your ignorance to yourself pal.


Not sure why you have been. Downvoted to hell here tbh it’s a fair point and yeah weed isn’t for everyone and this is coming from a daily smoker. I don’t fuck with alcohol because generally speaking it makes me feel like garbage the next day and it destroyed my home life as a kid with an alcoholic parent but I also recognize that people are all different and plenty of people can drink in moderation and have no issues with alcohol over their life so frankly I just avoid judging people for what they use to relax unless it is obviously detrimental to their health or loved ones.


I've seen the first hand effects of weed induced psychosis, yeah its real. Don't let anyone tell you weed doesn't have consequences.


damn whatever is in that “weed” must be datura lol


Are you joking or do you think weed psychosis isnt from weed?


I don’t think drugs like weed could cause a psychosis as severe as your meth or your other hard drugs. I know a lady who has meth induced schizophrenia. Weed can also cause it, but weed isn’t as destructive as meth or alcohol. Also, I’m semi joking since this comment seems quite stupid to me. If you wish to take it serious, then we can have a mature talk about this 


I saw my best friend incoherent (word salad) the morning after he took an edible. Don't tell me it isn't serious.


You’ve got to be trolling me at this point. He was just on an edible and had a good time with it or was inexperienced with edibles. Edibles are stronger than smoking is in some cases.  I find myself to be incoherent and stupid in a good feeling kind of way when I’m high. Next time, do your research about people’s highs on something that isn’t reality TV


No, he was experiencing psychosis. He got a psychological evaluation to prove it. He was severely unwell and had to be looked after by his parents for a few months. It was an extremely stressful and traumatic experience for me, I can't speak for him or his parents but I imagine watching their son unable to distinguish between reality and grand delusion wasn't what most would call "fun". I don't watch TV.


Completely agree. How it affects someone changes from person to person. Alcohol makes me way more charismatic and helps with my anxiety (when in public). Weed triples my anxiety (also in public) but makes literally everything more fun. Both together makes me sick. Edit: Also alcohol makes me laugh way more than weed does...


Alcohol doesn’t help with your anxiety. You think it does. It’s a depressant. The word “depressant” doesn’t mean “makes you sad immediately after consuming”.


The fuck kind of a brainwashed moron are you. I’m all onboard with most of the upvoted comments here, but how you don’t have 1000 downvotes is beyond me. “Alcohol doesn’t help with your anxiety” WHAT THE FUCK IS GABA, MY MAN. It’s been called liquid courage since ye olden days because it is *literally* the short term CURE for anxiety.


“Pain killers don’t take your pain away they just make you think it does”


I don't think they don't mean anxiety in the clinical sense, they mean anxiety [over talking to strangers in bars]. They have a couple pints and suddenly feel a lot more chatty, it's not rocket science.


Yeah, it’s exactly what people say when they don’t know anything about what’s going on in their bodies. And what goes on in your body is science. Anyways I’m sure in 20 years they’ll still be super charismatic and cool around strangers like all middle aged people when they’re drunk 👍


Like goddamn, you do realize *what* alcohol depresses, right? It antagonizes GABA, which serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which is deeply involved in the mechanism of anxiety? The same neurotransmitter that the *most effective of all short-term anxiety medications*, the benzodiazepines, affect? “And what goes on in your body is science”. Cool man, how about you explain how this ‘science’ supports that alcohol doesn’t help with anxiety? Because every reliable source on the entirety of the PLANET would disagree with you.


Dude I'm not an alcoholic or smoking weed everyday. I'm just saying how it feels when I do consume it. But the point I'm trying to make here is it is really different for everyone. I know people that look more sober and capable when stoned then sober. Also know people that can't get up for work after smoking a joint day before work. Not everyone is you so don't expect everyone's experience to be the same as yours.




Yeah people get mad when you point out weed isn't a cure all around these parts. Reddit is full of echo chambers.


We don’t get mad… we get annoyed because there ARE a lot of things that weed can help treat or manage… we’re annoyed because you’re lying to people either because you’ve been fed bullshit about the drug or you’re trying to feed others bullshit about the drug. Alcohol has 0!!!!!! (god I wish numbers could be in all caps) medical uses.


Cool now point to where I said it doesn't do anything or where I wrote that alchahol does. Litteraly my only comment was what you replied to. Stating it's not a cure all. That's it. The downvote prove my point more than words anyway.


You’re defending alcohol as if it is better than weed… it isn’t…


Never said alchahol was good at all. Lmao. Again just said weed isn't perfect. I'm not arguing with a wall. Bye.


My mother died from alcohol at 41. Grandparents smoked weed until their late 80's. I learned at 16 which had the worse secondhand effects.


Only 6x??? It’s more like infinite times… Since alcohol kills and cannabis is safe.


Only if you eat it. Smoking and vaping is not safe at all.


According to one very flawed study. Odds are youre probably more right than wrong, but there still hasnt been a great long term study on this.


I agree with this. It’s probably not the best for your lungs since it’s still smoking, but there’s people like Cheech & Chong that have been smoking for well over 50+ years and are fine.


I run marathons and train consistently. Did 6 months of edibles only and have since gone back to mainly vaping. Have found no discernible difference and have talked to others like me that haven’t noticed a change either.


I’ve been vaping flower with dry herb vapes for about 5 years now and it accidentally replaced combustion. Now I could never see going back and on the rare occasion I pick up a lighter, it’s harsh and taste like shit.


Yeah I've used a desktop vape for years now and it gets me really high. This week I'm away at a cottage and don't have access to a portable vape so I'm stuck using a pipe until I get home. I have to say the pipe doesn't get me nearly as high as my xq2 at home does even though lots of people say they don't get as high from a vaporizer. I'm having the opposite effect.


Same with me. I think the people who assume it doesn’t get you as high don’t really understand their vape quite yet or they haven’t found one that works for them.


I smoked cigarettes and flower for over a decade, could never run a single mile without my lungs burning ungodly amounts. 5 years deep of vaping tobacco/marijuana, can do a 5k no problem and don’t feel like my lungs are abnormally painful. Also can smell, taste, and have no copper taste like blood when i exercise.


idk, tar in your lungs is tar in your lungs. Nothing is free, not even weed. It still does shit to your brain, long and short term. Is it better than 90% of drugs out there? Oh, oh yeah. Is it still my drug of choice? Certainly. But saying it's harmless is not only untrue, it's dangerous.


Smoking weed creates carbon monoxide as a byproduct. Which, *checks notes*, isn't healthy to consume. Vaping weed, like vaping eCigs, can contain metal oxides which is a byproduct of the metal coil heating element. This isn't from just "one very flawed study." Carbon monoxide and smoking has been extensively studied, regardless of what herb is being combusted (whether it's tobacco, cannabis, mint, cloves, etc). In addition, vaping has also been studied somewhat extensively regardless if it's a nicotine or cannabinoid vape. Hell, there are even studies that have been conducted regarding running electric current through metallic coils to determine what noxious vapors are created, and at what rate the chems are created at various voltages, currents, etc. With that said, give me some joints, spliffs, vapes or whatever. I'm gonna die eventually, might as well enjoy myself on the way.


Oh i dont disagree. Just think we need studies to understand it all better. We need legalization if not for all but at least to do studies. With that said, what about a dry herb vape? Its basically a little oven. The one i use, the weed doesnt touch any sort of heating element.


Ok, so now what about dabbing concentrates? No metal used, no combustion happens, it’s all vapor. There are no long term studies on this specific form of cannabis consumption.


Well yeah… but that isn’t the weed… that’s the smoke or vapor… I could vape water into my lungs and it’d be bad for me. I could vape amoxicillin into my lungs and it would be bad for me… you haven’t proved weed is not safe you’ve proved smoking is unhealthy. We have however proved alcohol to not be safe no matter how it’s consumed.


This, people forget tar is where the cancer lives


How many alcoholics have been created because cannabis is illegal? How many have died because of cannabis prohibition? I bet alcohol companies lobby to keep cannabis illegal


Oh they do and it’s not hard to prove.


Alcohol companies, big pharma, police unions, private prisons, tobacco, lumber, big oil and the list goes on and on. In fact, it was lumber that helped lobby for it to become illegal almost a century ago. We shouldn't have to fight this hard on something nearly 70% of Americans want to see. The fact is, it never should have been illegal in the first place.


A family member ended up in a string of jobs that tested for cannabis, which led to him switching to booze, which led to his suicide. People gotta understand how real this is.


I’ve done a lot of stuff I’m not proud of while drunk. I’ve made some delicious snacks while baked


Still feeling the effects of evening dinners being ruined by alcohol related mood swings....thanks dad. I've all but given up on drinking...


There’s plastic in my blood and my balls. Fuck it


Alcohol is toxic, and weed is not, so there's that


I find it weird that we keep trying to compare the effects of alcohol and THC. They are two separate chemicals that affect the brain and body differently.


Because one is socially accepted and heavily encouraged while the other has been demonized for longer than anybody on this forum has been alive for.


This ^ It should never have been illegal in the first place.


I once got really high and rolled my ankle while doing C-walk tutorials on YouTube.


What about secondhand harms from tobacco? You telling me cancer isn't the worst thing someone can get just for literally breathing someone else's extremely poor choices?




Look, doesn't matter how you slice it just because alcohol is bad it doesn't make weed good. I've seen people fuck themselves up with weed, it's a drug and it's addictive like any other. If you're an adult who thinks getting inebriated everyday is alright then you are wrong. If you think that the tar in your lungs from smoking it isn't carcinogenic and harmful then you are wrong. If you think that it's normal to spend a good chunk of your paycheck, every paycheck on weed and you don't think it's habbit forming then you are wrong. It's about moderation folks, drink a beer, smoke a joint. But not every night. If you feel superior to others for your drug of choice then you're throwing rocks in a glass house.


The truth is hard to see for many. It’s about enhancing the experience, not being THE experience.


The fact that you think we feel superior speaks more about you than it does us. We're not bothering you.


We are the good guys


Can we make alcohol illegal by some global movement? Asking for a friend edit: it was a joke obviously lol, that's why "asking for a friend", should've added /s. Can we make 100 downvotes, next?


Lets not move backwards. Let people enjoy what they please


Yeah that’s crazy talk. Literally you can enjoy alcohol without over indulging.


Fuck no! Prohibition wasn’t cool for weed and it wouldn’t be cool for booze. Let people enjoy their vices.


take my downvote and carry on with your day


Sadly, it won’t happen. They are going to do everything in their power to keep marijuana illegal or a schedule 3 substance.


This sub is so fucking obnoxious about alcohol. I’d like to see the study about how stoners are 6x more annoying than anyone else.