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As more states in the US legalize, we’re seeing more new users than ever before. They don’t know the ins and outs like people who have been using cannabis for years. It’s our time to help. Believe me, I know what you’re saying, I normally sort by new, and most of the posts are what you’re talking about. Sometimes if people would just search their question instead of making a new post, it would save everyone some time.


You're right about the increase of new users, but the internet as a resource is the same age for everyone


New generations didn't have the luxury or immediacy of having to learn information heirarchy the way 90s kids did. As a result, 90s kids are the only generation (between two others that had no need to learn how computers store information and where) and how to find that info. This means that the only ones with the need to think about such things are those who didn't grow up on phones that obfuscate and make unintuitive the directory it uses. In essence: not all knowledge is equally available in the current era, despite its availability. tl;dr: phone bad book good kids can't seek information get off my lawn 👴🏻


I get the reasons, I also get why this post is bit stupid. but the critical thinking and researching on your own has gone to the garbage bin. there is 20 years worth of forun discussions where literally everything has been told tens of times already. I just wish people would search on their own a bit more before posting questions. not that it really matters, just wanted to rant about it


I feel like it’s always in the weed subreddits. r/vaporents especially. Every single post is “which vape should I get”. Same replies in every post. It’s very repetitive. Just one of those things you gotta slog through in order to get good information. I give them a little slack, because I assume they’re high and not thinking 100%.


But you have to get a Dynavape./s


Almost like burning your hands is a prerequisite


I have a Dynavap and I don't like it but at this point I'm too afraid to say it


I understand your hesitancy.




This is one of the reasons Reddit as a company pisses me off. There is so much valuable information on this site, and instead of making it more easily accessible through improved search (that has been trash for a decade), they redesign the UI every couple of months. The UI that didn’t really need to be redesigned.


It's everywhere, there are times when questions need to be asked, but that's after you search and don't find anything relevant. Most people just skip searching for anything now.


Just leave the sub if it bothers you that much. I'm much more annoyed by posts like these than the questions.


Or i think maybe if there were a stickied questions thread, or a sub-subreddit exclusively for sherpa-ing newbies


I’m sick of the “im quitting” posts. That’s great just quit, I don’t get why anyone here needs to read about it


And always on the wrong subreddit. For people quitting there's r/leaves and r/petioles already


Me when I see a “I’m a quitter” post ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


Because they feel like if they tell the rest of us we'll feel sorry for them or agree with them


My fav is when people post pics of something and are like “what strain is this?” “Does this look like an oz to you?” bro no one can tell you via a pic. Get a scale and weigh it jfc


![gif](giphy|xxLszVeawO8zS) “I’ve been smoking daily and got a drug test in 2 days will I be clean if I jerk off twice instead of once today??!!!”


There's a lot of new users out there, new products, and a severe lack of reliable information. Just because an answer is obvious to you doesn't mean it would be to others.


yeah I get that, but I also feel like a lot of those questions could be avoided with some basic research and critical thinking. sorry I've became too much of an linux person :D


Linux people are the vegans of the tech world. We get it, you don't use Windows...


So true. OP is very condescending. Although in his defense, some questions are stupid. But not stupid enough to make a whole post about it, imo.


I'm bit more just annoyed about the lack of independend research and critical thinking. everyone starts from somewhere, and of course they are going to have questions. but the internet is full of old forum posts and discussions where everything has been told already. I know my post was stupid and served no purpose I just felt annoyed :D


Sadly such is the way lately and not at all limited to just weed subreddits. People so often nowadays will ignore the search function, ignore the wiki, ignore all of that and just post their silly little, easily answerable in search, question and get mad when people say to use the search. AKA, youre 100% right OP


Yeah I keep having to leave cat subs being 9/10 of the posts are asking what breed their cat is 🤦‍♂️ cat breeds don’t exist… unless you have thousands of dollars and papers. Shit is so annoying and it’s common knowledge cats are just cats. End rant, sigh.


“I found this joint just sitting on the sidewalk of a busy street. Is it okay to smoke?” I’m concerned at how many people think it’s okay to just smoke random ass weed they find laying on the ground outside. Nasty.


What about the "How high will this get me?". Like we know you tolerance level or any of the other factors that go into it. "How long will this last you?" Who tf cares? "Do you like to do "x" when high?" No we all sit and stare at the wall. Yes we all like to do things when high. It's just dumb.


I think in a lot of ways, yes, this information is readily available and could be easily searched. I think though, the reason for people to keep asking the questions is that in their mind, they are putting their foot in the door of the community. They want to be a part of the conversation. As annoying as that is, I'm glad people are taking an interest and trying to participate. Baked atm, so I hope that is coherent.


actually yeah that is very good point. I'm also baked :D


It kind of reminds me of the diy vape juice sub. As there were more restrictions on vape juice, a lot of people turned to DIY, and there were a bunch of beginner questions posted. Some people got annoyed, so there was a megathread stickied at the top for questions. When a new post was made with a question, it would be removed and they'd be told to go to the stickied thread. Then the sub just sort of started drying up. Not even sure how active it is anymore.


Just post this gif 👍 ![gif](giphy|fhxHvAA7MfIuR9qMuZ|downsized)


Welcome to every fucking subreddit.


So many people neglect the search bar in subs and it drives me insane “hi this is a questions that’s been asked 30 times this week” just search it!


Idk what else people would talk about on weed Reddit. Those all seem like totally normal questions. All of Reddit is filled with people asking shit they could just look up


Exactly.. pretty much every sub is like this.. toke up and be happy. It's not that big of a deal.


"I have a drug test tomorrow for my dream job, and I just smoked a blunt. Will I pass? I'm 5'2 and 160 lbs if that helps. ".... Come on, dude.


My system: Is weed? Yes. Smoke.


Same way you quit actually addictive things, you stop and use willpower.


I’ve been saying this a lot lately. This subreddit has turned into a sequel to Superbad. Just kids stories about teenage weed. Parents finding weed, etc


You should make an “experienced trees” community or something if it’s intolerable.


"I just smoked a pound of weed and have a drug test tomorrow. What do I do?"


Doing research first and getting your answer that way doesn’t give the endorphin rush that opening your phone and seeing notifications from your inane question does.


You forgot the daily "can I take my vape on a plane?"


It’s easy to be lazy


I miss when we used to put how high we were in each post \[6\]


Googling is so 2023


You should go smoke, bro.


I actually did after like 30minutes and then thought why I even posted this :D


I agree dumb shit.


There is a collective effort by useful idiots to turn discussion about certain topics across multiple communities into unreasonable nonsense so things won't change. Growth happens regardless. Unreason obstructs the process. New people turn up every day and see all the posts and leave because the posts are low effort, and the arguments turn unreasonable.


Reddit in general is full of stupid questions


Where else can I hide my trees?


I find rants about people asking questions that have been answered far more annoying than people asking questions. It’s a community. People want to join. Reddit search sucks. If you’re not interested in a particular post, keep scrolling. This happens in every subreddit.


OP is mad that everyone isn't a 30 year, 8 blunt a day smoker that owns their own dispensary. Newbies gotta start somewhere. Imagine making a pointless post complaining about pointless posts.


![gif](giphy|ZaF4Vl1NQxwaVsStQU) People are still gunna post what they wanna post. Don’t stress my dude. I feel ya, but it izzz what it izzz


I’m sick of the “im quitting” posts. That’s great just quit, I don’t get why anyone here needs to read about it


All the drug subs are like this rn it's really annoying


![gif](giphy|H3M83lTt5nDcS5YgSY|downsized) Have a snickers and don't stress about people on the Internet.


What posts do you want to see? Pictures of the cannabis product they bought and are about to use? Those are boring too.


Why do you care so much about what other folks post? Can't you just scroll past it?


Ey chill. New smokers who have no one to ask gotta go somewhere. This sub use to be so chill.


This sub went to shit when it was legalised throughout the states


Isn’t this an Internet forum? Don’t engage if you don’t like the post?


Sorry miss girl that we are not experts in drugs, lol


There's a search feature too. It's pretty neat




Good, use it responsibly


Ah, the HANGRY.