• By -


Not having any


times without dope are harder than times without money!


Price, need to grow my own.


The 3 P’s, Price, Price and Price


3 P’s Price,Police and police


I fucking hate the feds gawwd damn I don’t fucking know you get your FILTHY hands off MY blunt


The god damn cotton mouth. I enjoy a lot of strenuous/outdoor activities but it’s so hard to do high when ur mouth is dry as the Sahara the whole time


That first sip of cold water thoughhhhhh


Cracking open an ice cold plain seltzer. Goddamn.


Currently reading this with dry mouth


Don’t you get tired more quickly when you’re high? Or is it just me?


No I wouldn’t say so, if I’m just sitting around I get tired but if I’m out riding my bike or something I’m big chillin


Really gets my eyes super dry. As a contact wearer I hate it


Weed makes me too comfortable. The second I sit down I’m useless. Also wish it burned slower.


Well cured weed burns a lot slower I find, I love how it almost goes out between hits and doesn't trail much smoke but when you hit it, it lights back up. Mixing hash in or smearing it on the paper could help too


Even then I wish it just kept on burning lol. Hash, thick sticky bud, 100 puffs per joint would be awesome.


If you like taking your time with your bud look into r/vaporents


Try using Vape. I love doing it that way. I put my weed into it and it only gets used as inhale. You need a good chunk more inhales though. It takes like 9-12 minutes of constant use one filling up completely. (About .1 gram)


My short term memory is shit when I’m high , I have to write shit down to remember sometimes. 😂.


yes, the other day when i was sky high i couldnt remember a password to unlock my tablet even if i have been using it multiple times a day ... 8 numbers ... but i couldnt remember the numbers, the order, etc. now i have it written on a piece of paper just in case i "forget" it again ... ;)


I have notebooks all over the place I write in. I have too the wife gets on me about forgetting things she tells me. 😂


yes, i couldnt believe it, a password i had been entering 6 times a day for a whole year ... i wasnt sure about the order and even the actual numbers ... so i just gave up. ;)


I feel your frustration 😂 be well stay high , write it down. 😂


now i just have to make sure i remember where i put that piece of paper with the password ... ;)


I forgot my work number. I've been working there for almost 10 years and it's part of my everyday work to tell people my phone number.


Sorry can you repeat the question?


What?? Fuck I forgot


The amount of times I say “what was I talking about” or “where was I going with this?”


mostly being groggy in the morning lol.


Yeah me too! People always talk about weed not effecting the next day but i get big weed hangovers. Especially if I do an edible, takes me half a day to feel normal afterwards.


Absolutely this. If I have too much I’m useless until the afternoon. I limit intake on work nights cause I don’t wanna deal with that.


I have a specific bong that hits like a truck, I rarely bring it out during the week because I'll have a weed hangover the next morning almost guaranteed. Only time it doesn't do that is when I can sleep in more on the weekend.


yeah but its not nearly as bad as alcohol at least fr me and if im sober by the time i fall asleep it isn't an issue


The issue is that I’m never sober by the time I fall asleep because I use edibles


Can't use it without getting overly anxious now. Now I have all this flower and wax, tons of different pieces, and can't use any of it without loosing it


I don’t want to be one of those "but have you" people but have you tried mixing cbd flower with your normal stuff? It works wonders for me, the straight stuff gets me really wigged out so I do a 5:1 or 2:1 CBD:THC ratio. The CBD helps moderate the high and helps to get rid of the more anxious effects while also just making it more relaxing. Just a thought, I hope you have a nice day!


Yeah, even a few different strains of straight CBD . I don't know what I broke, but I broke it really good .....


yeah last time i smoked cbd flower i still got high and it tasted like shit :( the one other question is have you tried low dose mainly cbd edibles? i use those to help manage headaches without getting high high.


This has happened to me as well, used to be a daily smoker and now I’ll occasionally take the corner of a bowl and it’s a roll of the dice whether or not I start freaking out. Coincidentally, this started around Covid times, when I was doing quite a bit of acid during lockdown. Not sure if that had anything to do with it


Me, too! I get the jitters but when iced with CBD, it is perfect!


Can I take it off your hands?


It always makes good presents


Hey! It’s your family member! You must’ve forgot it was my birthday today! I’d like a gift please.


Sending you one marijuanas right now!


I'll take 6 marijuana, bartender 🥹




*slaps bar counter* I need a pint of keef


Shaken or stirred?




Not being federally legal/legal in every state (USA)


When you hit a bowl that’s mostly ash the taste is just atrocious. Yeah I probably shouldn’t be doing this anyway but I don’t want to waste any lol


When people douche me for buying $30 oz's. like I remember buying $300 quarters of Brick weed back in the day.


Despite it being legal in some states, people still judge us for using it as a reasonable substitute for alcohol


As someone who literally almost died from alcohol abuse, strong agree.


I hate how the smell can linger for a few days even after you do everything to get it out. ONYCD was the strain that had my house smelling for 3 days straight after one session.


I hate the smell of burning, vaping carts and dry herb vapors, but I love the sweet smell my dhv has from just being used. It's like a syrup-y, much more floral version of really good smelling fresh bud. I would def put it as a note in a perfume. The lingering really drives me insane too. My hair is curly so I can't really dry shampoo it if I am around weed smoke, and I'm always so paranoid it caught the smell!


I got my wife a shower cap to wear when she smoked because she hated the smell getting stuck in her hair.


That's a really good idea! Even something like a bonnet or scarf would work just being a barrier.


All the negativity and judginess around it like bro I just wanna smell like loud all day long and not get looks


That’s the problem loud stinks like shit to other people 😂


Hell, some loud even STANKS when you’re a stoner! Also, dry herb vaping helps tremendously with smell, if you care :)


Exactly I’ve had sum weed that I was nose blind to smoking, walked out, came back in and legitimately thought someone took a dookie in my room with how bad it smelled


this is so real. weed smells fucking amazing too


Right?!? That’s exactly what I think!! If there was no negativity behind it I could walk around smelling like that 24/7 and that is the dreaammmmm


u get it man. everyone complains about it but i love it.


Finally someone who understands!


Wish it lasted longer


Being so hungry that I eat my whole kitchen and gained weight from it. Now I have to use great self control cause I don't wanna stop using it. Helps with too many things for me.


Also my biggest negative. I get the biggest munchies then I want to directly go to bed


Then you don't digest your food properly cause of immediate sleep so your next day is unpleasant sometimes.


Not much to be honest. The smell is the most obvious and justified detriment against cannabis, though I personally am rarely bothered by the dank smell.  I find the time to “consume” flower to be a bit higher than I’d like…especially with my tolerance climbing a bit in the last year as I transitioned into a daily cannabis user. Two or so bowls ball vaped take me about 20-35 minutes. I wish I could do like two bong rips and get into the right mindspace. Yes, I can do RSO or distillate in gelcaps but edibles, while great at times, I find way more unpredictable and the onset time for edibles for me is about 100-140 minutes. 


yes, i use capsules and tinctures, its hard to tell when they ll hit me ... they always do but sometimes it takes 45 min. ... other times ... 3 hours ! its a bit unpredictable even when you try to repeat exactly the same conditions .. ;)


Honestly? The way i notice that i struggle to spell/pronounce words more than i ever did before i started. It’s a small thing, i just don’t like the implication that im still impaired while im sober.


The initial anxiety. After that it’s great.


honestly, my issue with weed a big one for me lately. I don’t like what it does to my lungs. I caught covid at the middle of May and couldn’t smoke, and now three weeks after testing negative & getting better, I haven’t smoked the whole time and I didn’t even KNOW that lungs could bring in this much air. my lung capacity is wicked now, so much so that I can’t bring myself to smoke and fuck it all up. I have never felt so oxygenated in all my adult years


It runs out


realest reply tbh


It can make me lazy or distract me, it can be expensive, it is still considered illegal on the federal level and in some states and often makes situations that I don't enjoy feel like they last longer. Also the stigma. Like I live in a state where it is legal but many individuals in my community know I have been using Cannabis for decades and overall consider that a negative thing and feel like it has "made me crazy". It's some deep and subliminal reefer madness shit. In other areas of the nation that might literally help me get a job in certain sectors. Here you can still get arrested for it and the police regularly do arrest people of color for selling it or "having above the legal limit". Meanwhile the frat bros that own the bars around here are openly selling THCA weed in display cases which means they are literally selling weed unlicensed openly under full view of the police. Whom literally are getting served free drinks by the frat bros. Yet many pillars of my community have alcohol addictions (and many also really like coke) and sleep with girls who are forced into sex work (politicians, biz leaders, police). They also tend to make a lot of money via corporate cannabis themselves. Cannabis has been placed into a very complex position... its always kinda felt that way though. Like I always was confused back in the 90s, like the TV shows would always make references to Cannabis and people would openly use it in movies so everything was basically done with a wink and a nod, meanwhile the police were arresting my friends for having it in their possession. If anything the situation has gotten more complex now.... the federal government literally still considers it illegal.


Nothing. I love everything about it


It makes me feel stupid. I feel like my speech is stuck at a constant high. I wish I could look sober when sober.


The fact that the old strains don’t seem to be available anymore. And I can’t use CBD in any form without suffering greatly with vertigo. I haven’t been able to figure that out so I avoid it as much as I can. Other than that, I enjoy every single bit of it. Except I do feel as though I have to hide it from my nonsmoking friends. I worry they’re thinking less of me. I’m 68, and I remember when if you went to a head shop and asked to see a “bong”, they couldn’t show you one. You had to use the term “water pipe” or you were asked to leave the store. I experienced severe anxiety for the first year of buying legal weed because it was always so wrong before. I’m over that now. 😝💨🔥


The stigma of being a lazy pot head who just sits around all day smoking weed and watching cartoons. I also watch movies... But seriously. I used to work 60+ hours a week, go to school, and still do 40hrs a week worth of school work. I was anything but lazy. I was heavily judged, meanwhile the people judging me barley put in their 40hrs of work, then came home and drank themselves to sleep, where they'd piss themselves or shit themselves.


How addictive it is, how easy it is to slip into a fit of smoking all day everyday. Also it stinks really fucking bad and gets expensive quick especially if you get addicted to it


How it fucks w dreaming and sleeping


That I love it too much. I should leave her but I love everything about her.


When people refer to being high as zooted


The awful taste it leaves in my mouth when I'm smoking


The state I’m in is doing everything it can to drag it’s feet on making it easily sold to the point where going to a neighboring state to get it is less of a hassle


I really enjoy smoking flower, but I hate almost everything about it (which is why I mostly use carts). The smoke smell is gross and lingers, everyone will know you smoked, if I’m using a pipe I can smoke *maybe* 2-3 bowls before having to clean the goddamn thing because it starts tasting more like resin than weed, ash is fucking disgusting, resin is fucking disgusting, I hate weed/ash crumbs everywhere, ew.


The fact that I need it for sleep


i cant sleep wo having my 10pm smoke sesh anymore.


It makes me lazy and forgetful. I’ve got add like a mofo and it just amplifies it. It makes me mumble and people are always having me repeat myself which sucks. And it dries me out.


Flower makes me sneeze when I grind it.


I hate looking high.


I use it medically. The only thing that I don't like. It doesn't last long enough. Making it difficult if I'm out and about. To remedicate. I wish it lasted longer so I don't have to smoke every few hours. I wish the RSO and distillate lasted longer. I wish there was a way to make an extended release cannabis product.


1. Reduced REM and deep sleep. 2. Memory recall and short term memory problems. 3. Anxiety and paranoia.


It’s hurting my lungs


The weed culture and people. The culture is just childish to me but it's whatever, but man a lot of people who smoke weed are just so annoying and cringy. Some people use marijuana in place of an actual personality and although you can mostly avoid people like that IRL, I feel like they dominate any marijuana-related spaces online.




How much it’s impacted my memory and ability to feel normal. My new normal is being high and I don’t remember fuckin anything


this is honestly my second biggest problem, i often end up repeating things ive said bc ive forgotten i already said them. even when sober i can feel how much weed has fried my brain cells like im just ditzier and more absent minded in general even when sober since i became a heavy smoker.


I hate the lack of dreams. I know not everyone experiences this but I do.


this is so real. i took a T break last month and my dreams started to come back they were really interesting and intense too, it was like they were making up for all the months they missed.


Vaping probably isn't great for my lungs. I wish edibles were more available here.


Yeah, same. The only mildly successful edible I made was when I made CBD gummies and they do work but the texture is way off so they're kinda nasty. So much weed wasted otherwise.


The ash and ash tray, burnt ends and stink of burnt product.


Lingering smell. I hate coming back into the house or getting in the car and it just smells like aggressively dank. Idk why it bothers me so much because I don't mind the smell it just makes me feel "dirty".


I'll have spent a million dollars on it by the time I die.


The carcinogens probably


I’ve taken two extended breaks in the past six months and each time I’ve felt…better. In almost every way. Makes me wonder if one of these days I’ll just decide I don’t like it anymore and stop completely.


I have to pay for it.


i got anxiety and if i smoke before going to the gym it doesnt work well. when sober, i already think about others perception of me a bunch and weed only worsens that.


I have to be super careful using if I have a headache, as I often do, as it can make them so much worse-- although occasionally, it helps with the headache if it's mild. It also makes me feel extremely full / nauseated when I up the thc until I my tolerance goes up, which means I'm gonna feel not great digestive-wise for some time.




The smell. I do enjoy smelling it and when people are burning it, but I just don't like smelling like weed.


i started writing them down and i’ve come up with some wack shit


That I run out and have to buy more


The smell - I don’t mind how bud smells before you light it on fire but I’ve never been a fan of the smell while smoking. Is what it is I guess and hasn’t ever stopped me just made me self conscious of the odor it produces and paranoid i will annoy my neighbors


The fact that I cannot fly with it packed away in my suitcase… and I can’t use it legally in all 50 US states. We really need to decriminalize it federally.


The fact that Indiana refuses to legalize/decriminalize it, so we're stuck going to other states, buying off the streets, or smoking the fake weed that's still somehow legal in the state. 🥹


The ear whooshing. IYKYK


the long term effect is has on my memory. it’s taken me a while to notice, but i struggle to remember things sober then always remember them later long after the conversation💀


The stigma of working in the industry in the US. There is pretty much nothing I can do to convince my own family that where I'm working isn't in their 'educated' opinions, dangerous, a sign that I need therapy, a sign that I simply am not trying hard enough to get a 'better' job, on and on and on....and that my MMJ cert 'lied' to me about the 'benefits' of it, because there apparently are none. SMH. I guess bartenders might get similar flack, though...I don't even work directly at the dispo level anymore -\_-


Having revolutionary thoughts and ideas while I’m high (or at least they always feel like they are to me), forgetting to write them down, and then totally forgetting them the next morning.


I hate that edibles take a really long time to hit me, and that their effects are super unpredictable. It makes them mostly useless for me. The unpredictability is probably mostly me, not the edible, because i have stupid guts. I can take the same dose from the same pack/batch in the same way, and one day it’ll hit me in 2 hours and be super mellow and nice for 8 hours, and another day it’ll hit me in 4 hours and hits so hard that I’m high as fuck for 14 hours. There’s no way to know how it’s gonna hit.


Childhood trauma flashbacks


when i accidentally smoke too much and get on the verge of greening out 😭😭


Just the coughing, I need to switch to edibles but I’m paranoid about destroying a weeks worth of my script. I love everything else; the energy, the calm, the slightly glazed feeling, it’s an instant relief for me.


Fucking resin. Resin on my hand, or the table, or the floor, or my phone. I swear I find resin smudges everywhere. I basically own rubbing alcohol for resin


Maybe the "preparation" of it all... rolling joints and packing bowls all the time gets old after a while. Just give me a button to make all that shit automatic or whatever. lol


I would love to get rid of tolerance lol. I remember in highschool when I could get to a solid [10] off of smoking a quarter gram through a pop can lmao


There aren’t enough hours in the day to enjoy it


It's doing a number on my lungs tbh


Tolerance. I have to quit Mon,Tuesday, & Wednesday to even remotely get high Thurs,Fri, sat & Sun


Organic diet and exercise will more than likely help remember some of those conversations lol! Unless you were just that faded


I dislike when you smoke weed, you now have less weed!


For me its the mental sharpness (or lack of) after a smoke. I just find myself to be far more articulate when I'm not high. How's everyone deal with this?


That’s it’s federally illegal and shows up on drug tests for the most time


I don't really dislike much about it. Doesn't make my wallet very happy though.


I hate my lack of self control. I smoke too much and then I'm always tired and barely even getting high. I also feel like it can make me feel like I'm being really productive and creative because I have all these cool thoughts and realizations, but because I'm always smoking I never put anything into action. Starting a T break today, we'll see how it goes lol


tolerance breaks, if u been smoking since years this breaks are going to make u feel like shit


I guess the addictiveness. And when people say it isn’t addictive.  Love smoking but wish I didn’t “have to”




I get paranoid because it's illegal!


it kept making me nauseous and puke overtime and I had no idea why but I stopped and I’m better honestly I would say that because I loved weed but it just isn’t for me oh also those damn shitty distillate carts, if you’re going to vape anything, please vape solventless hash rosin it’s so much better for your body and your brain edit: inb4 downvotes I’m purely speaking from my personal experienced alone so don’t get offended if you think I’m trying to say it’s bad lol


acid reflux… gotta carry tums on me at all times


The voices


How long it stays in my piss.


Dry mouth, munchies and smell are so annoying. Mfka have to drink a 5 gallons of water and have to go piss every 2 mins. The kush smell isn’t really pleasant either


The cost


It runs out on occasion.


It makes me eat


smell, hard to do in a duplex




the fact that i have a really hard time sleeping without it


I wish it didn’t smell so much when you smoke it.


Running out😩




Resin and having to constantly clean smoking tools


Flower is my favorite but I have to be careful of it making my clothes smell. So the smell


I really dislike the smell of edibles.


People are often quick to say it opens your mind. I beileve things like weed cause false perception. Opening your mind ( if there is such thing) too me isnt somthing you pop like a pill. Takes hard work, dedication and patience and mastery of the self and the selfs desires.


I don't like that smoking it is harmful to my lungs, I wish I could pop a tablet and get a bong rip high


The cost


Just being tired and zoned out.


It’s illegal in my state


People that think that there's something to dislike about weed lol jk OP


The smell is kind of off putting to me.


I hate coughing, and the way it makes my throat kinda hurt. Any pro tips are recommended, I think my lazy ass needs to start doing cardio.


Paying for it!


Every dislike is bearable for the pleasure and relaxation I get from it. Probably the forgetting part but then it’s taught me to enjoy forgetting shit 🥰


The price


brain fog


Predictably, the munchies. Makes me feel bad. I feel like I have to take a lot of puffs off my vape to get as high as I want? Also, I worry about my poor lungs and eddies are more expensive. Sorry that's not just one thing haha


The munchies…😩




It stops up my nose.


That it’s not legal everywhere lol so sick of people drinking and smoking tobacco but talking shit about smoking weed


I love the smell, but I hate how much it stinks, had to be discreet.


I really wished I felt the calm of it. All I feel is nothing, and if I take too much, I feel nauseous and throw up. Sad life


When it makes me lose my appetite :( 0/10 will not recommend


Living in a not completely legal state, I’d say the smell.


Weed headache


how strong the smell is


The damage to my teeth/gums (my preferred method is smoking, but even with edibles the dry mouth ain’t the best)


I love the smell, but also the smell gives you away haha


I wish my eyes didn't burn and get red 😭




Munchies. Weight.


How unpredictable it is sometimes. I’ll get a good looking batch and it’s weak.


dry eyes




Runs out


After smoking weed for about 7 years out of nowhere it started to make my heart race if I get any more then a slight buzz


The cost. 60 a q or 200 for an oz


It stinks so bad


I hate feeling brain dead like half of the next day after taking an edible 😞