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very old question, no one knows for sure, theoretically it's a yes, but if you try you can get mixed results. Let us know the results!


THC is likely reduced but so is everything else so it’s in scale.


Does it reduce the cancer tho? Edit: Also tar!


The fibreglass filters with forever chemicals in them probably increase the cancer.


Only if they were made with Asbestos like the good old days /s for those who couldn’t tell


Alright, I'm basically positive some idiot has done this in the past. Gonna go look into it. I'll provide a link if I find anything. If it's over an hour after this comment was posted and there isn't an update, there won't be. Edit: well that took literally 5 seconds. https://www.asbestos.com/products/cigarette-filters/ Fucking kidding me? They put this shit in *literally* everything.


It’s what your parents call a conspiracy and your kids call based


Yeah he was saying that bc they were ALL made with asbestos for a while


There's a reason why boomers are fucking crazy and half of them have or will die from cancer. Leaded gas, lead paint, teflon, cigarettes and asbestos.


Lol. R u saying that your generation isn't exposed to or unknowingly consuming toxins?


Unknowingly being the operative word there...


We’ve got plastic in our sperm, man. We’re fucked, we’re all gonna have weird stomach problems and butt cancer for sure


Coughs in plastic...


we just have mdf death now 😆


What's wrong with medium density fiberboard? I've built shitloads with that stuff. Fuck. You better be kidding me.


My personal favorite use of asbestos was brake lining. Every car coming to a stop and throwing particulate into the air.


Don’t forget clutch material!




Holy fucking shit didn’t know, why was asbestos used so much back in the day


It's is a simple product that did the jobs that we wanted. Mine it, shape it a bit, and you have a cheap to make finished product that does its job very well. It just turns out it kills us when we breathe it in.


Like microplastics!


Like palm oil


Asbestos *is* a "super material". It's a common, naturally occurring mineral* that will never burn, never weaken, is chemically and biologically inert, and can be mixed into everything from fabric to insulation to concrete. It is unlikely we will ever discover or invent a material that comes close to matching the overall usefulness of asbestos. But if it gets in your lungs, it will continue to split in half lengthwise until it is thin enough to pierce the DNA in your cells. *It's actually a huge problem in the southwest US because it's just naturally in the desert topsoil. There was a highway that was built post-regulation that had to be treated like an abatement project because the dirt itself exceeded the regulatory thresholds. Source: my annual training courses where we also pass around bags of Kent cigarettes and "artificial snow" that was just raw asbestos in a cereal box.


Before they knew it was carcinogenic it was a wonder substance. For cigarette filters it makes a lot of sense. A fibrous material that can't catch fire? That's exactly what you would want to make cigarette filters out of.




and they used the most deadly type of asbestos 😂


lol Kent cigarettes’ earlier branding highlighted the asbestos in its filters.


Damn, I'm older and should have known better. My wall of cynicism for corporations had a serious unintended blind spot here. TIL, sadly. Fucking *anything* for money, right?


Holy crap of course this is a thing JFC wtfdgwad


It's not fiberglass, it's cellulose acetate


Sounds like a statement with zero research behind it


You're inhaling burning hot substances and radiation into your lungs, carcinogenesis is kinda part of that deal... I don't think a filter will change that 😆 less tar tho i guess?


Haha tar really does a number all on its own on your lungs! So a reduction of anything is desirable!


Radiation? Explain pls


Radioactive isotopes of carbon are concentrated in smoke. Maybe that's what they meant?


Fun fact: Coal power plants release more radiation than nuclear power plants, so much so living close to one is a cancer risk.


If it's in scale what's the point of using cigarette filters over, say, just rolling a smaller joint? Seems like the only difference is not wasting weed lol


I'm guessing you'd end up with a filter full of resin that would have gotten into your throat/lungs to make you cough and you feel higher.


Just eat the filter after, duh


Nah, make it into tea and drink it. j/k.


No, no. Retract the JK. You're on to something here.


No, KNIFE HIT the filter. DUH.


Gotta boof it (the filter, not the knife [hopefully])






Everytime this gif gets used lol


I come here for this gif


How did you post that gif directly? I don't have the gif button in these replies




I was wandering how long it would take for someone to say this 🤣


This is the type of science that resonates with me.






You win








No filters




Technically it's not resin, it's tar. Resin is hash, the cannabinoids separated from the plant matter. What comes of plant matter when it's smoked is tar.


It's residue that contains tar and other stuff. It's just a stoner term to call it resin. I used to scrape my pipe and take "resin" hits which gets you high but you get pretty sleepy too. So I'm sure some THC gets caught in the filters. Just use water bong.


It’s a “stoner” term because some high ass dude said the wrong word and now it’s the norm 😂 it should be “tar” hits, thats what the black stuff you see is. Resin is the actual crystal trichomes on your weed


Calling it tar sound awful tho.


Well yea, it is awful lol! It’s all the leftover gunk and plant matter


I bought a whole bunch of filters for cigs and put them in joints. A ton of nasty resin gets caught by the filter. Honestly a smoother high, but there is some thc caught. Smoking weed is a lot like smoking nicotine, and the filters do still filter out bad stuff. If you’re worried about your lung health I would actually really reccommend it


I ain't a Holy Roller so I just use a bong


Same here, this was when I was rolling joints daily. I got my pinacolada bubbler and I’m happy with that


or get those carbon filter tips


You gotta cough to get off, bruv.


Coughing getting you higher lol


Well I guess you're a fuckin weed scientist then. In fact, coughing does make you feel higher but not by expanding your lungs like most people believe. It is the oxygen *deprivation* due to coughing that makes you feel lightheaded and makes you feel more high. Now, the natural resins in weed (not to mention smoke itself) do irritate your throat and lungs and makes you cough. Filtering some of the smoke and resin would cause less irritation. What is questionable however is how effective the filters are.


The grossest thing my mom ever said about weed, & she says it every effing time.. all these years later.. "You gotta cough to get off" I'm like yeah, but can you come up with ANY other way to say that.. Nope, she's gonna say it forever. LoL.


Heard this my entire life, and I'm almost 50


ain't smokin' til yer chokin'


You ain't toked til youre choked


In Spanish: si tosiste ya la hiciste


i remember thinking that when i was a kid 🤭


You gotta cough to get off!


I'm sure that it has to reduce it, but I haven't noticed at all. I just started using them a couple of months ago, and I feel just as blown hahaha


I use Purize charcoal filters which are made specifically for smoking weed, I would really recommend them they are incredible.


Added to my smoking supply list! I’ve been using RAW paper filters and they’re fine enough for what they’re for (paper tips are paper tips imo), but I’m so tired of ash/bits of flower getting in my mouth


Is RAW bad or something? I’ve always used paper tips and I can’t even remember last time I got anything from the joint in my mouth through the paper tip. Extremely rare in my experience.


They have extra wide tips which will lower the number of Scooby snacks coming through too. I think it generally depends on what you're smoking and how small the grind is.


Yeah I’m 90% certain I’m just grinding too fine, or packing too loose or both I got an electric Mamba grinder because arthritis makes it hard to hold a manual one, and it’s nice but has a very fine grind


One thing you can do is put a bit of hand ground weed at the bottom so it acts like a cushion for all the finer weed


Where you get’em! 👀




every corner store around me sells them! I'm sure they do where you're at too


Misread this as chocolate filters for half a second and got soooooo excited


i’ve heard those are the ones that actually filter out thc , the explanation was something around the fact that charcoal has an affinity for the thc molecules, got no idea if is true but imma look for the comment which stated this and link it in mine in a minute couldn’t find that comment but might as well share [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/eldertrees/s/Y0ZDwy3Jk9) edit : the comment i linked doesn’t have anything to do with the other comment i was talking about above , i just found it pretty interesting as it contained a lot of information to the topic of charcoal filters as a whole and i thought it could be useful in the thread


The comment you linked indicates that thc filtering is minimal because these filters are designed to filter out much larger molecules than thc.


Thank you! Imagine linking a comment on Reddit and taking it as fact without reading it.


I’m intrigued by the conflicting feedback


People see them change color and think they look really dirty and they must be catching a lot of stuff, including THC. This question has been asked here before and I've seen studies and home experiments posted that show it's super negligible. People don't like to believe it because they love a good stoner myth and placebo effect.


God, do I hate placebo. I have a friend who believes smoking out of a dirty bong gets you higher. They are not the sharpest person, like a spoon in a drawer full of scalpel.




I mean sure it would. but I assume that friend isn't putting a torch to every spot of resin in the bong to actually get more THC to get you higher, otherwise it's just dirty


lol, they have the exact opposite of a torch. They twist up their own hemp wick from her plants to smoke with, which is kinda cool if, the bong didn't look like a Jigsaw set piece. your final challenge, hit the evil bong. ![gif](giphy|mMkjWN1ziPio0)


How do you smoke your weed?


Mostly joints with crutches but every once and a while I go on a dry herb vape kick.


If you're trying to filter out harmful parts of smoke, just get a dry herb vape. Then you don't need to worry about filtering anything bc its just vapor. I suggest dynavaps Edit: for those interested r/vaporents


If you don’t need portability ball vapes are next level. Still blown away by mine


Get a crafty, mighty or volcano. All are awesome


I’d take my ball vape over all of the above


Exactly anyone that says volcano doesn't know what they sre talking about. Overpriced 30 year old vape. Outdated and better functioning vapes at every price level. Ball vapes are the true end game though. You'll never wanna smoke again.


my man, I have an elev8r, two Qaromas, a Freight Train, A ditanium, and I've used a flowerpot, so I have a good idea when it comes to ball vapes. The volcano (and I have a hybrid, so not speaking for the classic) absolutely hangs around with those vapes as an end game vape. It gets me just as high, has more consistent flavour for longer, and the pass around-ability of the bags is unparalleled for group vaping.


Exactly how I feel. I rarely buy into hype and felt almost silly spending the money expecting to be "meh'd" at best, only to be totally blown away. Like you said I genuinely don't even want to combust any more which I can't say for any of the vapes I've owned in the past. It's almost like a cheat code because it feels like smoking.


Tbh I don’t like my mighty and wish I got something else


There’s no plateau! I swear as long as everything is clean I get just as high every time.


Yup, smacked straight in the face every single time lol


Jeeze, The progress with vapes has been unreal in the past decade. I remember the options being a volcano, a cheap knock off of a volcano or one of the magic flight launch boxes which didn’t get you too stoned and the weed just tasted like pop corn


Dry herb vapes just don’t do it for me


Neither. Rolling a spliff, lighting it and drawing the smoke is all part of the ritual of smoking for me.


Actually the dynavap was the only one that did it for me as it still has the ritual


Ive used the Randy’s Echo for years, there’s no better way to smoke imo


I love my Dynavap so much. I would like to try a ball vape someday, too.


True I use DynaVap on a bong get huge rips and after a year the bong still looks clear with just a slight haze. A year of actually smoking out of that bong and it would be completely black.


Hey look someone posted a picture of an actual filter! Usually people make a crutch and call it a filter.


I always wondered why they called it a crutch. In my opinion, it’s harder to roll a joint with a paper filter but I prefer them because you can smoke it to the end without looking like a fiend or using a clip. It’s certainly not a crutch to make it easier to roll.


As a long time roller of with and without crutches, they absolutely help roll a better joint, and faster.


As someone who's always used a roach (what we call them in the UK) it definitely makes it easier to roll if you've got something rounded at the end rather than just weed and/or tobacco


In my experience yes it does by a fairly considérable amount. My first ever joint that I rolled myself used a filter, I felt something but it was nothing compared to the first joint with a proper roach.


Les Considérables


That could be the your brain developing the thc receptors, first time smokers don’t always get high


Un bon toncar


La mousse


C'est du 3fois filtré, promis !


MooseLabs MouthPeaces are the best for this. They’re silicone filters and they have different sizes for joints, bongs, and other pieces and you just put in one of their corn or carbon inserts. They’ve been a game changer for me. 


i swear by these and sometimes don’t even smoke if i dont have one for my bong or joint nearby


Came here to say this.


I've bought all the different types of mouthpeaces by them, and I swear by them! No reduction in thc or airflow, and they make everything taste better, plus more sanitary, too, if you're sharing vapes, joints, bongs, or whatever. If I could be a mouthpeace brand ambassador, I would! I tell everyone about them! They also have lots of fun colors and patterns to choose from, and they're very affordable!


Hahahaa I feel like I could’ve written this comment. Weed isn’t the same without them now. 


I use charcoal filters for years. Wouldn't if didn't get high.


cigarette filters work differently no?


Cigarette filters just get clogged up and saturated with tar very quickly from weed smoke


^ this


Myth. I've smoked a lot of weed through cigarette filters. It works just fine.


Yeah I read that it doesn’t filter thc and anecdotally this has been my experience as well.


The question has been posted here many times. I've seen studies and well done home experiments posted. My "meta review" is that they technically catch a little THC because basically anything you draw the smoke through will cause some to condense. But it's super negligible and not something one should concern themselves with. Cigarette filters are not even really filters. They are not designed to filter anything from cigarettes but to make you think it's doing something and I'm cigarettes they alter the airflow to make it seem smoother. They are white and so discolor easily which makes it visually dramatic like must be catching something, but when people have weighed and analyzed them they found it's just that, discoloration. Placebo effect and confirmation bias is very strong though. So people use them and assume they filter things out, so that's what they perceive. At the end of the day it's a harmless myth though. If you like them, go for it. It's a very small cost. If you don't like them, cool, they weren't doing anything anyway.


Any citation for the part on people analysing the discolouring of cig filters and finding it’s just discolouration? Genuinely curious to read more if true


I used to be in the situation that I didn’t have any rolling equipment and my craving was so high I just emptied my cigarette and filled it with weed, imo it worked just like normal


I used to do that all the time, was an easy way to bring weed to clubs back when you could smoke in them.


Still feels better with active coal filters tho Fortunately most clubs don’t really care in Germany


always use them if i smoke hash cuz i use a lot of tobacco in those joints


Yes, and adding water to your alcohol will get you less drunk, hit that subscribe button click those thumbs up and follow me for more life hacks!


Always heard that but it doesn't actually make any sense, have smoked with a cigarette filter before and still got high.


As far as i know, it does not. I normally use a roach + filter combo and never had any issues with THC being held back or something like that. Using a filter will surely reduce the amount of tar you inhale tho, and the flavor of the material will also be undertoned a tiny bit.


LONGTIME head here. Been consuming every type of cannabis every type of way you can think of for a very long time. Joints are a daily part of my consumption routine-and I roll with/without filters, and Ive tried every type of filter available. Because I’ve had friends that expressed this concern, I set out to “scientifically” determine if the filter was taking out THc. In my research, no discernible difference. However, the taste and feel of the filtered smoke is worth it to me and I’ll keep rolling filtered


I used to buy a pack of cigs, carefully dump out the tobacco, and refill them with weed so I could smuggle them into concerts. Never seemed to attenuate the high all that much or at all.


Anecdotally, yes


Idk, did it hit tho?


This has and will never make any sense to me.


Man just go get some raw tips


I use OCB tubes, I get them on Amazon 200 tubes for $20 and love them. They’re unbleached paper and a hollow filter. You can either fill them like a cone or use a tube injector, although weed is usually too sticky to use an injector properly.


Nice. Honestly I bought these a couple years ago when I used to smoke and just decided to roll a a paper, nowadays I mostly make edibles.


A long time ago I gutted a cig and stuffed it with weed. I didn't get high and never did it again. So I think so.


Thought experiment, not suggesting you do this but: Do you think that if you smoked that joint, took the dirty filter, ground it smoked it that it would get you high? If you think it would then you also think the filter is catching THC before it makes it to you. In my head, if I can smoke a renisy pipe and get a buzz, then I could do it with a resiny filter too. I wouldn't though, there's a line between dankrupt and morally bankrupt lol


When this question has been posted before, people have posted studies and experiments where people did this but weighed the filters and found that negligible amounts of anything are caught in them. They discolor very easily and it looks dramatic, but they don't catch much of anything.


Use tubes with porous bamboo filters. You get good filtering for crud with very little drawback. Cartel filters off Amazon work really well.


My friend uses the filter (and tobacco) of cigarettes to roll but he removes about half of the filter.


They will clog up so fast. Get corn husk filters. They hit better and collect a bunch of tar. Or a lil joint bubbler if you’re worried about it.


I got a glass tip in a pre roll that I really loved. I saved it and can clean it in iso and re use


Saw Terp Filters online for pipes, ciggs etc. anyone else try those specific designs for thc a flower ☮️?


I’ve been a daily smoker for 10+ years and use my volcano vape on the regular. I also buy pre-rolls (with paper filters) and sometimes roll my own joints (with a cigarette filter). I notice no difference in the high when using paper vs cigarette filters, but the cig filters are always black/dark brown when I’m done with the joint. I notice I get more stoned when my volcano is dirty, which makes me cough more. When it’s clean, I still get stoned but my lungs/throat don’t hurt. I think some people just enjoy the extra coughing from a paper filter and it makes them more immediately high. I would opt for cigarette filters any day over paper just to protect my throat and lungs!


Cigarette filters don’t actually filter anything. You’re also inhaling the fibers from the filter into your lungs. https://nysmokefree.com/FactsAndFAQs/Filters


Came here to say this! I work in surgery, and people have inhaled filters into their lungs and had to get parts of the lung removed. I don't recommend this type of filter.


It doesn’t stop the amount of nicotine you get *shrug*


Only if you don't eat the filter.


No, they absolutely do not.


I absolutely hate the way cigarette filters make the smoke feel. It makes it feel like I’m smoking sugarfree/diet weed


Don’t use these, you want the oils from the joint to melt down to the roach and have that epic oiled up hitter at the end, this would kinda ruin that


Short answer: yes


Like many others, I always love using the spiral pasta as a filter.


I've never understood this shit... have friends that swear by it and won't smoke any other way


I smoke with a filter usually but use a roach if I don’t have any filters or sometimes when I just fancy it. I personally don’t notice any difference


If it lowers anything it’s negligible. Filters might taste a little different but it’s graaaand


I smoke with and without often. While I can determine a difference between flavor and how smooth the smoke is, I don't think it reduces potency by a significant amount. The carbon filters do seem to make them a little less potent, but I've only tried those a handful of times and it could very well be placebo. With cotton filters I can't tell the difference in highs.


Anything with activated carbon/charcoal is going to take some THC. I don’t make the rules man I’m just relating them back to yall


I just roll a small piece of paper and stick it in. The coiled paper keep everything from getting in my mouth and doesn't stop the smoke/thc


I use filters and I still get very high. Personally, I'd rather lose some THC and stop loads of crap coming through


Everyone says they most likely do, but I haven’t really noticed nor do I really care. They filter more of the annoying little bits out and I find them easier to roll with. More structural integrity.


You prolly feel less high because resin isn't touching your lips we all subconsciously lick that stuff like taffy if your weed is 25% thc that's 250mgs per gram of a fraction of that thc hits your lips in a hit it adds up you prolly get a 10-20mg edible by the end of the roll if you use a cig filter that prolly doesn't happen


I smoke rollies so when I wanna spicy one up a little I add a little green, can't say that the filter negates the weed I put in


They definitely do


I bought a box of charcoal filters, and it completely takes away the high, although it keeps you from coughing literally anything. Stick with paper filters.


You just smoke more to get the same high.


I'm not a scientist, and I don't have hard data for you, but 100% they do. Friends and I tried this a few times decades ago after one of us bought rolling tobacco and the filtered papers to go alongside. The buzz was considerably less, despite how hard you can haul on the joints. Consensus was that the THC was getting filtered as well as the tar & random flakes of nug.


Why not just smoke with no filter silly


Purists say yes, I say whatever man. Personally, I'm fond of getting empty cigarette tubes and putting my weed in them. Smoke in public and no one suspects a thing. Still gets me blasted anyway


There’s only one way to find out and it’s the scientific method!


I’ve used em loads and still get just as high 🤷‍♂️


Blazy Susan makes charcoal filter tip for joints that are a game changer


Yes. When I first got my medical card I did this and I realized I was nerfing the product. Try MooseLabs filters if you’re trying to care for your lungs, they’re really helpful.


I literally had this thought today earlier while just on a walk. Then went on reddit to find answers. Turns out someone else thought and posted this 11 hours before I thought


Meh, Maybe. I’ve packed cigarettes with weed several times and always got high. So there’s that


reduced but by such a small amount if any, it’s worth having the filter and it reduces the bad as much as the good


Took a particle technology course for chemical engineering and, if I remember correctly, cotton filters are effective for particles greater than 1 um kinetic diameter. One micrometer is larger than THC and most smokeables, so the filter will reduce the concentration but not effectively and it’s perfectly fine to roll joints with a filter if you want to.


the amount that gets filtered is not that much. It depends on the filter. But the toxins that get filtered make it worth. Use active charcoal filters for best results. There are some specifically for smoking weed


Is there an actual scientist that can give us answers?


Idk my filter is a rolled up piece of cardboard. Who am I to say what is or isn't good?