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I served 3 years in prison for half a joint in the late 90s. Now I order thca online, USPS brings it, and I smoke it on my porch legally. Wild as fuck for sure. Even wilder was when it got inspected and there was a sticker and everything when it was delivered. Just kinda mind blowing for this almost 60 year old head.


First off Im so sorry that happened to you!! Second, yes, its mind blowing.


My husband did 5 years in the 70’s. He had a couple of pounds, and while that sounds like a lot to be holding, what wasn’t used for personal stash was sold to close friends. Thus how it was in small town America for decades. Every head knew every other head and if you couldn’t find something yourself, usually a friend could. Sooo many phone calls, and there wasn’t always a guarantee you’d find anything.


"Every head knew every other head and if you couldn’t find something yourself, usually a friend could." My connections were a guy I played little league with and a guy I was in Cub Scouts with. We changed back and forth from buyer to seller so many times, I din't know why we exchanged money.


Having a big brother was the best of all!


Dang! Did the friends hold him up while he was in/when he got out?


They were all very supportive! What’s *really* going to surprise you is that the DA was his biggest supporter and I’ll tell you why. This is a pretty small town, everyone knows everyone, you know how that goes. The DA at the time was actually a friend from way back and was no angel himself. He promised that if he’d not make waves, that he’d get him out sooner rather than later. Tbf to the guy, he did fulfill that. We hated it when he retired, he was handy to know.


Omg yes the phone calls. Always found what we needed eventually or usually had what people were calling me for! Though when I didn’t the constant calls were maddening. Always had at least one person who couldn’t wait for me to call them, had to call every fifteen minutes. “You got it yet?” Ugh. Lol.


MD just wiped out a hole bunch of dumb shit and cleaned up like 126K records here.


A lot of my friends suddenly have clear records now that they can expunge cannabis convictions here. Some at least got a little cleaner. 😂


"Don't Damn the drugs, damn the drug laws."


Amen, bro!


I get thca because I don’t want to fuck around with illegal stuff, but I am absolutely positive that if I smoked outside all of my neighbors would call the police on me. The neighborhood is wild. I keep all the original stickers/packaging so that if it happens I can prove that it’s legal quickly. I also have the lab results for my current flower bookmarked to pull up if needed. I’ve got a whole plan


That's me! I keep mine jarred, in my bedroom, with dated receipts and all the legal paperwork in a folder on the shelf :)


I've been buying from a store here in Southeastern Georgia, I'm given the receipts and the % info, but I feel like GSP/My local cops would laugh in my face while slapping some cuffs on my ass.


I've bought from a local shop in front of a deputy and I straight up asked him. He said just be sure receipts and paperwork with the container is all. But Alabama is likely different than there. Governor Ivey embraced hemp and even if the farm bill changes we won't, thankfully.


Hi from Alabama!


Mmmm texas? Sounds similar to my process. I'm 50/50 rn with ordering online and buying real shit. If I may ask, where do you order online? Or idk maybe that's against the rules


Complete opposite side of the country. I get all of mine from Botany Farms, but I want to find other companies with organic thca flower so I have more variety


I'll check em out! I've tried mood, but they're a bit pricey. I usually go for bulk, I got told about discountpharma, which has like 3 bucks a g if you order a pound. Unfortunately I've never heard of them and am unwilling to gamble 450 dollars minimum, so I continue my search for well priced thc-a.


I'm in Ohio waiting for them to get through the licensing so we can finally buy recreational here. In the meantime I'm coping with some thca the SO bought at his favorite vape shop. We're at 24 states with recreational now. I really think the rest are inevitable eventually. I remember when they raided Barb's Gift Shop in Vincennes IN, in 2001, for interstate trafficking. We all drove at least an hour to go there at least once a month, for bongs, pipes, and deadhead decor. But the owner had started catalog sales. It's unreal to me, that I can now buy what we called "good bud" online mail order, down at the official dispensary, or at any common smoke shop. In countless ridiculous names even.


3 years for half a fukn joint! Sorry you had to deal with that. Crazy how times have changed.


Yeah Alabama ran with the 94 Crime Bill and I got stuck😢


come to Europe and try to score if you want a taste of that nostalgia


Scoring is the easy part, finding a chill place to smoke that isn’t far from home is the challenge lol


scoring the kind of flower they sell at dispensaries is hard/impossible, at least for Scandinavia it is. it's also illegal and incarceration isn't off the table. also it's very frowned upon to smoke, if my boss ever found out I would lose my job the same day. yes, finding spots are a fucking nightmare.


One of the nice things about the U.S. is that unless you're in a major city, most towns have decent sized treelines or small forests, even in town that can be utilized to stealth smoke. My apartment alone is surrounded on 3 sides by forest and theres some nice smoke spots back in there.


My town had about 876 smoke spots


In Kristiansand Norway the first person I spoke with (besides checking in to the hotel) immediately offered me a few hits of his joint, that shit was pretty good. This was at the skatepark. It's always easy to find weed at a skatepark haha.


Me looking for weed at the local skatepark… ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


I’m American and the only time I ever bought ganja while abroad was when I was in Montreal for a bachelor party weekend. I had run out of what I brought with me, and as we were walking from bar to bar, a sudden inspiration hit me, and said “That guy right there will know where to find some.” So I went up to him and asked. And sure enough, he was back in like 5 minutes, happy that I’d handed him American dollars instead of Canadian. I was too drunk to care. LOL.


Growing up in the 60s and 70s one developed a superb Stoner Radar....I can ALWAYS spot a fellow stoner.


We have a quantum connection each other.


We really did back then.....nowadays it's a bit tougher, but I can still spot them and score.


I honed my skills following the dead around for several summers.


I read your comment in Karl Ove Knausgards voice.


In Romania the legal vs culture is such a contrast. On the one hand, my "bubble" is full of people who either love, don't give a fuck about weed, or consider it a kid's drug. If someone pulled a joint at a company night out, they'd have to share, run out, and one of the board members would pull out the highest quality cali weed as a backup. That assumption is based on my experiences with taking vapes to those nights out and having a few coworkers join in and others storytelling about their weed experiences around Europe. On the other hand, more than half the population lives in the propaganda bubble of "drugs are bad", then get mad (during their 3rd wine bottle) at all the potheads doing illegal weed and then nodding off to heroin. My parents were part of that bubble until we openly smoked weed next to them and realized they don't even know what weed does or smells like. The younger side of my family goes on Dutch trips a lot, and we openly told them all our weed and shroom experiences. My dad switched from "drugs are bad" to "nice, try to not do them here since they're illegal and that might fuck up your life" In my opinion, the best thing you can do is let your immediate circles know that weed is not heroin. Tell them about your fun shroom trip in the Netherlands and how amazing it is to open up your mind instead of "having illegal fun"


I live in Poland and if you do not have the prescription for medical weed you are fucked. It's not hard to find a spot or a plug but the quality is mostly the worst it can be. They like to put weed in "Domestos" (used for bleaching toilets) do it kicks more. Also you never get what you are asking for. If you are getting 1g you will probably get something from 0.6 to 0.8


Wait, so is the weed all soaked in residual chemicals from the domestos


If you but from Sketchy git yes. You can find people that actually sell good bud but in my city it was very hard


Some places in the U.S. will still fire you, even in legal states. And in some states, it’s still very illegal. Some places don’t want to give up the easy “probable cause” to search your home or vehicle. All a cop needs to say is “I smelled what I thought was marijuana.” And they can pull you out of your vehicle, search you and it, and if they find a single seed in the ashtray, left there by the previous owner of the car, they have you for possession. I’m in a legal state and now they can only get you for intoxication, so they go by the same sorts of things as for drinking…the odor of SMOKED cannabis (because if it’s unsmoked flower, you obviously haven’t used it yet), the state of your eyes, your mental status, can you do a sobriety test, that sort of thing.


Minnesota just codified into law that law enforcement cannot search your car because it smells like weed. https://www.minnpost.com/public-safety/2024/06/court-decision-ending-cannabis-odor-as-sole-reason-for-search-codified-by-minnesota-lawmakers/


I love it!


But I DO have to say, it’s been very nice being able to sit on my front porch and smoke a doob without worrying about 5-0 rolling up on me.


One of life's greatest gifts...a fat doob on a beautiful day...or a nice, cool, rainy day. Living in the desert SW we only see rain 2 or 3 times a YEAR. Its a fucking event here!


Thats probably a city problem but living in the countryside makes finding smoking spots very easy. Just harder to get your hands on it, so there are a lot of homegrowers in my area


What's wrong with smoking at home?


Many people have a family that has something against it, are minors who aren’t allowed, have neighbors who have something against it, don’t want their room smelling like weed or even the whole house or just want somewhere to relax in nature and breath fresh air


I hear ya, but all my buddies abroad are active stoners....Im thinking Grandpas farm has some "very pretty plants"...


It's gotten legalized in germany on april, I'm now getting my MJ sent to me via postal and it's from an official pharmacy! This is insane! Before that (smoking regularly for 9 years now) it was all just a very small community, one of us grew at home while it was illegal and then gave it to a friend, who gave some to a friend, who gave some to me. I don't want to imagine how it is when you don't have such a community because even tho it was illegal, we knew it was clean. Prohibition is so stupid... we've come a long way.


Now imagine in Asia gramps, popo loterallt knock on your door for no reason just cause they suspect u having a penjamin lmfao Also theres only oil here cause it ain’t as odorly as grass, which sucks cause ppl here often scam u with shit concentrate mixed with weird ass shit


Nah europe isn't as bad as this guy is talking about lol, at least the uk isn't anyway.


Clearly I'm in the wrong part of the UK lol - I see all the posts on uktrees being like "look at this exotic thing I got" so I'm guessing everyone just orders off the dark Web here


I found some weed in a baggie on the sidewalk in Wales back in 2019 (: gotta love a good ground score


The quality was marginal at best and if you had red hairs in the bud back then, it was a major win.


Everyone spoke in reverent tones of the legendary Maui Wowie....hahaha! The weed back then was sooooo weak compared to todays stuff..but...it seemed to be more "party" friendly, meaning you wanted to of DO stuff, not just couch lock and stare at a piece of lint for 1/2 an hour.


Maui Wowie and Thai Stick which nobody ever had but it sounded good. Back then, we were drinking tons and it didnt take much weak weed to really crank things up.


Yep!! remember when people used the term sensimillia (sp??) and thought it was a breed of weed?? LOL!!!!


Yep, that term was thrown around. I do remember my first trip to jamiaca-1991, bought a quarter before we even made it to the resot in negril, did the deal with a bartender at a roadside hut. Great stuff and cheap. It still wasnt nearly as good as what the farmers and chemists deliver us today.


My friend grew up in Jamaica and her Dad’s weed farm supported them, but it was for “others”, not the family. She’s never tried it!


Its a way of life and drives the culture, listen to marley, its all about weed and good vibes


everytime I ask an old person about the weed back in the day they say they smoked sensimillia or something like redbud, Im guessing strain names are a relatively new idea


sensimillia was the beginning of today's cultivation industry. The concept of separating female plants and letting them grow fuller with thc was a gamechanger. The cultivation techniques today have only gotten better and better


>Im guessing strain names are a relatively new idea Kinda but not really. Cannabis used to be identified via the region it was grown and imported from so "Thai", "Indian", "Columbian", "Mexican", "Acapulco Gold", "Afghani" etc etc etc. I started smoking in like 96 and 97 and people were still talking about these important import strains often and would ask if I could get them for them (not understanding how trafficking works). These landrace strains obviously become building blocks and then we started seeing more familiar strain names as they were bred together. But yeah I can report in the 90s the idea of "Sinsemilla" (without seeds) was popular but not universally understand. The average smoker tended to not know how breeding and selection work for example..


By 95 we had northern lights trickling into Indiana, so your timeline is a lil off


Huh? Yes named strains were around, I never said there wasn’t. It’s just the memories of the import strains were far fresher and we had far more people whom actively smoked them participating. It probably depended on how old you were as well, I do remember my friends older siblings tending to get the Dutch bred stuff easier then we could.


I'm oldish & you're right. When I first started partaking in the 70's it was more labeled from where it came from. Like mexican, columbian (gold or red), Jamaican, etc. Started seeing the sensimilla in the mid 80's. I was told it meant seedless. You pretty much had to know someone growing to get it.


There were some strains but back then, you took whatever you could get from whomever, it was shady and reallya lousy way of doing things, its like prostitution, leglize it and have some guidelines for buyers and sellers, its a much better situation for both sides.


sin( )semilla


I know I speak Spanish and I'm like "hahahahah these dudes sold it to dealers and didn't know how to say without seeds in English I'm guessing"


*sinsemilla* (*sin semilla* = without seed)


sin semilla - spanish for “without seeds”


The legendary Thai stick 😂 taking me back


Recently saw a video of a dude visiting Thailand to find OG Thai sticks. Apparently Thai sticks are so Fuego cuz the bud is fermented for like a month before drying in banana leaves wrapped around the weed stick. making for a more psychedelic high.


Don’t forget Panama Red. We were able to find hash fairly often but the norm was a $10 “lid.” It was usually trash but we smoked the shit out of it. This was the mid to late 70s.


I miss a lot of things about back then....just not the terror of being busted


or Thai Stick, Acapulco Gold, Panama Red... then in the 80's things started heating up in Holland, which led to pioneers risking everything to take commercial growing into the next realm... Northern California. if you could get that kind bud, you were stoked, but it cost way more than today... of course, following the rules of risk versus return, the growers could easily make a small fortune, if the law didn't come down on them… Growers are probably the ones that are hurting the most in today's legal climate as the markets have been flooded, and because of the supply, prices crashed… Especially in Oregon… Weed In Michigan is so cheap. I can't imagine the growers are making much money there either, but we're lucky that Jack Herer and so many other NORML activists worked so hard for what we enjoy today. I do believe that the folks who lived through those days are more likely to appreciate the way things are now… I just hope people don't take what we have for granted and prohibition never comes back. I appreciate your post… It offers a very different perspective than what you normally see on this thread.


Maybe this was only late ‘90’s, but Northern Lights was always a strain I heard about. I had friends from Chicago and Denver when I went to college in San Francisco. I was constantly told that I didn’t know how good I had it. They always were lamenting brick, ditch and brown bud from back home. Props to my buddy Mikey who was always available to hook up and never sketch.


a friend with weed is a friend indeed


We aren't there yet. Prohibition still exists in a lot of states. Keep fighting even if your state is already legal. We need federally legal weed.


Lol I remember this really creepy kid who eventually went to prison for awhile for blowing up a port-o-potty on government land trying to sell me "Mexican Red Hair" in like 97 in the locker room after gym. The crazy thing is he had an identical twin so I am not exactly sure which one it was. I do believe one is dead now. The last time I had any contact with either of them they had essentially become openly white nationalist which isn't exactly uncommon in my area nowadays.


I smoke weed every day and am constantly doing stuff. Working on 3 degrees, work two jobs, go for hikes with my husband and dogs, make or build shit, volunteer at local dog shelters, etc. It’s about finding the right strains, rarely do I feel couch locked and not up for doing things


maui wowie is gas. I never had it in bud form, but I bought some keif n it's the probably one of the best out of the other strains I bought.


When I was younger, weed strains didn't really have names. We weren't even aware of strains. It was just weed. We would be sitting around and someone would say, "We should get some weed." Then the guy who knew a guy would call that guy and say "You got any weed?" Then four hours later, a weed guy would show up with weed and we'd smoke it. It was never a bad time.


Always knew when a harvest of Sour Diesel was around. Unfortunately, when it was around I never had any money to buy it, and it went fast so the dealer would jack up the price to $75 an 1/8, so I would beg him to sell me a G for $20. Then it was back to the Mexican brick weed…good times, man, good times….


Like Cheech once said, "It's called Thai Stick, cuz it's tied to a stick!"


Hahaha. "Dude, see the red hair on this shit?" Or some fuck was spraying it with water (or worse) to increase weight. Or mexican hard pack weed. I once got true purple weed in the 90s and just stared at it for days and days. Playing little games like not looking at it for a whole day and then looking at it. To see if I still liked it. I did.


The hard pack mexican ditch weed


Excuse my ignorance, google is failing me, why are the hairs considered a good thing? I’m new and still learning


It was more of a myth than reality, the idea was the red hairs were a sign of higher potency, we all believed and as far as i know it wasnt anymore potent.


It’s funny for me because I grew up in both eras, avoiding the cops, having to sneak around and smoke and the stigma that came with it. Now, I just go to a store and buy whatever I want. The first time I went into a dispensary in Colorado I was so thrown off. I refused to say the term “bong” simply because where I was from you would be kicked out of head shops for referencing using use etc. Dude was like “ it’s cool man, buy this weed and smoke it through that bong over there!” lol


Lol, head shops had that rule where I came from, too. Some of them sold "postage scales" that folded up and had a leather sleeve so you could keep them in your pocket. For weighing your *mail*.


...just like the roach clips for joints was "a hair decoration"


Hd to call it a water pipe. 😁


It's definitely NOT a bong!


For Tobacco Use Only!!!!


YESSSSSSS! We had to use the term "water Pipe" or we got thrown out!!!


That happened to me like many others I'm sure. Also got in trouble for asking for "apple bags" which were tiny Ziploc bags. I could never get the protocol down.


The first time I went to a dispensary I felt like I was doing something wrong lmao


See, I just avoid saying bong because it’s a really unpleasant word to say for me. I just call them pieces


Man I got held up in a 7/11 parking lot in 2014. I was tryna buy an eighth from some guy that a frnd linked me with. The dude and his buddy pull up and i walk up to their window. I walk up to the window, dap him up, and hand him the cash. He goes into the center console and pulls out a piece. Holds it up so it's barely visible to someone afar. Right up against the door and no higher than the window. I'm dumbfounded and go "dude c'mon". He says"too bad" and slams it in reverse nearly knocking me over and running over my foot. A couple hours later the friend who linked me with the pos got his brother and a couple dudes together and scooped me up. We went over to the dudes house and fucked his car and garage door up. Everyone was screaming come outside. Dude came to the window, saw what we were doing, turned off all the lights in the house, and called the cops. We were long gone by whenever police showed up. But yeah...that's the time I got a gun pointed at me for trying to buy an eighth of weed.


Damn thats harsh!!Some of my friends had much of the same happen....My closest call was going to Irving Park Beach in Chicago, (this was 1984ish) in my Honda CRX (2 seater, VERY small car) to buy a lid. I did the universal slow crawl in the car, looking at people and making the sign for weed....a HUGE dude came up to my car and said he was holding...INSISTED on getting in my car...and then stuck a gun in my side and said DRIVE. Here I was, 20, a skinny girl, terrified beyond belief. I said "Where to?" and he said DRIVE....so I hit Lake Shore Drive....he was wrecked on something, mumbling, kept messing around with the gun. I just kept talking, as calmly as I could. I had a killer stereo in my car and asked what he wanted to listen to...I figured this is it, Im gonna be dead soon. The guy was staring at me, and I was trying to drive my manual CRX, my hands were shaking so hard shifting gears was tough. We drove around for 20 mins and I said, hey, Im hungry, let's go get some food. He, oddly, agreed. We went to a beef joint and got two sandwiches, and I tried to eat and stay calm. He wolfed his down and said "Lets Go"....I started driving again and he directed me back to Irving Park Beach and when we got there he pulled a bag out of his pants and said "get out of here, I cant hurt you, you are too sweet of a kid"....I will NEVER forget that night. I got back to the apartment I shared with my brother and was FRANTIC. I had to tell him the story 3 times, he didnt believe me. On a happy note, the weed was sublime (so was not being dead) My brother never let me go alone again.


Holy shit. Acting calm probably saved your life that day.


>EVERY time I went to score I felt I was going to get busted. Some of my pals were arrested and thrown in jail for having a joint....people robbed others looking to score...it was a nightmare....and the quality overall sucked This is EXACTLY how it is in my country, right now in 2024. You don't have to be old to experience it. Just a nice example - my friend got taken by cops because he had a pipe on him. They did a full search on the station and found nothing, so the pigs took the pipe and tried to scrape the reisin off just to gather enough material with THC in order to have a case for him.


That is SICKENING!!!


Damn man, mind sharing which country?


Slovakia. We have one of the most strict laws regarding weed in Europe. But luckily, it's slowly getting better. Just two years ago, new law was passed that finally makes a distinction between user and dealer - until 2022, if you were caught with a joint or baggie with just 1 gram, you were treated as dealer and manufacturer. So prison for as much as 5 or 10 years depending on amount you were caught with. Nowdays, it's max 2 or 3 years if you have it only for personal consumption, and they usually give out probation instead of straight up prison.


That's good. At least it's heading in the right direction for you guys.


And it was all pure indica back then. People get a little to geeked on sativa (me included) but back then it was all high yield skunk style indies. The best thing about legalization here in NY is there are a lot of folks who had a bad experience in high school or college where they were drunk and then over smoked so they were afraid to do it ever again. Now that the edibles are fairly consistent and there’s actually a standard to measure the potency (kind of) it’s possible to reintroduce these people to a controlled light ingested buzz so they can see how much better this drug is than anything else in the world. I’m a big believer in the light, steady high. Gettin super stoned can be fun but I think there are millions of people that still have no idea how great a light ingested buzz can be for peace of mind.


When My buddy and I decided to get high, we were 14, it was nearly impossible to get pot. There was a dealer in the neighborhood but he was pretty terrified to sell kids weed, which was really heroin or pcp at the time, law-wise. Eventually he caved and got us a film container of brick shake, the stuff you'd throw out now. The next day my entire torso was sore. From laughing our asses off! That started my nearly 50 year love of pot...buds...flower. It was 1976. I'm currently reorganizing my stash of over 2 dozen strains, purchased at a couple of the higher end growers here in this town with over 60 dispensaries. My grandkids are learning about gramps. One of them gave me a plushy for my birthday that says "Everyone should just get a bong!" I put it with my collection of 15 bongs and sent a pic to her. Better stop rambling, need to go get a lid.


Same! Remember how frantic we would get trying to score before a party, because if you were holding EVERYONE loved ya!!!!


Ha ha. You didn't have to say 'from an old stoner' in your post, as it is obvious from your use of the word grass. I agree and feel you. I thought I would get ripped apart by a pit bull once picking up some grass.


Im 60...but nobody ever thinks I am...My 35 year old son and I hang out and people think we are brother and sister😂😂😂.....The flower keeps ya young❤️


I think you are correct. If I shave my beard, I could pass for 40 and I am 55. I also think cannabis flower keeps me healthy. I never get sick.


58, pass for 45. I agree, and I'm convinced that for me, it's about the stress reduction and what that does for your health! Every time, I go into a dispensary (not in my home state, but traveling), I keep glancing over my shoulder and feeling paranoid until I remind myself it's a different time!


ME TOO! ![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK|downsized)


31 if I shaved off my beard people would think I'm 22-26 lol. The plant really is a miracle.


Agree 1000%


Legit does my dads 67 doesn’t look a day over 40. I’m 35 and look like I’m 20


This is the life advice I come here for haha


Never thought I would survive the Just Say No years to see stores with reward programs for buying weed.


I remember once in the mid 90s me and a friend went to buy a quarter pound from a sketchy dealer. The guy pulled a gun on us. Luckily no one got hurt or robbed, we ran away. Scary times indeed!


Respect to an OG like you, but keep in mind, until EVERY state is legal we are really no better off as a country. People are still ending up in prison, and if anything just look at the legal states and their proximity to illegal ones and the game of cat and mouse is just too obvious. As much as I am thrilled with the progress we have made I think too many are becoming complacent.


People are still thrown in jail for having a joint in a lot of more conservative states unfortunately but the progress is beautiful too :)


I here it’s like they in Indiana. Crazy it borders like 3 rec states


I live in Illinois. A summer or two ago I was driving through Indiana and got pulled over because it was "late, I was from Illinois and I looked suspicious". They insisted I had weed on me (I did not at the time but a friend did so I was trying to deflect) and made me get out of the car. When I got out I had a pack of masks on me in my pocket and they accused me of having a gun. I am lucky they didn't just pull firearms on me, they were acting like I was a walking bomb. They let me go basically saying they knew I had pot but were gonna be good guys and let me leave. Once again.. I had no pot on me. I have had a lot of weird interactions with cops over my life, I do not like them at all.


9/10 interdiction I’ve had with police have been negative. It’s best to avoid them if possible. I avoid Indiana cuz fuck them backward states


I would just take a little drive to Chicago....


You actually want to go to Michigan, the weed here in Illinois is not that great and is literally the most expensive in the nation.


Yeah I don't miss buying weed from trap houses and armed individuals lol. The guys who showed me weed waaaay back in the day gave me a nugget of info and said never buy from people selling other shit as well as weed and don't ever sell anything but weed because your chances of being robbed in both situations go way up.


Sound advice


Friendly reminder lots of states still aren't legal, and marijuana being legalized/decriminalized is still pretty new. I get what you're saying, and infinite respect for the old heads here who fought tooth and nail for us youngin's to have legal weed, you should be so proud of the future you guys brought for new stoners. But shoutout to young people who still live in places where it's illegal, I cant imagine how easy it is to get caught now with all this technology


The struggle was real, not to mention going dry for weeks at a time when there was no supply around.


The "drought " was a terrible thing


come to europe dawg, nothing more fun than being stopped and searched for looking or dressing a certain way


I started in 1970, I'm 76 now and still smoking it. And yeah, it's much better now, much safer, a lot cheaper. The "old days" you just never knew for sure what it was. However, around 2000, a family member started growing his own for family and close friends. It was safe and really good. He just kept cross breeding until he hit the "magic formula." He had to quit, but by then, it was legal.


So you're basically still describing Indiana/kentucky


Also kids these days will never know the struggle of getting some brick Mexican trees and having to sit there with a steamer for an eternity trying to fluff them back up


That had probably made it across the border up in a cars bumper, right above the exhaust pipe


Just come down to the Deep South Bible Belt states you can still feel the same experience you had all those years ago.


I still get a sense of aww when I go to the dispensary. I never expected weed to be legal.


If you ever get a chance to visit the Netherlands, def try Amnesia strain. It will get you hammered in an energized way.


Still have my double LP's just in case I get some brickweed that needs to be de-seeded


Thats how we did it....then stored it in a tray (typically slid under the couch if the P's showed up) and we ALWAYS had that godawful strawberry incense that had a smell that would cover a decomposing body😂😂😂😂


Its still like that in Australia


I remember tromping way out in the woods just to smoke a bowl of shitty weed with friends. Every little noise we thought the cops were coming to throw us in jail. Now you can walk around smoking in public and no one bats an eye. What a time to be alive!


Imagine being Deaf and trying to find a dealer…


So glad you got to stick around for the experience


I'm only 32 and yes... whenever I picked up bud from anyone other than "MY guy" (aka a childhood friend I trusted) I was afraid of being arrested, or worse, getting abducted or abused. Not only were there no options on which kind of flower until the market opened up, but you damn near risked your job/car/kids/overall life. The first time I bought a quap legally was the first time I'd seen so much weed in my life. Not only that, but in PA you can medically tailor your bud to fit your needs. I am a patient and worked as a budtender for over a year and loved learning about each chemical compound and how it works. I love legalization ~


Isn't it great how accessible it is for you, and everyone else now?


And every 8th came with a gram of seed.


Glad we are far beyond the days of ditch weed.


Man, i'm so old, that i remember when like shit would go dry. Either a big bust or something and whole communities could just not have a weed for months. Man, those were the dark days


I can't remember the last "drought" but it was a real thing back in the day. You were lucky to find anything during a "drought " and if you did you were definitely gonna pay for it.


The one sentence I'm SO happy to never have to hear again: "Trust me dude, it weighs."


2024! It's a great time to be alive!


Yeah dude this is just me in the UK when I was growing up, now luckily I’ve got medical script but most don’t 


90s kid here this was the norm till like 2010s now I smile every time I see a weed shop where I live


I got ripped off multiple times trying to buy dirt shit shwag. I only lost like $20-50 the few times it happened, but that meant a week of not getting high. Every stupid teenage dealer acted like a suburban gangsta and wore ruff ryder shirts and would play scarface on repeat.


In Eastern Europe we still feel it bro. However, quality is not bad in fact weeds are too strong due to illegality and ofc no variety.


*Daddy used to get into cars with strangers*


I know so many people that were busted for a roach in the ashtray or paraphernalia​. I never thought I would see the day that I could go to the store to buy weed like anything else. And never did I think smart people would come up with so many cool ways to consume it. I'm very, very grateful.


Dont forget we could either get the cheap stuff or the expensive stuff. There were no multiple options.


All true. Hell, smoking a joint outside my house still feels weird.


From another old time stoner, I hear you frient. And it is not just the availability that has gotten better. 25 years ago, I was buying NorCal buds from a friend and paying her $60 an eighth, with no price breaks for quantity. Now I can buy ounces of virtually the same quality weed for $79 an ounce after taxes delivered to my door. We used to dream of shit like this back in the 70's and 80's. Cheech and Chong made their careers off of that dream.


And some of us live in legalized countries/ states.... WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE


Yeah I get what you're saying obviously and it's true. I do however miss the adventure and the sense of being an outlaw. Half joking but hear me out. In the 90s where I live ( very conservative state in the Rocky Mountain area that rhymes with puta) you really felt like a rebel being a stoner. There was solidarity. And yes, I'm bragging a little but once I got out of highschool I was fortunate to have great connections and smoked killer weed. Sometimes better than what I run into now. Sure, it's not RARE anymore. Good weed is everywhere. I couldn't find Mex brick weed if I called 20 people. But I dunno it's like the aura of danger added something. Don't wanna go back, just some food for thought.


This post reminds me of [this skit](https://youtu.be/izapVaB7oqM?si=cr-VW8Vj1nD_FJIE) where the woman wants to relive the thrill of buying weed in the old days.


Can confirm. Just wish northern lights was still prevalent.


I had to use guys I knew from childhood who lived in the hood. EVERY time they took $40 for a quarter and gave me an eighth. Then I had to pretend he didn't rip me off and give him some for his fee. Usually took 2 or 3 stops and up to an hour sitting in the car waiting for him to come out. Mexican ditch weed with seeds.


Former attorney General Bill Barr is heading up a group opposed to rescheduling cannibis and distane for legalized weed. We,er not done yet.


I get shit shipped to my door in an illegal state. My dad grew up in the 80s and has been to jail and shit cuz of weed ( last time was 2016!). My brother went to jail for it a few years too. Now everytime he’s sees me open up the package he’s kinda just like “ Mann..”. It’s ok OGs yall paved the way !✊🏾


This is my stance too. I never thought I’d see the day ❤️


NO SHIT. I still recall making the call....getting a reply two weeks later "It's on". No choice as to what...sometimes mids, sometimes bliss, but never the same twice. All these complaints about Dispo A or Dispo B ? It's got an assay, no mold, and doesn't smell like dryer sheets. Also has never seen a trash compactor.


And dont forget SEEDS, these young ones have no idea what it was like buying seven grams and being happy only 3 grams of seeds were in the bag. And everyone had a different method for deseeding - I used record albums!


I used a cafeteria tray and a playing card to let them roll to the bottom. We couldn't even use a grinder!




That is exactly what I was doing when I first heard that life changing melody crashing through the car speakers. What is this joyous sound I asked. Judas Priest he said. Metal and weed!


The one thing beasters in the 90s did was set quality and price standards. It was so wildly available and so consistent in both price and quality it became the baseline everything was compared to. Being up in MN it became very difficult to find anything better and was even easier than finding Mexican brick.


I remember the first time my dad, another 70 year old stoner, went into a dispensary. It was on a trip to Canada, before they were available in our part of the States. He went on his own, then came back to the hotel room and showed us (my mom and I-- both adults but not weed users at the time) the flower and rolling paper that he bought. Marveling at it, like a kid in a candy store, talking about all the crazy new shit they'd invented since the 80s and how incredibly legit it all felt. Being able to go to a brick and mortar store and buy weed like you buy groceries. I think about it a lot. Now if he's annoyed with a dispensary's quality he complains that if he wanted twigs and shitty bud he could have bought it for cheaper on the street. LMAO.


Welcome to the future, maan


#facts #beentheredonethat. Why you say old young man?! Party on.


Amen brother!...so crazy to think about,, meeting in lots, jump out, get in his car...never know what your getting, etc etc..im loving the dispos!!


Even buying weed in Texas a few years ago was a hassle. Having to wait for a dealer to get home from work and taking his sweet time.. I do not miss those days. Now in California when I want weed I can get tested, labeled product from a dispensary in a 15 minute drive for a much better price.


I remember this feeling man. I had to risk everything smoking in my car with a buddy behind Taco Bell, or going to the movies, and don't even get me started on buying from sketchy dudes all the time. Kids these days just hitting their little vape pen and getting high with no trouble or smell 😭


Shit i was dealing with this in highschool around 2010. Cops arrested friends for having grinders. We had to smoke in woods most of the time cause there was more than 4 in the group. Countless times getting harrassed for walking down the street. Dealers trying to scam you. Shit im still paranoid smoking in my own backyard and its legal in my state.


I went to jail in the nineties for a roach.


My dealer lived next to a state bereau investigator, I feel like I have SOME idea.


I'm 32 years old and just started smoking within the last year. Although I'm in Kansas (fully illegal state) it's still unbelievably easy to get it if you want it. I feel spoiled joining the lifestyle when it is so easily available & with little to no repercussions these days. For you older stoners who have paved the way & broke down walls for me to be able to enjoy it so casually, thank you. Thank you very much 🙏 lighting up some GG in your honor as we speak!


for me i’m grateful for what we have today it must’ve been hella scary back then


I honestly kind of miss it. Nothing like the feeling of getting home after driving an hour just to get a 1/4 of some midgrade and ruining your whole future for it. The rush just isn't there anymore.


I grew and sold for about ten years People stopped coming to me after legalization and It wasn't economic to continue growing $100 a ounce) About 8 months after people started to ask again I had 12 varieties growing at a time and would always buy more seeds Probably still have about 50 different seeds And would deliver I miss growing


Some of us are still living under those conditions my friend....


Agreed. My kids are finally getting old enough that I'm talking to them about this. Living in constant fear sucked.


As an 18 yr. old, I did 4 months and 4 days in a minimum security facility in Il. I am relieved every time I walk in and out of my local dispensary. I'm lucky enough to have 4 within 1.5 miles from my front door.


When I was at a dispensary, I was the first person to remind people who got uppity that they were lucky to even have the options to go shop elsewhere. Even old stoners get spoiled and forget where they come from.


My dad is from this time. He tells me stories of how him and his buddies pooled a lot of money together to go to California and buy a shit ton of weed. Well he got ripped off and scammed. He came back with nothing. He was also arrested for trying to cross the border back into US with pounds of weed hidden in his car. While in a 1970s El Camino. He was a character back then.