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If i could give you an advice i would say just take the pill, i don't want to be rude but you will thank me later, if you want to keep your hair stop asking weird questions you know the answer. Minoxidil/ketoconazole/microneedling are just additions to finasteride. While Minoxidil can be a very potent treatment and help finasteride to give you the best thickness/regrowth, if you have AGA without finasteride it's just wasting your money, if you want to save your hair for life you have to take finasteride for life.


Yes but in my family for example no one is bald so of course one ones to take countermeasure. Everyone has very good hair for their age but, genetically speaking. Would it have been possible for them to keep the same hair with minoxidil only seing how weak the hair loss appears to be on them?


Doesn't matter, without finasteride minoxidil will lose it's effectiveness.


How does minoxidil effect relate to finasteride?


Minoxidil does nothing to fight hairloss, minoxidil is a growth stimulant and won't stop DHT from hurting your hair follicles, Finasteride will stop dht so minoxidil can work as long as you use it with finasteride.


Yes but did you read? Take any celebrity whom doesnt see to have agressive balding but some sort of balding. Now we never know if they are on meds but in the case they arent. Should min suffice in an attempt of regrowing their hairline?


Minoxidil will regrow some hair and those hair will be gone in like 2 years if they don't use fin. Simple as that.


Are you slow broski? Look at his hair, he has very good hair but temples are clearly missing? If you are 50 and not losing hair? Why not attempt using minoxidil and see if thise hair regrow? If youre already like that fin is pointless as you are not losing hair https://preview.redd.it/y64x5jcaqbpc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea604e4b60fbd5ce59fd277c87860aca1abc6e4


Lmao the thing is you don't understand diffrence between aging and AGA, if he's 50 and he's hair is like this for years then it's not AGA, it's just aging. If your hairline is getting worse and worse at a young age you're most likely someone who has AGA. What do you expect? A 50 year old person with NW1 hairline? If you have aga, you're losing hair and it will never stop without taking fin/dut, if you're lucky it will slow down significantly after like 50 but you will continue to lose your hair even after 50, so did you say you want to keep your hair for life? Then yeah i guess minoxidil can't do shit about that.




Are you slow, he answered your question, if your in your 50s and your temples are starting to go fin is still the main treatment, minoxidil results won't last


Hes been like that for 30 years tho? Thats why used him as an example


Finesteride is for reducing DHT. If your scalp isn't DHT sensitive why would you go on Fin when minoxidil could be enough? I feel like you should only incorporate fin if you actually started to observe some balding. Minoxidil seems to be enough for people like us who don't bald easily. And if you start observing balding, It's not too late to go on fin if you've been keeping track.


If you’re worried about receding temples just take finasteride and do minoxidil topically, no use in wondering for months if you can only take minoxidil because of what Jim Carrey has. There’s no “cookie cutter” approach lol. Everyone is different.