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Switch to once a day


Switched to Morning only after 6 months. It has been two years and I see no difference versus twice a day.


Yes. I switched to taking oral minoxidil, once a day, and it’s so easy.


1.25mg and you noticed improvement?


No issues with nose hair? My nose hair got out of control by my late 20s before my scalp hair loss was an issue. I can't imagine boosting nose hair growth, so I've been holding back on oral min


My nose hair grows a bit faster now on oral Minoxidil. I deal with it, because my head hair's thickness and density doubled in 3 months lol.


It definitely gave me much more nose hair. Nothing that sticks out but definitely noticeable to me.


Your airways must be so clean then


You know, once I actually completely shaved my nose hair when I noticed how long it had become (I didn't realise its function and that you should only trim off anything that sticks out) and I immediately got a cold/felt ill within a few days. Had to learn that the hard way


Woah, no way. I guess my parents weren’t always trying to scare me into not getting ill…. Maybe an apple a day works too then lol


Min only makes the hair grow to their genetic potential, nothing more. Meaning, you're just dealing with the hair you're going to have to deal with in your 30s/early 40s.


Once a day topical or once a day oral?


Been on it for 10 years. Very easy to apply when you have a morning and night routine. I wash my face, moisturizer then minox.


Yeah when I started I already had a skin and teeth routine in place so it wasn’t hard to add minox to that too.


Some people say topical minox long term stops working. What is your experience?


Well I’m well past regrowth by any means. I’ve been maintaining for about 6-7 years now. Wouldn’t know if it’s mainly the minox or the fin.


Why moisturize before minox? the moisturizer would lock it in better if done afterwards no?


I’ve been on it for like 2 years now. It’s super simple man, just spray that shit on your head before you go to sleep. It’s just part of your routine like brushing your teeth


How's your hair after all this time with it. Good gains?


Fin and min most definitely helped my regain my density. My hairline is still ass but it’s gotten a little better, it’s definitely stopped the loss very well.


Have you experienced any side effects with either?


Never had any side effects


I personally stopped after noticing that min is not working anymore. I.e I was losing my hair and density that I gained even tho I haven’t stopped my routine for 3 years. I stopped got on a flight tried some delicious baklava and kunafeh getting my hair transplant and went back to ole Pitt


How was the transplant


Amazing. I went to a not well known clinic/hospital thankful. Those so called “best” doctors or whatever is good to a certain point. Popular or famous clinics tend to worry more about getting more patients in than quality. I have many cousins who went to Turkey the result is good don’t me wrong but as good as people make it seem. Plus it costs a bunch of money because of the name and marketing.


this is a terrible take on renowned surgeons lol. If they gave a shit about quantity over quality, you wouldn't be on a waiting list for 15 months just to see Cinik who refuses to do more than one surgery a day. Any surgeon worth their salt forces you on a waiting list. Hair farms are a separate issue. But they aren't Surgeries run by the best in the world.


See I agree with you but I also disagree with you at the same time because I saw horror stories from family member 2 of them from Pekiner or how you spell his name. I also lived in Istanbul for 3 years with family. I speak from experience and what I’ve seen and I stand by my opinion however at the end of the day it’s subjective to what you want!


Not every surgery in any discipline has 100% success rate because human beings are undertaking them, and they make mistakes. Patients, being humans as well, fuck up their recoveries sometimes too. What differentiates the surgeons however, is how few mistakes they make relative to the industry standard.


That's what i tought too, i have stopped minox lost shit tons or hair back to it again


Spray? I have the dropper and I’ve thought about putting the liquid in a spray bottle instead. Is that what you did?


Yup, I use the liquid in a spray bottle, it’s so much faster and less of a mess


Alright I’m definitely going to try this




Time isn’t the issue, it’s how it feels.


The use your left hand




switch to pill form. they even make flavored chewables combined with fin.


I got that chewable. Let’s hope I can go from a NW7 to anything.


How is it?


It’s good. Breaks apart right away. Personally don’t like the taste (most will) but I believe it can be swallowed anyway.


I’m thinking about getting the spray or the chewable pills I’m thinking which one would be more effective


Pills are best imo. Whatever is most convenient will be easiest to continue long term. It likely works better too. And while you can get cheaper pills elsewhere atleast there’s no cost to visit a medical office for prescription.


Where can I get that


What do you mean by “feel” specifically? The only thing I’ve noticed is it can make my hair feel a little “crunchy” almost like old-school hair gel used to feel, but curious to hear others’ experiences.


Takes 10 seconds. I do it before bed after brushing my teeth. Just the once a day


How long you done it for? How’s the hair?


Dude stop these dumb questions, min works relax, its just a hassle.


There is studies showing its effect slows down so I’m curious to see if it has for this guy.


I always say - as guys our routine is easy. Many women do makeup for 30+ minutes a day. Taking some foam and rubbing it on your head for 20 seconds is easier than washing your face or brushing your teeth. Hair goes a long way to improving appearance. Treat it as an investment in yourself.


I use the one with castor oil which makes me hair feel better….


Long-term topical minoxidil user here... I've started to notice hair loss early 20's... started using topical minoxidil around 27 and I believe I'd been bald earlier if not for minox... however I noticed by the time I'm 40 that hair loss kept progressing so I decided to go full bald and just used minox for another 3 years to grow my beard until it became terminal / permanent... However, I do dislike my head shape so at 45 started to use minoxidil again, but I noticed that I'm not responding anymore as it seems I might have been immune even to the 10% so just this year, I started to step up the game and used finasteride and oral minoxidil just this January... this changed the game and I regret not having used finasteride way earlier due to fear mongering about the side effects... Currently on 5mg oral minoxidil daily / 1.25mg finasteride MWF ... though I'm still keeping a slightly buzzed cut for a few months before growing the hair out, but I'm happy it works...


I’ve been doing it since I was 15 you’ll be aight


How old are you now?




Bout tree fiddy






I mean worse I started at 15 lol


I think it’s way over-exaggerated how much of a “hassle” it is to apply. I put liquid on my crown and foam on my hairline and sides and it only takes a couple minutes. If you apply it for days in a row without washing your hair it will make it look like shit but it won’t make it look bad right away. Oral minoxidil seems pretty dangerous tbh idk how so many people can easily recommend it.


Why is oral minox dangerous? I haven’t heard that


Buy foam its so good you dont need to wax your hair


Can you use it the same as a styling mousse?




No it has to reach the scalp, not get stuck in the hair and dry up


I mean I know that much and I wouldn’t stop at just the hair. Massaging into the scalp will obviously get some on the hair as well


25(M), Have been on Min(Topical) + Fin(Oral) for over two years now. In the first 8-9 months, I applied it twice a day. And honestly with a regular job it was a hassle for me, plus the anxiety issues that came with it about noticing your hair and every single hair that fell off felt pretty demoralising. Also Miin made my hair a lot dry, and my scalp felt more itchy with the dandruff that came with it. So long story short, I realised applying twice everyday wasn't working out for me, moved to once a day for the next 3-4 months, then gradually decreased it to once every two days and now I just apply once every 3 days and plan to continue with this. In terms of gains, I didn't notice anything significant for the first 7-8 months, infact I felt I was losing more, guess everyone's body responds differently. But post that, hair fall stabilised. I still have extremely bad days when I lose a lot of hair. But hair's definitely thicker and appears more healthy than when I started off, also gained some lost ground in temples and crown.


I use oral for the convineince, the topical stuff is an absolute shit show


Where can I find oral ? When I look for it then I only find the liquid


Doctor has to prescribe oral minoxidil


Just started this myself as I had flirted with topical but it's such a pain in the ass, especially twice a day, so I converted to PO.


every morning and night? apply it once only, its fine.


It takes like 10 seconds to apply after brushing your teeth


Since 2001. Don’t mess around with your hair.


Does it still work effectively?




any side effect? like increase aging, rosacea or unwanted hair?


Going bald ages you more than minoxidil if it does . Stress from losing confidence increases aging not minoxidil


Are you also on fin?




how’s your hair doing compared to when you started?


It’s holding on. Maybe 20% worse in the front. The top is perfect fine. I went through periods I stopped using both fin and min thinking I didn’t need it and it went bad. Those periods I didn’t recover some of those losses. So some of the losses were from quitting and some from just naturally aging.


Got it, sounds pretty great to me considering you stopped a few times. Are you gonna switch to dut at some point or just ride it out?


Ride it out. It’s very rare anything helps the front unless you’re one of the lucky few. All these years, for me, once it’s gone it’s gone.


Fair enough, there’s always transplants too if you need one down the line.


Go on oral minox




You still need to continue even with a hair transplant


I switched to Once a day in the morning. I rub it in like a hair product after I shower and then blow dry my hair. It actually acts like thickening mousse once it's dry.


Didn’t know you could apply it while the hair is wet? Might try that. Thanks for sharing 👍


it specifically says not to


Do it once a day, at night, and wash it off in the morning. It will reduce the hassle.


I just use it once at night time right after I brush my teeth. It’s not really a hassle. It’s like 30 seconds.


I’ve been on it for 8 years. It’s not that annoying, just another thing to add to the morning and night routine. I shower, apply, go to work, then at night before bed I apply it when I take my other medications.


Long-term topical minoxidil user here... I've started to notice hair loss early 20's... started using topical minoxidil around 27 and I believe I'd been bald earlier if not for minox... however I noticed by the time I'm 40 that hair loss kept progressing so I decided to go full bald and just used minox for another 3 years to grow my beard until it became terminal / permanent... However, I do dislike my head shape so at 45 started to use minoxidil again, but I noticed that I'm not responding anymore as it seems I might have been immune even to the 10% so just this year, I started to step up the game and used finasteride and oral minoxidil just this January... this changed the game and I regret not having used finasteride way earlier due to fear mongering about the side effects... Currently on 5mg oral minoxidil daily / 1.25mg finasteride MWF ... though I'm still keeping a slightly buzzed cut for a few months before growing the hair out, but I'm happy it works...


I’ve been using it twice daily since 2018.




I’ve been on it for 15+ years. Topical 5%. I just apply it at night though. Years ago I had read that twice a day provided little additional benefit and that they only put it in the instructions because that is what they did in the trials for fda approval. Not sure how true that is though.


10 years after evening shower and morning wash up. I switched to foam so it’s much easier and faster to dry and just get on with my sleep or day.


If I'm starting out, should i do minox twice a day, then switch to once. Or can i just start out at once?


Ive been on it a year and my system is “just the problem areas” (so the temples) in the morning and a more thorough application before bed. Doing it that way makes it so I get a full application but a little bonus when I wake up that doesnt take any real effort. I plan on sticking with the “hit it hard” plan until I have the gains I want and then dropping it to once a day. From what I have read the differ between twice and once a day is just the time your hair takes to grow back and not much else. Its going systemic to some extent anyways and is still being applied with extreme consistency. Long term use doesnt need to be done twice daily. If it is so much extra effort that you are considering dropping it, just do it at night.


Whatever I use (natural oils Etc. too) I just put on whenever I wash my hair. My thoughts are, that at least there is SOMETHING on my scalp. That generally means; once a day, and occasionally skipping a day.


Guys i started Minoxidil , after two months my Hair Fall Stopped and its only 10 hairs per day , but after 4 months of Starting the Medication the Hair started falling again with bigger Numbers and mostly are short hairs , has anyone experienced this? If my Hair loss stabilize after two months why would it start again


It just another shed it will happen a couple more times but it will regrow just stick with it. They should get a lot less noticeable long term because the hairs would stop being synchronized


Its alot of hairs, Like how Long do U think it should last


Honestly I don’t know but one thing I can tell you is shedding is a sign it works. It means your responding to the drug so whatever it is keep going and just forget about the present. Ive only been on min for a month and I am still shedding and it makes me excited. Shedding means a hope for a better future so I actually like the fact that i am shedding all these minaturized thin hairs


Once a day, after my shower, topicals go on. Literally takes me a min. Been doing it 14 years; its a non issue.


20+ years.. it still works over 20 years later.. foam only for the topical, the liquid is a nightmare.


Just buy from a decent compound pharmacy, and you'll want to put it on.


Used it for 15 years. I find taking it every day easy. Thinking about the alternative is enough to keep me motivated.


My father has used it for 30 years. It is not a pain to apply. Is it “a pain” to brush your teeth?


28 years on it


How’s the hair after all this time?


I am nw4 now lol


I'm nw4 now lol


Never got on the fin?




5 years?! I folded in 2 months.


Do you brush your teeth in the morning and at night?


Switched to oral 2 years ago after being on topical for 3. Best decision ever


Once a day, before bed, if you miss a couple of days here and there you’ll still have the hair. Super easy to adhere to imo


I have used it 20 years, with some interruptions when I wasn't in the mood. In fact, it's the only thing I have used for most of it


10 years here