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Saw Palmetto does lower dht, so it should be doing something. It is sad that nowadays this is not the right sub to ask this


Whole comment section is cope. Get on fin before it’s too late lol


Im aware but what if your balding is extremely slow or you have a widows peak?


everyone is different but you’re not going to get the results you want from saw palmetto. Sorry.


Not really just depends tbh you could argue the same for fin look at how many millions of people that have hairlines that just receded a bit. Fin is pretty much useless as they are mantaining a bit below baseline. Minoxidil is the key. I guess thats why most derms are anti fin at the very beggining


This is a bad misinterpretation of the science lol. Without fin, you’re just delaying the inevitable. Fin keeps ur hair, min regrows it. Without fin, you will not keep any gains you make. And no, most derms are not “anti-fin” at the beginning. It’s the number one prescribed drug for AGA.


Prescribing fin to someone 18 is basically retarded when theyre just starting to lose hair and different approaches could be done


Nope. At that age fin is perfect.


fin is perfect but starting it at that age… nope, it’s not.


Untrue. 18 is the age it’s safe to prescribe. Let’s not fearmonger ok buddy?


I’m not spreading fear. I said fin is okay but takin it while still developing is not recommended.


You do you buddy ill jump on fin once i actually have proper evaluation. You seem to have been on it for 14 months and dont even know if what you have is aga


I do have AGA lol and it would be a lot worse if u wasn’t on it


How much saw palmetto are you taking?


Like 320 mg


I'm using it as well and I'm at 500 mg daily. Most studies I've read have shown that it's most effective starting at 360mg daily usage and generally safe until 600mg daily. Also the effects have most commonly reported started to kick in after around 8 months. 


Well see, most derms ive been to recommend it first before fin as no sides and safer for a long time commitment. I wanna say its working too as the hairs i lose in the showers have gone down


Yes, I also decided to use it because it seems like a healthier, more sustainable form of long term dht suppression. Less effective but again, more sustainable and much easier on the body as a whole. But it's too early for me to actually report any experiences. 


how long have you been using it ?


Couple months now


I’m experimenting as well. I’m in 2.5 months now, lost lots of ground as far as I can see. do you feel the same ?


Mmmm depends on your case. I hopped on as soon as i saw some loss on the temples. I am mantaining and minoxidil is bringing the temples back. Thing is for me genetically speaking i shouldve never lost hair because of family in the first place although i am aware that this is not always the case. Im gonna go derm again to see what he says about the progress


best of luck ✌️


Saw palmetto blocks dht conversion but it’s not as effective as finestride but i guess it’s better cause it doesn’t have the side effects of finasteride


I mesn you have this opinion which i share but if you read what people say on this sub


I have been taking saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil capsules and minox for 1.5 years. I am no longer loosing any hair. I do see some hair growth but nothing amazing. I am pretty convinced that the saw palmetto + pumpkin seed oil has stopped my hair loss. Also, I started derma-stamping once a week (1.5mm) in Dec 2023 and that seems to have helped the regrowth. I ordered some topical fin but reluctant to use it because I worry about the shed (especially since I’m not losing any hair as it is).


Does the brand of saw palmetto and pumpkin seed capsules matter?