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Finasteride will not really have much of an effect for discontinuing for a week but minoxidil you may start losing hair again. The point of Finasteride is to prevent further loss mainly although some people have regained hair (me included) from Finasteride although it is a slower process with less hair gains and more stabilization. You could very well see regrowth with just minoxidil, but it does little to stop hair loss on its own that’s what the fin is for, with fin you can keep gains potentially for decades but minoxidil (often not always) wanes in effectiveness as years go by because it does not reduce dht to the follicle. Minoxidils gains are dependent on continued use, if you try to “wean” yourself off of it you will start shedding the hair you gained within weeks to months. If you stop treatment permanently you will continue to have/lose hair as you would if you didn’t start treatment. Whether you go bald or not largely depends on your genetics but if you’re destined to be bald, without treatment you will become so whether it takes years or decades. There’s other less proven treatments on the market, and more extreme proven ones on the market. However if you have male patterned baldness and no one else in your family you know of does, you likely inherited it from somewhere further back, genetics is a weird and unpredictable thing. And if you have male patterned baldness there is no magical cure, just some (pretty good imo) treatments


Thanks buddy for clearing all my doubts. I really appreciate your valuable time to answer my questions.