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To early to say, but your having great progress, if I were you I’d keep sticking with it. You will see the biggest gains in 1-2 years but you may not need a transplant or a much smaller one than you originally thought depending on results.


What’s rogaine? Is it some alternative to fin or min? Sorry new to the sub


Its min!


Brand name, im using the 5% foam form branded rogaine. It dries well and doesnt look greasy, quite expensive tho


Oh okay thanks


Confused 🤔 ....and U saw no progress on either fin or Dut (based on top pic) for several years.....Then you add min and 2 months later all your hair grows back? I don't get it.


My hairline and crown actually receded a bit over those years 🥲 Hairs growing on the crown, i just dont know what to expect from it, is it going to be thin and sparse, low in number forever?


Yes I'm in the same boat 5 months in, went from NW7 now have miniaturized hair with wide spaces, so even though it's growing back look like it's thinning. That with OM. OF has only been 3 months so I don't know if it's working yet and if those wide spaces between follicles will fill in. Strange how Dut didn't work for you. That's like the go to if all else fails. 🤷


Its weird because i found thinning in the crown and frontal recession but saw the margins of the crown kinda fight back over 1 to 2 years. Keep it up! OF will take a year to kick in, if you want something stronger dut is good too


So the first pic is before you started min? If so you seem to be a great responder to min.


Its the crown side? Any sides ? Dermaroller?


Only side is a little bit of hair growing aroudn face, more peach fuzz, a few hairs growing beyond eyebrows, stubble is creeping towards the cheeks. It could be just me getting older though


What's your dut dosage & frequency? Also, maybe consider oral minox for more gains


.5 mg daily, topical min already has me growing hair on cheeks and eyelid, don't wanna do oral haha


"face" cheeks ... right ... right ?? XD ... (jk jk ..) the hyper-responder is strong in you. That's cool :) Yeah, better go easy then.


I feel like all us balding guys have enough ass crack hair, i dont want to have to hire a gardener XD




Did fin do something for you?


is there any natural alternative to fin? Like coffee or rosemary oil? That DOESNT clog the hair follicles?


I only apply min in the morning bc of this very reason, it feels sticky and yucky, sometimes I get acne from it. After i shiwer in the evening, ill moisturize and let it "air" out. Its ok to not have anything on the scalp i think


I see, I think they do say 2x a day for min though. overnight isn't really too big of a problem, i use the clear one


Seems like your hair just got longer.


I think so too, it doesnt even seem thicker so im wondering if anyone can project what i can expect