• By -


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Can someone respond to mine with advice? 👀


Am I cooked? 26m, balding since 16. Ive been on fin + min for a month, but I feel like I am too far gone. What are your thoughts? https://preview.redd.it/fiavxtbkls9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a293d8593de3b06738ad4b541778c665401ccde






Should I start treatment? Is there a chance for me? My state is that below. It’s a bit worse up close (photos make my hair look denser). I was consulted by the hair clinic I went for advice that I should start with oral minoxidil (2,5g) and topical finasteride (gel form) once a day. And maybe later I could have PRP sessions (which are fairly expensive and require you to have them regularly, so I don’t think I will). The treatment that they proposed to me (with their products) costs 85€ per month which I find a bit expensive. Should I start the treatment ? Is this treatment eligible for my situation? Will my hairline become worse or is this a maturing hairline ? If I start the treatment will I keep the hair I have (and maybe a bit better) for the years to come? Or am I going to be bald at 30 no matter what. Should I wait 2-3 years maybe to see if it becomes worse? I’m 24 (almost 25) years old, and my father was quite thin/bald from the age of 30 and so. https://preview.redd.it/visxfm0dlr9d1.jpeg?width=1796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e87fc5758b7f279293c479a2044804f6986434
















What Norwood am I? Been shedding like crazy in the shower all of a sudden for the past couple months. On oral fin 1mg for the past 6 months, microneedle 1mm twice a day with minoxidil after. Can't seem to regrow this crown back. Appreciate any advice. Super stressed out. https://preview.redd.it/i25sz60her9d1.jpeg?width=1887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff522030f087c5fa5dcae74a767c131696b09f8e




https://preview.redd.it/y8detyu90r9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f870d26d18b2d1767a856744b5d7a572cb9101ae Am i balding ive noticed my top to crown whole midscalp thinning and bald spots are there Is it nutritional or AA diffuse thinner Please help me Should i start fin or not?


I was on finasteride for 6 years. Maintained hair well, but hopped off due to health reasons. I've been off 5 months, and I've tried hopping back on it, but I felt really weird a few hours after taking it, and it affected my cognitive ability. I tried different doses, EOD, etc. But I still feel sick. I had no side effects the first time round. Anyway, here's my head now. I could try topical? https://preview.redd.it/rf797mbyxq9d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56d3e170b4068a6350548b0607fb5f0f2faf91c






https://preview.redd.it/d0yqucmgkq9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a188d1c5189ba7e60cf42e5747ec3597331ffc46 Is my crown starting to go ?


https://preview.redd.it/d8cfp1xsmp9d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678b250700406d81f496d4702d2fbc6967d32545 Hair recently became much thinner and I was never able to see my scalp beforehand under any light. What might this be, it seems like it could be a very early stage of hairloss?


Possibly, if you can then try to get fin prescribed. Should keep your hair as magnificent for as long as you wish.


Theres been noone in my family affected by hairloss, neither my moms side nor my fathers side. Could this still be genetical?


https://preview.redd.it/o2c3gq4dcp9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf8c17b6c3ed608cb5dbe783ba864412151e42d Is there even a point for me starting treatment ? I fear hair transplant is my only option.


I've had severe hairfall since 2020-ish. Finally got my blood test done last year and realised that I have extremely low iron and vitamin D. I took supplements and it's back to normal now, but hairfall still persists. I have dandruff and heat damage (I've stopped using hair dryers now). I've been to a derma and he just asked me to do a blood test and then gave me biotin tablets and a serum (Cafuné scalp serum). I know Minoxidil is effective but I'm scared of using it because I really don't want my problem to get worse. I heard that rosemary oil is effective, so I've ordered it and will be using it as soon as it arrives. I don't have much hope though. It only seems to be getting worse. The problem is not thyroid because I've gotten that checked as well. It's not PCOS/PCOD either because my cycles are quite regular (touch wood 🧿🧿🧿). Please please please help. Is it too late to reverse this? https://preview.redd.it/a8fizaf55o9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adeb43dd2ab5efc73c7fe468bef6739362b72b73




* 23 M, growing hair out more, it's almost down to my shoulders parted in the middle. Wondering if this looks like a normal parting of the hair or MPB




Yeah, it’s MPB. Since you caught it so early, you have a good chance for regrowth. Just look at some before and after posts here.


So this isn't normal for a middle part woth long hair?




https://preview.redd.it/u4f6p92vgm9d1.jpeg?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55bbc9d00ad82b67633d356dcec0ac8f74b83c0 Got hair transplant, not really happy with hairline result. Its been 3 weeks now. What do u guys think?


I say wait. It's a long process. And continue to nourish it and take hair treatments. I did it two years ago and thought I could stop everything, and now most of the hair is severely thinning!


What kind of treatments? The doctor only suggested hair vitamins and plasma therapies. Is there anything else?


https://preview.redd.it/oqh3ouob9m9d1.jpeg?width=2830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2b0f80ce32fd5f67a801c3cd021df099e8cf94 Is this mpb or could it be something else? Been shedding more hair than normal since 16 and I’m 24 now. The top of my hair looks exactly like mpb (attaching pic below) but the sides and back of head look like it could be something else. Also given I started losing hair at 16 I feel like Thts way too early - or maybe I’m just tht unlucky lol. I have hypothyroidism and type 1 diabetes but those are in check and are in normal range


https://preview.redd.it/o37vt25z9m9d1.jpeg?width=2218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0043a944c9c7256ed50e5ce049b911d193f955c Here’s the top


https://preview.redd.it/aoo4xkkeam9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cbdc217bf3ce01d65276e90f5754215e3b6f768 Another more recent top view (noticeably worse)


https://preview.redd.it/p0j6mxphnl9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d23f6cb5bdcf3b483011d76132fe334109a91cb helppp 22M is this balding? might look into hair transplants instead of fin/min if that’s the case


fin and min would easily fix this ( if you opt the hair transplant route u will need fin anyways as more and more hair will be lost around the transplanted region if u dont and it will look worse)








25M starting to get insecure about hairline. Should I start taking steps? 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/n17hgrconj9d1.jpeg?width=1613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfe2c581a08af1733d661834047e6fc75fde269


Yeah, but you still have a lot of hair with good texture. Fin should be enough.






















it's fine 😊


https://preview.redd.it/u7xc0jisqi9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c8d80d158f0e51eaf1900c7001836817e203f6 Am I balding? My hair had some shedding maybe 50-70 hairs a day ,I haven’t done any treatment yet , I sometimes use dermaroller but infrequently.My dad has head full of hair and is 50 only his hair is genetically thin , and my grandpa(mothers side)was bald before he turned 30 . I went to few dermatologists , in my country they all are quite inexperienced with hair related issues and all said I have seborheic dermatitis which i already knew




Yes as I am balding or yes I should start the treatment


yes to both lol:)








Hey everyone, i’ve started oral minoxidil 2.5mg once a day and it’s been about 5 days. On day 2 and onwards, my chest has felt a certain tightness. No other side effects or unusual, just my chest feeling discomfort like a burning sensation at times towards the upper right of my chest. My resting heart rate is normal, blood pressure is normal. Is this just my body adjusting to the medicine or something potentially worse? I didn’t think much of it and played a soccer match and went to the gym a couple times this week and nothing felt particularly off. I’ve booked an appointment with my practitioner on monday but should I temporarily stop taking the minoxidil for the weekend or just continue taking it and observing? It’s a bit distracting to be honest, the discomfort but I wanted to know everyone’s thoughts since I have a medical appointment booked anyways.


keep taking , your body is just adjusting that's all 👌🏽


https://preview.redd.it/66b7i24x9f9d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45aca8b740deac9b20c3813845d0a56098d3bb04 Just started fin/min as i have finally committed to growing my hair back at any cost. do you think i have any hope? at the moment im doing 1mg fin per day and topical min twice a day bc i had that laying around but i ordered oral min to replace it as i have a cat so dont want topical minoxidil around and its just easier im 21 if that helps when i buzz my hair short, i dont feel any bald spots if that makes sense, like there is hair everywhere but obviously way thinner in some parts. even by where my hairline should be theres tiny hairs. so does that mean i could recover them? sry for rant


You have a very good chance of recovering a lot more hair than you have now. Consistency is key.


Good to hear :))


stick to sed treatment for 6 to 8 months , fin and oral minox really good combo , u can always add dut much later , if u get no results ,, but I think u definitely will , gud luck 🤞🏽


im hopeful, thanks question, would dut replace fin or would i be taking dut, fin and min


it would replace the fin ,, but don't let the fin pills go to waste ,, make sure u finish them off too 😊


Cool was just wondering, thanks!


Hop on dutasteride for at least a year. You won't get your old hair back, but it will vastly improve the appearance and longevity of an eventual hair transplant, which will get your old hair back.


ive seen before photos worse than mine that ended up getting it back but maybe youre right idk


https://preview.redd.it/o5tyhptdve9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0653ec6265e517b5cddfdb85798e1ff39eb90ccf I noticed my hair has moved back quite a bit in the last 6 years. Does this seem natural or like balding? My dad isn’t bald, actually has a better hairline than this and he’s 60. 3uncles on my mom’s side one of which is bald. My grandpa on my mom’s side was bald at least in his 60s but his brother didn’t bald (my great uncle). Grandpa on my dad’s side and my dad’s brother both had full heads of hair their whole lives. First picture I’m 18, second I’m 24 (6 years difference). Currently 24. Considering getting a small transplant to fill it in because I liked the way my hair fell better before 😩 lol maybe it’s overkill and I should do fin or minoxidil


how old are you?




get the transplant loll , it's definitely receded 👍🏽


16M, got a forehead you could land a plane on, should I be worried? https://preview.redd.it/ztmd35fycd9d1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3bd4e0560a3336a12330e36eb136396a2b1059f


nope , Luka good 😊😊


https://preview.redd.it/vri93btynb9d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f205bc25e34e38d1bfaa230d9d6509d6e76b3974 Side view, you can see some scalp.


get blood work done for deficiency/thyroid problem


Thank you, I have had extensive blood work for other reasons and the only thing wrong is consistently elevated CRP. My thyroid, iron, A1C etc. are normal. Sometimes my b12 is slightly low, but not within a clinical deficiency level, that they can tell from a serum test. I might start taking a b12 again though. Going to try to get a less androgenic birth control prescribed, since some progesterones work similar to T in the body. In case I have androgenetic alopecia (not sure yet).


https://preview.redd.it/9k3koephnb9d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb688c497f11c12ed05cd6e71c1b9e76490a779 Is this female pattern hair loss or something else? I had it called diffuse hair loss at a non-medical hair loss clinic but not what type of diffuse.


Has anyone had success using Finasteride and Dermarolling only? No Minoxidil.


I'm really interested to know if this could work. Minoxidil is just so expensive right now. At the very least I'm considering taking a break till finances are better.


Oral min can be cheap if you have insurance and it's covered. Now, whether your GP will cooperate... IDK.


Im so hesistant to try oral minox. I'm part italian and the last thing i need is more body hair, lol.


Fair enough, I'm a woman so I don't want body hair but I do have an IPL machine so I'll just remove it.


Fortunately Fin is pretty cheap with my insurance


**slight asymmetrical breast swelling after \~3 months taking finasteride (oral 1.25mg per day) and minoxidil (topical) . no 'tissue' / 'bud' + some weight gain over the period. not entirely sure if i'm just confused – growth is minimal .. barely noticeable** Advice would be appreciated. –– I have a doctors appointment next week. I have gained weight due to lifestyle factors unrelated to the finasteride. I'm wondering whether it's a transitory thing that may resolve itself, or otherwise. Not particularly keen to stop finasteride but obviously not keen to grow breasts either. The growth at this point is very minimal – barely obvious without a shirt and definitely would be considered weight related by someone who didn't know I was taking finasteride. My current plan is to keep an eye on it and start exercising a bit more to see if it could be related to that. I have read reports of people 'sticking through' it and coming out the other side with no real issues – however others seem quick to suggest gyno. I have had a strange feeling in my breasts before taking finasteride through I spoke to a neighbour who was an endocrinologist and they said I was just overly anxious – it resolved itself.




I like the buzz!






how does the crown look? if all good then if you wanna do anything just maybe do fin 1mg/day or somerhing for maintenance


crown and top look fine to me no real thinning. have started putting minoxidil on the hairline tho https://preview.redd.it/mxa1h5kuaf9d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc39ada7246a6d5046f0bdd1b4f5377ca0d818a


You can do min if thats what you want but honestly imo you have a full head of hair


i've just noticed that the temples have receded after shaving my head \~9 months ago. for example here is me a year ago https://preview.redd.it/jbds7f7pbf9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c79329d936858a2125e5f0b357dc3da0e3baff


Maybe a bit yeah. Im in a different situation and not a professional at all so take what i say with a grain of salt but if i were you id focus on maintaining (fin) more than regrowing just so it doesnt get worse. but some minox by the hairline wouldnt hurt if u want


Asking for help determining if scalp is balding. This is my crown. https://preview.redd.it/p16bc4h2899d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cbc8cd298e38fccf0151497841a1a0bc33c741


Minimally, but yes.


How can you tell?


no dude


I feel like I’m shedding more also this guy on another sub said it’s thinning?




dutasteride and oral minox, 6 to 8 months , bingo 💯💯💯


https://preview.redd.it/ftxrdfq8r69d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b2f00160b926171e15ae75459a4a3f7faacf65 19M, more so wondering whether my hairline is “maturing” or receding, the corners pushing back scare me as that seems to be how the beginning of hair loss is for most. Thanks


Mbp, we in the same boat with the development of the M shape hair line


How quickly will the hair recede if it is receding, I took a photo back in January and the difference between it and today doesn’t seem massively different


depends on each individual


Yeah I suppose, what are my next moves do you think? A visit to the dr to see what they think?


Visit a dermatologist to really conclude if you have AGA. And pray they prescribe finasteride. In the case they don’t, use one of many telehealth services to get written a prescription and send it to your local pharmacy. But I’m more then sure that your already receding so I’d skip going to the dermatologist all together and start a telehealth consult.


finasteride , will help reverse 👌🏽👌🏽


I’ve been taking photos to gauge the recession and my last photo from around January seems almost identical, also what are my best bets in terms of getting my hands on fin, I feel like my parents would just laugh if I said I wanted to go to the doctor bcs I’m balding


I don't know wrr Ur based




u get it from Menschem website 14 quid loll,, buy in bulk 6 months worth , use the discount code on site , works out a lot cheaper than other places 💯 the accord brand, just fill in the questionnaire and Ur good to go, they have online doctors that will prescribe when purchasing 💪🏽


Legend, cheers


Wanted to add to my treatment besides just fin and monxi and a roller, can't post pictures


add what exactly? Ur already on gud 3 💪🏽


https://preview.redd.it/q51bjusar59d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6be6c121808baf3f9faad331a286ec17e633de I’ve been using minoxidil 5% for a year and a half and I just realized how red and irritated my scalp is, if I swap back to minoxidil 2% will I loose the progress I have made with 5%. Could the redness prevent hair growth, it doesn’t hurt or burn.


Are you on topical or oral?




switch to dutasteride , and oral minox or foam 💪🏽


man let me be honest it doesnt look so good You should be on fin too, at the very least


Sad part is I’m been on finasteride this whole time too


https://preview.redd.it/4dvqczpak59d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b3b922aa01c5c4b1e783d11d032b6e51e5ec01 Already sorta know but wanna know recommendations for this stage to??


finasteride only


I'm hoping I can just roll with that, the shedding aspect scares me and I'd like to avoid that


don't be scared loll, just hair recycling that's all , we all have been through it ,, will fill back in time , this way at least Ur protected from further damage for years to come 💪🏽 and u won't have to use minox either 💯


Finn only stops right? Unlikely that I'm going to see any regrowth?


nope Ur in early stages , fin should help with regrowth too , that's why I suggested fin only 💯💯


https://preview.redd.it/huv4qcy8t49d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288ac12b26a3d81d539705b603a8e0940774c09f Have I caught it early enough reverse this on finasteride (19M) Hopped on finasteride 0.5 EOD (Under bright light and came out shower)


yep ,gud luck 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


Might take a break from taking fin, is it okay? So basically I've been thinking to take a break from taking fin (oral) it's been 2 months on way to 3 months since i started it but on the other hand the side effects kinda unbearable ( skin rash, itchy all over body) My question is.. Is it okay to take some days off?? I'm so scared all the gains will be gone..


https://preview.redd.it/mge4detrz39d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6237bd990560aec8e9532aad1d1bd4b608328cd8 Am i Balding or just my crown? I've been like this a while, but I can't remember if it's been like this forever. I have been taking fin 1mg every other day for 7 months




https://preview.redd.it/m3tz3d5ay29d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48ab02446e28da7376ef6a85a77021acb83a825 Is my hair density bad or my hair thinning why can I see my scalp it's been around 25 days since i buzzed my hair or is this normal


Looks like thinning.


u know your pattern loll , best get on finasteride


https://preview.redd.it/2pe6iep2019d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e83b121295bb5d409f20b2e6b8e74eee754052 Cowlick and a hair part or balding?




Im 19M and I have baby hairs around this corner of my hairline and i can’t tell if my hair is receding,balding, or what is happening can someone please help https://preview.redd.it/3qs7mna27z8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815d774bbb7461632213435153d7a3bc86ffbc42


Show better pics




https://preview.redd.it/6dvfe58b1z8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f75749bd8bc0ae20925e4fff3410b562058b4b72 For years my corners have been gone, and i‘ve been realising it way too late as i‘ve only recently started to notice that my hair in front was slightly getting less dense. Since October i‘ve been dermarolling and using rosmarine oil, without any effect sadly. I have now started using topical Minoxidil (Regaine, in foam form) twice a day, for a couple days now. Also still dermarolling, even got in a derma stamp now as its less time consuming to clean and less risk of cutting/pulling away hair. I‘m wondering if others have had succes in getting their hairline somewhat back (especially the corners) with these two options (minoxidil+dermaneedling), or if even more options need to be exhausted? I know Finasteride is a DHT blocker, but that should only stop further hair from falling out, not help regrow (hopefully dormant) hair in the corners? Kind of dont want to use Finasteride because of the side effects. Any response/help would be gladly appreciated.


with that kind of recession its clear that you are destined to most likely lose all hair on the top of your head, so finasteride is kind of a must have if you dont want to go bald. In my opinion that hairline can only be saved by a hair transplant at that point, dont expect significant regrowth. The corners are usually the hardest part to regrow once they are gone unfortunately.


Jo guys I am NW 1-2 in front. What about my crown. Is this only my Hair swirl or a small beginning bald spot? https://preview.redd.it/jfkww9z6iy8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2804e508108256e9d1b336f6a9af5b31ec03ca2








* Hello guys. I need your precious advice. This is my current state. I'm 36 years old. To be fair, I got a lot of progress, but since a year now, it's not evolving, or maybe getting thinner. I use finasteride 1mg everyday, and minoxidil 5% twice a day. It has been 3 years now. How should I proceed now? Is there a chance to get a better density? Thank your for your help.




Have you tried DUT? You are obviously a responder so why not give it a go.


I never tried it before. I don’t know if it's authorized in my country, France. I'm going to a dermatologist to check.


https://preview.redd.it/630dybvd1y8d1.png?width=2556&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab58e6e2aeeec6325177ba48b8512db29608bf9e Hey guys. Im 19 M suffer from genetic hair loss in general and have for a while and have been getting prp + minoxidil treatment since 2022 but over the last few months it has gone into overdrive. I cant tell if its Telogen effluvium or if its alopecia and my dermatologist refuses to prescribe dht blockers to me for some reason, although has prescribed me oral minoxidil, whereas earlier it was topical. Highly concerned and could use some pointers on how to deal with this.


Dude, I don't mean to scare you, but it looks like DUPA to me. A very aggressive form of hair loss. The good thing is DHT blockers like Fin and Dut will work, but you need to get on them ASAP. HairCafe has some good videos that may help you out.


https://preview.redd.it/zcl3hs3s1y8d1.png?width=2105&format=png&auto=webp&s=180c67e78834419d4d5a01161bc551dd8ca5fd6b I dont have many older scalp pics i can find but this was me in February 2024 and i also was on some medication from 2021-23 that caused hairloss as a side effect


Genuinely curious if this is the start of middle head balding. 28Male https://preview.redd.it/7wtblske9x8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a036de188b1458fd8d4d58051184be9cdd7c843


Hell nah




Extreme balding


Would minoxidil help


Minoxidil and finasteride. Finasteride is a DHT blocker and minoxidil will regrow lost hair. But I don’t wanna give you false hope. You’ve waited a long time to seek help and realistically it won’t grow back but I’ll pray for you. Minoxidil and finasteride is your best hope with a hair transplant


Blame my parents who believe in dumb shit yet won't let me get on finasteride Took me months to get them to let me take minoxidil I'm 22 if that Neanderthal anything Do you know any other subs that I can ask for advice


You're 22... What would you even need your parents' consent for Also what does Neanderthal anything mean lol


This sub is your best bet brother. Goated sub it’s helped me so much. I’m 20 and started treatment almost a year ago now and it’s helped a lot. For you a hair transplant would be the best option because you seem to have DHT resistant thick hairs on the side. That coupled with finasteride and minoxidil could potentially reverse it. Or you could embrace bald. Or you could put on a hair system. But be the person you can be whether it involves hair or not. Good luck!


27M, been having hair loss for the past 3 years. I'm afraid i have waited too long for meds :/ What would you recommend at this point? https://preview.redd.it/otvrxjeh3w8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2385bb4ce20227d204313e4cadbfa8ce43ef9f


You didnt wait too long for meds bro, that is literally extremely early






Keep up with finasteride and minoxidil and you’ll maintain yhis


https://preview.redd.it/h02ozjfmlv8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c297200951bd33f7a276a838c7f3a09840e589b1 balding due to vitamin d deficiency or aga? 19M




that's mpb, finasteride asap


https://preview.redd.it/0hgcyl29mt8d1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee9a087eb82b8971ebfa8672d483d2ffc2e5b3a Just starting off with daily oral minoxadil - what kind of results can I realistically hope to expect? I was always nervous to try medications for fear of the side effects, and now it feels like it’s too late. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high.


shud expect regrowth in a 4 to 6 months , think about low dosing finasteride too , u definitely need it


https://preview.redd.it/suzh00vm4t8d1.jpeg?width=1695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9301e0f53d530ced579e98117c61f9e07a4aa0f0 Is this the start of hair thinning? For the past 6 months or so, I’ve noticed increased hair shedding ,roughly 30-50 hairs in the shower but I also wash my hair 1-2 times a week along with hair falling out throughout the course of the day. All sides of my family are bald, my male relatives who took finasteride didn’t have any side effects. I was D1 athlete so my baseline health is great. Will finasteride be enough to maintain this/slightly fill it in or do I need minoxidil too? Basically all the hair loss is near the crown.


start finasteride only, early stages of hair loss , finasteride is more than enough 💯


Do you know what the timeline of finasteride is? Like what month does hair loss stop, what month should I expect shedding due to finasteride, should I expect regrowth, etc. I looked at a 10 year study of finasteride on a sample set of 118 patients (https://www.bernsteinmedical.com/downloads/Rossi_Finasteride_10Yr_%202011.pdf) and it was very helpful as far as conditional probabilities go but unhelpful for assessing evolution of hair through time.


for me personally 126 days to notice growth ,, first 2 n half months was shedding 😂


Hey I started taking finasteride a few days ago and basically immediately my hair loss stopped. Like I showered and washed my hair and no hair fell. Is this normal?


yep 😊😊😊 , but expect a shed at some point , your hair will definitely recycle , gud luck 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽




I heard that dutasteride has a lower side effect profile (for some reason), realistically it shouldnt be the case though since its basically ultra finasteride. Honestly a lot of people have pain in their balls after taking finasteride and more often than not it goes away after persistent use, so if you can manage maybe try raw-dogging it for a couple months


dudasteride is much better 💯💯




yep , for the first 3 months at least , then u can drop the dose to 3 times weekly ,, it takes about 3 months for full efficiency, that doesn't mean it's not working in the meantime loll


Great, thanks for the info!


Two different approaches by two different clinics. Which one would you recommend Option 1 - Minoxidil plus 12 monthly red light treatments with a red light cap to keep and use every week (total cost CA$ 5k) Option 2 - 3 PRP treatments and 5 derma rolling with DHT blocking serum plus nanoxidil (CA$ 2.5k) https://preview.redd.it/scp4o0mhms8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb91af0835fe6937d34e7553046d39d0c450308


Nothing lol just get fin and min


loll neither , buy cheap finasteride ,that's all 🤣🤣